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Contents Ignore the "not Secure" box above! This website is more secure than any other on the web and your reading of it will benefit you more than any other URL; so please be my guest. US government and most of all governments are peopled with criminals, called Free Masons. They have undermined our governments since its very inception. I was a Free Mason. In order to do so I had to swear a solemn ode to never betray any of its secrets. They operate below the surface of human interactions so they stay secret and whatever they do remains a secret. Read in the catholic bible, called Good News Bible in 2 Asdras, Chapters 11 and 12 the prophecy about an eagle rising from the sea ("sea" here is the world's human population) This eagle spreads its wings, in a movement of confidence, over the whole world. This prophecy came true when Free Mason, senior President Bush declared to the world that the "One World Order is an historical fact". Thus God exists and the bible tells us so! Read all of the 2 books of Esdras! It is placed at the end of the Old Testament. I find it the best book in the OT!
To find your way in this site click "Contents" or "back to contents" to find "Figures" and click the link. Study the figures thoroughly before reading on.
or go to under Carol van Krieken scroll down to the image showing the word "liberty" and click it.
Here Are Some Coincidences That
Are Beyond Coincidence.
I met my wife through some interaction with a beautiful white, female Samoan dog that belonging to my friend at the dock while seeing what gals might come off the ferry from
She came
willingly and I made a date for a meeting a couple of days later. After
being together for 4 1/2 years she finally made an ultimatum; you promise to
marry me today or we are finished. So, I promised! Today she is Mrs. Carol
Anne van Krieken. My mother's married name is Catarina Alida van Krieken (Haan)
. Haan is the Dutch word for rooster. Anyway, the initials
of the 2 women are the same. Here comes another coincidence. My mother died
on my wife's birthday -- to me that beyond coincidence.
My fellow
"Americans", you have no idea how seriously you are being screwed by
your governments! The 14th amendment made us subject to government but
before the 14th the people were king and the governments were
the subjects. The constitution now belongs to governments and you-all
are slaves! Who can
trust a government that steals the constitution from the people? It is a
theft of the US ground law!!
Free Masonry
made an utter mockery out of democratic government -- they alone are in
full control by pretending to be two parties, but, behind the scene,
there is only one party. They are a secret organization of infiltrators.
They will infiltrate any business and government. Their power, through
god's will, is complete to create constant situations, of what is real
and in some instances good. You ignore these inputs at your very own
serious physical and spiritual risk
I tell the truth! Your spiritual
condemnation will rest on the things you disagree with or utterly
reject in this site. Not sharing this site with others will be held against you on
judgment day. Groups of people that can make laws and restrictions are
testimony that we exist in negative reality.
There is thus a fictional truth based
on the lies held in common with the rest of society and there is the
original spiritual truth into which we were integrated by God by imbuing
this truth into the consciousness of both Adam and Woman. They
existed by the real truth imbued into them. By Woman, and then also Adam,
believing and trusting the serpent who
opposed that
truth placed into them with a lie, there was no other possibility but for
them to die to their imbued truth and thus die to the reality of the Garden
of Eden and
instantaneously falling into a coma because spiritual entities cannot ever
die. The reality we, people, now exist in is thus a fictional reality based
on a lie.
Whatever contains a lie as the basis of creating
another reality must thus be a fiction to the previously held true reality.
Physical reality is thus an utterly false reality compared to the reality we
experienced in the Garden of Eden. Physical reality does not exist at all in spirit --
not the solar system and not anything else in the universe. The belief that
we are free based on the concepts accepted in the US constitution is utterly
ridiculous because the first dozen words in the
non-amendment betrayed our liberty and replaced it with slavery and utter
dispossession of our biological bodies given to us by god / the serpent in
paradise and into the possession of an incorporated US government, but this
reversal of reality wipes the entire legitimacy of US government into the
abyss. We, the people, have not immediately, and ever after, regained our
liberty; and thus, god of physical reality has utterly abandoned us. We, and
this includes all the members of the diverse religious groups in the nation, are
absolutely afloat in the nothingness of unlimited nothingness in this US of A.
This is an extensive liberty and understanding of spirit information site. To ignore it's contents will definitely be a severe loss of / to liberty, understanding physical reality and your spiritual development. You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot,
you can make your contribution through PayPal to or buy from a set of choices in Search for Hans van Krieken. After all we are all here to teach and help each other. I am very truthful and daring for your sake; be daring for me also. The very best to you -- for ever!
The solar system and the universe are expressions in negative spirit. Negative spirit includes the principles of good and evil. Good and evil is another type of digital computer system. You will always be in effect of it; because lies rule negative reality. In negative reality your soul is always operated; you are never the operator. So, in fact, we are puppets operating in a virtual reality that is directed through our souls.
It is because in fiction we are all concerned about “self”. But
our self is a fiction; we are made to believe, through programming going
through physical beings minds, that soul has awareness. This is not so because
soul is comatose -- we died (be comatose, because spirit cannot die) the day we ate as Adam and Woman
from the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil
in the Garden of Eden. The idea that we live
physically is a fiction programmed through our
comatose soul minds.
We make our "self" more important than any other
“self” out there. This means offence to all other selfs. That is
why law is needed on earth because, even though, we do not always obey
law, we are even less inclined to do what is decent by neighborly
standards. Jesus described that by stating "do not please yourself,
please your neighbor like you would like to be pleased yourself.
The American average
"citizen" is so excessively far away from that! So, we-all live in
negative effect of each other. But listen all you big players, your
arrogance will come to a fall. This cycle of fiction will come to an end
soon -- the DVD “physical reality” will go back into its cover until it
will be played again. Even the entire solar system will disappear. I
hope that in the next age you will not return as a lower level being.
You are all welcome
to copy any article or picture and use it in your own site or
This is about the last thing a wrote, here August
4, 2024. The articles following this statement were all written before
this one.
Below is the factual basis for us being in physical reality. You cannot
get by any longer without reading and understanding these
article picture
reality is based
on the original lie. Our comatose souls are programmed by the serpent /
Jehovah / the one whom Jesus called Satan.
Knowing all this you can see that we are stuck in fictitious reality where nothing is true. It appears us as if it is a real reality. Trouble is that fictions are endless. Can we ever find the true reality back? I think we can!
The Victory Tax Law
There is strong significance in the bible that
physical reality is a fiction in spirit. God in The
Garden of Eden had to form A & W from dust and blow his spirit into them
-- work. But physical reality was created by words of the god (the
serpent) of earth -- by simply bringing into action some existing