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Contents   Ignore the "not Secure" box above! This website is more secure than any other on the web and your reading of it will benefit you more than any other URL; so please be my guest. US government and most of all governments are peopled with criminals, called Free Masons. They have undermined our governments since its very inception.  I was a Free Mason. In order to do so I had to swear a solemn ode to never betray any of its secrets. They operate below the surface of human interactions so they stay secret and whatever they do remains a secret.  Read in the catholic bible, called Good News Bible in 2 Asdras, Chapters 11 and 12 the prophecy about an eagle rising from the sea ("sea" here is the world's human population) This eagle spreads its wings, in a movement of confidence, over the whole world. This prophecy came true when Free Mason, senior President Bush declared to the world that the "One World Order is an historical fact". Thus God exists and the bible tells us so! Read all of the 2 books of Esdras! It is placed at the end of the Old Testament. I find it the best book in the OT!

If you landed on this URL from you can skip all the print-articles.

And now to the true reasons for this website and the terrible things and unbelievable good things revealed herein. The best of this site lies further back. The reason is that so much new material was given me that this newer material came at the beginning rather than the end. It is truly imperative to read this entire website -- including the web pages given by the links way at the top of this page. You will be renewed in all your American history and the history of physical reality and that of our souls. Listen to me and you'd be an entirely new being.

To find your way in this site click "Contents"  or "back to contents" to find "Figures" and click the link.  Study the figures thoroughly before reading on.

or go to  under Carol van Krieken scroll down to the image showing the word "liberty" and click it.


Here Are Some Coincidences That Are Beyond Coincidence.


 I met my wife through some interaction with a beautiful white, female Samoan dog that belonging to my friend at the dock while seeing what gals might come off the ferry from Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay, one Sunday afternoon in Berkeley Marina where I kept my sail boat. Some gal came walking towards her car and the dog followed her. So, I followed the dog, met the gal and asked her whether she wanted to see my Boat.

She came willingly and I made a date for a meeting a couple of days later. After being together for 4 1/2 years she finally made an ultimatum; you promise to marry me today or we are finished. So, I promised! Today she is Mrs. Carol  Anne van Krieken. My mother's married name is Catarina Alida van Krieken (Haan) . Haan is the Dutch    word for rooster. Anyway, the initials of the 2 women are the same. Here comes another coincidence. My mother died on my wife's birthday -- to me that beyond coincidence.

one way Free masons can reduce US population to 69.000.000

Do not worry too much; not Free Masonrt, but god in Christ is always in control


As mentioned in the "Sound of Music; Nothing comes from nothing -- nothing ever will"


Physicaleality and science and technology are progressive to show us  ever more sides of evil and good. 

Good advice to young adults

the future in Old testament days was already known by Jesus and angel URiel as related in 2 Edras 10 and Luke 12 In the New Testaament of the biblr.

How do we humans get the character and personality we aare stuck with?

The night mares of war veterans have serious effects on children born to them at a later time

My fellow "Americans", you have no idea how seriously you are being screwed by your governments! The 14th amendment made us subject to government but before the 14th the people were king and the governments were the subjects. The constitution now belongs to governments and you-all are slaves! Who can trust a government that steals the constitution from the people? It is a theft of the US ground law!!
    Free Masonry made an utter mockery out of democratic government -- they alone are in full control by pretending to be two parties, but, behind the scene, there is only one party. They are a secret organization of infiltrators. They will infiltrate any business and government. Their power, through god's will, is complete to create constant situations, of what is real and in some instances good. You ignore these inputs at your very own serious physical and spiritual risk

 I tell the truth! Your spiritual condemnation will rest on the things you disagree with or utterly reject in this site. Not sharing this site with others will be held against you on judgment day. Groups of people that can make laws and restrictions are testimony that we exist in negative reality.

There is thus a fictional truth based on the lies held in common with the rest of society and there is the original spiritual truth into which we were integrated by God by imbuing this truth  into the consciousness of both Adam and Woman. They existed by the real truth imbued into them. By Woman, and then also Adam, believing and trusting the serpent who opposed that truth placed into them with a lie, there was no other possibility but for them to die to their imbued truth and thus die to the reality of the Garden of Eden and instantaneously falling into a coma because spiritual entities cannot ever die. The reality we, people, now exist in is thus a fictional reality based on a lie.

Whatever contains a lie as the basis of creating another reality must thus be a fiction to the previously held true reality. Physical reality is thus an utterly false reality compared to the reality we experienced in the Garden of Eden. Physical reality does not exist at all in spirit -- not the solar system and not anything else in the universe. The belief that we are free based on the concepts accepted in the US constitution is utterly ridiculous because the first dozen words in the 14th non-amendment betrayed our liberty and replaced it with slavery and utter dispossession of our biological bodies given to us by god / the serpent in paradise and into the possession of an incorporated US government, but this reversal of reality wipes the entire legitimacy of US government into the abyss. We, the people, have not immediately, and ever after, regained our liberty; and thus, god of physical reality has utterly abandoned us. We, and this includes all the members of the diverse religious groups in the nation, are absolutely afloat in the nothingness of unlimited nothingness in this US of A. We are utterly considered by the Free Masonry as mere dirt that can be used and manipulated as needed.

We are thus dead to our god in paradise, to our god of physical reality; and are now under the power of a non-existing physical government who stole our principles of government -- and incorporated us all as conquered and plundered slaves in a fictional-government-owned constitution to which we lie in utter submission to its rule. There is thus no basis in any spirit to allow this reality to continue to be, and as the books of Daniel and of Revelation in the bible demands, this version of reality in this solar system will thus be disintegrated until nothing of it will remain (see among others Jesus' words in Mark 13: 24-27 / Bible.

This article reveals the rising from the hidden sea of people the hostile power of Free masonry

The best way to read this page is to start reading from the end/bottom of the page as the newest material are at the beginning of the page. or to click on contents here:    Contents

This is an extensive liberty and understanding of spirit information site. To ignore it's contents will definitely be a severe loss of / to liberty, understanding physical reality and your spiritual development.  You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, you can make your contribution through PayPal to

 or buy from a set of choices in Search for Hans van Krieken. After all we are all here to teach and help each other. I am very truthful and daring for your sake; be daring for me also. The very best to you -- for ever!

  IJNIP  --  -- IN JESUS' NAME I  PRAY --  -- IJNIP  No Amen == our prayer has no end. It goes on forever!   OR

IJNITY -- -- In Jesus' name I thank You!

Negative reality is based on the one lie we believed when in our spiritual bodies in zero reality / Garden of Eden. In positive reality no laws and restrictions are necessary. Negative / fictional reality can be as intricate and even more so then true reality. Lies and fiction are explosively more believed than the truth.

The solar system and the universe are expressions in negative spirit. Negative spirit includes the principles of good and evil. Good and evil is another type of digital computer system. You will always be in effect of it; because lies rule negative reality. In negative reality your soul is always operated; you are never the operator.  So, in fact, we are puppets operating in a virtual reality that is directed through our souls.

It is because in fiction we are all concerned about “self”.  But our self is a fiction; we are made to believe, through programming going through physical beings minds, that soul has awareness. This is not so because soul is comatose -- we died (be comatose, because spirit cannot die) the day we ate as Adam and Woman
from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. The idea that we live physically is a fiction programmed through our comatose soul minds.

   We make our "self" more important than any other “self” out there. This means offence to all other selfs. That is why law is needed on earth because, even though, we do not always obey law, we are even less inclined to do what is decent by neighborly standards. Jesus described that by stating "do not please yourself, please your neighbor like you would like to be pleased yourself.

The American average "citizen" is so excessively far away from that! So, we-all live in negative effect of each other. But listen all you big players, your arrogance will come to a fall. This cycle of fiction will come to an end soon -- the DVD “physical reality” will go back into its cover until it will be played again. Even the entire solar system will disappear. I hope that in the next age you will not return as a lower level being. And here is something new for you; Jesus can safe us, but only laterally; he cannot safe upwardly. Save does not mean redeem!!You will appear in the next age in the form and color you are created this age. Take exceptional care, for your everlasting good. read this website. Try to understand it. Jesus said that we will be doing greater thing than he did. This is the era that these things will come true.

You are all welcome to copy any article or picture and use it in your own site or manuscript.
This is about the last thing a wrote, here August 4, 2024. The articles following this statement were all written before this one.
Below is the factual basis for us being in physical reality. You cannot get by any longer without reading and understanding these article
 picture versions. Physical reality is based on the original lie. Our comatose souls are programmed by the serpent / Jehovah / the one whom Jesus called Satan.

Knowing all this you can see that we are stuck in fictitious reality where nothing is true. It appears us as if it is a real reality. Trouble is that fictions are endless. Can we ever find the true reality back? I think we can!              

In spite of all the damage the 14th amendment did to us it did accomplish some good

the authorities (Free Masonrt) are thinking 50 years ahead, and we cannot understand the changes that will affect us in the future, such as the 14th amnedment

This full proofthat god exissts. there is no more doubt so god is a certainty -- theank god!

This is tghe esras page showing the 3 headed eagle reprsenting today's consortium of Free masonry. One head in Israel, ane in the USA and one In Europe
 The body stands for god, the serpent and he directs everything about everyphysical thing in the solar system.

How gad will proceed with the anihilation of this realm of physocal realiity

Caucasian people are unde deliberate threat of extinction through law and societal ruls of conduct

some staatements about what our reality is about

Free Masonry tries to continue its global and domestic power politically through the voting process

This site reveals what jesus said about us doing more than he could

This image is a correction I had that Jesus saves us to positive spirit. the sad truthid that the kingdom of heaven is a place in negative spirit., so read this article

Aterrible treason was committed by both state And federal elected officials by the 14th amendment to the US constitution

 Even if you may not necessarily agree, but because in spite of your opinion, you do have learned a lot, you can make your contribution through PayPal

 or buy from a set of choices in Search for Hans van Krieken. After all we are all here to teach and help each other. I am very truthful and daring for your sake be daring for me also. The very best to you -- for ever!

the democratic form of government is corrupted beyond recognition

For more information you can read further down to know we have been duped by our elected officials.

This article is the correct interpretation of understanding what the serent has done by convincing Woman of believing the lie. Your soul needs this to decide to be or not to be!

The Victory Tax Law

This tax turned out to be a fraud to get us to pay taxes perpatually

There is strong significance in the bible that physical reality is a fiction in spirit. God in The Garden of Eden had to form A & W from dust and blow his spirit into them -- work. But physical reality was created by words of the god (the serpent) of earth -- by simply bringing into action some existing program.

Here is a follow-up on the image article above.

this article, o hope you agree, peoves that jesus is a son of the true god in true realoty

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Young wonen, when severrell traumatized may be suffering from very audible nightmaress tha can affect new born babies even moew traumaric

This is an extensive liberty and understanding of spirit information site. To ignore it's contents will definitely be a severe loss of / to liberty, understanding physical reality and your spiritual development.  You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, you can make your contribution through PayPal to, or better yet: buy from a set of choices in Search for Hans van Krieken. After all we are all here to teach and help each other. I am very truthful and daring for your sake be daring for me also. The very best to you -- for ever!

Doing your best is a process that goes on until your last breath. That is what I am doing in my books and in this website!
 If you use the computer's compare program you can always find the additions and  deletions in this website.

This article is so incredibly important, I want you to read it first. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being scammed through this money scam. I was scammed this way and so did my cousin.

Blood pressure is directly related to your life style. sedentary gives higher blood pressures then active. This due to contraction or dilation or capilary veins in body

About exercise

like everything else in the world hype and truth about exercise

Any cell phone scheme requieing you to transfer bank funds into cash or gift card ia a con that will hurt you baadly. Iwas conned out 15K.

The Neandertalritters never existed. read why this is so!

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Everything in this site you can depend on. A lot of it happened to me.

We have lost our liberty altogether -- there is nothing left of it.

   Recently I made a series of inappropriate purchases through Amazon on ingredients to make alcohol. I was, kind of made aware that making some alcohol was tolerated. Then a month, or so, later a drone approached very near our house about 11:30 PM and made five different approaches over the duration of an hour or so. Our property was visually free of implements of production, but I am sure that the 1st approach was to reconnaissance and the later flights were about planting "bugs".
   We, recently, got a new management over our mobile home park and along wit it came  a contract that that was about a book in size. One requirement was eviction for illegal activity, so I dumped all my purchases. Now, about my son in Oregon: He "owns" about twenty acres, recently purchased and started to develop it. Among other things, he installed a hothouse. He purchased the parts from a building outfit place with his credit cards (like I did) and after some time a drone showed up at night, landed on his property and investigated the hot house for some time with flood lights and all.
   See, these government visits came along after certain purchases were made. Such a series of purchases reveals to enforcement agencies that illegal activities may be at hand in such incidents and thus they sent their drones over to spy on us people. In the 1980th we were always afraid of the black helicopters would come swooping down on us. Now, in fact, they sent their much quieter drones over to get us. I could not understand such idiot operations, but they are clear to me now.

The enforcement agencies lost utter control over cartel drug operations and thus, they negotiated with these drug lords over how to keep control over drug trafficking and liquor trafficking in general. Drug lords agreed to limit production and sales and in return government agencies agreed to allow such practicing and squash all private productions. so that territories will not notice loss of sales to private operators. The same, obviously, has happened with "large" licensed corporate alcohol producers and distributors. Thus, only uncontrollable illegal drug operators and large alcohol operators are now "controlled" by the enforcement agencies through contract relations with large "throw-back"  payments to the enforcement agencies and their personnel. We, the people, are always on the loosing end of all enforcement and denied liberty according to the US constitution. We lost all our right after the adoption of the 14th Amendment to that constriction and with it we lost all our right to anything at all as people in the state governments. We are now controlled slaves that must obey or feel the whip.

 Inflation is government's and thebanking institution' way to rob you of your savings and investments. Your hard-earned money simply is siphoned away because as your money in invested it continues steadily decline in purchase power. i came into this country in 1961. A decent house -- 3bedrooms, 1and 1/2 bath with 2 car garage on a 1/6 acre lot cost about $28.000. The same house today cost $850.000 to a million dollars (and during that time your savings would have dwindled in purchasing power from one million to about $20.000. Government is the vilest criminal and we keep voting the criminals into office). Housing is an accurate way to measure what money can buy at any time. Government is our greatest criminal and we all continue to worship it. You are all totally nuts for doing so. Inflation is nothing but counterfeiting money without ever having the printed currency being intrinsically tied to honest, sustaining value. Government has the benefit of using the currency before inflation, but when the counterfeit currency is in circulation it has depreciated its value. When you or I go to the bank and withdraw $100.00,  the bank will issue you new currency like just printed paper. What gives it its value is you when you allow the bank to charge these pieces of paper that was drawn from your account .
Also, when you want to give your children or your grand children some financial assistance, inflation makes sure that the value you can give them tax-free decreases all the time. So your support  you can give to them dwindles all the time. I find that is a crime against the "supposedly" free people of America.
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 This is an extensive liberty and understanding of spirit information site. To ignore it's contents will definitely be a severe loss of / to liberty, understanding physical reality and your spiritual development.   You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, you can make your contribution through PayPal to, or better yet: buy from a set of choices in Search for Hans van Krieken. After all we are all here to teach and help each other. I am very truthful and daring for your sake be daring for me also. The very best to you -- for ever!

Doing your best is a process that goes on until your last breath. That is what I am doing in my books and in this website!
You, the public, gave the currency its value. This value is deducted from from your total balance in your account. Government just prints the money and spends it, never withdrawing these funds from their bank account. So, government has now money in hand and still, also, has the entire value of the face value in the bank. It is called counterfeiting and it is a serious crime. This means, that whatever funds we safe from our income from work becomes constantly less valuable, until it eventually completely disappears, and it is utterly valueless. SO, WHY SAVE MONEY WHEN IT WILL NEVER GIVE YOU A GAIN. SPEND IT AS YOU GET IT!

Here is a suggestion for those who are in a capacity to place ordinances and laws into expression; No dog or cat should be transferred from breeders and county and city pounds without being neutered and their vocal cords snipped. Neutering is good for business of breeders and vocal cord treatment is good for all well developed communities. Noise reduction ordinances and laws are not enforced at all as it is, which is a crime committed by the law enforcement departments. That is why our communities are overburdened with utterly outrageous useless, strong noise levels. Enforce the laws knuckleheads

the democracy is now understood to be the worst means of selecting officials so latge- scale immigration is used to keep it alive

The new out of state owner raised trailer spaced by$ 290 % within 2 yeARS CAUSING SOME 30% EVICTION RATE

Prosperity without liberty is another form of poverty.

Prosperity without general, individual discipline and responsibility towards the, nearby, general public, coupled without personal liberty, because our constitution was usurped by governments, is a form of anarchy and enforced slavery.

Liberty” does not mean an utter disregard for the right to peace and quiet of those near you; and such behavior is blunt callousness that should be strongly curbed by our police forces.


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This is an information website only, for eventual buys you are directed to a fully secure website.
help for people with neurologic itch

information of neurological itch/ very important

And now to the true reasons for this website and the terrible things and unbelievable good things revealed herein. The best of this site lies further back. The reason is that so much new material was given me that this newer material came at the beginning rather than the end. It is truly imperative to read this entire website -- including the pages given by the links way at the top of this page. You will be renewed in all your American history and the history of physical reality and that of our souls. Listen to me and you'd be an entirely new being.

Also see us on  and there are all our articles -- Most Important reading!

or go to  under Carol van Krieken scroll down to Board called "liberty"

It is 1-27 2023 : I Just came back from shopping at Aldi's and noticed that very many items have bout doubled in price. Sodas cost more than twice as much as three years ago. Milk and eggs doubled in price and so on. This means an increase of inflation over the last 3 years of about 90%; it also means that our investments have lost about 100% in value. It must somehow be connected to president Biden's edict to stop growing agricultural products and probably other edicts by him. He has not acted as president but as a true criminal. I hope that democrats will not support this double dealing man anymore anymore. What is the purpose of saving money anymore.

What a wonderful thing regular eyesight is! (8-21-'22)

I am getting a day older -- 85 1/2 and I decided it is time to remove the cataracts from my eye lenses. I had the left one removed 18 days ago and I have to take all kinds of eye drops four times a day, and keep track of all the drops I take. But here is the amazing thing I noticed. The left eye sight that has a new plastic lens in it has sight like a now over exposed, color contrasted appearance of the environment, but the non-corrected right eye now has a newly-discovered unbelievably vibrant, richly deep burned color scheme look to it that you can get when a computer image has been given a perfectly burned color depth. I, just, cannot get over what I have missed to realize all these years. My other eye is scheduled some 14 days from now but I have asked for another appointment to discuss this vibrancy of my uncorrected eye. For now I want to keep my right eye uncorrected to enjoy the unbelievable neatness of this right eye sight. What I want to bring across to you is that when you get cataracts removed schedule them  further apart than one month so you can enjoy the truly fantastic difference between a plastic lens and what you have been born with -- now yeah -- what your eyesight has turned into after some 70 years of living. I can still see rather clearly and my new lens will become ever better when time goes by, I hope.
Extreme terror in babies and how it can start

babies can be brougjht into terror by veteran soldier's nightmares just after birth ans up.

Inflation eats up our saving

God/Jehovah/the serpent in paradise is teaching us evil.

Our monetary system is baswd on credit ussued by banks

What is happening presently (2002) in the Ukraine between NATO and Russia is another conspiracy of governments owned by the Free Masons against all the people in the world. See images below where Putin and Bush Junior  are so friendly with each other in an undisclosed Free Mason's Grand Lodge, Years ago, I listed about 75 goals reached by US government /Free Masons by getting u to to fight WW 2. These wars gives government ever more control and power over the people -- one of which is NATO. That must be about 1/5 of all the goals truly reached by US government. The American civil war and WW1 were also wars of conspiring governments against the people -- the Civil War's purpose was to enslave all Americans by instituting the 14th amendment and WW1"s purpose was to mainly establish a League of Nations with a OWO as the next goal. This failed to materialize and the 2nd WW was planned and executed by the Free Masons. For involvement of Free Masonry in all things vicious please read on.

Read the entire website and your understanding will have multiplied  beyond all boundaries.

Forced, vaccinations by mandate of government is wholesale Discrimination

I already called government encouraged vaccination "Date Rape" and forced vaccination vicious Rape. I now must also call people forced from their jobs by governments' mandates to corporations to enforce the firing of employees refusing to be vaccinated vicious discriminations against those individuals and discriminations AGAINST all those who depend on these fired people for their maintenance. I, myself, never thought that such firings are discriminatory actions against masses of people, but, thank God, the Indian Supreme Court decided that such firing are highly discriminatory and subject to valid court actions. The corporate world in India, immediately, started to hire back fired employees and many even offered compensations for discriminatory actions they have committed against these people.
Of course, the same crime is committed by government refusing truck drivers to cross a national border when not inoculated against the flue.

Yes, indeed, one's livelihood being cut off by reason of discrimination based on their personal choice of how they will deal with health issues is highly discriminatory and comparable to being raped for refusal to comply. It is even worse than rape for children (pedophile actions) who are forced, by government-mandate, against their parents' will to be vaccinated.

Back to contents     government fosters unadulterated slavery

2 democraticallygoverned countries have no declared slavery on a segment of their populations 


Governments of the USA and foreign nations are stepping way outside their bounds of the original forms of constitutions and civility. They are deliberately stirring unrest in the world which they know will lead to war, mayhem, unbelievable many deaths and unbelievable severe destructions. By forcing extremely tyrannical laws to take affect within 10 days after adoption one knows that a very powerful secret society has gotten hold of the world's governments, police, national guards and armies. Pretty soon the war will be between god and the unrest stirring Free Masons. The outcome will be in god's favor. So, just sit back and watch the show unfold. Remember we are not real but merely fictitious critters living in a fictitious world that will soon collapse -- so what if you are one of the fictitious victims of it -- everything worldly will shut down.


I just learned (8-7-"22) that since 2019 there has been a transfer going on of our complete naval forces for the command of the president of the USA to the chief command of the NATO organization. This transfer seems to have been completed this year The naval headquarters in Norfolk now flies the NATO flag on top and the thirty flags of all NATO member nations below that. This has been done in all secrecy and it even now has not been reported in the incorporated major news media. It is further proof to you numb numskulls that we, the people, are slaves and not free anymore.

If anyone can make you believe a lie

Understanding this article and the rest of this website will clear up hundreds of lies you once held as truth 

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new insight about the bible's revealtion of the 144.000 souls lying under the altar


What it means, of course, is that Daniel with god's consent predicted the end of this age, as did the apostle John (and Jesus backed these two men up).


Below is an article based on Dutch uprising that show clear signs that Free Masonry will diminish world population to about 1 billion.

The ridiculous decision by by the World economic Forum 


this shows that Free Masonry is executing their final goal 

                  The Dutch farmers are dealing with a high form of tyranny

How governments deceive you in your total indirect taxes 

You may still believe you are not taxed on food. This is a misunderstanding. We are severely taxed on food and all other shipped materials we buy. US government has raised the tax on diesel oil so that the real value of the oil is somewhere around 5% of the sales price. The stuff most often shipped are food, materials used in producing food, such as fertilizer, weed killer, food for live stock & pets, all sorts of packing materials and diesel and gasoline fuel because it is needed the most every day. Live stock, alone, consumes about 70% of all cereal grains production. Humans leave behind enormous quantities of trash that need to be collected and disposed of increasing the hidden taxes on food even more. It means that our food cost about three to seven times more than it ought to, because all taxes drawn from whatever industry or source finally ends up coming out of your pocket.

The price increases in food articles and all other products since the covid19 and labor shortage are mostly due to fuel taxation increases. It is all too idiotic to contemplate. Mild taxation would be OK with me, but the governments go overboard with these exorbitant tax-strategies! Tax collecting comes at an added extra cost to us, the people, because it could be done very much simpler. See my article within at A NEW IRS-FREE GOVERNMENTS  FUNDING  SYSTEM . The governments do not seem to go along with it because it loses enormous control on how to manipulate disbursement to the poor. However my plan includes taking care of these items as well.

Gasoline is taxed almost as high as diesel fuel. When trucks must do the delivering instead of pipe lines, tax revenue is much greater -- so, now you can see why Dictator Biden shut off the pipelines. When a truck delivers diesel or gas to a retail gas station, the gasoline delivered must also absorb the huge taxes on the diesel oil it took to deliver the fuel. This means that another steep hidden tax is added to the fuel delivered. On May 6, 2022 my son, who drives an 18 wheeler truck, said that it cost him $1000.00 to fill up his truck. Driving the price of a prime substance used by a very large % of the population to make a living must be considered as a severe discrimination of laborers who perform a vital service to the whole population  and this discrimination must be used in a class action suit in court to force the system back into a service dedicated to the liberty of all of us. Truck drivers contracting a coast to coast transport should state that they need another $500.00 if he/she is going to accept the transport. For lesser distances ask for an appropriately lesser amount. Stick to your guns. If you all do that you will be again in good shape, even though the tax rate on fuel for business is utterly unacceptable. Like John Adams said: Liberty once lost cannot be regained again!

laws of incorporation are unfair

be smart- redeclare your liberty as according to the oeiginal US constitution -- reject the present form of governmenmt

Super exploitive capitalism practiced on the poor ought to be a charge of felony in law

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Government is out to destroy free enterprise on the small scale altogether so that truckers must abandon their trade and must work for the huge government-favored corporations and can thus be forced to be raped by government to take the vaccine that does do not any good to anyone. It may be that the high price for diesel is punishment against the truckers for opposing the Free Mason, totally controlled government.

This is done on purpose for government to receive a sales tax on all materials shipped. All materials, of course, is everything needed for industry, business and for our daily food. And do not forget this includes all the diesel fuel used to prepare and plant our food supply and the fuel needed to harvest and store the harvests.  Many food articles need to be shipped multiple times before they end up as products in the supermarkets. Not only that, the enormous amount of  fuel used to supply all the gas stations in the country carries the same tax so that your tax on products, especially food, is extra raised by all these hidden taxes as well. So, that is how honest and sincere government is with us, the people, telling us about food articles not being taxed. Here in America, we are getting screwed by government any which way we turn! In conclusion:

These very steep taxes on petroleum fuels mean a steep hidden, general tax on everybody for whatever you purchase

Free Masons run all our governments. They place their own people on the ballots for all the parties. And all we folks get to vote into governments are our worst enemies. The democracy only helps the secret society hidden in government. It controls the country -- they place candidates for all elected positions. I am convinced that Free Masons print currency to suit themselves and place it in a general free Mason account for disbursing among Free Masons as needed. They are the only ones having full free access to the national printing presses. there is no doubt that all presidents and congresses we have had are vicious enemies because they hid the fact that they belong to a secret society to exploit all top positions in business, industry, banking, research and development for power gain and enslavement. Because of them we are now all slaves to government and exploited in all things by these criminals. We have no friends, anywhere , in the governments.

Democracy in America is a misnomer. A secret society of infiltrators has taken over the republican democratic process of government. The governing system, here in America, is a democratic system in name only. According to all appearances and functions it appears democratic, but in reality Americans are governed by a dictatorship. Not only America, but all countries in the world are now governed by this same secret set of infiltrators to the extend that the One World Order, brought into the open by president Bush sr., is brought about and governed by this same group of traitors. The popular song performer "Sting" said during a performance in Warsaw, Poland  that democracy is under attack all over the world. the problem with this statement is that people think he is hallucinating because to all the people we are still run according to the democratic system, because it appears as such to them. It is the uninformed opinion of the masses that allow the Free Masons to keep running this world soaked form of democracy to keep it up. With the masses of the people not caring these masses keep us in slavery. The 14th Amendment to the US constitution is all the proof anyone needs to change their fogged up opinion of our governments -- further proof, of course, is the 16th amendment. A free people cannot be taxed directly and the executive of government can only control its own employees and, absolute not the free people.

How does this make sense to us slaves? Trump, while president gave us all $1000.00; then Biden follows suite and gives us another 41000.00 and the the federal government hits us all; with a 30% inflation. Government is making 25000% on what they ever gave us. iot is down-rite criminal!

The free people ought to have such discipline that government does not need to govern it! That prevents the world from being free. It is the people's own crime -- not the Free masons per sé

God allowed free masonry to inpersonfy the ultimate evil to teach us about evil. The good is still pending in a new reality to come.

The steep fuel prices show how the corporate laws hurt us all. Corporations are made of higher importance as "legal persons" than people are. I have shown here in that voting is the most idiotic thing a person can do. We do not choose elected officials, we simply approve what criminals below the surface of society have already agreed who shall be elected. Voting is the only thing that sets us part from corporations and voting is utterly useless. It helps our enemy by polarizing the people into democrats and republicans that have absolutely no value for the voters but help to keep the enemy in hiding and it actually divide married couples and thus families as happened in my family.


The land belongs to us, the people and the resources in it also. Corporations do not have the right to sell petroleum to the highest bidders abroad, but it must make petroleum available to the people at a fair domestic profit. Only after that, if supplies allow, corporations can sell the products abroad. A large portion of the sales price of petroleum products consist on the internationally arrived price of the crude oil. That is inadmissible. All natural, commercially valuable, resources belong to us, the people. we must be served first before our resources become available internationally. Our governments are nothing else but criminal operations operated by the worst kind of people among us all. People hiding behind corporations deceive us and allow us to exist just above the poverty line of existence. Why do we all just take it and roll over?

Only god can liberate us now

 WHY!!?      You have been duped and enslaved. Free yourselves again!!

How can we ever know whaat this government wants to fool us withy next

Vote your liberty back i n operation. Do not be the part of the silent majority


If you have read this website -- read it again with full attention without skipping anything, for there are many additions to your latest read of this, and you will be wiser! Copy this site as soon as you are sure you must. This site might disappear by order of this evil government at any moment and share the information herein as far and wide as you can; and then do some more! I like, at least, 20,000,000 copies of it floating around.

The original Constitution consists of just mere words. It is your dedication to defend the words that makes it law! There is one horrible flaw in the original constitution. It does not particularly mention that secret societies, that can completely infiltrate anything at all, including all three departments of government and its agencies are forbidden with a penalty of death for those trying to start or recruit for, or are members of a secret society.

The alternative media is being taken over by Free Masons. If you read or listen to alternative media dialogues or articles trying to tell you about what is going on behind the scenes and they declare information that comes from well informed sources high up nd so fort and they do not mention the Free Masons as the bad culprits -- believe me you are being duped by free Masons into believing garbage to confuse you into accepting other sources as being the culprits. Behind everything happening in the world Free Masons are the culprits! There is nothing else. They are masters in infiltrating everything.


This is how the first sentence of the 14th amendment reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction of its laws" This highlighted section is an utterly criminally false, statement.

It should read:

People, who were part of and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens . . .” They are people that were part of the original agreement -- not government because government did not exist as yet. Thus government exists under our jurisdiction -- always!

The African slaves before the 14th amendment were subject to their slave masters in all matters. Being subject to the US government means we are subject to enforced income tax, when asked for, mandatory military draft, mandatory vaccination, implanted identification, and much more -- whatever they need to control we, the people, totally. We are slaves. We must oppose this, en masse. That is why I asked you to shun the republican and democratic parties. These two parties are publicly two parties; behind the scene there is only one party. These supposed "parties" have enforced the 14th and 16th amendment on us for over 110 years and enforced mandatory military enlistment for many decades and enforce slave-rate income taxes for more than 80 years on us all. Damn the republocrats out of existence. It is now very clear, even to the biggest doubters, that the two major parties are but one behind the scenes -- they are robbing us blind and now Biden is proposing a world tax that will provide 80% of all taxes reaped worldwide.

The Southern states were forced to accept the13th, the 14th and 15th amendments as we know them by order of the president Lincoln, supreme commander of the winning armed forces and the worst traitor this country has known! Thus these amendments are highly illegal and without consequence. It was not voted on in a democratic manner. These amendments must thus be ratified again to have standing.

Ask the African Slaves. When you lost your liberty you lost everything. The slave owners (government) can make you do anything and withhold anything from you! (spouses, children, funds; and in the past they already have!!) AND BELIEVE ME, YOUR SLAVERY WAS BOUGHT THROUGH your MONEY!! Our governments did the most gruesome things behind our backs. From now on governments of the United States of America cannot be allowed to hide anything from "we, the people". Please read this website from edge to edge and from top to bottom and you will be surprised with what the criminals have done behind your back.


The below article is the real story of physical reality.

when you believe a lie your reality is utterly shattered.


Today, vicious, elected, traitorous human being officials are trying to play god over us -- Remember  president George Bush senior's speech of the late 1990th -- there is no escaping the One World Order from here on out. They know this and refuse to correct the situation!

The IRS is no different, no; they are worse than the Japanese who terribly mistreated their slave prisoners all over Asia. The IRS agents have the power to mistreat us people and they do so gregariously from day to day! They are all criminals just as every politician since somewhere around the 1850th -- and as long as all these people will continue to collect taxes I will hate them. I was in 4 Japanese concentration camps during WW2, every one worse than the previous one; and I was in several IRS prison camps and I have been brutalized by police without him even reading a warrant that had no value whatsoever.

Presently government is not three departments but three conspiring and colluding groups to keep the American people prisoner through lies, propaganda and immoral, disgustingly perverted amendments to the original constitution, forced injections (and god only knows what they put in there -- for, for sure, we cannot trust this government with printing an honest dollar any more. We must object strenuously to prevent this enemy-government from having rich crops being mowed down and to prevent more agrarian soil to be sprayed with precious crude oil that makes these lands useless for decades to come -- Hurry to help wake up America; and hurray to you strenuously objecting to be forced to pay taxes to foreign nations of whom we know nothing at all), forced income taxes and the likelihood to be induced into its vile armed forces, etc.

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Demands truckers must make to government

This piece, written here must be distributed to the Convoy arrangers ASAP: Please help me get it to them! All federal and state government elected officials, their employees of the rank of supervisor and higher, and rank of officers, supervisors and workers of the federal reserve board must take an oath couples with the immediate death penalty swearing that they are not members if a secret society. The same must happen to all board members, presidents vice presidents, managers and supervisors of the companies registered as corporations whether of the commercial or non-profit kind.

IN America, all law is based on equity. If a law is not equitable it is not law at all. California law that banned all private trucking of the public roadways cannot be true law because it is inequitable to the extreme. Any court of justice will rule so.

As redemption for the death penalty they can report 12 other Free Masons of the initiation above the 30th degree; and of any plans the Free Masons can have to retake their hold over the people. 2. Candidates for public office and employees for government office must take the same oath before they can be accepted for representation or workers in official government offices or agencies. 3. All officers of the military and police forces above the rank of lieutenant must take the same oath as the elected officials must take. We must eradicate secret societies such as the Free Masons entirely from the face of the earth. People must report any known member of any secret society to the arrangers of the truckers’ convoys for further action. We must communicate with the trucker-convoys in other countries to demand the same of their government officialdom. Know that Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev were all Free Masons. They got us all fooled.

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Trucker members of these convoys must choose from among themselves a committee of 40 as a special grand jury organization to judge the betrayal of any individual of the good will of we, the people. I trust these truckers as being good, trustworthy members of our society and I give them the authority they need to restore liberty and goodwill in America and in the countries of the world.

Free Masonry is like kudzu, if you do not get rid of it completely it will eventually take over everything. This what happened with us already. Free masonry has invested itself worldwide and that is why we have  a One World Order -- it is entirely a Free Masonry organization. It is not a free order but one 100% entangled in Free Masonry (the kudzu of human society! That is the whole purpose of secret societies. The American people have been seriously swindled by an internationally, secret secret origination set and succeeded to conquer the entire world. Thanks for God's millennia-old promise to destroy them in the end. In the bible, Jeremiah 49: 15 - 17 it says: "The Lord is going to make you weak and no one will respect you. Your pride has deceived you. No one fears you as much as you think they do. You live on the rocky cliff (an eerie / eagles nest), high on top of the maintain; but even though you live as high up as an eagle the Lord will bring you down. God has spoken. God, here, is speaking of the Edomites / Free Masons; they who call themselves Jews but are not (a phrase god used on them in the Old Testament). The Free Masons believe they are in utter control, but they will fall terribly far down. Free Masonry comes from Esau and his descendants. Esau is a half brother of Abraham. (4-29-2022) This all is about to happen very shortly.

However, God set up Free Masonry so that it cannot be wiped out. There are just too many national jurisdictions to guarantee the total wipe-out. If god would not wipe out physical reality in the near future, Free Masonry would forever be in total control if this world. But the time is near to complete god's plan for this solar section of physical reality. The time for judgment (and I mean personal judgment ) that determines future soul existence is near upon us. Even though god is 100% in control of everything happening in this fictional reality he has a means to make us determine which kind of real or fictional reality each one of us has. Once souls have entered the animal sections in the trap  your permanent destination in physical reality is insured until the soul is recycled gazillion ions in the future.

We must realize that persons undermining the liberty of the people and the honest operation of the estate management form of US government are vicious traitors of their office; and of the trust of the people and deserve their traitorous death more than their life! IF the convoy truckers are not successful in accomplishing these tasks than each and every member of corporate society and government as mentioned above will be hunted down one by one by our army of soldiers fighting slavery in the world. These traitors will not escape.


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We cannot vote anymore because we only vote more, and worse Free Masons into office. We have to start all over with investing a new government with candidates that swear, on the penalty of soonest death, to not belong to any secret society!

The US army population projection for USA in the year 2025 - America is 69,000,000 million people. So the Free Masons are planning to get rid of of about 350,000,000 - 69,000,000 is 281 million of all us people. Take me seriously. This is actually the Free Masons plan for us all. They plan to reduce the world population to 100 billion people / slaves to serve the Free Mason elites. This residue population will contain very few Caucasians because these are always A BIG PROBLEM TO ACCEPT ORDERS AND LAW FROM HIGH AUTHORITY. HOW, IN HELL, ARE THEY PLANNING TO GET RID OF THAT MANY PEOPLE IN SUCH A SHORT TIME? -- MAYBE THESE FORCED ON US COVID-19 VACCINATIONS HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT?!!

I am asking those who are immediately related to policemen helping the Free Masons’ false authority over the people to disown these people, whether father, wife, brother, sister, children or close friends. We must overthrow the innumerable governments in the world that have been infiltrated to the very tops of authority. This is a resistance to the death for all of us, Free Masons and resistance fighters alike. The traitor Free Masons cannot count on clemency; they are cruel disguisers, disguising themselves as the common people.

 God is waiting to see whether we have the courage to resist, if not – he will not help, because he wants to know whether we really want and deserve liberty – if not he will not take over. That must be clear to all of us. Armageddon lies in the shadows – God’s wrath against these sneaky infiltrators.

Those who do nothing are enemies of ours because they hinder our efforts to reclaim our liberty and those who are helping the Free Mason ruled governments and their families must be booed by all of us!

We might as well do it now otherwise it will have to be our posterity that gets the credit god will give. Disown all who sides with these devils; and those who are still employed by them and hinder our fight for liberty.

God created us to be free; it is cowardice on our part that we are not! After all, physical reality is mere spiritual fiction. God much rather sees a dead hero than a life coward. This world will come to an end and we will be in entirely different existence after the new world arrives. Have trust in the righteous god in all things! Thus; we have to show god that we are not scared and his help will be plentiful!

This is a link you cannot  fail to hear

It is a link to a speech by an Arch Bishop in support of the great sacrifice the truckers in Ottawa, Canada are making to help bring to light the conspiracy of governments against the people. By “governments“ I mean the secret society of Free Masons all over the world, You must hear this no matter your view on recent events!

I am sure that those cars coming by with super loud base music that sound like booooooom -- boooom are hired to do these things all over America and, actually, all over the world. I am sure you can hear them in Tokyo, London, Rome, Toronto, Jakarta and where ever. They drive these cars with earplugs in their ears and ,in addition, with sound mufflers on their heads.


Do not forget to copy my website as soon as possible!

This is how we have been dispossessed.

A man owns a lot of land. He has roads, gardens, agricultural fields and a lot of buildings. He has a man responsible for the roads, another man he has appointed for the gardens and another for the buildings and for other items that need care. The owner finds a pothole in the road and he informs the roadman to repair the damage. He makes sure that the repairman for the buildings does his job or he is fire. Same for the household; the butler knows his place and serves his boss; Right? That is how things are done on the estate of the owner. The owner hired an estate manager and gave him a set of instructions (a constitution) to make sure that things are done honestly between owner and the workers and visa versa, but he is still a hired man by the owner.

The owner is still the owner, and he can still hire and fire as he pleases. Right?

Now in this country, we, the people own all the lands. That is the way it is written in the constitution. Government is like the estate manager on the owner’s estate.  Government is still the servant (and dispossessed of the owner's property; no matter what the 14th amendment says).

Let’s call this man the government. In no way, can the government ever become the owner of the estate, but that is what that set of rogues have done to us. They are criminals and by some unrecognized little clause in the 14th amendment we have become the slaves and government the owner. That is until I read the 14th amendment and immediately recognized what these criminals have done. They are criminals, who have operated against the common law and reduced us to slaves on our own god-given lands. The American people have come full circle in about 250 years. We fought king George and we won our independence; and now US government is fully active to play king George all over again; so, we, the people, have to defeat this new soulless horror together again -- whether the traitorous armed forces want to help us or not and whether the imperial United Nations recognize or right to do so or not. Do not forget; WE OWN THE US ARMED FORCES, NOT THIS EVIL GOVERNMENT! So here is the second part purpose of the tree of the knowledge of good and Evil.

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The purpose of evil is to reveal spiritual GOOD -- positive spirit; and to identify evil to exist, over-abundantly and ever-existing, in an almost inescapable spiritually fictitious realm called physical reality or also named negative spirit. The exception being the foretold 1000 year reign (just one spiritual day) of peace where the sheep and the lion will lie together in peace -- and this only to prove that peace on earth is possible with the spirit of Jesus in charge; and the, I suppose, the age comes abruptly to an end.

Entities of fiction cannot own the land and cannot own the people. Since they claim they can, the book of Revelation in the bible correctly identifies this illegal form of government (after the 14th amendment) as this awful Horror as 666, three fictional entities forming one huge awful, soulless, horror of fiction. This was foretold some 2000 years ago. Therefore, the civil war, the offending clause at the start of section I of the 14th amendment and the 16th amendment are utterly, and ridiculously inappropriate. We, the people can divide what is ours any time we want without any objections from government / estate manager. So, we know everything about this government since about 1850 is just about a bunch of hypocritical conspirators aiming to dispossesses us of our birthright -- and our stupid forefathers fell for the schemes of these awful, horrific criminals now dominating the world through us, dummies.

But here I must remind you that, really, no one of us is at fault. Spirit is playing this game to teach our souls what is the reason for good and evil in physical reality so that through the knowledge of evil / horror we may begin to realize why, when truly born again in spirit, we cannot ever get involved with evil again.


“GOOD -- GOD” then, is a reality without evil.

That will be our graduation certificate to enter spiritual / true reality.

Gosh, you say, We knew that all along! Yes, but the thing is you have to experience evil with all your soul-being to know spiritually what it means! After all, you are just a figment of soul's coma-dream / a nothing.

American owe it to everybody else to rectify the deceit perperated on the people


Start taking severe political corrective actions - NOW --  Government clearly stepped outside its constitutional bounds!

We are not free at all!!  We must be save in our homes from government interference, scrutiny, property seizure, arrest, and unnecessary investigation and reporting of our income and assets by our bank to the IRS, etc. Governments run this country like a concentration camp (I was in four of them and in the last one we did not even have any clothes anymore) where no one is secure from government intervention. 

We are taxed here in the USA at a total of around 75 to 80 % of our total income. It is utterly unbelievable that the American people keep swallowing these kinds of slavery and still keep telling everybody that they are free (this subjection is nearly equivalent to the slavery our black brothers and sisters were once subject to) and we are scared stiff to be imprisoned by the IRS on top of that (I went through that, also, for 2 years; on felony charges at that. All I did was asking them what right they had to tax me. I never got an answer but two years of being a felon). 

USA Governments raped our constitution! We do not need the armed forces anymore since we have a United Nations -- and the leadership (Chiefs of Staff and the president) is an enemy of the people. It is arrayed against the people. You-all look to me as well-domesticated slaves. I wish I could see some fire in you all. By the way, According to the original constitution (which by my standards still stands, government is barred from accusing one of its inhabitants. Accusations against a person can only be made by another inhabitant for a, supposed, wrong done to him/her. Government was created to manage itself for the benefit of the people -- it is nothing more than a caretaker.  Government cannot, ever, tax the people directly. The original constitution demands government must financial itself through indirect taxation. I find my felonship being the greatest honor this vile government could extent to a patriot, actually, defending the original constitution (the duty of every person in this country) which through utter governments' defraud and mismanagement is now utterly defunct.

A patriot is a defender of the original US constitution

Is that really how you want to live and leave this utter slavery to your children as an heritance? You bunch of knuckleheads! All these things must be changed directly.

Beyond anything else; demand a very sharp reduction in all taxes or every elected official is fired at next election -- so, start writing your representatives --- NOW! Keep track who will be the new and the still seated elected officials.

We are presently at a second cross-road as we were in paradise.

In paradise we, as Adam and Woman, were advised to not even look at the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and not to partake of it in any way. We were persuaded to go against the advice of god (Jesus' spirit) and decided to partake of this tree. We died through a coma from the awareness of that realm “paradise”.  Death, truly means that we are incapable of being present there, like being imprisoned, or falling in a coma and thus being incapable of having any effect on the environment we were previously a part of. Souls are imperishable, so the only way this death could take place was falling in a coma - thus not being actively present there anymore. The coma dream souls thus had was a dream-creation called physical earth -- a realm incapable of being present in paradise / zero spirit. It is called east of Eden / physical reality / negative spirit. Since Jesus appeared on earth a hidden door was placed between negative and positive spirit, which door bypasses zero-spirit altogether. This is the time period where we make our choice for our station in eternity -- do not take this choice too lightly because your foolishness will trap you for ever.

  God Intends Us to Find the Spiritual Truth


Physical reality (a fictional reality) hides true reality with a vengeance. God, Jehovah (the serpent), is responsible for physical reality through us -- his caught and comatose souls. Through our souls, and every soul of throughout the universe, Jehovah instills his brainwashing program of physical reality through his caught in deceit soul entities. Every deceived soul deceives all other souls, wherever in the universe, that physical reality is the true reality – an intension that is almost truly beyond all probability, as the universe proves to us.


If you refuse to believe this, you are stuck here forever just as 99.99999999999 . . . % of all souls in the universe also are. And no matter what we end up doing on earth it is already in the dream propaganda the serpent brings into fictional action. The serpent is totally in control and will end this age of deceit within spiritual seconds, setting all those souls embracing spiritual truth free to true reality while keeping the lie-believers in his everlasting grip.


At the end of the Age, when physical reality stops, those souls still believing the lie remain in their spiritual coma and those who understands what has happened in truth and have repented from believing the spiritual lie wake up in true reality and the fiction has ended for them forever because when truth has been accepted the lie has vanished. For them what the serpent told Adam and woman in paradise has now (in physical reality) become truth as well. They have become like gods because they understand good and evil and now reside in the realms of (lie-less / deceit-free reality) truth and they can never be fooled again. So, Jehovah / serpent created a fiction using the souls of the already condemned. But at the finish of his fictional program Jehovah will present to spirit the redemption of a few souls whom he was able to teach to know and understand the difference between good and evil -- and how his fictional program was designed and operated. So, also, the serpent educated us that there is not just one god, but gods are plentiful. Somehow the Imprimatur, probably a Free Mason intruder into the catholic realms of organization, placed at least one untruth in the Catholic bible.

We believe that we, the people are in control but that is a lie. Spirit runs physical reality as a virtual reality 100%

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Something else: I just read genesis 1 again and I read: "And now I will make human beings: they will be like us and resemble us." If you have read my interpretation of how we are are presently aware only in a fictional reality (see figure 11 and In Spirit a Similar Flip-Flop took place). Place a book mark here so you can return here. Jehovah is the serpent, this website makes that abundantly clear. The serpent is an animal, so Jehovah made people resemble him -- those of the permanently trapped kind, the  also through history called the dark-skinned races. That agrees with my understanding. Now when Adam and woman fell from Paradise, they did so because they trusted the word of the serpent over that of their own god. so they had to depart from paradise into a fictional reality because when you believe a lie you are already in fiction -- not anymore in rue reality so there is a truth in truth and we have now also a truth in fiction that depends on the belief in a lie. But when Adam and Woman fell from paradise, they fell from the reality of their origin and become fictionally present as white people (in the image of their god in paradise, which i know is the spirit in Jesus. That is why the world has dark-skinned (colored) people and white people. The white races fell from paradise out of spiritual stupidity! But here in this phony fictional reality god Jehovah accused us of being incapable of obeying his laws. This is just another trick to make us believe that we have choice. power and intelligence. NOT SO! He foretold in the bible exactly what will happen at the end of this age. We are mere puppets in his show. he pulls all the strings and we have no choice but to do as he dictates every one of us to do. We, as creatures all are innocent. He is in charge of everything. We must lay all our faults and evil on him. That is the real truth. he decides everything  --  who will be condemned and who saved and who will be redeemed at the end of this age; which end of the age is now very near.

How cleverly the serpent beguiled Woman

inflation is damaging non-inflation proof investments very seriously

i once read in the bible this sentence; as below, so above or it may have been as above so below. it was a long time ago, but either way it says the same thing. So, below my image article:

God creates in infinities of all kinds in micro and macro complexity and size

Referring to the above images, the spiritual systems  may resemble a banking website where each individual has its own account with truly considerable resources and where every account is similarly divided into sub components, etc. And each one of these accounts can resemble a system like our own or s system of universes similarly accounted for in individual spiritual accounts. I, now am wondering, and with more confidence every second, whether our ultimate godhead is the only one o whether there are more of them out there. Since everything below them concerns fictions, i cannot see why there would not be more of them.

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The article just below I wrote on the day I read about this homicide in the Ukraine. Read This!

The worst incrime in historry in now in progress!

Stalin implemented Holamodor, but Nikita Khrushchev oversaw the heinous and vicious drive.

How god set things up

i understand that daniel. apostle John and I reicarnate from the same soul


our liberties cannot ever be impeded or denied

In these extremely serious times, all we need to exterminate Free Masonry is that suspected Free Masons are imprisoned just like the American Japanese were interned during WW II. In Some cases there just is no alternative. They had their free run, now they are going to have to pay for their crimes against the people. We should hunt down Free Masons like we hunted down the communists during the cold war with the USSR.

A reason to let the fields lie fallow 

a tremedously beneficial inventiion 

Housing for the homeless in anew concept of facility

Lately, 12/2022 we bought KFC pot pies. They seemed larger than the previous product. Also, the price went down considerably. A strong indication that KFC is actually using copied chicken meat in these pies. Pot pies are the best option to bring copied chicken meat into public restaurant market. So, count on more meat products coming into the food stream. By the way, it tasted delicious!  (12-23-2022). The next copy programs would likely be dough rolls for biscuits, cinnamon rolls and for bread buns for the baking industry and for retail sales.

These new forms of food probably already come cooked so that it only needs nuking. It also means that these machines can copy wood, lumber, etc -- it will free so enormous much land that world populations like 30 billion become possible. Populations that need serious reproduction controls like china has installed to continue to make life pleasant. Eventually one could recycle poop and urine back into food because these have all the items needed to recycle it back into healthy food.  We already know how to recycle used air so that space travel for extended periods becomes viable, if anyone really would so crazy to do so. Electricity can be garnered by extending the array of solar panels till they all gain lengths of 1/2 mile or so.  But, of course, whatever we invent it is not us but god that gives us the ideas and the way to do it. Without god this solar system would not be possible; and without the truly highest god the universe would not exist. Without god this fictional physical reality would not be impossible. The carbon lost from the body through reaction with oxygen is recovered through splitting the CO2 back to consumable carbohydrates.

Also, with a little extra ingenuity 3D copiers can also produce hydro-carbon fuels. This would mean these fuels do never have to run out.

Thank god for all things, whether you agree with the good or bad you experience

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Us constitution is constantly being perverted by government bto serve its purpose and not that of the people.

Since government is the property manager it cannot incorporate itself

Present-day globalism is nothing more than Free Masons propaganda to instill their form of slavery world-wide.

We trusted them and they betrayed the trust we gave them!! I repeat, Free Masons have always been the source of wars on earth -- including our civil war and WW I & WWII.  We are at the brink of another WW with Free Masons at the top of the major contenders. We, the people never gave the Free Masons or any other secret society the right to deceive us through our governments.  think I remember that Reagan (probably also a Free Mason) signed a non-proliferation treaty with the then USSR chairman Putin. Just like we had two Bushes for president so did the Russian people have one chairman / president Putin (father) and one son president Putin, today. Besides, there are also to president Johnsons. One was president after Lincoln and was active to get the 14th amendment into acceptance, which took some 35 years to get ratified. These, thus, are also very important Free Masons in The US history of traitorism.

The Free Masons were always a part of non Tsarist Russia. From the photos above you can see that the son Bush and  Putin are more than intimately connected - like close family friends. Do not let the Free masons fool you any longer. They are the worst world criminals in existence -- way beyond any sort of mafia. It is all according to god's will!


God directs our lives according to our souls' ultimate wishes. The universe could not exist if not so. 

The bible states as above so below. a spitual to physical reality comparison 

Do not forget to copy my website as soon as possible!
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How the supreme god created plains of realit

Demand to Revamp the14th & 16th Amendments & Laws of Incorporation During the Next Federal Election

As we saw previously, government owns no property at all. It has thus no right to grant property to the United Nations or any other person or organization as a headquarters for their operations. So we either send these foreigners from our soil, or we should have an election among the people to vote if they are allowed to stay. The governing (estate managing) authorities of the land have lost all authority to operate at all, as we have proven that they have swindled the people by acting against all the principles of the original constitution. We certainly do not want to become apathetic about this or god will act in our stead, because that would place us outside his protected ring. I suggest that we insist on an item on the next national election that demands reappraising the 14th amendment, the abolition of the 16th amendment, and the rephrasing of the laws regulating the creation and rules of incorporation, keeping in mind how federal government and all other governments in the land have deceived us by incorporating itself / themselves. Thus the people overrule government in all its actions. It must be completely clear that incorporated entities cannot ever have access to constitutional rights and standards -- it is utter insanity that is the way it is now. Therefore, elected officials of any kind lose their right to vote for as long as they are in office, to make doubly sure that government has no part of we, the people.

What is the best way for Free Masons to hide their secret standing -- especially for those seeking political election? The answer:  Celebrate Christmas and go to church or be active in other religious, at least to during the special religious memorial days, like Easter. Free Masons have their own religious cult.

The constitutions must define heads of corporations as national positions of trust with severe penalties for breach of that trust.. This trust is completely particular. When trust by the people is broken by board members, and high officials in corporations the most severe consequences must be taken against such charlatans; the same as it is for state and federal legislators, high level, county, city, state and federal officials and such. The three departments of government must be independent departments and must be independent from each other and antagonistic to each others interests and if this proves to be not the case the entire government must be dissolved and a new government chosen by the people, independent from any pre-existing rules . After reconstruction of teh government the justice department chooses its own head official. The people had rather elect a new government than to coexist with a suspiciously behaving government. This should give the elected officials in government a good reason to scrutinize the actions within the department and thus to remain true to their oath of office. If a government employee can proof to the special grand jury that an elected official is in corruption to its oath, he can be sure to receive the position vacated by the one proven guilty by the special grand jury. Also, the armed forces must report to a qualified citizen not connected to the government. We cannot allow such a position to continue to report to an elected  government official.


I say, set the present set of elected officials against the wall and shoot them, but that is unusual punishment so the next legal thing is imprison them. That is what they deserve, through -- the execution squat. The common law, which rules this country, does not recognize fictitiously created entities owning anything at all. What made our government legal was that at the time the constitution was arrived at in a common-law legal agreement with real people owning real property. They decided to hire an estate manager and set out in the constitution. As long as the people are the owners the document it is legal common law, but as soon as the document was altered through the 14th amendment by governments' intervention, the fiction (hired institution) became the owner of the lands and the real owners became slaves -- thus the entire document becomes illegal and without standing, so the common-law (god' rules) simply reverts the legality again to the original document. So, we have rebels running our country and they should, as rebels and outlaws, be caught and by common-law rules stand trial and be executed. The Washington, DC area is this estate manager's headquarters. It, too, belongs to the owner / we, people of America. Government, itself, owns absolutely nothing, because, 1st: it is fiction and 2nd:  it is a servant on an estate belonging to somebody else! And all the debts it ran up after the 14th amendment are zero, because they are utterly unauthorized and and done in subterfuge. Its dealings within the United Nations is utterly without standing. Let's act on our right -- drive these foreigners from our property in New York City!


I said to my wife, it is now up to god really to back this website up with enormous calamities,  world-wide volcano outbursts, tsunamis, earth quakes strong hurricanes to wake up the people to get out of the awful horror, because it is his job to saturate physical reality with what we call evils of the grandest kind. He has my backing! Websites like, incorporated draw the people's minds away from the real problems we have in America -- thus these guys are pure evil! Then we have tens of millions that do not want to read my notices and my website -- they are already dead in more than one way; and they are in our way-- see my diagrams far down in the web page. Sweep them away from your acquaintance list. We can do without them!

That is how things legally stand presently. But know, I stand with god in reality. God and one make a majority. In the end we, God and I, will prevail on earth, -- if you are smart, join me in God. Come out of her, the great awful horror / harlot -- the world-wide Free Mason conspiracy. Revelation prophecy has come true! God choose me to broadcast his message from the roof tops because in this world I must have done according to his wishes -- and like the movie "The Sound of Music" said: "I must have done something good!" I know getting out of the beast is scary as hell, but God provided manna before for the Israelites in the desert and the old woman who fed the prophet and her jars of flour and oil never diminished -- so he can, and will, do so again -- no fail. It just takes courage and knowledge that he will protect those who are with him in these end times. This is the full time to put your faith to the test. Our Time is the finale of our Age of physical reality. This is the most important decision you Free Masons can make. It is either all or at least, most of all or it is your eternal downfall. You guys, for 2500 years, are the one who helped god set the stage for this finale.

The only objection the Jews have against Jesus is that he was born of a virgin. This typifies them as totally physical creatures. The priesthood, of course, consisted of the most intelligent. These, like present governments of late are extremely clever in hoodwinking ( propagandize) the people into sticking to the religion the priesthood were advocating. In the case of the present governments in the USA, they actually fooled utterly free people into believing they are slaves, In my book that counts as magic. How can people be this stupid? -- yes; I am talking to you Americans. Excuse me, but wake, the fuck, up and help others wake up-- stupid; show your intelligent spiritual side! As it is now, Americans, you lost standing before government and before god. No one gives a damn about you because of the 14th amendment.

Let's stay on the subject of the spirit that is Jesus -- god in Paradise. Read in bible, John 16: verses 2 - 12 and verse 33. The great tribulation is about to happen, US army intelligence predicts that in 2025 US population will be 69.000,000. So, the greatest genocide in this world has already started. There must be a reason the governments of the world insist that all people in the world must accept the covid-19 vaccination and its booster. If the army intelligence is correct these viruses and their forced vaccinations will cause, the greatest calamity in the world -- the depopulation of people in the world to create a heaven on earth for Free masons, who have betrayed the world for over 2500 years. But Jesus said also said that he will return and this time his coming can be seen from horizon to horizon, everywhere and his angels will collect his chosen (those who believed in him always). Two people will be in the field, one will be taken and the other will remain, etc. My guess is THAT THIS WILL HAPPEN BEFORE THE GENOCIDE HAS STARTED TO WORK -- THUS JUST ABOUT NOW!! We can now all see that the tribulations of the end times has started.

Realize what has been done by an unscrupulous group of people called Free masons


Below follow  a series of JPG articles placed on These photos cannot be copied from that sight, so here they go:

explanation of the last empire in Daniel's statue

This is a good example that dreams are given to us also by god.  God gave Nebuchadnezzar his dream. So, god gives us additional evil in dreams that will not happen in our physical existence.

How free Masonry controls all activities on earth! 

Americans take back your country and liberty

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We are bodily and financially raped and date raped

Government enforced vaccination may contain substances that give people allergies, and other nasty effects on the body that can lead to death. We know that with these insidious deceiving, politicians of today that they absolutely do not serve us, the people, but some other secret authority.

This an important spiritual concept, especially today!

Your most vicious enemy is hiding amon you as the Ferr Masons

I was deceived at a restaurant in my town when I ordered catfish for lunch. The way it arrives was I got s slice of catfish about a cold cut slice the thickness of a slice of  ham, utterly drowned in flour batter. I went to an island of Alabama and I ordered as aperitif a dish of oysters. Again the same thing happened. I received a slice of oyster a slice of ham thick drowned in batter and deep fried. I did not wanted t go through the trouble of returning the dishes, so I ate them. But there is a magazine for engineers and all other professions; the same count for cooks and chefs. There, obviously was a little article about how to make almost 200% on these kind of dishes and a bunch of really stupid cooks and eatery owners who read this article, so, there must be a lot of other eatery-owners doing the same. I recommend that if you are being treated this way to tell your friends to never to eat in such places ever again. Let's see how much profit they will be making!!!

Free Masons are an ungodly bunch

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Fight government now or you will be dead in a year or 2

Fight or die tomorrow anyway!


housing for the poor, schools, camps, motels

Below follows article Housing construction

housing for homelesss and poor prople and for those who want to save money

Mass toilet design for Homeless housing project


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fight or your family will be dead in lkess than 1000 days

Abiblical explanation for the end or servere damage to the world


It seems to me proof mthat god creATED SPACE ,OPT SOME BIG BANG.

Mass gencide is now in progress!

The Constitution Must, forever, Forbid Subjection, Bondage and Slavery of We, the People; and the existence of secret societies. They exist to infiltrate public entities of any kind such as the Free Masons have done to the extend of controlling well over 80% all the resources in the world including, also, the control of human labor, government societies and the laws of all nations in the world. I now see that the lower grunts in Free Masonry become public by wearing free mason heads, tee-shirts and personal web pages to show how harmless they are. It is all camouflage because the leaders in Free Masonry continue to spread and control wars from both sides of the front lines causing death and mayhem by the hundreds of millions. It seems that these devils are now disguising themselves as angels of light. (4-26-2022) Every scheme and war has been explained as a division of power based on nationality, philosophy, the seeking of power, etc. but the Free Masonry is never ever mentioned in the news media at all, be cause that is where the secret to all public evil lies hidden -- not just nationally but across the whole world.

We have an enemy inside our country much worse than anywhere else in the world. It sits in the seats of all our governments' functions; and it hollers in any way possible "God save America" and "God bless; we are free". All it has in its mind is: "Death to the world!"

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government u=is your worst enemy

Give me liberty or give me death

Also see me on  under Carol van Krieken scroll down to Board called "liberty" and there are all our articles -- Most Important reading! There are dozens more articles there.

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In all the coming elections let government candidates for office know, for certain, that they are nothing more than hired estate managers or hired hands below the estate managers and that we, the people, own the land and the governments -- so that the 14th amendment must be rewritten to insure that that is so; or, we the people will not vote and leave the land without government at all until we, the people set the constitution straight again.

read this entire website and know what is what

When government has become a tyrant pseudo-god, it's our duty to resist

This fictional, awful horror, estate manager has exalted itself above the people, king of America!

As an owner of this country, I give the relevant enforcement agencies the order to arrest all elected people in this land and a jury of 12 will preside over their trails.

If the covid19 vaccine was recommended by our medical doctors we would not hesitate to get the vaccine, but this vaccine is government dictated and forced on our children. If you refuse to take it you are fired from your job, you cannot go to theaters and auditoriums, use public transportation, etc. We know that the United Nations has a hand in spreading the virus, so we know it has adverse impact on those taking forced vaccines in the future. This means having the vaccine forced or coerced on us has a more world-wide political and enforcement angle to it. The world is caught in a dictatorship.


Even an honest president can see that the 14th and 16th amendments have no standing as far as the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" and the 16th amendment dealing with “forced taxation” are concerned and these can thus be abrogated by the president, having complete authority to do so in law and jurisdiction (overwhelming proof in this website).


Such a president can understand that no government institution in America presently operates with authority of the people and thus has no other choice but to abrogate the offending phrase and the thereafter following 16th amendment.


Such a president has, thus far,  not existed. All presidents since, and including, President Abe Lincoln and our present supposed President Biden; are, thus, criminals in the sight of the American people. It is obvious that a dangerous higher, and probably unrevealed racial, authority is hiding behind our system of government. However, I can also clearly see that physical events on earth are clearly steered and perfectly in control of negative spirit -- and therefore, that the end of physical reality is at its end. following will come the 1000-year reign of peace.



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Free masonry runs US governments and probably all nations in the world

Yes; whether you understand it or not, the USA has become a huge prison camp and the president Biden (a free mason) is your prison warden! A very large # of world leaders and politicians are Free Masons. There are subcommittees in free masonry that perform other secret projects such as the Cabal, a bunch of super-rich members who are in charge of bringing all mankind under its secure power and authority. You can be sure that the CEO's of the major corporations are also 33 degree levels of masonry, and because they  help each other into the positions of power so are the several subdivision managers. Free Masons have been in existence for about 2500 years. I was once, for a short time, in the free masons. By now they must have infiltrated many of other foreign secret societies that now do the free masons' bidding. Our armed forces are probably riddled through with free masons too. It is about time to rid ourselves of such maligned set of these, hidden in the bushes to do their vicious things; and manipulate power in plain sight, scoundrels. But they are not at fault. There is only one relationship for everything under the sun -- it is between god and the individual person only, and between god and all things that exist in this solar system. History is what god/Jehovah/Satan makes it for each and every one of us. No one is at fault because we are helplessly in his power dreaming his script from frame to frame. All together we dream up in soul a realm of physical reality as if it is all true. The point of it is to make us, in soul, realize what evil is so we can begin to understand what good truly is. It will become all more real for you as you continue to read. I went through the history of America since about 1850 to show how we got here today, slaves to a treacherous form of government, 99.9% hidden from our view and from our knowledge and understanding. But these are the end-times. So, presently, the choice is established for you by you. Those still doing evil choose evil as their destination -- thus, physical reality for ever, ever deeper into the net called universe (Look up in contents the link to "In Spirit a Similar Flip-Flop took place" and under link Figures:  look for figure 10 and figure 5.

I have given the idea of free masonry some thought and it is as with everything in physical reality -- 80% of free masons with they were never part of it but have no idea how to get out of it. they have private thoughts of horror about being part of it, giving the 10 to 20% of them free range of committing all the evil that they stand for in secret and actually running the affairs of most countries in the world. my advice to you masons -- get out of her, just as the bible in Revelation direct you to do. if 50% of you leave, the rest of the free masons are helpless; especially if you reveal you emotions about them, the insincere practices that go on behind closed doors and reveal all 32 degree and maybe 33 degree masons you know. As for the good works they do, like the famous children's hospital for seriously handicapped children, is just camouflage for the more terrible things they do. They are a secret society and this hospital is a just a means to get good recognition, for an institution that does every evil under the sun and getting away with it. Why, otherwise, are they secret and not open all the way and benevolent throughout. I would not even be surprised if that hospital is not funded by our tax dollars. If I can think of this, so, certainly can they-all.

We now know that the enemy is within -- and it is at the center of our society -- government. knowing that they have us utterly over the barrel, we can be sure that they control the results of the voting polls. They can twist the numbers any way they want and we would not know the difference. it shows again that democracy only works among about one or two dozen people that are present and together at the time of voting -- even then, we do not know which people have been coerced to vote a certain way. In other words, voting is utter bull shit.

I do not seem to understand why, suddenly, small business people cannot find the needed help they need for orderly day-to-day operations. If unemployed people get paid somehow, two possibilities pop up. Federal government, somehow, get money into the hands of unemployed people or the states are giving unemployed people money they do not deserve. The shortage of labor seems to be nation-wide; so that it becomes clear that states in the nation are in conspiracy, together, to deny the employers to find work to keep operations orderly flowing. One thing is for certain: all the governments are harassing the employers and thus everybody else in the nation to create shortages -- no other entities have that kind of power and control to create this absurd labor shortage a cross the country, and the now ill famous Federal reserve board is ordering enormous amounts of valueless money that will show up shortly as severe inflation -- again because we also have an enormous shortage of products because of the labor shortage. This means that there is way too much money floating around for the products available. -- thus inflated prices for the products available.. Why do we keep being so short-sighted to not see the culprits that do these things to us.  This inflation cycle will deteriorate the value of the dollar, so your savings will loose value as inflation keeps going on -- the standard processes created and maintained by the federal Reserve Board for over a century. The federal reserve board has already proven to not being a help to stabilize currency but use their power to always undermine our economy. All we can now clearly see is that through our belief that government is concerned with our liberty and wellbeing and through the democratic process they have shown to be our worst enemy. So, what are our options but to throw all officials out of the governments. All I know is that government (the republocratic party) is always busy to undermine the efforts of we, the people to create more power for itself!



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We, also, have to discover an entirely new way of reporting real news. I suggest that the news can be limited through unlimited amounts of independent internet reporting URLs, that are limited to the news they can provide and that cannot be united into larger and more important URLs, that become more prone to efforts to be bought by powerful enemies of the people. I Already said that the present news media have betrayed us for over 200 years -- how much longer do you want to have the wool pulled over your eyes by them. Our armed forces have been utterly misused by government since and including the civil war. Al wars since the civil wars were all carefully planned by US government to give itself enormous extra power over the people. The civil war gave US government the malicious 14th amendment. See below for the entire history of government's betrayal of we, the people (this can also be found by referring and clicking certain links in the contents).

I believe (said plenty of times herein) that the kingdom is still the best form of government, when we put limitations on his/her power. Time limit 15 years in office; King's security must be sworn in to become the king's imprisoners when it is proven that the king is betraying we, the people. We appoint an extra super-jury system that keeps control over government activities with power to present a warrant to the king to appear in court. The people have the right to enlighten this jury on unlawful practices and those suspected of causing and/or aiding them; etc., etc. Our present constitution is utterly obsolete.


The vastness of evil that surrounds us is utterly complete. It is all spiritual propaganda and brain-washing, but what we must realize is that masterful end result for some of us. physical reality, as it is, cannot be anything else but hell because that is how we can come to understand good. So, do not expect happiness or good luck and such things because those things are full of fraud and utter disappointment in the end. I am being realistic and I am telling you the truth. Jehovah uses your inclination to do things to the effect that you always whole-hearted agree and so whatever you are strongly inclined to do is fully supported by Jehovah; especially if it amounts to doing evil. But always it is god doing the desiring, the planning and the executing -- never you. So, thank him for anything but do not pray. He knows what is up always! Jehovah / the serpent is out to prove that what he said is true for at least some of us -- and what Jesus/god in paradise said is true for the everybody, because we all fell from participation  in paradise..

As Jesus said, this is the realm of utter darkness and I cannot put the light I am giving you herein under a pot or basket. it needs to shine in the darkness -- so, take Heed!

In the future elected officials must take an oath upon death that the do not belong to any secret societies.

Traitor Biden is not interested in serving you; he works for the One World Order / United Nations only – as have most presidents before! We are just slaves (and I just found out that the One World Order is just one of the projects of the free masons, one of the largest and most powerful secret societies). That means that all of your elected officials, including judges are free masons, also, because they stick together as the finest and strongest glue. That is the evil of secret societies. If you want to find out about freemasons go to. (Do not forget to come back to this website as it is more important than any other)

If you want to read what Cabal is about read and listen to:

Do not forget to come back to this website as it is more important than any other.


The governments of America, in all their operations, do not operate with clean hands -- internationally speaking US governments are one huge lie! As a secret society, the free masons operate the One World Order and cause, agreed upon by all member countries, to start world wars, epidemics and such. America certainly fooled me as an immigrant; and it has even fooled the great majority of the natively born Americans. This secret society has been the major source of unrest and upheaval in the world. If you as a foreigner are thinking of emigrating here -- don't, don't, don't. You are much better off where you are. You are as bad off there as here in America because governments are controlled by this secret society, called the free masons. It is so secret that it has taken over the world without anyone noticing it. There are 33 levels in masonry and the lower levels do not even know what is really going on at the top.

Free Masons are vicious, are the main source of human trade, drug trafficking, cruelty to children, etc. They believe, correctly, that the god Christians so worship is the devil and they seem to know that; because of this understanding, that is to live a good life one must band together in a well organized secret society where only the members can tell who is who and who is not a member of the society by secret sign, hand shakes and such -- and what level the other person is on, so as not to reveal secrets to lower levels when one is of a higher order. They help each other in whatever they need or decide without their neighbors even knowing the evil they do. Check out the below URL. the entity that approached Jesus after 40 days of fasting was Jehovah/ serpent.


 We, here in The US, are just merely overused slaves. We, here in the USA, have been lied to for over a hundred and eighty years by our governments. The devil, certainly, disguises itself as an angel -- American governments certainly prove that biblical statement. And as the Japanese Admiral, responsible for bombing Pearl Harbor, Hawaii said: "We have today awakened a sleeping Giant". I, today, September 18, 202I, I hope to awaken a far more formidable and greater sleeping giant! But in this case, the stupid giant, in a far more serious matter, might just fall asleep again. It is a sad story! And remember that your posterity that will suffer the tremendous yoke is you in another body! After all, the sins of the fathers will be passed on to the sons (Jehovah). If you really look at it, the free masons are a conspiracy against the we, the decent people. and something serious must be done against them. If we cannot be open and honest as people of America --  America is lost already as ie our gold reserve.  We exist again as ever before under the yoke of feudalism but under the very false guise of republic, constitutional democracy.


You are all fooled again into actually believing you are free, but have never  been enslaved so terribly.


Vegans and vegetarians versus meat eaters


Also, I can tell you that if you are a vegetarian or a vegan that you are guilty of much more animal death than meat eaters. Billions of small and larger animals are yearly killed to grow the vegetative produce you vegans so much seem to enjoy and even the produce you enjoy less. I saw a field prepared for the production of lettuce.

Part of the preparation was to enclose the field with a trail of poisoned sun-flower seed. Before the preparation, the field was full of ground squirrels, birds, rabbit, hares, rats and such that nobody eats, but after the preparation not one squirrel or rat was left. Similarly, deer and other larger wild animals are eradicated to grow nuts and apples and other of fruit.

So, think over what is better -- eating large animals grown as food or being a vegan and be responsible for thousand of times more death to small animals and such because you are really trying to spare animal lives. Animals for slaughter do not even feel being killed, but all the small critters dying from poison feel terrible for quite some time!

 meaning of New Lofe


People of the world;

Recall your UN ambassadors! 

We need a United Nations, but it has to be an organization in which the governments of the world cannot participate. Only utterly independent individuals can participate and this new United Nations organ has complete control of the world affairs. Do not give this United Nations beast a chance. Kill it dead!

The media of the world do not report according to promoting liberty and the truth but to the lies promoted by those who keep us enslaved. I have not heard or read that any of the media report that we are enslaved through the 14th amendment; and believe me -- they know we are enslaved.


This is how the governments in the USA gave themselves unlimited power: The governments of the United States have no semblance of comparison with the intent of the original constitution. An immense lot of jumping through hoops had to take place to give them their unlimited status over “we, the people”. Corporations can die when it suites them -- a terrible matter for those who put their trust in them. Presently, the people have no status and the fictions of incorporation have it all. The traitors used the Civil War (a deliberately started war that gave them the first magic hoop to jump through, that set the stage for all the other hoops to be made possible). Through the “North” winning this war it gave the North the opportunity to insert the 14th amendment into the constitution that set the Negro slaves free from individual ownership.

For public ccorporate  misconduct the company license must be withdrawn and the signers of the then presently existing corporate initiation are fully liable financially and criminally for the damage done.

All good and well, but in the introductory phrase it included a statement that defined citizenship by making every human soul subject to the laws of the United States, reversing the entire intent of the original constitution by enslaving all human souls within its boundaries; ripping the people’s liberty from the constitution and transferring this liberty to government itself. This makes the constitution based on the liberty of the people entirely dead! We have no more rights and protection from governments’ tyranny; so after 35 years of the ongoing proposal stage of this amendment, it was adopted into the constitution by 2/3 of the traitorous senatorial legislative bodies of the states in the year 1903. In doing so, a hell of a lot of money exchanged hands to get it accomplished. The secret one-party government party just keep enacting more and more enslaving legislation,  It is just like the 1st and 2nd world wars. the people fight and the governments just act as if a real war is going on. They think, and they were right until presently, that we are all stupid and cannot see what is going on behind the screen. We cannot trust government; and jus be cause we believe we put them in their official positions, we cannot continue to allow government to proceed this way any longer. Retaliation is in order -- right now. The New York Brooklyn Bridge protest is just one small example. this must within weeks become the norm of the land and all elected officials and permanently placed employee managements officials must be thrown from their jobs. Their retaliation is swift and strong; the quicker we kill their power structure the quicker we can all go back to normal, but if we hesitate and linger we are going to suffer big time. So leaders lead and get going immediately! But, also, remember that god / Jehovah / serpent made them do it because by themselves they are capable of nothing. That does not mean that our righteous god does not want us to set wrongful things straight, never mind all the dead bodies (read the old testament bible --  untold many were ordered dead by him).

This should be the job of the military because our country has been wrested from our constitutional mandates and re-establishing order by constitutional principles must be re-established, but our armed forces are tight had and foot to government because the top officials in the military are part of the O. W.O. / freemasonry clique; our state, we must depend on our national guards. the armed forces personnel should immediate leave their jobs and join the resistance.

Not ever in history has a proposal retained its standing for so long. It is treason of the most immense proportion and intent. A proposal has only standing for one year or less; if it fails adoption during this period the entire issue is dead. 13 Years after the adoption of the 14th amendment (and in between the 15th amendment was adopted declaring our precious republic to be reduced to a democracy) the 16th amendment was adopted. It was the final blow to our legal rights. The 16th amendment made the people subject to a forced and government-empowered income tax. This is not our government anymore but a set of hoodlums that terrorizes our people by making us believe it is still legitimate by continuing to honor the constitution in the minds of our school children and so keep this crime gang in operation. The next important part of our enslavement was the fact that people, against their will, were forced into military service and to be made liable to the severe terrors of war on a scale never encountered before in war. The worst part was that these wars were planned among the nations’ OWO leaders – these were deliberately planned wars to further the plans of the One World Order conspirators. All the US governments’ departments colluded to implement laws that served the government the best to be in total control over the people and their land-holdings while making the incorporated land-owners believe they got a good deal by incorporating their businesses.

The devious laws of incorporation secured to government the power of standing in the courts of law by incorporating the government branches in federal court and all the state courts (which these institutions did not have before). This was done by the laws of incorporation giving fictitious entities equal right under the now entirely defunct constitution and standing in the courts. Having pushed this law into adoption in the late 1880’s, the law that changes our form of government from a republic into a democracy was instituted before 16th amendment. It was followed by the federal laws of taxation of private and incorporated entities. Next the Federal Reserve Bank (established in the first half of the second decade of the 20th century) deliberately caused the big economic crash of the late 1920th. This caused so much hardship the world-over that congress and the President cooked up the New Deal with the introduction of Social Security laws giving all people the Social security number -- which number was indispensible for taxing the people separately and individually.

Then, government worked overtime to get a computer program going to operate on the newly developed computer that bound every issued social security# into this individual taxation program. The governments of the United States had already incorporated itself through, the now pretty commonly used laws of incorporation by business, industry and banking, to obtain “standing” in the court systems of the land and so all the states, counties and cities were also able to tax the people individually by copying the federal governments’ own taxing program after they had themselves incorporated to obtain standing in court. This way, they were also able to force citizens and corporations into paying the taxes they demanded. Through forcing non-tax-paying objectors and corporations into court by claiming that these supposed tax-payers had violated the incredibly insane and utterly un-understandable Internal Revenue Code, title 26, people were forced as felons into the jails. The states’, counties and cities’ now created their own taxing programs so that these could enforce their tax codes. And that is how innumerable people have been brought into court by the governments of the land and were incarcerated and fined for disobeying the phony internal revenue code laws and the states’ counties’ and cities own codes of tax laws.

These irresistible Government powers had, then, still no means to start collecting the tax and these were helpless to start collecting without the population going berserk. President Roosevelt was literally itching to enter the already ongoing wars between Germany, the European nations and Japan who was conquering and terrorizing many Asian countries. Helpless to start collecting taxes “legitimately” because the American people refused to go to war the OWO conspiracy decided for Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor in the Pacific Islands; just after the Japanese ambassador offered President Roosevelt a declaration of war. The people were outraged by Japan’s audacity that they were enthusiastic when the president accepted the Japanese challenge. The collective actions of congress and president Roosevelt spoke clearer than words could. The second world war and the taxes being collected since then are conspirative, criminal acts against the people of America; and truly -- unforgivable!


Then, while the war just started for America congress adopted the law creating the first voluntary tax called the Victory Tax which was passed as a two-year tax plan to “win” the war and the tax would then expire. But the IRS continued happily to collect the tax after the war was won and after this 2-year empowered tax had expired.  The government, through the IRS based their post-war taxing action then on the 16th amendment taxation power while they still called the tax a “voluntary tax” to confuse and hone the later descended American people of how this tax got to be called “voluntary”. And, indeed, today no one has any idea at all why it is called voluntary.

As you can see the utterly defunct and unlimited power of US government is based on nothing but hocus-pocus and a lot of deceit and threats to life, happiness and with threats of imprisonment. You can see clearly how criminal the government operated to get to its present power and to force viciously inappropriate taxes that were solely planned to illegally plunder the American people in order to continue the extremely expensive plans of the One World Order Conspiracy, that all together, already has killed some 200,000,000 people, to make this vicious United Nations possible. This present government system is utterly invalid and we must declare war on this fictitious manner of enslavement of the people immediately. The US government is riddled with the worst sort of criminals that uses every vile tactic to rive the people of the world insane with fear of war, mayhem and as much destruction as possible.  and these people guilty of the worst kind of conspiracy, violence without a NY-second about committing ever more violent crimes, betrayal and insincerity is now the major player in the United Nations driving the world into ever deeper sorts of slavery. Are you all serious in allowing these worst kinds of bandits to run our world society into the ground.

Even worse, I now understand Revelation’s statement in the bible about the people having the mark of the beast in their hand or inscribed in their foreheads. The three sixes of the beast could just as well have been 111 or 777. It describes the beast as consisting of three equal parts (legislative, executive and judiciary). It is clearly a conspiracy and an illegal collusion between the three departments of government -- not only for federal government but for every state, county and city government as well. Government, now, is one entity of power and control – a supposedly honorable government according to the (default) constitution which is now not our friend but our worst enemy. Therefore, the number of the beast (government) in the brain and hand of the people is the social security #, about which I have much to say further down herein. This beast now stands before the altar of every church because before any worship can commence the rights and power of this default government must first be acknowledged by accepting its tax-free status for gifts to it and from it.


felons can't sleep in poor houses, so they live & die in 15 degree climat on the street on the streets

The people of the world have been dispossessed

We have all entered slavery.  Like the Russian Czar, the American people have been dispossessed and turned into helpless subjects -- and all that through a few phony legal steps. Thanks a lot you military leaders! Your service has not been to the people but to the very few scumbags of the conspiracy! Hurray for liberty! Ha-ha  We-all deserve it. James Madison even warned us that it was not likely we were going to keep our republic and our liberty. What fools the people will always be.

Now the thing is: these scumbags believe they own us and the country, and we are either tenants or trespassers. They consider us trespassers if we do not do as they tell us or refuse to pay the rent/taxes. Thus we can be legally removed from our possessions and thus they can get rid of us legally by killing us. Carol has been keeping exceedingly careful track on the articles she found on ingredients research of the vaccination against covid19 and she is utterly convinced the vaccine kills and is able to sterilize young people. So, that is my stand on that, also! The devil always disguises itself as an angel of light. Incorporated government is that devil.

They can now do as they see fit, including sending viruses into the world, forcing us to be vaccinated, etc. and killing us in any other way. Maybe in the future to be vaccinated will safe you and those not vaccinated will die. I have no idea about that, only that I know it is evil to an exponential degree. We, people, were made to share the world by god; not to be enslaved through it. So trust in spirit, physical reality is a phony reality which will come to a stop. You can now see why evil can only be practiced in a phony / non-existing spirit that I call negative spirit because physical reality is a non-real reality. Physical reality is a spiritually devised program to teach us the full aspects of evil without it being able to invade the spirit of truth -- positive spirit. If you are a phony, your place will forever be in this phony reality through trillions of reincarnations without escape from it.

You can trust no one but Jesus, god of paradise lost. He will overcome! With all these things being foretold in Revelation (the last book in the Christian bible) are you still not believing that this is the end of time coming up as foretold in this bible? 

Does anyone still doubt that Jesus lived and still exists? He is our true god while Jehovah, the serpent, is god of this physical reality through the device of deceit. Our present government system was foretold 2000 years ago by John, a disciple of Jesus.


Presently all our governments from the city, county, state, federal and UN are incorporated leaving fiction in control of all the lands and, in fact, of the world in more ways than one, leaving us people only as tenants on the land that god once handed to the people only. We lost everything to fiction that god gave to us as real organic entities. See, fiction owns all the lands several times over, and we, people, are paying rent to the fictional corporations. The fictitious entities do not want us to know that we are paying rent; so they call it taxes, like property tax, use tax, whatever tax they call it, but we are paying rent to the fictional corporations calling themselves governments. This is now happening all over the world. The people have been dispossessed because we are subject so we are slaves as well! That is what is happening! We are now going to pay an international tax – that is what Biden and his treasurer are now proposing to the UN assembly. This may be the new order, but it is a god-forsaken order -- and I am glad I am not one of the free owners of it all. Instead, the true value for us is about knowing the evil and understanding the ways of it -- for many to suffer through it -- but without being an active part of it all. That is why we must learn about evil in a spiritual fiction that can and must be shut off, otherwise reality would be certainly invaded with it also. It does not mean that one or more people devising and executing this bizarre system cannot be redeemed. It seems to me that these guys know exactly how ingenious and bizarre their working plan really is. All that can be said is that it is god's work and for all of us to accept it and be in awe of it. We must take heart in this, because God foretold these things from occurring in the end times. We are now absolutely sure he exists and that proof gives us his blessings and a help to be redeemed, not just saved. All things work together for good and only god can arrange time and occurrences like that. We, now, do not have faith anymore but surety. This means we actually in his company. The book of Revelation was written to come true solely to let us know that he exists. None has an excuse left to deny god's existence.


And here is the story how we were spiritually dispossessed. Basically the same kind of story, based on an original lie.

How the transformation from physical awareness to the spiritual awareness takes place and visa versa.

Jesus said that he had overcome the world. What exactly does that mean? It is a multi-factual statement. Before his ministry, the world was in complete darkness (absence of truth). He said that you do not put a light under a basket in the darkness, but you let it shine freely. That light was the spirit in Jesus. He brought to light the difference of tradition and interpretation of the scriptures and accused those guilty harshly. He said that a bit of yeast will corrupt the whole batch (of Flour) and called the religious authorities hypocrites that loaded the people up with physical (traditional) burdens and who defiled spiritual doctrine.

Thus he set his believers free from the yoke of "supposed" authority. He also made clear who the god was they adored and supposedly obeyed versus the real spiritual god and father of the spirit in Jesus. Jesus called himself just son of man (in the flesh) but when he talked about the true god (in contra-distinction to Jehovah) he called himself a son of God (because he called that god "father"). He reemphasized the importance of Genesis chapters 2 and 3 by mentioning the contents of these in quotes, etc. For example, in the latter part of John 8 he specified who he and his father were in comparison to whom the religious authorities referred to their father; and finally he stated in John 17 verses 25 and 26 who the true god was. It is a god that nobody so far has ever seen or knew about but that he had, just then, revealed HIM (the true god and Father) to "you" -- his 12 disciples. In John 17, verse 3 Jesus, as man, also identified what eternal life is; “Eternal Life is to know you, the true god (versus the false god, Jehovah), and to know (the spirit in) Jesus, whom you sent (into the realms of fiction / universe). I have shown your glory (glory of true reality) on earth (the phony reality / fiction).

The way I see souls is like cells in Adam's and woman's body -- in the amount similar to the amount of biological cells in our human bodies. When Adam and Woman and we-all as cells in our spiritual bodies believed the lie and ate the fruit, we fell as soul-entities in Adam and Woman into many-many individual cell entities into a comatose state which the serpent used to start his program physical nature in us all, including all souls already trapped in innumerable many sections way deeper in trap-net that is the physical universe.

This is, thus, what comes up: Jehovah/serpent is the liar and murderer from the beginning and the god of the Israelites – Jehovah (because Adam and Woman listened to the liar (the serpent) and they saw him as the truth-sayer).  Later, the spirit in Jesus came into this physical, fictitious reality / world around the year 0 to teach, gather and salvage what he could of the dead / comatose souls in the realm of death (let the dead bury their dead . . ., which is also a saying of Jesus). I, in this website and in my books, have revealed the truth about spirit. So he has already allowed us to judge ourselves by giving us the truth and so all is again in Jehovah's hands. Believe it, Jehovah’s task is to reveal good through the evil we experience – so he is not bad in a spiritual sense. The believers in Jehovah (as the true and only god and believers of Jesus as his son who has saved many through his blood) will be saved in a section of the spiritual trap-net section of this Age (physical reality) for another run as souls in the first section of the trap-net in the next Age -- however, those believing in evolution or more precisely, who do not believe a god exists at all go to the next lower section deeper in the trap-net and those who understand why Jesus really came to physical reality will be redeemed to positive spirit (a higher realm of true spirit than paradise) as understanding and repentant souls. Jehovah remains fully in charge in this age of physical reality. Jesus said “love others like you love yourself”. Thus: We are all full of error, evil and sin; do not hate people just because you now believe to be good and/or saved. In the end everything is up to spirit and we do not know who spirit chooses to be redeemed, saved or condemned. This first section is the truth about the essence of GOOD AND EVIL When you know the truth as to what is taking place in physical reality and why and how it is related to evil, you have outgrown the need of the bible and the need of reincarnation. To be eligible for redemption into spirit, then, you must have been, in one of the last stages of this age cycle, the devil incarnate or fully understand what it is like to be devil incarnate -- only then can your soul know what GOOD really is. That is why we must learn it in a spiritual, virtual reality. The characteristic of good is extremely hard be or understand. About reincarnation: children, in most cases, are present expressions of the souls of their fore-parents.

I can prove that we are in a virtual reality because in this life we are never without being under the influence of thousands of lies parading as truth, many of which people really believe (for example, all Americans believe that they are subject to government and must be forced against their will to pay taxes and be forced to fight wars government(s) creates) -- and such lies believed always harm you. Therefore, there is no doubt that the serpent is Jehovah and a liar and that physical reality is a mere virtual reality. Everything in the physical universe is underwritten by the gods; and it is all spiritual fiction! So, yes – physical reality is non-existent in true reality.

One cannot only begin to understand good unless one acted to the extreme of evil upon others and also suffered intensely of the extreme evils as were done to us al by others on earth in our many reincarnations. So, the three sections of spirit are “zero” spirit – paradise, negative spirit, a spiritual fiction / physical reality and positive spirit / a realm without evil - thus making reincarnation a fact in physical reality and god / true reality a realm without blemish of lies and force. This article is repeated below in similar wording for your edification.

Those choosing for themselves physical reality are stuck with it for seemingly forever. Not only do they go through all the stages, species, races and so on but through all the material stages of physical reality as well. Not only that but physical reality is described in the bible as the lake of fire. the very first stage of this fire is the process of digestion. Can you imagine being a chicken, a pig and beef on the hooves for about a million of times and never make as such for any longer than 10 months and then go through the slaughter house that many times. The book of Daniel tells of this prophesy. The king Belteshazzar had a dream and only Daniel could tell the dream and explain it. The prophesy tells that this king will be tied to a tree stump (-- his previous empire when he was still king) and will eat grass for seven years (Daniel chapter 4); so, I tell you, you heathen Free Masons, get out of her and embrace the true god and his true son Jesus. All souls reincarnate (recycle so to speak) and when not imbued with spiritual truth, will go through the entire spectrum of organic life, and inorganic substance until the state of black hole mass is reached, where you will, almost forever, be thereafter feeling as soul the scorching heat and pressure without any volume of your own. As a matter of fact, if you believe you are a human being, then you have been in a soul state of believing to have been universal black hole mass for about a billion years or so. Black hole mass is the soul state of paradisiacal dust from which god created both Adam and Woman. Any one or anything existing in physical reality consists of one or more particle of dust in paradise. Humans are assigned a particle of the dust from the spiritual bodies of Adam or Woman -- and that is the way it is!

Animal minds are entirely differently arranged from the human mind. They can still remember things about thir human lives but their physical features have been stumped into hooves where their finger bones are stuck. they cannot communicate so that they are utterly isolated. they can see they are being led to the slaughter area but are unable to escape because their human captors are a million times more agile and cunning, so they must allow their murder in anguish that cannot be expressed.

And this, folks, always with the secure knowledge as animals that you made the worst mistake while being human. As animals, trees, etc.,  you will always have in your mind the stupidity of having believed as human that the universe developed without spiritual intervention. Being digested is acid fire! Hell could not be hell if the condemned did not remember in all their incarnations that they goofed as humans while they had the chance to accept spirit as inevitable for physical creation. I am really glad that you are you and I am I.


Why Did Paradise Contain the Tree of Life?

About the Tree of Life, the story, of course, is that if Adam and Woman did not listen to the serpent after being approached by it and ignored him, they are eligible to partake / enter the Tree of Life, but first they have to withstand the tempting by the serpent. The Tree of Life will not produce its fruit until Adam and Woman have resisted the temptation of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Woman said that they (Adam and Woman) could eat fruit from all trees but the one the serpent occupied in the center of paradise. So, why did the couple not eat from that tree of life?  Because it bore no fruit. This may mean, also, that the tree was pulled up from the soil when the couple fell to the serpent's temptation. Jesus even said so; if a tree  does not produce fruit, pull it from the soil, but the gardener may suggest that by giving it more attention it may still produce; however Jesus killed the fig tree because he cold find not bone fig on it. See, the only free will we have had, so far, was only in paradise because we were not yet subject to the serpent's temptation. Our free will choice hinged on the serpent's actual temptation and our response to it. Here on earth it seems we have free will but, in fact, we are bound to a virtual reality program that makes it seem we have free will, but we do not. Physical (virtual) reality is a spiritual teaching and culling program through which we seemingly judge our selves by the choices we prefer for our life because it is still a part of the decision we made in paradise.

God/Jesus said to the serpent in Genesis 3 verse: "... ... and dust shall you eat all the days of your life." and in verse 19 god said: ... ... for dust you are and to dust you shall return." Our comatose souls represent dust because we have lost awareness in paradise like before we were made we, also, had not awareness. So the serpent was given charge of us and thus he produced through our comatose souls physical awareness, an awareness he, alone is responsible for, because he is crawling in the dust we have become through believing a lie and for eating that deadly fruit, and thus he set up a fictional reality that represent the serpent acting on the dust we are -- he is the only one acting and we, souls, are dreaming the dream he is playing through us all. The dust in paradise is nothing but souls dreaming they are physical black hole mass. God / Jesus cleared their mind and recreated new Adam and Woman from it -- so their new beings consist of again awakened dreaming souls. There is an enormous amount f this dust in paradise.

There is absolutely nothing in the affairs of the world that Jehovah/serpent is not responsible for. He is teaching us GOOD & Evil!

another proof that we are enslaved

The above notice from this bank shows that we are slaves. We have been dispossessed by the 14th and 16th amendments – And after all the governments had incorporated themselves they have acquired standing in the courts of the land as if they were real persons like you and I.  But since we are now mere subjects we are not humans any more but objects that government can do with what it wants, This incorporation gives these governments their immense enslaving and punishing power. That is why the book of Revelation calls this consortium of governments the awful horror. Because incorporation gives them, together with the power to legislate, execute and judge, their ultimate power over us and they can dictate whatever they want on us, once free people. It is again like it was for the Israelites in Egypt . They were invited with open arms by the Pharaoh, but later his son disliked the Israelites and enslaved them thoroughly. We created a well designed government on Christian principles but elected officials placed in office on trust dreamed up a plan to enslave us which started to divide the nation between north and south and the civil war, eventually lost by the south, it was a pre-planned war and a pre-planned loss. to give government the first step in their insidious plan by defining US citizenship as a subjected entity of federal government in the 14th amendment. All the rest of the steps of the vicious plan are now in place and government can do with this nation and with us as the pretty well please because the majority of "citizens" in the US are cowards and voting women, dividing the nation along ideological platforms. We have been reduced to helpless cowardly slaves. Government, now has the power of a (soulless) despot king -- the worst situation possible on earth! Especially, the entire incorporated commercial entity world exists like, helpless and vulnerable, trained dogs at the whim of this awful horror.

Sue United States government -- better yet; kill elected officials until they give back our liberty

I am convinced that some of you well-informed patriots should start a class-action suit against government, stating that the law of incorporation must be repealed or rewritten to add that incorporated entities cannot ever own real property (they are incorporated just to do the stated business entered on their application for incorporation request; and that US government and the state governments must be prohibited from ever incorporating itself  / themselves to gain standing in court to legally infringe on the free people in any way or manner possible when no laws are broken. Incorporated entities must decide their differences in a court of arbitration -- they cannot rely on the constitution but can use the constitution as a guide line, but the proceedings can not be entered into the court system, and cannot be used to set precedence.

Taxes are a proof of our subjection; and now you will accept a world tax!? Governments are loved by the fictions --  governments.

Do not love your governments and do not support them -- hate the soulless bastards with all your heart!

Also the 16th amendment must be repealed, and the 14th amendment must be rewritten to state that American-born people and naturalized immigrants cannot be forced to pay direct taxes to any one state, and federal government and the United Nations or try to power over the always free people. Free people meaning that government cannot infringe in any legal activity of the organically born entities and naturalized immigrants in the land. If we do not do so we will have lost our liberty forever.


One reason the drug problem does not go away is that, maybe, the major drug cartels may pay the legislatures regularly under the table to keep laws against drug in place. The reason being is that as long as narcotic drugs remain illegal the drug prices remain highly inflated, causing much greater profits at less production margins the keep the drug-business highly profitable. Maybe, Biden wants the Banks to let the IRS investigate sums in excess of $600 to be reported to the IRS. This information may give cause for Biden to keep records on the under-the-table extra income of legislators to bind them to himself as the head of the FBI, late Mr.     Hoover also did keep track of officials that could have power to replace him.

 There is nothing the incorporated commercial world can do but obey the soulless god that created them and through them government dictates its will on us. Clearly making the commercial and religious incorporated environment as what is described in the book of Revelation in the bible Babylon. Revelation asks the business people to come out of her. Make your faith based on your personal experience rather than be part of a mass-delusion; and Revelation tells business people to renounce their incorporated status and place their faith and fate in god. God placed us at this time in this horrendous situation to test our faith to whether we will trust in him or remain loyal to dictates of the awful horror. Do not take this lightly!!

This is the time and for us to have the determination that while we have a secure faith in the reality of god and Jesus as I have proven herein that god exists to do business under the god's  "0"0 liability provision that comes with a true and steady faith in him. Step away from the awful horror's term of legal limited liability. What I say is true but your faith must be as strong and courageous as to match this faith with the trust we have in him and abandon doing business under the awful horror. This ho4rror god allowed for you to show your faith in him; and expect reward beyond compare when you are done here on earth. God, only, can give eternal reward -- Count on that!

Trust in god without limitation -- distrust worldly and religious authority!

When government has become a tyrant it is our duty to resist (and it definitely is),

do not ride piggy-back on the courage of active resistors. Do your own little part!

It is the time that the spiritual battle lines are drawn -- Positive spirit versus negative spirit

Negative spirit is fiction à Reality based on lies, deceit and deception!

We are, again, living in feudal times but on a much larger and intensified scale. Whoever owns these corporations called governments own us all! Not only that -- -- The Federal Reserve Bank is a trust, not a corporation and the beneficiaries of the trust are the ones that are free, no one else. The laws of incorporation are against the Ten Commandments of Jehovah; that is why the Ten Commandments have been removed from the court houses in America. Government does not accept a god over itself. Corporations stole our liberty, our lands, forced us to be slaves, gave themselves equal standing in court and separated the people from their god and Jesus-- that is the worst crime in god's eyes of which they are guilty. Corporations have no soul, yet, instead of god, direct all our actions. Believe me, if you go to church these days you are not honoring god, but some incredible set of rich criminals that have dispossessed you. A story in the bible tells of an ancient king who conquered another nation; he did not know what to do with the conquered people, so, as slaves he forced them to pay 20% tax to show them they were his property, So, if you pay more than 20% tax you are known to the governing authorities as slaves and you have a corporate, soulless owner. You are owned, like cattle, by a corporation. And just like cattle they have sent, under severe duress, your fathers and forefathers to prearranged wars where they were slaughtered by the millions, simply for their own secret private purposes of arriving at a ONE World Order institution -- now called United Nations, which head quarters these criminals erected, with your stolen money, in New York City and have, and maybe still, use your money to fund its operations. And all this with the best help the news media gave these conspirators who have thus been also your evil enemies. It is a system of perverted government officials who drag honest, courageous heroes into court and reduce them to felons who cannot find work after they are released from jail while the news media are just too happy to report the court proceedings and let the communities know which other man or woman has just been dragged through the mud by the governing authorities without even hinting at the criminality of all the governing authorities in this foul land. Oh well, it is all for a good spiritual cause!


“Trust” institutions operate outside law; trust rules govern the trust organization from within. They are created as private contracts and only when the trust management violates other civic rules or laws the courts cannot rule over these trusts.  The World Bank, also, is a trust and is managed to have beneficiaries. These beneficiary people are also beneficiaries of the trust of the Federal Reserve Board. So, what are we, slaves, going to do about it? Yes, government can tell us to poison the land by spraying oil on it or tell us to destroy the crops. These trusts believe they own the lands and us. So, how about repenting of all your sins and begging god to restore liberty. This, even, is something the Muslims are not aware of, because it has been given to those who respect Jehovah through Jesus, as the people should. Do these trusts own the lands and our currency system? They think so, but that is illegal / nonsensical hogwash. We are again at the origin of culture. Those who win the war owns everything -- all we people have to do is wipe these bastards out. They have unlimited funds and funds will buy the lackluster among us, but as a group of people in the world we out-man them by a 10000:1. All it takes is putting matters to the sword, and they will relent -- but then again -- evil, like Kudzu, will always have some more hidden buds and hidden entities at work to start the evil all over again. Evil is always practiced by slime-balls and they will find ways to succeed again and again because they are masters of deceit. In the end, we must rely on spirit, but spirit wants us to know and understand evil. This means that life on earth is wearing on our souls and for some to beyond bearable conditions.

If you have watched Star Gate (available on Netflix) you have seen the Gaould kings gather in a space ship to discuss the dividing of the galactic realms among them -- that is what these managers and the beneficiaries of the trusts are doing on earth. The One World Order through the United Nations are establishing boundaries of their respective realms and try to keep the peace for themselves -- the rest of us are considered cattle or something even less. All the world's enforcement agencies work for the beneficiaries of these trusts. I wonder, when the chiefs of staff of the armed forces are reading this, will they continue to be loyal to these reprobates or will they-all, including the armies of the world also, come to the aid of the people.

No wonder this age must come to an end. God’s measure is full. His patience, so to speak, has come to an end. And folks, this is also happening billions upon billions of times throughout the galaxies of the universe in worlds of other solar systems -- because this program of physical reality is the only possible program that produces perfect sons of god. The present system of incorporated government promotes nothing at all of what the purpose is of redemption. Jesus mentioned that he had another flock to attend to. This other flock is not from this world but from another solar system with humans just like us, probably from this same galaxy, the Milky Way. It cannot ever be from this world we live in. So, the Mormons / The Latter Day Saints are wrong, and the souls for Adam and Woman come from another area in zero reality and created by our same god / the spirit in Jesus. (also explained herein). If, in spirit, one would indicate on a map of the universe in red all the inhabited solar systems in the galaxies, the galaxies would appear almost entirely red.

We have now revealed, officially, this entity called the awful Horror that stand before the altar. It is the most evilest thing that revelations tells is happening now.  This tells us also, This the end of time because it is evil revealed in its nakedness, and it involves the collectively as part of it. So repent and seek redemption over being saved.  It is what Jesus really wants from you!                               Hans van Krieken;  9-6-2021


people according to fictions of law call us slaves, are we taken it any longer!


Well before the Lincoln administration US government has done nothing to really help the people, but if federal government has done so it was done to enlarge its power over the people exponentially. It, and all elected and appointed officials and employed department heads also included, is without doubt and without exception, guilty to deliberately enslave the American people and the people of the world.

This was foretold us some 2000 years ago.  God exists and only according to the Christian understanding of him corrected by my declaration of god "Jehovah" as the serpent in paradise who gained jurisdiction over us through telling us a lie about the function of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. (I have a book about it called Nested Betrayals, available from search in there for Hans van Krieken). If you-all do not take back your constitution and your dignity as Christians all is lost forever -- you have lost your standing as Christ believers before Jesus Christ because you have spurned him by continuing to vote criminals into official office. Even Jesus cannot hear or recognize you and your church because of the evil veil of fiction you have willingly placed between Him and yourself as a church and as individuals. You are now cursed not only by god but by your savior as well. Therefore, repent and remove yourselves from her, "the harlot" – US government! The spirit behind what I say here is god's word in Deuteronomy 29 (more about this below) because of the duration of the conspiracy it has clearly god's hand in it.

The nations of the entire world have now adopted this phony form of default American constitution and by the nations now also having formed themselves into one organ called the United Nations (also three independent department of one entity) the beast is worldwide and it has supplanted god as supreme ruler in the minds of mankind. Believe this, folks, it is all according to God’s plan for us or he would not have placed it in Revelations of the Bible. After all, it is one of Jesus' apostles who wrote down the book of Revelations. Thus there is no other god and no other gospel than the Bible and the righteous god; and his story is only in the Bible. Church-going Christians are now apostate to god rule and order. They cannot expect anything from this god at the moment – repentance and the retaking of government into the people’s / god’s hands must take place for restoration of the churches of Jesus, your Christ. By voting at all into this evil system you have made yourself a part of the evil and thus an enemy of your righteous god! By reading on in this website everything will be made more clear and more real to you  as to how seriously we have been misled by the crooks in all our governments and in the entire legal profession in our land and all countries. The great and awful horror is our present incorporated system of governments. It stand before the alter, including all of you registered voters into its schemes of spiritual horror!

Registering and voting in the ideological voting process invented by this gang of evil-doing government officials sets the people of this nation against each other as hounds or roosters in a dog or cockfighting arena in a frenzy of crazed anger, hatred and hostility. That is what this government system has been doing to you for the last hundred and fifty years; making you totally forget that our liberty is the real issue at hand. Jesus said that a divided nation cannot ever stand. It is this method that keeps enslaving you! God approved only a kingship as the proper form of government because it is clear who really is in charge in a kingdom. In this country a deeply buried fiction consisting of many hundreds of people is in control instead as to our god ought to be in control. How could we ever allow that in an originally Christian people who ought to know better? In this form of original constitutional government, government can only be a servant at best. We had an unseen revolution of government against the people and the people got sucked into it like a piglet on the teat of a cat.  Corporate fiction cannot ever have equal standing in court of law with real human beings -- that is the worst evil of it all -- and we allowed it. How come our clergy was that stupid -- and how come we are not calling for a Christian fight to the death with this evil gang? The 16th amendment that changed our form of government from the republic to a democracy is proof that "we, the people" supposedly lost our standing as free people. That amendment must be retracted along with the 14th and 16th amendment for us to retrieve a semblance of liberty back into this nation. I want you to understand that the civil war was a planned strategy by both the north and south governments to enslave the people. There was no plan to help people what government is supposed to do, but a plan ranging over a long period of time to gain control over the constitution and to deprive all the people of their liberty and rights. People were only considered as a means by government to destroy liberty and pursuit of happiness, not with a goal of securing liberty and pursuit of happiness. Modern-day US government is the 666, 777 or 111 of Revelation -- three equal branches that today forms this unholy government and, of course, your social security number is the mark of the beast -- and these stand in the way of true worship in Christ's church or as individual believers in Christ. We must retake the law back into our own hands and reinstitute liberty for all, which means existence without interference in our private lives from any government interference which our original constitution guarantees but was never defended by enough people to keep insuring our liberty. I am asking your help to get liberty reinstituted in America! Government got control of the nation; it took a lot of hocus-pocus and not even anything was done in accordance with the original constitution. We truly have an international organized criminal organization at work here (and this in accordance with the US Criminal Code book, Title 18 in the introduction of Organized Crime).


This is August 30, 2021 and I just learned that Senile Biden is advocating a world tax on all nation members of the UN. Total beast and those having cast a vote for one of the republocrat parties deserve this bastard. It would not have mattered if the republicans would have won. And, also, notice that this proposal again comes from our super-corrupt politicians! The OWO conspiracy in goal oriented; thus whoever had won would be forced to do the same -- no matter the amount of death, damage or cost. This bunch is ruthless to the extreme. It is up to us, people to retake control!

Biden also wants to place some 28% extra land in conservation forcing people to destroy crops, and he forces presently used land in agriculture to be sprayed with surplus oil (?). How can there be a surplus. just pump less oil and the surplus disappears very quick.

The real issue is that we have enslaved ourselves to government. The original constitution guarantees us that government is the slave -- not us, free people. Government can suggest but never enforce free people what to do. What, in hell, is wrong with us? Why are we obeying the devil in operation? Do some thing to restore the proper relationship between horrible government and us free people. We are the boss, government is just a slave! Read on and on herein and you will wake up! They cannot punish, imprison or fine you as long as you remain and act on your own private land -- anything else they force on you because of a seriously corrupted constitution and corrupted federal law, including being taxed, is slavery! You-all should not take it anymore! you'll have to do it on your own because the military refuses to do it job and help set this country and its constitution straight. You farmers can form a states-wide or national-wide association in which everybody who make more money than keeping the household running can deposit funds as an emergency fund to help farmers who are under government's pressure to do terrible things to family or lands escape the blunt force of slavery by helping out. These associations must have military-trained people as back-up against government enforcement teams. These associations must combine their resources across state-borders to keep government in check. When it really comes to such drastic measures the national military will help the people out. If not than the people of America must refrain from sending their boys and girls into the military or into any government business. We can put everything to a halt, as long as we hang together . Folks, these are terrible times and we must organize forces to resist government forces against us, and spedometrically. In the end, people are still in control. We overpower the government 100 to 1 in man-power. We can thoroughly destroy the infra-structure of almost all business categories. If you read a little further you find out this government as the head of the OWO conspiracy is responsible for about 360,000,000 death to gain their horrid United Nations. They deserve to die by the tens of thousands. To the military and to all governments' employees: I release you from your oath to the democracy. We, the people, are inhabitants of the republic as James Madison told us we have. You are free to leave any employment in government and try your hands on something worthwhile which, presently, is not being part of any governments division or employment. As a matter of fact, presently, you are part of the traitors' conspiracy and aligned against the liberty of the people of America. So choose, you traitors. I say that god is in control of the least little critter and even less, but he set things up this way because we deserve it. He sets the game but he insists that we participate. If you want liberty back you must fight for it -- if not, he allows slavery to continue at ever worse conditions as he did to the enslaved Israelites, his favorite people, in Egypt. Today, I play the man who set Israel free. I will play Moses for you, but you'll have to follow! I just hope you didn't all incorporate your farms because in that case you are lying dead in the water.


The laws of incorporation have been adopted by government to insure that federal and state governments have absolute power over the people. We must annihilate these laws and rewrite them so that corporations cannot hold land and cannot have standing in courts of law. That is an absolute must.

The awful horror, mentioned in Revelation of the bible, must be a soulless entity -- it must thus be a corporation or a cluster of corporations such as the United Nations.

Also, if government insists on destroying farmers' crops and their lands and is going to pay them to have it done, remember that government stole the money through illegal taxes from other people. The other people are thus without their funds and must pay higher prices to feed themselves and their families. Their might be one other reason for these insane policies; and that is that the United Nations decided to allow other third-world nations to supply the food into our country to stimuli their economies. You figure if that is right and just! Oil-sprayed lands take about 30 years to recover -- about the same as for lands hit with nuclear bombs. And all this because in the mid to late 19th century politicians did horrible things to us people and to our liberty while the country was recuperating of a deliberately planned and executed terrible civil war. Folks, we can't wait. take this government down -- although in that case we will have to fight the UN peace-keeping forces as well -- unless the people of the world wake up from their own slavery and that of ours. That is because in the UN people do not count, only fellow fictitious entities -- something god in heaven and Jesus' spirit hates. Spirit is your ally if you chose it to be. Also know that modern America is hit with god's Deuteronomy 29 -- the curses. You might not believe this but it has been used by god previously in history, destroying the previous, ancient, nation of the Israelites permanently. We are helpless against this angry god. While you are look ing up Deuteronomy 29 in the bible, check also Deuteronomy 28, the blessings. What do you rather have these curses we live under or the blessings which are equally possible as the curses -- but it will take getting rid of this system of government and select another KING by vote and vote in another king when he screws it up or retires.  Do not ever chose a king along ideological lines, because it will end up again in disaster. Chose him for honesty (taken from statements of people that know him well and are concerned about the well-being of the kingdom based on religious liberty). And, please, let us decide not to let our destiny be determined by the vote of some 170 nations. It is utterly idiotic! We live at peace, but carry a big stick, honestly, and not as this government has done by carrying the stick to force all nations into an undistinguishable mass. So, I say; national and racial segregation is a must; and thus we must live in peace. Racial integration is war -- a conquering of one over another and a war against god's will and god's creation! The idea of a melting pot is 100% against god's good will for us all. If we don't respect that, god's wrath of Deuteronomy 29 will continue indefinitely. God created us as separate races and that is how he intends it to continue at our terrible risk of human soul degradation into the species of the animal kingdoms. Good luck with that! If any of you so sincerely want to be a tiger, a horse or an eagle, god will be more than happy to grant you your desire -- but know, there is no coming back from there. God's judgment want our souls all to remain in physical reality forever in ignorance. Hope with all your strength to miss that fate. Don't play the fool with god. He has a great responsibility to fulfill.         Hans van Krieken;  9-6-2021

Spread this website internationally!


Don't shoot animals -- shoot the traitors in the land!

I say this not only to Americans. I say this to people worldwide. Stop Free Masonry and the tyranny of the rich and powerful. Hit them where it hurts!

High treason at home ans internationally

Free Masonry will start a new empire of only 1 billion eople on 2030.


You can see that the members wear different silk robes, which, I believe, denotes the ranks of the members in the lodge. This is the only jpg article that was rejected by; most likely because it reveals too much about Free Masonry. Remember, Free Masons are everywhere; and generally in the top executive levels and board members of for profit, non profit corporations and governments and elected officials of governments. Remember, that god put them there with all their might to be destroyed. What will eventually get them must be some other Troyon Horse situation. My wife saw a roach in the kitchen, I caught it and squashed it with a popping sound in a sponge. My wife said amazed. That was once a Free Mason! I answered; you got that right sucker!

Here is the clincher. In the mid nineteen eighties President Reagan and Chairman Putin (father or uncle of the present president of Russia, negotiated a nuclear arms non-proliferation agreement. Father or his bother Putin was chairman of the USSR, a communist nation while son president of, the democracy. See, no matter the regime, this Putin family are Free Masons. There is only one regime in this world -- and that is Free Masonry. They fooled us for centuries into believing these regimes were unrelated -- and here we see Putin's and Bushes congenially present at a  Free Masons Grand Lodge meeting. there is no denying the correlation between the republicans and democrats in announcing the One World Order and the Free Masons. Republican George Bush senior announced the establishment of the one World Order and now democrat Dictator Biden has followed suit by stating the same fact proudly. We have been dealing all along with only one party playing together republican and democratic parties all through American history.

The trouble in Ukraine today is planned and already executed years ago. The objections Putin has against the Ukraine were planned and installed years ago so that Putin today has, so-called, valid, world-recognizing arguments against the Ukraine and for him to start war against Ukraine -- but all is just Free Mason planned and executed goals to depopulate Europe. Don't fall for this propaganda. Free Masons are in control and they do as they see best for the implementation of their own plans for the world. It is now a verified fact that president Bush Sineor ordered the twin towers to be destroyed to prevent the publication of a very important announcement against him. God caused it to be this way!

Also, You can be sure that all those governors, county managers, and mayors who enforce the president's mandates are Free Masons. That makes the mayors, and governors in Canada who so sharply enforce the vaccination mandates Free Masons; and thus enemies of all people in Canada and of the world through their common conspiracy of evil against all mankind. They should be shot without further ado! They, all, were candidates for election under false pretenses to betray the people. There being voted into office was done fraudulently. Candidates for public office must reveal all facts about themselves or; they are criminals by common law and should be beheaded as was the tradition in England.

Presently, 3-29-2022 our phony president escaped to Europe because he knows that the nation now understands that he is a vicious traitor and while there intends to do more free Masonry plans to depopulate Europe. White people are not wanted by these vicious characters.

Say no! -- to any attempts to start another war anywhere. Stop being causes for war and refuse to fight for any reason whatever. It always looks as if we must fight, but these attempts are all set-ups to make us suffer intense losses, for we the people, everywhere on earth.

Somewhere in the Old Testament in the bible is a story of a prophet riding a donkey along the road. Suddenly the donkey stops abruptly and nothing the prophet did could get the donkey going again. At last the donkey turns its head and says. "Cannot you see the angel in front of us?" What this tells me is god is telling us that animals can think and understand -- and even remember like us humans. Their problem is that they have no way to communicate with us in an intelligent manner. At the soon to come end of this age, most souls end up in the lake of fire. Here in this site I am explaining to you that physical reality is a fictitious marionette show put on by god and where our souls are the computer chips displaying the show. We believe we act, think and do things. That is the impression we get but all things in physical reality is a show by god and making us believe we have an active part in it. This is wrong! (see figures 7 and 11 herein). Free Masons have it made her on earth for say 20 to 40 years, but they will be in the lake of fire seemingly eternally. You will be, there one thing at the time, all things existing in the universe. You will always remember what you did as humans and know you screwed up your physical existence in the most horrible manner. Is it truly worth it to be taken so viciously wrong by your up-line Free masons, who truly are as stupid as yourselves. The basic tenet of physical reality is that its foundation rests on a spiritual lies. Lies are fiction so physical reality rests on things that are not true! If you, even in physical reality, believe a lie on a subject you are in la-la land about that subject. keep that in mind when you disbelieve in spiritual reality. Your viewpoint on reality is thus based on a lie -- good luck about that! Because your physical beingness depends on you believing a spiritual lie you must strenuously reject spiritual truth that Jesus tried to impart on us. Show some faith in Jesus because he is our god in paradise clothed in flesh. this is so because he is our creator and wants those back he can still rescue from the doom he foretold -- ultimate death.

The definitions of EVIL and GOOD

We, now (4-3-2022), live in a world of total slavery where our children are taught what to think and not how to think (which is pure propaganda), and  where our masters cannot be recognized because they operate below the surface of regular society. We are made to believe that we live in a free country where we can vote our governments into office, but where, in reality, only those operating in the secrecy of the Free Masons are placed on the ballot, no matter what party you are voting for. And when we (the people) want to place someone on the ballot we must gather an impossibly many registered voters in a signup sheet; so that we, the people, can never place our own honest person on the ballot -- this means no matter what we do in physical reality, we are always in a chaos that we cannot deal with. So evil is to live in a reality based on lies-believed and good is to be in an honest true reality in which we were originally created and in the reality in which he (the creator) also exists and based on the honesty of the father who (helped) create us.

This means that physical reality is based on lies-believed which phony reality hides our true birth reality.

For some more in-depth information about evil in the land read the following four sites: by James Rink

The Farm Claims story told by farmer claimant Darryl Freck on April 9, 2010 Link to unedited full series of Darryl Freck interviews: Darryl Freck's last interview in this series: July 2, 2010

The democracy is the worst form of government possible. Your liberty is connected to the very great majority of people thoroughly brainwashed by the media and government. The masses of your fellow-citizens (who are mentally lazy, don't care and literally stupid and ignorant) are, individually, your worst enemies and you allow them to control your existence and liberty through the voting process. They accept and embrace their subjection. Facebook had a simple 4th grade arithmetic problem that was not solved by 95% of those trying to solve the problem. A democracy requires a free, responsible neighbor-loving and dedicated people to remain free. Read this website care fully and you will know all I have gathered over 40 years of research. No one can conquer total dedication -- be so dedicated to spiritual destiny!
Thank god.

Taxation, excess inflation and international scams will suck everybody's bank account & investments dry through force, stealth and deprecation! Governments that deliberately enslave us do not have goodwill or our welfare in mind. The American people suffered their greatest defeat from their own government systems. Do you trust it to be the main player in the United Nations?

This government hid its treason to the people as highly classified material. We must stop government secrecy for good! How can we, in good faith, elect people to official office when we do not know the slightest things about them with regards to the treasons they play on us. Can you see the lunacy of voting for such pre-trained and selected candidates. Democracy is a means to enslave people for sure; and with the people's own permission.
In the whole world we, Americans, have only one enemy: The One World Order Conspiracy that is led and funded by US government with taxes stolen from we, the people.

I could not trust the Supreme Court Justices from keeping my babies from slavery. They, and all judges and lawyers, are citizens and they could start a lawsuit against the 14th, 16th and other conspirators' amendments wording. They know the original constitution and, over a hundred and fifty years, did nothing!! I, for one, cannot trust governments or lawyers and not anything they do or say. It is all conspiracy to which we, people, are not informed. I have never seen a more untruthful bunch of gangsters than elected government officials and our set of lawyers. It is about time they come clean! Ok, they may be murdered like John Kennedy, but in comparison to the evil at hand, it is still their civic duty to all of us and their offspring.

Start spraying legal and elected officials building with traitors


How to start fighting back against the traitors in our society It is every American's duty to defend the original United States and state constitutions. We are free according to all constitutions. Every cop, every government's employee's duty and all hired or elected official's duty is the defend the original United States' constitution. They are all traitors. Please see them as such!           After all, the devil disguises himself as an angel of light!!!  All those elected, working for, or having voted along the ideological party lines for these government systems have been fooled by this devil government.

I say, Kudzu is like evil. I have worked intensely hard for 10 years to remove a kudzu infestation from our property along a very steep hillside slope. No matter how perfectly you attack and destroy it there is always another hidden bud  underground from which is spread with high intensity to obliterate the work I already have accomplished. It is a very good comparison to the evil at work in society every moment. We have to attack the vicious betrayal of our government system by our elected officials and the legal profession. I suggest we begin eradicating by spray-painting their buildings and front doors with the word traitor. Do it in organized weaponed groups as told herein -- have pre-made stencils ready and just fill the letters fast and be gone. We do that often enough they will do something about our liberty again. I only suggest. I do not take liability for what you people do out there -- you do them as patriots retaking our liberty from our enemies; act as if you saw this all in a movie/video oif unknown source. I am a too exposed a target for the illegal "legal" society out there. I am just red-hot mad what the scoundrels have done to this once beautiful system of government. But it is now in need of an overhaul at least according to the dictates I have set out in this website and in my books. people employed by the governments and the armed forces must abandon their employment and seek other ways of work. You are en-masse used to betray your fellow people of this nation. But, if you truly want to be free again, gather again under the banner of god. Leave your corrupted churches and minister to god and your self and your family -- nothing is needed but absolute faith in god and he will stand with you. Presently, god is helping our enemies and he is our enemy, because we are unworthy of his attention (Deuteronomy 29). If you want his blessings get out of all the positions and activities god has now given to your enemies. If you continue to read herein you see that god does exist and we need his protection and blessing. We are at fault because we have abandoned him in faith and, presently he is showing you who has the real power.
copy the above and pass it on and on -- locally & internationally!!

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This website is now 14 years old. Anyone can follow the line of history in my website and see that I tell the truth. Never in all those years and in the liberty movement, also called patriots, has the news media related the truth of what I am saying in this website. The news only refers to us as conspiracy theory freaks. The One World Order conspiracy exists and it is the most evil organization fed with funds ripped off from the people through the illegal IRS enforcement of slavery and it is moved forward in time and accomplishment of goals by creating hugely expensive, deadly and destructive wars that move the world population more and more to accept a One World Order institution called the United Nations. We are now in the grip of slavery on the world-wide scale. The news media are part of this conspiracy. Never again listen to the news media; they make you only more ignorant and more pliable to your tyrant masters. I once researched the goals the 2nd WW gave the One World Order conspiracy (OWO) and I listed as many as over a hundred goals accomplished. No kidding!
For sales you will be lead to secure websites.

Einstein had notying tyo do wit theA-bomb

If you keep this site open in your tray bar, always hit the refresh option after you open the web page again! I keep adding material.


Courage is to stand up and speak out; courage is also to sit down and listen and read things not familiar to you! Courage is also to withstand and overcome the brain-washing you have been fed with since your birth! -- you overcome this by making yourself open to the truth, especially the truth told herein. Churchill said it so! The things you most resist are barriers in your mind raised up by propaganda. You will never improve if you keep submitting to brainwashing. They are grooves placed in your brain routine that seem to make your life easy and comfortable. Neither you, your god and society must be comfortable with your tracked routines placed there by your enemies. If we are not above and beyond the subjection of our governments then the so-called governing bodies are not governments but suppressors of our liberty and freedom. Does that not ring a bell of insubordination to us, the people of America, who originally set the true constitutional form of government up for elected officials to guide our right to liberty, justice  and pursuit of happiness? If you do nothing you admit your defeat and serenely accept your bondage. To you I say let the shackles of bondage lie softly on you and your offspring! It is not just that a poor man must face a rich opponent in court and is sure to loose his case. It is the worst case of injustice in courts of law. It actually is the exact opposite of justice.


Constitutional amendments should never, ever cover more than one topic. Freeing the slaves from private individual masters and the enslaving of the entire population to federal government should never be allowed in one amendment as was done in the 14th amendment. This amendment, thus, is extremely illegal, because the free people cannot ever be enslaved to start with. The constitution now is a farce because slavery is AGAINST ALL HUMAN LAWS --- And they enforced slavery on us and deepened slavery again with the following 16th amendment!

John Adams stated that Liberty once lost can hardly ever be regained!

It is clear that the constitution has outlived it usefulness. Things originally not foreseen have cropped up. It needs the people's attention again. Changes according to the suggestions herein must be made, because it must be forever be clear that, no matter the manipulations of government to it, that the people are forever free and unburdened by government and the shackles must again be brought to bear of how governments can collect its operating funds. My suggestion in A NEW IRS-FREE GOVERNMENTS  FUNDING  SYSTEM (based on approved inflation) ought to be considered also. It should also be determined and established whether our nation's goals are national or international where our past governments have secretly and treasonously led us.

Also, I believe that all large international and national vessels and air-planes should have a drug-sniffer dog on board; and drug sniffing dogs at all truck destinations, nationally and internationally; that would give governments enormous control over illegal drug smuggling.

The Statue of Liberty was given to us by another country (France) of which the government was one of the One World Order conspirators. They gave the statue to us to hide the fact that the American people were about to lose their liberty and to make us believe we were as free as ever while a conspiracy of about 35 years was at hand to corrupt the constitution through the adoption of the 14th amendment, which took 35 years from its proposal state to its adoption. This time period is an utter abuse of proposal agreements tradition and a betrayal by government of we, the people!

The adoption guaranteed the super-rich that we would lose our liberty in a secured and basically unalterable manner. We were being betrayed as free people to become slaves -- all of us together by including that we are subject to the laws of federal government. Ever since then all the guarantees of how government was funded have been betrayed and we are now solidly enslaved to government that sent us in prearranged wars to let us die by the hundred thousand by forcing people to join the armed forces.

Believe me, all history since 1850 is a sham and we were falling for it like a herd of cattle -- cattle is what we are now, for the sake of the One World Order. The 14th amendment was a OWO political Trojan Horse. To pledge allegiance to the flag and the national anthems are hoaxes of the same order.

Hitler, supposedly, went after the Jews to eradicate them. It was a hoax also. But we, now, must all together go after the super rich as Hitler was purportedly going after the Jews. They must be forever eradicated through unalterable constitutional mandates, which I describe in my books "The truth About Reality, beyond God and Religion" and the digital books "The Truth About Reality" and "Nested Betrayals. Join my world-wide army to eradicate all forms of slavery from all human states and institutions!

I bet that one of the super rich said to a group of companions I bet you all a billion dollars that I can make everybody on earth walk around with a mandatory mask.  I saw in the a chain-grocery store a bunch of oranges that were considered in Spain where I saw them in Seville, as inedible because of the bad taste. This variety of oranges has been given the GMO treatment and now they taste delicious. Folks, here you have the proof that the covid-19 virus was a GMO project to make this wagering superrich guy win his bet. The virus was hyped up to be a serious human threat to health. And see for your selves, we are all wearing a disgusting mask which would be ridiculous only two years ago to believe we would be doing! 9/11 2001 And covid19 were planned to restrict our liberty by forcing laws for the creation of the homeland Security Agency that has been given powers alien to our original constitution and control of our human bodies because the viruses are now supposedly proved to be deadly fragile to viruses. we, as a people, must get rid of Homeland security and declare our form of government has always been seditious to the welfare, our means to happiness and pursuit of life. The one World Order is a sham and the airplane attacks on 9/11 were US government-planned actions against the American people and an esoteric message of victory in accomplishing the long-planned One World Order by replacing the twin towers with a single one. Also, in addition of this the plane that was to plunge into the white house was not accidentally aborted. The desperados on board that plane did not know that the secret service protecting the president were on board that plane preventing the plane from reaching its target. By pure accident the plane did not come under secret service control but in the struggle to take control the desperados sent the plane to crash any anywhere it was flying over. This is, of course, because because the president belonged to the One World Order conspiracy. It had to look like that he was a target but it was only to create the illusion that he was genuine. But in truth, the other two planes were merely camouflage to hide that the twin towers were the only target. Many of all the federal senators over the years also belonged to the OWO conspiracy for it to be successful in its endeavors. Not only are governing bodies in government involved in the long-ongoing conspiracy but I am convinced that no president and/or directors of all news media are not part of this vicious conspiracy. We are, literally, surrounded by traitors, living among us as if they are upright citizens. Folks, that is what evil is all about! We exist here to understand and experience evil to the fullest and it is as told in genesis 2 and 3 that we are here because we showed an interest in understanding evil, a concept not known to us in paradise, through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in which we now exist.


Something gorgeous: Ask Alexa to play music by Puccini, The ABBA Collection by Richard Clayderman and the play The Phantom of the Opera and as it is played add it to your playlists. You won't be sorry. After listening to it for a couple of tomes the music becomes heavenly!! Also don not forget Willy Nelson and the Tijuana Brass


This is how America is sinking deeper into slavery until our posterity cannot ever retrieve liberty

Hitler (one of the OWO conspirators) knew from the beginning that he was not allowed to win the war he started, but he knew he was part of a greater treason -- the One World Order The same can be said about Donald Trump. What Hitler here states is what we do not want in America -- and it is happening here every day and over the last 155 years. The American masses are mere government-defeated slaves! -- Democracy failed terribly. You could not believe that elected officials are your enemies? The Constitution is proof that government cannot be trusted! In another era, at the end of WW2, the USA hid behind a cloak of righteousness at the Nurnberg war-crimes court, where they themselves were the worst offenders. The German soldiers really thought they could trust Hitler in creating an order of justice and peace -- he was the German people's true traitor. The German people lost 11 million death (the entire population of the Netherlands at that time; and not by fighting soldiers but through saturation and fire-storm bombing of innocent people in the cities) and even more injured people; and afterwards the German's people country was allowed to be invaded by all kinds of foreign people in the world.


The more blatant the lie proclaimed by authority the more people take it as utterly true, but when the truth is stated by an unknown person hardly anybody will take it serious -- and this to everybody's worst expectations.

Just as Hitler, supposedly, was getting rid of the Jews, so  the OWO conspiracy will get rid of the Caucasian races. It will be done through immigration, the democratic process, propaganda, religious affiliations, armed forces, work-relations, inter-racial breeding, birth rates of the different races, rules, policies and law (vaccinations) and especially god's intensions for us all. After all, god's job is to teach us knowledge of evil foremost before we can grasp the true meaning of good.

No more caucasians after the year 2125


C.S. Lewis wrote to those running headlong over the edge of the cliff  those r7unning in the opposite direction are called lunatics. Of course, this is true on just about all philosophies but particularly in believing and trusting your worst enemy (government) and physical reality (which is even a worst enemy as government as it is a spiritual fiction planted in our soul-minds. Trust in those who never betrayed you, Jesus and, of course, "I".



The signal flag and sign to elaborate on the flag

While driving through down a man shouted through his side window that he would tear down the above shown signal flag if we did not do it ourselves right then. When the flag is flown right side up it proclaims that the person is brainwashed (cowardly?) and ignorant of the political facts. If it is flown upside down as a signal flag (unrelated to the right-side up flag), it is to let society know that the person flying it knows the truth and cannot be fooled any longer and, also, to demonstrate the purpose of the right to guaranteed, constitutional free expression. I will never fly the flag right side up. Governments hide too many atrocities behind it -- and it is not coming clean. Presently, the US flag is merely a flag for the corporate world /incorporated America which is a creation of  the phony US government. Before the 14th amendment's adoption the US flag was the flag of the free people, but the 14th amendment itself abolished liberty for the people and replaced it with utter slavery for the people and the utter dispossession of all the people's country to governments themselves. We have been betrayed to the highest degree by a secret society hiding among us.

For instance, take the covid19 pandemic: See picture below:

sterilazation through virus-vacination

These two episodes show, over 20 years ago, how they are going to sterilize large portions of the human population. They announced the destruction of the World Trade Center through a series of currency scripts and they are showing in Star gate - S1 what is happening now on earth.  They showed the divided world as two tours and replaced it with a single tower to show how the UN, supposedly, will unite the world as one! Just like computer viruses sprang out and established themselves so will biological viruses be come the way of life. We must be vaccinated by materials we do not know and we cannot escape vaccination because of our lives will be made impossibly difficult with the restraints they force on those not vaccinated. we are in the hands of unseen criminals that control our lives completely,( worse than the book 1984 could ever imagine. In that book, also, the criminals t6old us before hand what would happen to us. Wake up and help me distribute my site and my images. Thus, the WTC was built with the deliberate objective in mind to destroy. the Old World Trade Center stood for a divided world -- once it seemed that the Unites Nations was a permanent institution, they destroyed the WTC that killed about 3000 people and caused untold misery, heartbreak, suffering and permanent disability-- and replaced it with one building, meaning a united World. Folks, that is the conspiracy between the republican and the democratic parties conspiracy against the American people. I call this conspiracy the republocrats. Let's face it, the twin towers drawings, production information and the foundations were all directly available.  They could, just as easy, rebuild the towers and get on with it, but NO!; The foundations were dug up, new foundations, drawing and construction information was created to put a single building up. Certain proof that my analysis that the twin towers were deliberately destroyed to be replaced with a single structure to celebrate the objective of a permanent United Nations was achieved in the secrecy of the OWO conspiracy.


During political party conventions, please do not attend and do not watch it in TV. All they are doing is putting your worst enemies up for candidates that will worm ever more money from your pockets -- and do not vote for them.

Now that the United Nations is securely settled in, it does not mean that an honest government is in place in the world. The CIA, existing now over 70 years, knows exactly what it is doing, and continues to exist under whatever other name, and will continue to manipulate the governments and the representatives in the United Nations to do the exact bidding of the OWO power players of which the US government is the major one -- and whose members are most certainly members of the free masons.

God allowed this and all evil, but he will have his wrath! All this means that God does exist. So, evil is all up to you but at your own cost. We now also know that BLM is another OWO trick against society in general! The Homeland Security Department flows directly forth from this Us government dastardly act. It was the same scheme used as getting the American people to pay a forced income tax by stating a world war so we could  agree to a voluntary tax for 2 years which was never ended but continued according to the absolutely defunct 14th and 16th amendments. If this viscous kind of criminality shown by the OWO conspiracy continues in the future we as the United nations, as a human world society, should consider to get rid of the super rich for ever. Homeland Security will only cripple liberty more. We are at the hands of super criminals. follow my advice herein and start individual patrols to subvert government and get rid of the One World Order, world wide. People this is the time to set everything straight. Kill politicians until they are so scared to do any more secret evils to human society!

There never was real terrorism. The CIA caused terrorism in the world; and the twin towers coming down , also, was an act of the CIA/OWO. That gives us good reason to believe that covid19 was similarly a OWO event to make us more sheep-like as a world society. As I have written before humans are considered a self-renewing resource, like sheep. they do not give a damn what happens to us as long as their plans get accomplished. And as far as I can tell, humanity does authority's bidding (as all the wars since 1850 will attest to), but never what is required to get these bastard authorities out of the way! The democratic system of society and justice never worked for the People, only for the "richies". We now know we do not need Homeland Security, CIA, income taxes, be cause all these are used against the common people. It is up to us to have liberty are be used like sheep for the "richies"! No one should ever be allowed to own more that a few hundred million dollars. Beyond that the richies must labor for the well-being of people and the nation! And corporations should never be considered to be equal to human beings. The corporations are the real slaves in society and they should be so treated and considered.

All the US goverment and the OWO conspiracy ever did aince 1850 was to cause so much harm and misery so that we would all be inclined to allow a dictatorship to emerge called the United nations.

We always thought the governments of the USSR and the USA were enemies; not so -- they were friends to each other and the people were made enemies to each other. It is all a scam. They were never divided, they just make it look like that to us dummy people. Below I have explained it all at a much earlier time. They never fooled me! So, we have a OWO at the cost of about 200,000,000 human lives and exponentially greater number of damage, mayhem and misery over the last 160 years or so, hurray!


You, evil ones out there, you think you can plan and foretell things through disasters, I am the one foretold in revelation of the Bible; the guy with the white curly hair. The gold head band and the gold breast plate come into view in this manner -- the breast plate signifies my revealing of the physical truth about the beast and our relation to it; the gold band signifies my revealing of the spiritual truth, also told herein. John saw the spiritual forecast of the end time we live through the physical aspect of it all. So, make sure you read this website through and you'll know what I know and you'll need it. God can plan and make his plans come through, through all the age. You will get what "you-all" deserve. These are the end-times! Every day we live comes with a spiritual price or with a spiritual reward. Jesus said so. You evil ones do not know what awaits you. It is not you in control, but your wealth controls you like the symbiotes control the humans representing the goa'uld system gods in TV program Star Gate SG! Jesus in the New Testament said that those things hidden and planned in secret will be revealed by these things being shouted from the roof tops. I am doing that in this website; so Jesus foresaw me doing these things some 2000 years ago. Do not take my writings with a grain of salt. the evils now being done are worse than anything ever done before. About me as the person foretold in the bible, you can read more about this below and also see a bunch of photos of me -- just scroll down a bit in this site.

Folks; the One World Order conspiracy is the people-of-the-world's worst enemy. We must fight this conspiracy in every way we can, with every means to our disposal and force liberty for ever that the OWO conspiracy is trying to deny all of us. Every person in the world should not be under the subjection of the nations ' governing bodies ever! Read Churchill's speeches at the start of the 2nd world war from May 10th through May 30th of 1940 and take them to heart as the English people of that time did and made victory of the Nazi regime which regime, of course, was another idea o the One World Order Conspiracy. Liberty means: No income tax, no forced military draft, no national debt. and no forced population control. God, after all is the boss. Debt is a form of slavery, especially when it is forced upon the people to pay for it!
Government in any of its forms cannot cause life-span control over, or cause deliberate disease, on humanity and any organization attempting such measures shall be shut down and the contributors or conspirators doing so will be put to death as soon as possible.


sailing on San Francisco Bay

hans again Hans

The American Flag Upside Down

Today, 10 26 2020, I was driving  downtown with the above shown American flag upside down and a man in his late 20's or so pulled over next to us and demanded we take down the flag or he would do it for us. He said his family and friends fought and died for this country and insisted that this country was not in distress. We just drove off and he followed us beeping his horn all along. We parked to let some traffic go by and he parked two cars over. I told my wife to make a u-turn and a right and waited in a parking lot. He never found us. However, one cannot attack a person's car with the person in it because the car is part of the personal attire of the person in the car; the courts have decided that such acts are either criminal assault or aggravated criminal assault. If he would have made positive efforts to attack our car, my wife would have immediately gotten out to take his car license and photograph him attacking our car with me in it. Anyway, I won't fly the upside down flag anymore. It is not my purpose to get well-meaning, ignorant hotheaded people arrested for their hasty actions. It, also, seems to hurt too many people who lost loved ones in wars fought by Americans for, by the public, entirely mis-understood reasons; but only for many important political gains for government. This ignorant, indignant American denied us the foremost liberty -- the liberty of free speech. Liberty, folks is part of our national history and part of our culture. The masses, however have forgotten what liberty is really about. FORCED INCOME TAX IS SLAVERY! It is about diligently watching governments what they are doing to OUR CONSTITUTIONS. The only way I can see to get our liberty back peacefully is for those states that ratified the 14th an 16th amendments to rescind their support for these asinine amendments to obsolete all taxes in America, and to adopt my way of funding government: A NEW IRS-FREE GOVERNMENTS FUNDING SYSTEM. This will solve all our qualms about all kinds of taxation.


We must all do our job for liberty 

Let's clean up the utterly corrupted constitution:

Let's clean up the utterly corrupted Constitution

Just look around in almost every curio-shop and in the salons of most houses in America, and you will find dozens of reminders that we are a culture celebrating freedom / liberty. If you are against repealing the first line of the 14  amendment and the repeal of the entire 16th amendment you are really an enemy of all your neighbors and your own posterity. Also, in 1871 Washington DC became a corporation with powerful foreigners such as the Vatican London and some local folks the owners of the city and the enforcement powers given to the federal government to boot.

I am very sorry that millions of soldiers (whether forced into the military or not) died in the many wars this, most vicious, government forced us into unnecessarily. It is because of the combined treasonous esoteric plans of our conspiratorial government and our deliberately misinforming media. It does not mean that our country does not have the best land -- but it does make the people in America the most misinformed people in the world. The people in America have gotten too used to the yoke of slavery to understand what freedom really is. Just as Hitler stated that is how we were corralled into a pasture of a long-suffering subjection, just like cattle. The nation's and states' tax systems clearly prove that the nation of once free people is enslaved.

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Scheming is not an honest way of voting  (If you have read this before, read it again!)

Scheming is a crime in the democratic process. It is a crime of the highest magnitude. It is another reason that the democratic process is the vilest way to get honest agreement among the populace. Mr. Ross Perot deliberately split up the republican vote in order to allow a democrat candidate to win the presidency.
In the present situation, the democrats ran a black woman as vice president. This action, which is a clear sign of manipulating the vote, caused some 50 million black people and another 30 million feminine votes to give the democratic party the win. The vote was not based on political issues, but merely on race and gender. Donald Trump knew this from the start and withheld that knowledge from his supporters. He could have easily compensated by taking a female black as his running mate; such as miss USA from Mississippi. The parties would have a comparable chance and Trump would have won. He knew the scheme, and did not retaliate, so he was in on the scheme from the start. Folks we are being forced as a nation of people to do what all of us do not want. Why not listen to me. I am the Guru! You by all your selves know nothing! Taking a king, like Spain has done, turning to your Christian belief and practice it, understand what I know about the physical-spiritual relation written below is your true salvation as a people and as spiritual beings. Do away with democracy and let god judge the king /queen; or at the retirement of one king / queen the people can vote in another king or queen who will rule until retirement or when his/her actions become to intolerant she can be impeached. This is hell / the underworld and you-all do not seem to get the picture. Some of us will escape this hell but the very great majority of you'll will not.  Te vote-manipulation concocted by the democrats is a very serious crime commitment. What is the nation going to do about that. It is another example of high treason to betray the people. Believe me, these two popular party-managements are in truthfully only one party to which the public is no party at all.

With a more or less 80 million votes head start for the democrats the republican candidate, by far the best choice, was soundly defeated. I notice that the democrats are in to do this vicious manipulation of the vote repeatedly and the republicans do not object --- therefore the two parties are in cahoots. We found a similar scheme working in the presidential selection when Black American candidate Mr. Obama was being apposed by his same party candidate Mrs. Hillary Clinton in which the black vote was in the end cumulatively added to the female votes to the sure advantage and win of Mr. Obama as president. They are the vilest people that by honest rules and practice should lose, but, as always in physical reality, the criminals and schemers always take the price; and the dumb voters are non the wiser. I urged all of you to vote libertarian, because it would soundly secure our liberty, but NO!!; you idiots had to make it a basketball contest that was manipulated and rigged from the start to make the best team lose -- three times in a row! It is the democratic Party that makes a mockery of democracy! This election was not a vote at all -- it is a bludgeoning of the democracy and of the American people by your own appointed elected officials and the news media! As a matter of fact, one news reporter of the 1st or 2nd decade of the 20th century, I forgot the quote and who said it, but he said in a private conversation that news reporters were not allowed anymore to print news, just the approved propaganda.

I believe the democratic party could not make it on its own, so it has to resort to schemes and tactics; and this in cooperation with the republicans in order to be able to continue the (phony) tension between republicans and democrats.

Hundreds of millions of people take time out of their busy days to vote, only to find out that their honest political vote was undermined by some clever scheme. You, as honest citizens, cannot win politically because in politics everything is rigged -- there is but one party (the republocrats) and this party, split in two infighting parties makes them split the nation in two. A divided nation cannot stand; and that is the reason that we are now enslaved with almost no hope at all of regaining our liberty. A nation of cowards are slaves! You idiots continue to miss the real issue -- the liberty of our offspring. Listen to me; vote libertarian, stick together against the vilest regime that has ever existed on earth, the American democratic system, and together we can defeat this set of bastards. Maybe, just maybe trump was forced not to take black female running mate(?).

We are a nation of people, not a set of races and sexes that must secure a set of advantages over the rest of the people. We are looking here at another form of treason -- a betrayal of the supposed good of the process of democracy we seek to honor! As democracy is practiced here does not work in America. I have just proved it! And all Americans have made a mockery of the constitution. The people utterly ignored the meaning of the amendments thus the changes were never opposed by the people. I just feel so alone in a nation full of idiots! This, also, is a message to the entire world.

This nation of people-dividing parties should be abolished. We are free and undivided in our determination to keep the peace and unity that liberty guarantees. Qualified people must be chosen to run the states and the federal government. Standards of qualifications must be set; and our leaders will be chosen from those who apply for it and in two or three consecutive elections the right officials will be chosen. They will report of their activities regularly to the people and every five years a poll will be taken; if 60% of the polled people accept the official by his performance he/she will be kept in office for another five years when another poll will be taken. We must always refer our liberty and insure that the modified constitution as proposed herein will be kept and obeyed by the officials. But first we need a revolution and a dictator of good will to set the constitution and the government on an independent track without political parties. We have clearly seen that that route will lead to guerilla war to gain control between the parties. Keep in mind that god and liberty come before friendship. Those who deny god should deny sex as well because sex is one of the indicators that god exist and created this universe from nothing but the programmed dreams of comatose souls residing in paradise! For more information on this read this site through and buy my books offered within.

It pays to be member of a secret society 

Do not forget to copy my website as soon as possible!

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech means freedom of expression. It is a still-constitutional valid right that cannot be taken away by any law or decree from we, the people. In international shipping trade there is a large code book that assigns a signal flag or combination of flags for a huge number of standard messages that is available in all languages. It was a clear means to express one's thoughts to people speaking other languages. The upside down flag also has a clear meaning as a signal flag, in that the one flying the flag means to convey that the people in the nation are under severe duress of which the average man is not yet aware. When I use the flag upside down it fails to be the American flag (just as flying a signal flag upside down it fails to be a signal flag) and it has become a mere code flag which meaning is clear to most; and it is thus clearly not the American flag. The American flag is flown right side up. It is only then that it is the flag of the president (slaves have no flag). When flown upside down it is merely a means to free speech; and others seeing it know at once what it means and can get more clarification through other means of expression shown simultaneously. This right cannot be suppressed by law or edict. If there is such a law or decree in the nation it only proves that our guaranteed right to free expression has also, been abrogated -- and thus, the entire constitution would be made utterly null and void! Then government could do whatever it wants and thus we would be truly slaves and the American dream would be dead as hell. Freedom of speech is part of the common law on which our legal system is based. However our constitution IS, already null and void by means of the 14th and 16th amendments.

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It is now very clear that the three departments of all our governments are also abrogated, because the judiciary is solidly in cahoots with the executive and legislative departments, leaving we, the people stranded in no-man's land. At this time in America, government abrogated itself by stepping beyond the reach expressed in the original constitution, which is the only valid constitution in our country. It is only through the media-instigated ignorance of we, the people, that we exist in an utter chaos of falsehoods in law, procedure and execution. Governments of America and all traditional news media have proven to be callous, deceiving reprobates. Its vicious operation is  fact that our news-media have always betrayed us into fooling the public with the idea that we are free!

It is not necessarily what they are reporting, but the most important facts to the general public that they kept hidden from us is their treason. They know that the 14th amendment, the 16th and other treasonous amendments are bogus and that we do not have to be forced to be drafted into the armed forces and that we do not owe an income tax to any government. They know about the seditious One World Order conspiracy for many decades and never reported one iota of this hidden treason to the public. The news media should have objected and should have screamed out their objection to these abominations for decades on end and should not have stopped objecting until we had retrieved our liberty. It should still be screamed out in all the media so that people know where they stand in regard to their governments. They, together with our governments, are our worst enemies; next to these come the folks who actually, subscribe, watch and read these uttering of our enemies. All soldiers killed, maimed and otherwise injured since, and including the civil war, died in support of our secret enemies and never for the wholesome good of the American people. Your "voluntary" income tax over the years have caused hundreds of millions of death in the world wars that did not essentially affect the people of America in principle. The wars, as I told you so often, were because of an international conspiracy to create an utterly unnecessary One World Order. I tell you this so often because I am extremely indignant of how our government treats us and the people of the world. All threads to the USA, including also plane high-jacking and twin tower destruction were planned by US government to gain the approval of policing agencies that will continue to oppress us and our posterity ever more.  There is no Islamic terrorism; what we have is a seriously vicious US government and an even more hidden US government! The more people these guys can kill in the shortest time without anybody suspecting them the greater their mental orgasms are. Thomas Jefferson was right, We should have stayed apart from world politics and keep our defense forces at the ready, and James Madison was right in assuming we would lose our liberty at a very rapid rate. You just cannot keep liberty with the great, silent majority of people already having slave-set minds. In addition the news media are ke4ping their mouths shut. I have been driving around with my flag on display over the larger dual city area and no journalist or media person has even tried to contact me. So their word to all the evil is mum! they keep themselves busy keeping America dumb and brain-washed.

The OWO conspiracy invented communisms and capitalism ideas as ploys to give governments reasons to stir up the people to fight these ideologies with a venom so strong that both systems could argue to the people to invent and produce the most awful weapon systems to make everybody believe that the other party was utterly evil And must thus be destroyed. This created such much stress that the idea of a One Word Order is highly necessary. But always remember that the income tax was used to kill, destroy and maim physically and mentally as many as possible. Most all the worlds' governments were knowledgeable of this fact, but American people paid the brunt of all the cost of this unspeakable hypocrisy.


 Vote libertarian! They want us to regain our liberty!


What sets our nation, originally, apart from other nations is that our Constitution tried to guarantee us liberty ‒ utter independence from being under the jurisdiction of government. That is why Americans have ever been able to say that they have liberty in America, but government, through the unlawful proposing of the 1st sentence of the 14th amendment, assumes (wrongly) that it has jurisdiction over the free people. The state and federal governments treacherously misused, for a century and a half, their privilege to deal with our, the people's, constitution. If the constitution is not owned by we, the people, it is definitely not a constitution at all. At present this thing called constitution is owned by US government! We are living in an enemy-occupied territory. Constitution and liberty are synonymous in meaning!


Voting for Trump or Biden or for democrats or for republicans is like voting for Satan for expediency reasons rather than for god; or like voting for severe slavery rather than for freedom and liberty for us and our posterity. It is like loving your children and your offspring but voting for a present expedient reason that will hurt everybody you love; or loving your spouse and children very, very much but yet going to bed with someone else on the spur of the moment-- it is cowardice and betrayal as vicious as it comes. It is clear that with their being only one party the vote counts are so manipulated to suit the purposes of the Free mason upper crust.

Be true to your honest understanding and do not waver from it! Expediency is always your first and worst choice. It is the way your enemy plans and wants you to go. Know that a divided country cannot stand. If you show cowardice the super-crooks (republocrats) will always own it at the cost of the unborn! Expediency is the route to everlasting hell, horrors and destruction! These two have been told to divide the nation 50/50 with hatred between the two divides; they are very successful and are treasoners! Behind the scene these two parties stand solidly together as one, so whatever they have secretly in mind will happen because of the expedient factor at work between the opposing voters, rather than unite behind the libertarian banner! The American people have done a hideous job of insuring their liberty. If people are satisfied with the range of slavery they suffer now it will definitely get worse. and worse. Read the Declaration Of Independence. We suffer slavery now, this declaration is way beyond the slavery the people suffered under king George. What are you all waiting for? Your posterity will not be able to free themselves ever again if you do not help establish liberty now! If we hang together government cannot do anything else but give us our liberty back! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!  -- WHAT THE HELL DOES TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICANSACTUALLY MEAN BY THAT!  -- A NATION OF SLAVES?!

November 5, 2020: see what you all have done. You voted in the enemy of the people. Whatever you hear on TV is 99% lies. If you-all had voted for the libertarian party you would have 99% chance of getting our liberty and the constitution back and then you could have still been able to get either free enterprise or socialism -- but nothing of these are worth dirt of you not first have secured your liberty and retaken your constitution!!!

Folks, voting is a reasonable way to decide things in a small community. But voting in a nation of 200,000,000 adults is the most asinine idea to arrive at a sensible means of obtaining a government. Voting is encouraged only by the most ruthless members or parties in a society to enslave the people forever. Now; voting / fighting to get our liberty back -- now that is the only manner of getting back a lost liberty and keep it safe! So, presently and in the foreseeable future, help to secure our liberty and our constitution

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Voting – not just an emotional act but one of the country’s most important statements of truth of oneself.

Voting set up in the American democracy is a total ridiculous process, especially in the state and county voting procedures. I voted once in my life and I was utterly baffled by all the people on the ballot of which I had never heard before -- and even if I had heard of them, I really had no idea of their competence, ethics, courteously, etc. I just filled out at random. It was a horrible thing to do. I know that tens of millions of people must have the same problems as I had. I believe that judges, sheriffs and other prominent offices in the city, county and state are important, but to allow the general public to vote on them is utterly ridiculous. You will not get a competent set of officials in place by the general constituency to cast their ballot that way, ever!
It is better to select a set, say 20,000 persons per state, of people who are appointed for one or more of their competencies in those areas and critically vetted by government to suit them for their roles by means of a questionnaire if they are willing and suited for the voting information gathering and the voting -- such as willingness, time-availability, interest in the voting process, etc.

Each of the appointed experts meet with the candidates, visit their work areas and talk to the candidates co-workers, write their reports that are given to all. These appointed specialist voters read and discuss the issues and find areas that need further investigation and the results are again written up in reports and again summaries of each of the candidates are written and distributed to the rest of the special voters then a meeting with those who have questions arranged and the questions are raised and discussed; a new report written and distributed to the rest of the special voters. 

Their duty is to focus on the particular political issues at hand, diligently understand the qualifications, needs and issues of the people and issues on the ballot and swear the be ready to make non-emotional recommendations in the areas of their competency, giving in advance of voting their sincerity and understanding of the people and issues at hand in a certified statement, and then cast his votes for the particular items assigned to him/her on the ballot. On national issues it must be stressed on the ballot for the general public that the vote is not based on emotionality but on the person's understanding of the importance on which he is voting. Emotionality in the voting process is like undermining the purpose of the democracy!


Therefore whether a black person, a Chinese person or a Mexican person is on the ballot is unimportant. The democracy works in the principles of understanding of the issues -- and or whether one wants the platform of one candidate over the other. Randomness of emotions ought to be clearly shunned by the person voting; and if he/she throws that principal in the wind the person ought to know that he/she committed a crime against the fellow people around him/her.

We now have guaranteed slavery



What about " being subject to' do you not understand?




a divided nation cannot stand 


Unite under the banner of the original constitution and the Libertarian Party

Understand that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are one and the same and its combine is our most intractable vicious enemy; voting for either one is your betrayal of America itself and shows all you stand for at once!

How is it possible that we all started as free people in this nation while one hundred fifty years ago everybody was on the block of slavery in America, the Land of the (supposedly) Free?

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The answer lies in that time progresses seemingly without change in our experience, but government secretly did add a change in the founding documents at a point in history like, in a sneaky way, a statement was included into the constitution through an amendment that proclaims liberty for slaves but in the 1st sentence includes a false general statement to the opposite of the general public after a severe civil war that everybody wanted to be rid off. Liberty continues to be proclaimed by government and people. The people believe it because nothing in their daily lives happened to the contrary. Then, years later, and addressed to another generation, another amendment, introducing a forced income tax is added but the change does not take place for another 35 years or so and addressed to another generation who still believes to be free. Then a (politically planned) war occurs through Pearl Harbor being bombed by an ( supposedly unsuspected) enemy that throws us immediately into war and the people all agree that a voluntary tax ought to be paid to to strengthen the armed forces in manpower and equipment, that would last only two years. However, when the war is won the tax is simply continued to be forced from us through an amendment everybody already forgot existed but when this other generation finds out it believes all to be part of liberty. In this way later generations believe to still be free but do not recognize that the still high (idiotically called) voluntary taxes are a form of slavery and utterly unnecessary to maintain our freedom or any other government program.

Over time different generations are made to believe that slavery is a form of freedom; and when that change has occurred in the minds of children, the illusion is set in concrete. We have been very cleverly made to believe, over a long time span and educational tradition, in the falsehood that slavery must be attached to our status of freedom for freedom to continue in the future. It is an insidious conspiracy inside our government that is kept alive from one generation to another and, again, to another proving that a vicious conspiracy exists between the major political parties to act like two but essentially being one party (the republocrats) that is arraigned against the once free people. Voila! The two major political parties arguing over issues that will never come to pass and the people dividing themselves in warring groups as if real political changes are the result in allowing one party to be elected over the other, but in result we, the people, are being treated as slaves and sucked out through taxes that do not help the country but only help the goals of their (government) agenda to be reached -- a One World Order. It is a conspiracy of which we are being kept in the dark until the OWO goals have been fully reached and, supposedly, nothing can be done to rectify the falsehoods.

So, now-a days, the great majority of people believe this dichotomy of freedom and slavery to have been combined into a fiction  American people call liberty and those stating otherwise, like me, are considered incurable fools. The thing is that people have come to a  state where the obvious lie is considered the truth and nobody realizes that we all live in a fiction of belief which we all believe to be based on facts. Keep this statement in mind because I will show you, further herein, that physical reality is also based on a falsehood that is enforced on all souls to make us all believe that a non-existing reality, our very own physical reality, is real which, in truth, does not exist anywhere but in our collective minds; even as in the catholic religion, controlled by the papacy, is based on 95% fiction and not on the gospels revealed in the new testament bible. Mass-enforced belief creates fiction that is accepted as truth because of a fact that in mass-belief we actually enforce the error of belief through conditioning / brainwashing on each other on a super-mass scale. This fiction was induced on us spiritually in paradise by Adam and Woman believing that the true god is a liar and the liar to be the truth-sayer; and such spiritual mass deception creates our mass-accepted false reality of the universe. We all, as spiritual beings deceive each other that physical reality actually exists.

The Power of the Catholic Church in the United Nations

The Vatican is a nation with diplomatic representation in all countries. It has representatives in the UN and all basically Catholic nations have also, for the greater majority, Catholic representatives in the UN. We know that for Catholics whatever the Pope says is law. So the Pope has enormous clout in an otherwise more or less properly represented set of countries in the world. The Vatican is a religious institution, -- not a nation; that is how the UN is already perverted in a secularly and religiously diversified world. The United Nations is another set-up to destroy liberty and freedom of religion in the world. It must be overturned as a nation.

Democracy in national and international politics has resolved itself in the struggle of power-groups that deceive its voters to accomplish goals that have nothing to do with what the people really need: liberty from government and clerical interference in their personal lives. In fact, Catholic political parties in many countries already have crippled the democratic process in many countries; an example is in the Dutch democratic political system. America, in fact, is becoming more catholic by the day as the borders have been opened to the Latin Americans who by for are Catholics, and their birthrate is much higher than the other religions combined.

If you vote in republicans or democrats you are supporting your 150 year old arch enemies

The republocrats are, and have been, heartless bastards! An old man tells you so!


I just read some of the Pope's Global Education Compact,

This is exactly what I have been writing about above. It is the twisting of children's mind on a global scale because by governments acting in compact / conspiracy to influence them all with the same beliefs that a new fictitious reality springs up that is utterly against anyone ever finding the truth in spirit, as I have herein related to you. This outrage of the pope must be resisted and fought as viciously as I tell you herein to resist our own viciously corrosive and corrupted government. Through globalized education and control of mind, freedom of religion and of thought are eradicated and we are to be made slaves in our minds to the dictates of mind-control dictators -- which the centrality of Catholicism in power of the papacy is already doing to catholic minds. Human minds are ever more deluded and sent farther away from the truth that I am informing you of. In earth time is one of the corrupter of all things of mind and thus of perceived reality; even though, adherence of a billion  people to the edicts of a dictator of the mind, the pope, keeps them all in a false belief system and who uses time to further corrupt all their minds.

How the transformation from physical awareness to the spiritual awareness takes place

Jesus said that he had overcome the world. What exactly does that mean? It is a multi-factual statement. Before his ministry, the world was in complete darkness. He said that you do not put a light under a basket in the darkness, but you let it shine freely. That light was the spirit in Jesus. He brought to light --  the difference of tradition and interpretation of the scriptures and accused those guilty harshly. He said that a bit of yeast will corrupt the whole batch (of Flour) and called the religious authorities hypocrites that loaded the people up with physical burdens and defiled spiritual doctrine. Thus he set his believers free from the yoke of "supposed" authority. He also made clear who, really, the god was they adored and supposedly obeyed. Jesus called himself just son of man(in the flesh" but when he talked about the true god (in contra--distinction to Jehovah ) he called himself a son (because he called that god "father" In the King James Bible, the only trustworthy one the serpent says; "in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil). He reemphasized the importance of genesis chapters 2 and 3 by mentioning the contents of these in quotes, etc. In the latter part of John 8 he specified who he and his father was in comparison to whom the religious authorities referred to their father; and finally he stated in John 17 verses 25 and 26 who the true god was. Some god that nobody so far has ever see or knew about but that he had revealed him to "you" his 12 disciples. This thus is what comes up: Jehovah is the liar and murderer from the beginning and the god of the Israelites - Jehovah because Adam and Woman listened to the liar (the serpent) and they saw him as the truth-sayer.  later, in physical reality, Jesus came into the world to gather and salvage what he could of the dead / comatose souls in the realm of death (let the dead bury their dead . . .). I, in this website and in my books, have revealed all the truth about spirit. So he has already allowed us to judge ourselves by giving us the truth and so all is again in Jehovah's hands. The believers will be saved in the spiritual trap net (physical reality) for another run as souls in the first section of the trap-net in the next Age, those believing in evolution or more precisely, who do not believe a god exists go to the next lower section deeper in the trap net and those who understand what Jesus really came to physical reality for will be redeemed back to positive spirit (a higher realms of spirit) as understanding and repentant souls. Jehovah remains fully in charge of this age of physical reality. Jesus said love others like you love yourself. Thus: We are all full of error, evil and sin; do not hate people just because you now believe to be good and/or saved. In the end everything is up to spirit and we do not know who spirit chooses to be redeemed, saved or condemned.

Something about the Sabbath day

The Sabbath is the seventh day in the creation according to Jehovah. I can believe the order of work days and the Sabbath in the way god relates it to us in Genesis 1. I believe in that sense the first day is Sunday because it is the day that the sun was created. Although some "howevers" come into play here. All people created were utterly unaware that Jehovah existed when Abraham got into a special relationship with God. At Abraham's time of life no one knew exactly on what name-day in the life of Abraham the first day was that god tells us about in genesis 1. It could have been Thursday or so; and as we all know the days of the Christian week are based on the Jewish day counting. However the names of the week days of the Catholic church were often based on pagan ritually assigned days. And these pagan holidays, originally, were to get the pagans converted. Boniface, one of the early evangelists, went to the German tribes and converted a pagan day they celebrated at the end of December converted that day to a Christmas holiday, just so he could help the people in Germany understand insight to the works and life of Jesus of Nazareth. The same is true for other evangelists who used pagan holidays like Easter with the Easter bunny and Halloween with the witches. So, who knows? I see really nothing wrong with that. It kept people from all over Europe and minor Asia the solidly in the belief of the living Christ and part of the church; and. really these holidays are fun for young and old, breaking up the monotony of daily life. Do not forget that church and other religious organizations are businesses, and even more so because they are ax-exempt.

In our present time, how can we be sure that the randomness of the weekdays we are accustomed to and accorded to us by the Catholic church are the god-proclaimed days of the week? God never specified the days of the week; he just told us in a stern manner that we must work six days and then rest on the seventh, no matter which schedule we might adhere to -- RIGHT! So, if you want to be religious (which I am not!), whatever day you decide is your rest day / Sabbath is OK with God as long as you adhere to that schedule faithfully, which is a very dangerous thing to do because of the uncertainty of this Sabbath day. Also, Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man -- man was not made for the Sabbath (I would include beasts of burden that receive rest because men adhere to the Sabbath). I understand that God did not mean for us to be utterly helpless; the day was meant as a rest day so that the real toilers among us could take a well-deserved rest but were granted to do household chores rescue and things that are fun. So, you see that God / serpent is not all that stern and forbidding. He meant us to have a good life and to get us so brainwashed in this physical life with him as god so that we would entirely forget that spiritual life actually exist for us. It was his job to teach us the values of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil -- and let's face it, he is doing an extra-ordinary good job of it!

I am very happy that we all can be accorded at least one day off from the rat race. But my wife and I are way beyond such earthy matters; we know the truth and as Jesus said, the truth sets us free from all worldly understanding, consequences and responsibilities. We, helplessly, rest in the gods, whatever their names, duties and capacities. So, let them decide what is good for us. All we have to do is accept their rule over us - nothing more. The end result is life in spirit. The default way is to hell -- life on earth in all manner life -- from humans to animals and then into flora and minerals. believe that is the way down through hell. It takes eons to get stuck in black-hole plasma, and I do not know if there is rescue from that. The universe, for the umptiesth time, is spiritual, comatose existence, where we dream up the virtual universe -- and brainwash each other that the universe actually exist. Whatever we sense and experience is spiritual brainwashing!

Physical reality has nothing to attract us or to intimidate us. It is clear to me now that the temple / the tabernacle in the desert is a means for us, people, to get to know (in Jehovah's way) about good and evil. We were deliberately created to love evil and its advantages; and "god's Law" gives us the means to be good. But the goodness required is beyond sin-loving humans to adhere to. Christ Jesus is hinted on regularly in the Old Testament to point us toward redemption by means of his forgivingness to save us from perdition. The battle in our soul's mind to adhere to good, even with the redeeming quality of Jesus' blood sacrifice for us, is continually betrayed by our humans mind to follow riches and power rather than goodness and meekness in Christ Jesus.   But even when we have understood what the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil has taught us, we are still not acceptable for return to spirit because we have not atoned for our betrayal of our Paradisiacal god, who happens to be the spirit in Christ Jesus. Without showing regret of having believed a lie in spirit and having fallen for the sales pitch of the serpent we remain barred from return to spirit. So do not die without also atoning in your soul for the treachery your soul committed in paradise. Remember, though, physical reality is a virtual reality, a reality where evil can be practiced without the peace in true spirit.


The republocrats trespassed and trampled on the most important founding document on which this nation was founded. They did so with scheming knowledge and execution to enslave all the people. The more popular a present and past president seems the more of a traitor he is and this all started with president Lincoln. He was one of the worst presidents to defend our liberties. We are dealing here with the grossest theft and mayhem a conspiracy of elected officials can do to a whole nation of people. The verdict can only be death to those who originally committed the atrocious deed and those who followed in their steps as co-conspirators by framing and ratifying the 14th and 16th amendment and ultimately enforcing the scam on the people by a forced income tax; that includes all elected and/or appointed senators, presidents, political party managements, and the enforcers (all management employees and auditors of the individual income tax division of the IRS and their boss, the Federal Reserve System) since the proposal of the 14th amendment. Believe you me, the same is true for Trump and this Biden that is presently president.

How can we ever again trust the democratic government system?! For proof continue to read the contents of this website. Whoever sees evidence of my signs and my website and does nothing is guilty with them. For now, please do not vote for republicans and democrats who have betrayed us seriously for 150 years, and more likely, since we declared liberty for all through the original constitution. Do not associate yourself with people who still themselves to be republicans or democrats; they are your real enemies. They are the dull ones who cannot see what is really important to us and our posterity.

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The thing is that in school they start brainwashing you to take sides; this team versus that sports team -- this issue versus that. Then the polarization begins; and when you are over 18, you can vote and you are all ready to take sides politically. That is where republican versus democrats comes in. They are really one party, but put up such a show with each other that it seems they are ready to kill each other politically. Behind the scene it is only one party; and what is important to them is that you utterly forget that you have been criminally enslaved through two entirely bogus amendments to the constitution. The Libertarians are more honest in that they have no political sparring partner to polarize the attention on them from the media and so their issues are never addressed; but their issue is liberty itself. The news media are our real enemies because they want us to be slaves; because they are one with the One World Order conspiracy. Folks, listen to me; you are being duped, conditioned and made brain-dead politically. The republocrats are your arch-enemies -- shun them like the plague! They make trillions of dollars with the phony 16th amendment federal income tax which they use to further the illegal, One World Order conspiracy. Don't let them fool you anymore. Please folks convert people to shun the republocrats and vote the libertarian ticket completely.

For you Christians out there, we, the people, are the governing authorities. The original constitution was framed and written by a Christian people who, by god's good graces wanted you to be free and unburdened from suppressive governments. We are dealing here with a run-away set of elected officials (criminal traitors) who have deceived and betrayed the people. So, Romans 13 does not apply like it does in other countries. Your righteous god would hold it against you to allow them to stay in office and for the constitution to remain corrupted through the 14th amendment.

Doing your best is a process that goes on until your last breath. That is what I am doing in my books and in this website! Hopefully, with God's consent, I say the US government in the Nation of the District of Columbia and the inhabitants of the Vatican Nation (the two smallest, richest, most powerful, ruthless and dangerous and the most ungodly, chameleons of horror nations on earth) are the world's people's worst enemies. Come out of the your stupor, wake up and separate yourself from them from what they are now! The Papal power over you confines your religious and spiritual expression into the of very narrow confines of unchristian, strictly enforced doctrines leaving you without true personal communion in the spirit of Christ Jesus. The Vatican is a solidly secular power with a tax-free, profitable facade of pretended Christian religiousness.

Join the "Seventh Day Adventist Christian" or other personal, inspirational Christian protestant Church and, of course, vote libertarian!

After the Japanese Navy destroyed Pearl Harbor and on its way home the Admiral in chief of the Japanese Navy spoke to his officers that "Today we have awakened a sleeping giant" He knew that Japan could not win from the United States. Today the same is happening in America. I, Hans van Krieken, under God's direction, am also awakening a sleeping giant also, but this time I awaken the enslaved sleeping masses of people of America and call them to repentance to god and nation! I know that we and our goals will prevail!


This is how the first sentence of the 14th amendment reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof . . ." This highlighted section is an utterly criminally false, statement.

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It should read: “All people, who were part of and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens . . .”

Free people cannot be told what to do in public territory, but slaves can be made to do whatever the master says or dictates, even in one's home, or be punished.

Flags and vanes belong to the regimental commander, generals and kings and presidents and governors over a subject people. People serving under these flags or vanes are slaves that must do what the owners of the flags say or be charged with insubordination. Before the 14th amendment, the flag belonged to the people. Now we are only slaves of governments and presidents of incorporated institutions as employees.  Before the 14th amendment the elected officials were subject to us. The tables have been turned by the elected officials. They simply cannot do that. Masters do not allow backtalk, that is why citizens cannot win a case against government.

The American tri-color has ceased to stand for freedom a long time ago; it now stands for forced subjection and the one in command of it presently as of September 28, 2020 is your president Trump -- the slave driver!

Why This website?

To begin with a federalist is a person or state who agrees with the original intent of the constitution, a formula of how to incorporate a federation. We all agree with that but with a United Nations in operation I now support the idea of disintegrating the United States to become 50 individual sovereign nations with membership in the United Nations as is done in the European Trade Union. As a trade union of states it would give us as Americans much more power and influence in the UN.

Without George Washington we would not have union or a nation to be in. He forewent being a king because that would have made us his subjects, so he declined and allowed to be chosen as our 1st president with liberty for all.

Many Korean and Vietnam war veterans were forced to fight as slaves and got shot up or killed because of the phony 14th amendment. We had a federalist constitution but this 14th phony amendment took the constitution from we, the people, and transferred ownership of the constitution to federal government and at the same time made the United States a huge slave camp. It also means that every state senator, every federal senator and the president since 1901 are guilty of keeping a slave camp in business and are thus legitimate criminals and should be condemned. Remember that the duration of the ratification process of the 14th amendment was 35 years long. The process could have been kept alive for 200 years before the necessary states would allow it to be ratified. It is a huge vicious, highly illegal scheme that must now be corrected or it will be considered permanent by all state, federal and United nations governments. The ERA proposal for women's liberty had a time limit on it for approval; so why did the 14th amendment have no time limit at all. Women go out and sue the federal government and the state governments for injustice and for denying women equal rights for not adopting an amendment and for reasons that cannot be forgiven. Help me get the 14th amendment stricken so that a better one can be arrived at.

Anyway, during this process both the incumbent parties (the republican and the democrat parties )at their times kept the the 14th amendment proposal alive for a highly unacceptable time. The amendment should have long been scrapped as not acceptable. This is another proof that these two parties are but one and they were ripping us off all the time and spending hardly any money on projects at home. Most of the funds were used to create a One World Order and many wars that we, the slaves, had to fight against our will. They kept this One World Order endeavor secret from us for all this time and still deny it  because our opinion as slaves is not considered.

We, the people, accepted this situation for a hundred and fifty years without any comment other than from the Libertarians. The libertarian party tried to wake you up, but so far in vain. Just the fact that the governments acted in conspiracy and in absolute disadvantage to the interest of we, the people and against the people makes US government non-existent as it violated the intent and contract of the original constitutional contract. It simply does not exist anymore; and all state governments now are a reprobate governing enemies of we, the people. By the definition in Title 18 US criminal code US government, under control of the republocrats, is a bona-feda international, organized criminal syndicate. We, the people are lying, governmentally speaking, in utter chaos. Don't tell me the IRS/executive government is not in cahoots with the justice department and the republocratic congress.  

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We, the (supposedly) enslaved people, cannot allow a slave-owning government to be part of the United Nations, where our existence as free beings is not considered in any decisions of US government (and of the United Nations), as part of our       government. It is therefore necessary to set the record straight. We are the reason that federal government is possible. We must re-institute liberty for all in America. Vote Libertarian, always! We must restore order by throwing off another reprobate, suppressive government like the British crown was before.

Problem is that as long as Americans cannot stop hungering for news and political propaganda, this nation will sink into the morass of unmitigated slavery for all and forever and forgotten by all. So, wise up! Quit watching TV, listening to news reports and deprive yourself of being part of the public media. If you cannot do that you will forever bind this nation in slavery. We are imprisoned into slavery through the mass-mind, which includes you! You are the nation's problem. And if you are not; then help us debrainwash your family, friends and strangers. We should do it for the liberty and happiness of our posterity. See, how our forefathers were indifferent to the liberty they enjoyed and as a consequence their posterity we, as a modern people, suffered severe slavery and did not even realize that we were suppressed slaves. Our government, on the sly, caused the civil war, the 1st and 2nd world wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the long-lasting wars, terrorism and hostility with the Muslims in Asia and around the world, 9/11 and so much more harrowing hostile wars. All of this was without us being aware that our government is the center of the conspiracy to create and dominate a One World Order with nothing but slaves world-wide. America is the main One World Order designer and implementer. Is it not about time we present-day Americans wake up to this ongoing utter scandal? Vote Libertarian and damn the treasonous, horrible republocrats. We, the people are the crown in America and the governments are the subjects. Let's win back our crown.  That is why it is important that the veto of the royal entity or the president must remain in place and the president or royal entity cannot be a member of the reigning parliament or congress  --- this entity must remain elevated beyond the reach of any political party! It must reign unaligned and unmaligned with either party in order to see through the scheming going on in the legislative departments of government. By saying that the two major parties are in conspiracy against the people, I have revealed their guilt and also have given the libertarian party a contender they can be measured against in the news and in the polls because the republicans now must assert together that they are not aligned together and thus give the libertarian party the chance to shatter the conspirators' deceit and bring them into the open as traitors.

Let me give you an example. Around the 10th of September 2020 in Hendersonville a police officer was shot in the face and died. The funeral was a couple of days later, but Friday the 18 there was a memorial service for the officers from all over the place to give honor to this dead officer. The problem was that that it took about all day and hundreds of police officers on motor bikes and cruisers drove through town and the suburbs. and from about 4 pm to 6:30 pm the streets were blocked off for 2 hours and people living for about a mile around the funeral home had no way of coming home from work, shopping, etc. They were derailed or were prevented from leaving their homes. This was not just a regular memorial; this was a propaganda stunt by the police forces and it was an infraction of the public domain for a private advantage. Such propaganda campaigns should not interfere with people's right to home and happiness. The city, county and state governments are extremely lax in controlling excessive public noise and indecency. It is a shame, because air is in the public domain and thus is one of governments' major public duties. For instance the yearly or once every 2 years state smog test should also include a strict noise pollution test in order to allow a car to be eligible for license renewal. Noise and indecency pollution should be handled in the same criminal logic as breaking and entering. It is bandits' attempted success in breaking and entering noise and indecency into someone else's private home domain which makes it so.


Government can do whatever it wants if we are slaves

The below sign I placed on my car on November 7-2020, after the vote

voting any other party than Libertarian is a useless vote


This is a form of government forcing people from their homes or from getting to their homes. It should not happen; government employees are our servants not our masters. Such memorials must be held in utterly public places that do not bother life in general. Police officers accept the job of having a chance to be killed and they are well compensated for that. Funeral entourages on the roads can be a couple of miles long for certain government employees so it stalls everybody on the road for sometimes hours from doing their business. Entourages over a certain number of cars should to be illegal, even if it is for a US presidential entourage; after all he is just another servant. President Trump claims to be paying his own salary. This is illegal. He is not a king, he is a servant and as a servant he must accept his appointed salary, just like every body else or he goes to jail for breaking the law! Attending people can be told where and what time the funeral will be and can drive there on their own time so that business is not inconvenienced. Government cannot legislate to control people in their own capacities and in their own domain. It can only legislate in the capacities for which they have received license from the people which exclude the people themselves. Liberty, however, has its duties and the most important of these is to conduct oneself and those invited into their private domains so that others are in no way angered or disturbed by them. This is where every American believes it has license; but they do not, because by disturbing others through the air (like making excess noise) they trespass upon public property, because the air everywhere inside the US is the domain of the elected officials. This is not a private thing; breaking the law upon or through public domain must be controlled and punished by the elected or appointed officials because the air through which it travels (even in our homes) is the public domain.

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Why we have a representative form of government

The problem with majestic authorities like kings, etc is that they intermarry with each other and thus a dozen or so countries are all related at the top and everyone among them wants to be the richest and most powerful so that intrigue and wars are always at the back of such communities. It is really, for example, like 12 kings owning everything and the rest is just cattle that exist at the mercy of the kings. Since all the common folks in a royal society belong to the king, the king can do with anybody what he wants. He considers everyone as slaves / subjects and he can force taxes / rents from everyone, simply because they are slaves. They cannot talk back so they surrender to the king, which is called "fealty". Modern dictators have exchanged kingship with ideologies that isolate the people into groups that cannot see that they are being manipulated into unsolvable disagreements that causes strife and slavery as we can now clearly see the republocrat politicians have done to us. There is peace at the top and us minions are fighting and funding their international goals  --  not our domestic furtherance.

So, the United States (really George Washington who turned out to be a Free Mason) chose democratically appointed presidents and governors as rulers of society with houses of elected legislators in the lower and higher houses. This system of government is based on entirely free people; because first of all, slaves cannot be said to have the vote and because anyone of us can be a representative to any elected office. Our voting power is the reason that we are free, entirely. No president or a conspiracy of legislators can reduce the citizenry to slaves because they have been elected by these people government calls slaves. It is simply not possible.

We are inherently free because we are all equal; and I and you have the same status of liberty that the president has. No one rules over another in government. They say we are ruled by law. That is all good and well as long as the ruling class does not create a ground law that makes us all slaves. That is what happened in the US of A in 1865. It is utterly base that, of all people, Abraham Lincoln, who is supposedly the person responsible for freeing the slaves, consented to a conspiracy of legislators to enslave the entire nation of people through the 14th amendment, which set conditions to free the African slaves to which almost everyone agreed and to sneakily insert an utterly false phrase in the first sentence
that all people were already subject to US government, a phrase which every American should have challenged and by force set straight again. However these reprobates elected officials kept the contents of the amendment hidden from the people causing this amendment after 35 years, mind you, to pass. The people responsible for writing the proposal were worse than traitors and liars. They are filth beneath the level of cultured society.

If we can get the entire world of nations to drop the noble classes from ruling and all nations to choose representatives from among the people to rule the realms, then there should absolutely be no reasons for subjection and war anymore. Presidents come and go much faster than kings and queens and no dynasties are struggling to stay in power. In the democratic form of government presidents and legislators were chosen from among the free people, but as soon as they start their official capacities they turn instantly to be
subject to the constitution; and thus subject to the free people. In a republican form of government the people are always above government; and constitutional changes to the contrary by government are only seditious actions that really cannot enslave the people as it has done. If you, people, do not correct this then you deserve your slavery a 100%, It goes way beyond the importance of voting democrat or republican. Your vote, other than libertarian, would entirely be treason to your fellow people; AND NOT ONLY THAT, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE IN ENSALVING OUR UNBORN POSTERITY AND THAT IS THE WORST CRIME OF ALL. SO SLAVES --- WAKE UP! These two popular parties are 100% guilty of enslaving us and keeping us enslaved. These two reprobate parties in government reversed the roles!! So both government and the constitution are now farces of agreement and execution!

The right definition of posterity is that when you die all the remaining Americans you leave behind and their offspring is your entire posterity. They are all the people you betray when you vote anything else than libertarian!
Forget the phony republocratic public debates -- vote libertarian and you have done the job liberty demands of you.

By writing and adopting a proposal that contains a phrase that would enslave the free people, we can be sure that a secret, new ruling class, is trying to take over for ever. This ruling class, which I have now identified to be the republocrats, a coalition of republicans and democrats who, over the entire span from proposal stage of the amendment to this present day, have been, uninterrupted, in power over the nation using the 14th, together with the shortly later also ratified, 16th amendment to reduce the American people to a nation of slaves. These two parties are the slime of the world and they should be hunted and killed from the top down. They utterly abused the trust of power the people have given them, with Lincoln abusing his power by allowing this atrocity to be  brought up for vote.

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A group, of by-the people-chosen temporary, elected rulers have no reason, whatsoever, to cause wars among the nations. The American people do not need a United Nations, who we all have observed has not stopped wars in the world but has increased to number of wars exponentially in the period it has been in power. It seems to me that there was a lot more peace and quiet in the colonial form of governments. This horror can only be ascribed to the sole, corrupt democratic system of political parties, the republocrats, and the by them appointed CIA, -- the true trouble-makers in the world.

Please, help spread the information. The main tenet of the constitution is to prevent government to enslave any private person in any way; -- remember that!! (Anybody experienced to put my writings into video speeches can do so and spread the discovered fraud).

slaves own nothing, have nothing and only have privileges


vote libertarian ticket only 


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income tax is forced slavery 


We have that power



Read the vicious lies in the preamble of the republican platform. I will add my notes where necessary:

"We believe America is exceptional because of our historic role -- first as refuge, then as defender, and now as exemplar of liberty for the whole world to see". Here is my comment:

The republicans are liars. First off; the 14th amendment says we are all slaves of federal government and the republican party was happy to keep it this way. The 14th amendment stole the constitution from the people and made it a document for government only. The 14th amendment was proposed and adopted by 2/3 of the states during, believe this, 35 years (an unacceptable long period of proposal time) before it was ratified. Then, about a decade later the 16th amendment was ratified, which took about 3.6 years of ratification process and just right after the vicious 14th was ratified. These two amendments are still there. The republican party never did a thing to liberate our nation from the slavery that these two amendments imposed on the people; but increased this slavery by deceiving us through deep conspiracy to be subject to a new form of government: The United Nations from which it never even tried to extricate the nation. The whole platform of the republicans is another deceit put before the people; AND NOBODY EVEN NOTICED!

I continue again with the preamble to the republican platform again:

"We, the republicans, believe in the constitution as our founding document". My comment.

Again the republicans are liars; they never tried to make the document one that secures our liberty again; but they gladly set the violated Constitution (which is not a constitution anymore than my toilet paper is) force illegal income taxes from the people, which tax (and the accompanying amendments) caused our rights and liberty to be severely violated by their bureaucracy. Once you have read this preamble with me, how could you ever again vote republican for any elected post. The rest of the republican platform, of course, is bull shit!


They call the constitution and inflexible document. How much more flexible can you make the constitution than proclaiming that a free people suddenly become slaves!!!?

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Let's see what the 2020 Democratic platform tells us.

It says : reforming the TAX Code . . .

My comment:

The terrible, terrible IRS income tax. They will not abolish the 16th amendment, but will make some bull-shit changes to Title 25, the income tax code which does not define who is required to pay the tax. They want you to believe that you must pay the tax and still have your liberty. No!! Income tax is slavery. I KNOW! Do not let them fool you; they own you as slaves. Demand your liberty and the annulment/abrogation of both the 14th and 16th amendments.

See my inflation-based government funding system: A NEW IRS-FREE GOVERNMENT  FUNDING  SYSTEM

I have read the Libertarian platform and it outshines republocrats in all ways.  Do not vote for the democratic ticket

What, really, has government done for us?

The problem with the present democracy and government is that it is supposed to promote peace, welfare and happiness. In our case it has never been "true Democracy". These conspirators and the federal reserve system  only caused world wars and many other foreign upheavals, hatred between the parties and the people and, presently, the chances of another civil war are very likely. The same misery is true for the Federal Reserve System; it is supposed to provide us with a regulated economy, but we get depressions and inflation made to schedule, and almost everybody suffers severe losses of their savings and in many cases their homes. The federal reserve system has complete power and means to prevent depressions and/or to cause the deepest depressions with almost dial-at ease operations. It has never done what it was clamored to do, but exactly the opposite on purpose and in accord with the wishes of this One World Order conspiary.

I cannot see that our elected official are really nothing but the biggest criminals we can find in the land. We are literally driven to start another civil war, by this utterly vicious regime -- and governments did it on bloody purpose; just so that they can have their One World Order, which will never do us people any good. They squirreled away our liberty, loaded us up with world wars and loaded us down with income tax using a world war and the 16th amendment, while I have a means to fu8nd government without anybody or firm ever having to pay a cent on forced taxes -- and created a huge national debt illegally. They have polarized the people to such an extend that they are willing to cut each others' throat. Our governments have always been against us -- people.

The problem is the people were never before subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; the United States is subject to the people and always was. They act, though, as if they are right! It is a most ambiguous statement but they want you to get the silent suggestion that you are subject to the federal government. They need us to believe that we are subject to federal government so they could introduce the 16th amendment / forcible taxation! It is the most brutal of frauds. The United States flag means less than nothing now! We are all slaves. It took over 35 years (from 1866 to 1901) to ratify the amendment with all the strenuous work of both the republican and the democratic parties to get the right amount of state legislatures to ratify the amendment. It took so long because the state legislators knew darn well that the object of the entire 14th amendment was to enslave the people. An open-ended proposal is like a guarantee to get what you want; it guaranteed over time and different time periods that another state might adopt the proposal. This could never happen were the previously adopted proposals nullified and a new vote for all states was to be taken. It is thus illegal in the common law to acquire the necessary votes in this manner. The life of a proposal is highly temporary, at the most one year, and that is it. Then the proposal dies and cannot ever be brought up again. We are here dealing with fraud, criminal injustice and right-out viciousness! The 16th amendment followed 12 years later. There is no doubt that enforced individual income tax is a form of severe slavery. We must stop this as soon as possible. Everything about our democracy is a hoax. There is another hidden tax we pay through inflation. Inflation is duly printed treasury script issued by government into the economy without any financial backing. There is nothing we can do about that. This could easily replace the forced income tax. This way nobody has to fill out idiot government tax forms and nobody goes to jail.

We, through the Special Grand Jury (see further down the page for understanding), must get rid of the republocrats forever and review all laws and amendments these treasoners have put into law since 1865.

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There is no doubt that the established enforced individual income tax is a form of severe slavery. We must stop this as soon as possible. Everything about our democracy is a hoax. Let us return to the republic. US government has had its means of operational funding specified in the original constitution.  So, any other form of government funding is unconstitutional and a rape of the free American people. Thus US government Bond issue programs are utterly illegal; and so is the federal income tax. The American people are inherently a totally free people and any government intervention, federal, or state, is a serious crime against we, the people. Before doing anything else politically, we must, as soon as possible, reestablish our liberty -- this means forget the republocrats who are 100% guilty of all our constitutional and fiscal problems and vote libertarian which party has, as yet, not betrayed we, the people. We must first address our federal government's crimes and then follow up with the state governments' crimes against we, the people. But below is a system to get started with abandoning the forced federal income tax to get rid of the offending 14th and 16th amendments.


Below is the letter I sent to the Libertarian party about my suggestion for governments funding through approved inflation:
I just discovered a tax system that relieves everybody, including the commercial businesses from having to deal with taxes. It is the most simple governments' funding system in the world and it has been known since times immemorial. It is called inflation.
You may copy and distribute this article below!

Inflation is another hidden tax we pay. Inflation is duly printed treasury script issued by government into the economy without any financial backing. It causes prices to go up. There is nothing we can do about that. Inflation could easily replace the income tax system forced on us through the (fraudulent) fictitious 14th and 16th amendments and state tax regulations. All Taxing regulations would simply disappear. The population-enslaving 16th amendment is then utterly unnecessary and so is the false phrase in the 14th amendment. This way nobody has to fill out the ridiculous government tax forms that cost the individual population and the commercial world now billions of hours; tens of billions of dollars.

Nobody would go to jail unconstitutionally for tax fraud; no more IRS threats, high-rate penalties, limitations of citizen rights of IRS declared felons etc.  The taxing agencies would be a thing of the past. When a calamity hits a certain area, government can apply for a certain amount of credit to help out in the area affected. The business environment will be greatly induced since no one has to worry about taxes. Occupational accident insurance and social security could also be included into this system, but with one slight modification, in that those who feel that they can amply support for themselves could excuse themselves from this retirement system.

Also, of course, credits must be assigned to imports into federal and state jurisdictions by adding these credits to the price of the wholesale prices of the products and the credits to be added to the government jurisdiction in question. It can be handled by computer for products coming from without the jurisdictions; and products exported from state or federal jurisdictions will have their credit values removed to be competitive abroad the jurisdictions or have all credits assigned by federal government to simplify the whole scheme. However, on second thought I believe we do not have to bother with treating imports and export in a special way; they can be treated as already being a part of the financial credits allowed the different state and federal governments. In order to determine which segment of the population cannot make enough to support themselves and or the family, the new job of the IRS will be collecting and recording  and reporting the income of the family or the individual worker and ththe income to help determine the final budget of all governing authorities in the land.

As far as the several differential taxes such as fuel taxes, which are 90% tax and 10% sales for the fuel, people never consider the fact that the taxes are much more than the fuel itself.

Also, and this is very important: Banks must pay interest of 4% above the going inflation rate or they must be refused to continue to do business. We ourselves can enforce that rule! Do not put your money in the bank if it is a loosing proposition. Keep as little in you checking account and invest your savings in another way. Presently, in the summer and fall of 2021 we are in a spiraling surge of inflation. It is an artificial robbery by government and a large section of the corporate entities.

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repulse any desire you have to vote for any party but the Libertarian party 

Fly this flag any way you can


Our Script Money Hides an evil

No doubt at all; the republocrats are heavily involved in the World Trade Center attack. Do not vote republican or democratic candidates.  There is a 60 year old scheme that has an esoteric design in the several denomination newly printed treasury notes (money) that when one right hand and one left hand folded set of each denomination and p-laced next to each other shows the twin towers World Trade Center standing, and with each later set of printed nominations you can see the twin towers burning, then collapsing and finally disappearing.  One set of script shows one tower, the second set shows the other tower. These script denominations were printed well before the year 2000. The folding of these notes gives an esoteric message to those initiated to the OWO conspiracy, but the bills in itself gives an exoteric meaning to the masses -- namely: mere money. VOTE the LIBERTARIAN ticket!

In the place of this paragraph  the republican party did a dastardly thing. Somehow an add for the republican party was sliced into my website It is a webpage promoting the republican president. Here you can see how filthy the political stratagem is you are asked to vote for. If it appears again, please overlook the play buttons and go on below it. I am disgusted with the republocrats. They are swine in mind, flesh and spirit.

Here is another idea we must push politically: If one of the ratifying states of the 14th amendment repeals its approval of the amendment, then the 14th amendment does not qualify anymore as an amendment and thus it is annulled making the 16th amendment a non-entity. States could repeal both the 14th,16th and 17th amendments and the amendments are simply non-entities; and we, the people, are free again and the constitution belongs again to we, the people. That is the way it originally was and again ought to be. We can then convene another constitution-revampment by which we must make sure that all the items I have brought up in this site and others that might be adopted. That is also the moment we should adopt a constitutionally arranged means to have the below mentioned Special Grand Juries installed for federal and state governments. We must make sure that government cannot ever again be a part in the amendment processes. This should now be an item on the present 2020 ballot statements. If these states refuse to to rescind their acceptance it is proof that the two major political parties are in cahoots to keep us enslaved as a whole nation of people -- and we all can assuredly vote libertarian. Remember, we have been betrayed by those we put into office and who promised us their fealty. They are traitors; they betrayed us for over 150 fifty years and they deserve death.

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The 14th amendment proposal is a defeated hoax

This is what a proposal is about. You send it out to those who must decide on it. You give them at most a year to decide; and if the proposal is legitimate, you take a vote. After a year has gone by the proposal is either accepted or denied. A proposal with an open decision period is a clear sign of forced deception. It thus proves that the 14th should never have been adopted by any state and that it took much too long to ratify it; the maximum period should have been 1 year. We are clearly dealing with an ongoing conspiracy to delude, enslave and exploit the American people to fund the conspiracy's One World Order (OWO) efforts; and that with keeping the people in the dark about it all. More info on the OWO further down. It is not our duty to create a One World Order, but we are forced as slaves to pay for it -- some 80% of the federal income tax goes to pay to create and maintain it. It is a terrible scandal that we lost our freedom, but we are made to slave for our government to pay for in slave labor and millions of death to pay for its own secret schedule to make the O. W. O a reality.

Do not vote in traitors: republican and democrats. For once you democrats and republican voters must lay aside your differences. The first point on the people's national agenda must be to restore our rights as the owners of the constitution. It has been ripped from us by both the republicans and the democrats because they both are in the conspiracy against us, the people. Show them we, the people, have clout as well. We are about 160,000,000 people strong; help give our traditional rights back -- the right to not be disturbed in our peace at home, at work and in public by government demands in any way.    Oh; and let's enforce noise pollution on public terrain. Cars should be checked out for noise output together with the smog test. Mufflers must not give out any noise.

Let's put the traitors back in their place! The IRS and the CIA must be curtailed out of operation. The CIA is known to stir up trouble and armed engagement in the world. As you have noticed the first two world wars were mostly in Europe and the new engagement was also Japan; the nation together with Germany who in the end gained the most from the wars and their defeats. But South America and the inland nations and territories of Asia were practically untouched and thus not much seduced to accept a One World Order. The CIA put an end to that by engaging these territories and countries to heavy internal and neighborhoodly engagements after the world wars so that they too would collapse and accept the One World Order and one by one they finally fell into place through the wars and destructions thrown on them by the republocrats / CIA. Here also, you can see that both the democrats, who gave us social security through the democratic president Roosevelt and later the republicans gave us the CIA  through president Ike Eisenhower (a serious traitor of the people).  Both countries, Germany and Japan were allowed in the 1930s to build up enormous strike-force armaments with no one supposedly noticing these build-ups while the US had to start the war with antiquated equipment. Besides there is evidence that the United states government gave the A-bomb to Russia during WW2 and later helped  communist China with the A-Bomb and with rocket delivery vehicles R & D.

At the moment we do not have a legitimate government. It consists of a bunch of hoodlum criminals. Just think, both presidents Roosevelt led us into the only two major foreign wars that count -- that must mean something! They have us in their grasp and our tasks clearly is to take them back into our grasp; with criminals anything goes. Remember that with them, we have no conscience to protect. However, our first line of attack is the voting process. I have absolutely no surety about it. All we can do is vote in crooks, but the libertarian party at the moment seems the very best we have.


At this point I must retell about general Mac Arthur (that you will find further down in this site again) the only 5 star general ever. In fighting the North Koreans he had to report to the director of security of the UN his plans of attack and every time he found the target over protected by all kinds of fire and rocket power. So one day he decided not to report his attack plans; and lo and behold, the target lay completely unprotected. Two days later he was fired and walked the street. See our government (consisting alternately of republicans or democrats administrations and congresses) betrayed our armed forces to our enemy, costing serious losses, damage and death to our troops. These two parties are one, but the shadowbox like crazy to look like two parties. They are the worst traitors in our country. Do not vote for them ever! Another proof that the USSR and it satellites were always friends of the USA government. Two more parties that behind the scene were always friends.

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 The 14th and 16th amendments are proof of High Treason against we, the free people!

US government and the state legislatures, over a hundred and fifty years ago and over the last 150 years, have proposed and then declared that your great grandfathers, your fathers, you and your posterity are subject to enslavement through the beginning phrase of the 14th amendment by simply declaring your original constitutional liberty void, without informing us of that fact and following this atrocity up with the 16th amendment (read this amendment again) which was followed up again after the 2nd WW by continuing to tax us, after the 2-year victory tax ran its course, at enslavement percentage rates; and those who objected were cruelly beaten, arrested and put in jail with felony-strength imprisonments that prevented them from finding decent work ever again. Some 12 years after the supposed ratification of the 14th amendment the 16th amendment was ratified, clearly indicating that they had to wait until the 14th was ratified in order to stick us with the 16th amendment of forceful income tax collection. When you are subject to another entity you are indentured; but before the 14th we have always been free. Our collective governments stole our liberty and our liberty-assuring constitution; how can we ever trust them again? It is done to 340,000,000 people. A whole nation of people has been taken prisoner by our elected officials. We are now ruled by tyrants who can force us to do anything, be robbed at gunpoint and beat us up without more ado. It is the most hostile act any government has ever done to its own people. In the past only nations that were conquered by the sword have ever been treated this way. Read my story of arrest by them further down the page. Our own elected people to government office have done this to us; it is clear proof that democracy does not work. You would question me that the English people also pay taxes. That is right because the English people are a defeated people. They were defeated by a French man "William the Conqueror". The English income taxes are still a consequence to that fact. America has never been conquered, and that is why the American people always have been able to call themselves utterly free until our own elected people defeated us through a very dirty ruse. Please, only vote for the Libertarian party. They will guarantee us liberty again! The republican-democratic political combo has put us on conquered status and kept us as indentured slaves that way! 

The Vietnam War draft dodgers were right. The war was a OWO planned war and they had the right not to fight. How many young people forced into the armed forces by the phony ruse of the 14th amendment died, were seriously wounded, seriously mentally harmed, and maimed by force of a phony treasonous and false statement in the 14th amendment. Literally the people working to get this amendment ratified should be lined up in effigy and shot. I really feel for those draft dodgers who were vilified, dragged down through the mud and prevented from returning home from the foreign nations they had to escape to.
Shame, shame, shame on the republican and democratic party regimes working in conspiracy for a hundred fifty years to do that to all these people and to all of us. Shame on them! I cannot have more disrespect and anger than I can have for these two major parties, the democrats and the republicans glued into one (as the REPUBLOCRATES) and who have made democracy the most dirty word in the whole world.


16th amendment ratification celebration was held here in 1914  

The Grove Park Inn / Ashville, NC; in 1914 the Republican & Democratic slime celebrated our utter subjection and loss of liberty in high style.

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Trump is no better than the rest! After all he and the republican party kept the personal income tax branch of the IRS active through his administration. If he was any good he would have dismantled this department with an executive order. I know that most of you are too suckered in by the two leading parties to abandon them. For once you "democrats and republican" voters must lay aside your differences. The first point on the people's national agenda must be to restore our rights as the owners of the constitution. It has been ripped from us by both the republicans and the democrats because they both are in the conspiracy against us, the people, for some 150 years. In the 1960, for instance, we could deduct interest rates from our income. Today, while loans for everything are so much higher you cannot deduct the interest from your income. This is the time period we must straighten things out the people's way.

We are about 160,000,000 people strong; help give our traditional rights back -- the right to not be disturbed in our peace at home, at work and in public by government demands in any way.  Let's put the traitors back in their place!

Today July 31, 2020 in Germany a million people celebrated freedom day. They all took their masks off, and paraded 15 people thick through the streets in throngs. That is how freedom is regained folks. Someone with the smarts must plan a 2 million march through Washington, DC and protest the loss of our liberty with the demand that amendments 14 and 16 are instantly demolished, that day or Washington DC will be destroyed.

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I now understand why the Supreme Court thinks it has jurisdiction over constitutional matters, and it shows also clearly why the three departments of government are in violation of the supposedly guaranteed separation of the branches of government. They believe the 14th amendment took away the constitution from we, the people and placed it in the power of government; but guess what? It only proves that all governments, in conspiracy together, deprived we, the people, of our own constitution. It shows who the thieves of power-overthrow are. It is our state and federal government departments all together. Can you now see why I like the principles of a kingdom. A king will tell you openly who is boss; our present government system leaves us all in pure darkness in how government is run, because no citizen knows that the government-crafted 14th amendment has stolen our constitution and placed it in the hands of true criminals.


republican & democratic parties are enemies of the people 

Vote only the libertarian party ticket



Repudiate the republican and democratic parties


love is a form of play, so is marriage. play fair!


please register to vote libertarian 

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The time spent after the adoption of the Social Security system and the start of WWII the bureaucracy was heavily involved to design a forced tax collection system using the social security private number as the tax identification number. The system had to be ready before the start of America's involvement into World War II. The Pearl Harbor attack was planned by the world-wide OWO conspiracy to get the American people so angry that they accepted for America to join the war and for the voluntary Victory income tax to commence. Once Americans were used to paying the tax the IRS simply never stopped collecting this illegal tax. See, here is another proof that all these wars America was involved in from the civil war on were planned OWO wars that would slowly integrate the understanding that government had us voluntarily agreeing that we were subject to government, rather than government being subject to we, the people. The esoteric reason for the civil war was the get the first line of the 14th amendment in and get us all enslaved through the following 16th amendment. All our elected officials have been pulling the wool over our eyes for hundred and fifty years and WE, all, now agree to be the absolute slaves of US and State governments. How stupid can we all get to think that we are free and the constitution still belongs to we, the people. But people, we are still 160,000,000 people strong and they are no match for us. Let's get our constitution returned to us, by violence if needed. Only enemies of liberty will vote for republicans and democrats. We must loath and condemn them!


I am fighting to get our liberty back

And here is another one


the people must reedit the constitution for it to make sese again 

do vote libertarian your only choice 

Fly this flag as much as you can!

To be republican means nothing if you do not have liberty.

My total isolation from propaganda influences over the years allowed me to think outside the box. Even though it took me a long while to discover the exact phrase in the constitution where, in a vicious illusion of law and order, the constitution changed hands from we, the people to government. Then my previous research of government, law and common law swiftly filled the gaps of understanding leaving all of us with the truth as written herein, which appeared through the many layers of illusion this government laid between their actions and the original constitution. Now all of you have the truth and the truth depends on you to spread it throughout the land.

I hear that, other public media are now censoring any adverse articles and comments about government from their websites -- thus we, the people's are being suppressed from expressing ourselves with each other. Thus we are living like the Russian communist block people lived 50 years ago. It is utterly atrocious.

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The Constitution must stipulate what the people want; not what the several governments in America want. What the American people want is their liberty as was declared by the preamble of the constitution itself. The second a candidate is elected to office it no longer is a free person but one bound by the constitution to serve the people, not serve the government -- and not to enslave the people and not exploit the people for many illegal government goals only. They set goals outside the country of a much higher value than legitimate internal goals. The constitutional changes of the 14th and 16th amendment were done with evil aforethought. That is why it took 35 years of hard campaigning of corruption and coercion to get the 14th in and another 12 years to get the criminal 16th slavery amendment in. The idea of evil aforethought makes both of these amendments illegal and the parties that kept it in force guilty of serious crimes. You can actually see that these two amendments go together, hand in hand. This makes this conspiracy a crime against the entire nation and the Attorney General of the United States has full authority to have all the criminals in and out of government apprehended and sentenced and the duty to restore the constitution to its original state; and to insist that those harmed by these false amendments must receive a correspondingly sufficient recompense for the harm done to them; and, if he does not he is guilty himself of perjury of the oath of office. I suspect, though, that the AG is part of the conspiracy; how else did he get in office?

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There is no doubt about the fact that our government system and the idea of liberty above all has failed. We live under the control of hoodlums of the combined republican and the democratic party. They do not mind which party gets the majority or presidency because, behind the scene, they are only one conspiratorial system and they wants your enslavement kept secured.  They are all hoodlums. I am convinced that this same trick plays itself off in every democratic country in the world; that is how the One World Order operates in full cooperation with each other. The world is managed by only one conspiracy of incredible power. I hope God will put a stick behind it and crush this dictatorship. That is why the armed forces oath of office states that it will come to the aid of "democracies" in the world only. See the oath of the military further down. I have now given you the esoteric truth of how the most evil people on the globe operate and delude you. See below for the meaning of "esoteric"

Our indisputable, American birth right is Liberty from government harassment!

I need people to copy this and make new signs to show everyone

I carry this through downtown and speak to them about the website. It is attached to a PVC tube which fits on a window flag post for the American flag. It can be read from both sides. I sprayed both my signs including the edges with shellac and then carefully taped them watertight tight with clear packing tape. Then I gave them another good coating with shellac. But to make sure, do I not allow them to get wet. Deep maroon letters on white foam board. This sign is 12 " by 18 inch and it gives the link to this website. There is no other material like this available on earth!


stick these to your car windo

In the upper shot the smaller sign is shown also.

However; indisputable, the constitution is based on the facts that we, the people, must be safe in their persons, in their properties and in their possessions. 

Before you go on, copy the contents of this website. It may disappear at any time.

There is so much contention about wearing masks these days, but there really is no argument. In the public domain government sets the standard what must be done, and as good citizens we ought to obey, so do what government says and do not argue because it is futile. But in the private domain we ought to be boss, but the way the 14th amendment reads it can actually demand that we obey government as well. That is what I am vehemently against -- and so should you be! It is One World Order manipulation.

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What is even worse as things stand now is that government can require us to wear a mask at home and demand that we get vaccinated. We must be boss in our own homes, and therefore we must, absolutely, have that right of the original constitution back and thus we MUST get rid of the 14th amendment as it it written now.

The reversal of the intent of the meaning of the Constitution was well hidden inside an amendment that common folks never saw or considered. This crime is even surpassing the communist take-over of Russia in the second decade of the 20th century, or the communist take-over of China. The Constitution now supposedly binds us hands and feet to the will of government. It does not protect us at all. The problem lies with a most clever trick done to our Constitution. Read the mutinous first line of the first paragraph of the 14th amendment. It says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof . . ." To be subject is to be a slave - the African slaves in America were subject to their masters. We have late president Lincoln and its state and federal, elected legislators to thank for this. We all have been robbed, forcefully, by the IRS of trillions of $$ that were not used domestically but internationally to foster the One World Order, and untold many people were imprisoned due to this treason because the IRS beat them, arrested them and placed them in felon-strength prison-sentences and huge sums of money were lost in fighting OWO-planned wars and world-wars, nationally and internationally causing huge damage, injuries and death in the hundreds of millions. Our problem is that we are utterly free but about a million US government elected officers and its employees assume (just as the 14th amendment does) that we are subject to the United States; and so do all sheriffs and police commissioners. We are literally being held hostage and nobody is doing anything about it! But it is a lie! We are being held hostage by our own public security forces. The estate slave master is the IRS; who has a slave force that keeps the rest of the slaves under control -- just as it was on the plantation for which we fought a civil war to set them free, only to find all our selves caught in the very untenable slave system we just rescued the African slaves from. How dumb can we all get?

Here is the bigger treason. The amendment was proposed in July 28 of 1866, and the last state to ratify was Delaware in 1901. The 16th amendment was ratified on February 3, 1913 as follows. After a brisk debate on July 12, 1909, lasting for five hours, the bill passed 318–14, and 55 not voting. This makes that Lincoln was seriously involved to deprive the population of their liberty. Believe me; the 14th amendment is completely illegal and against-constitutional authority. We, the people, must demand sole control of the constitution because all government administrations thereafter failed to defend the constitution as they took an oath to do! No doubt; the civil war was initiated by the north and it was a full-fletched OWO WAR! Through these two amendments Americans were thrown into slavery for a 120 years. However the Lincoln era congress proposed to enslave everybody. We are dealing here with governments 'insurrection of the greatest magnitude because by the ratification of the 14th amendment Congress ripped the constitution from the hands of the people and threw them all into slavery. There is simply no denying this! It is the most vicious betrayal of both the republican party and the democratic party, acting as a sure combo, that kept the slavery in tact. How long can a ratification process last? There should be a time limit. Five years after the proposal the entire proposal ought to have died and made it utterly void. The 14th amendment took 35 five years to ratify. HOW ARE THESE THINGS POSSIBLE? You can see how terribly desperately they wanted the people to become subjects rather than free people. I am sure that many of the state legislators were severely coerced by federal government to accept. We are talking here of as wild a conspiracy as we have ever heard. If these two amendments are not nullified immediately, the American people get exactly what they deserve. Abandon the democratic party and the republican party; they are your most hidden enemies in government. I can tell you that governments are the worst kind of organizations to leave unbridled. If we do not act now the constitution continues to belong to federal government.

Here is an example of a statue being the symbol of both an esoteric and an exoteric message. The esoteric message to the super-rich is that Lincoln was instrumental in enslaving the wretched, no good people; the exoteric message that good, old Lincoln was instrumental in freeing the poor slaves.

As you read a little further you will see that all three branches of the federal and all the state governments are in treason against the people. They simply act as if the 1st sentence in the 14th amendment is a true statement. It is so obviously a lie. We must really overthrow the whole apple cart to get our liberty and honest governments back.

 You are so much better off to vote for the Libertarian party. Remember, under a dictatorship of slavery your personal guaranteed constitutional rights simply do not exist. To be better in the know about this read My Arrest by IRS.

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If the libertarians can manage to get into office with all your people's help, the first thing of action becomes to fire all federal and state government management personnel because that is where the mass-slavery is actually kept alive. These two parties, through out a century and a halve, have betrayed you in dozens of way so horrible that even allowing yourself to consider their candidacies is a betrayal of your fellowmen in the worsted meaning of the word. You will actually be an enemy of the people and of the constitution.

Please copy the material from the top to here into your email and mass media and send it along to everybody. Please help me spread this most important information (give the URL to this site), thank you!

Remember that the republicans and democrats are really one party they both keep denying our liberty and keep enforcing amendment 16; at the top all these parties is peace and let you be fooled by it all. The depend in being able too fool you in voting either democratic or republican, but all they really do is betray your sincere trust. The more debate, zeal and hatred these two parties can stir up between themselves the less chance there is for the voters to vote for the independent party or the libertarian party. The hatred forces people to decide between republicans and democrats. Please, wise up and allow you to become the director of your life, not of smart party-propaganda. Do not be fooled by it because this how the strategy of divide and conquer operates. If you are smart never ever be fooled by these parties again They are the filthiest political groups in the nation and betray you every second of every day. It is them two parties in one who have kept us securely in slavery for a hundred and fifty years. For them elections are mere shadow-boxing with you-all as the dupes and fools. They are your worst enemies.

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Part of this web page will be published as the book: Nested Betrayal. It should be taught to all High School graduation classes in the future and given as a high school graduation present. That is how liberty is perpetuated!   Ignorant people are always subjected to slavery! Purchase my book, Nested Betrayal at and search for Hans van Krieken.

A message for the 4th of July; The idea of liberty in America died a long time ago. Now, there should only be sadness on this day because our governments betrayed us beyond belief. We are all now no more than slaves and independence day, the day we gained liberty has no meaning anymore!


denouncwe the repubocrats 


The flagpole as I finally ended up with is the best car-flag base below


do not trust the republocrats 

I had this panel flag made at Allegra. I believe they are around every where. I covered the surfaces with packing tape to prevent it from getting wet and to reinforce the board around islets. I need your help; have one made and fly it from buildings, cars trucks, etc. The size is 20" x 30".  You have to saw off the top ornament and remove an electrical cord in order to insert the flag pole and flag assembly in the car mount I used. I paid about $50.00 for my base assembly from American science & Surplus, phone 888 724 7587.

The next very important thing is for us (someone, most likely me and my wife) to contact the ACLU. We must convince the ACLU to start a class action suite against the federal government to have the 14th and 16th amendments declared not constitutional. This class-action suite must clearly state that we reserve the right to appeal the case to the International Court in The Hague, Netherlands; so that we have to be heard internationally with a mandate that if US government does not retract the first phrase of the 14th amendment as it is now written and the abolishment of the 16th amendment it will be barred from representation at the UN until it complies with our demands.       

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The Initial Phraseology of the 14th Amendment Must Be Corrected as Follows:

"All people, who were part of and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those people naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens. I repeat myself because I want you to know how incredibly important liberty really is! Being subject to anyone or anything can send you into jail, to the scaffold and be treated as, yes", suppressed slaves".

You, folks, allowed treason to happen by believing that your constitution still has its original intent, namely: liberty for all. Your elected bastards ripped you off trillions of dollars under threat of being imprisoned.  You are doormats on which governments trample you without your objections. Government is not at all interested in you! Its sole concern is this One World Order (the U. N.) and it spent trillions of your $$ to accomplish that end. How can a constitution of liberty contain an amendment like the 16th?
Your dedicated stance against government can correct this situation! Your constitution has now been rigged against you. The republic is your birth right. Our servants, the governments for the people, have stolen our Crown. We must take it back!

Vote The Libertarian Party; They Want You To Have Liberty.

By the way, it might very well be possible that the libertarian party is in cahoots with the republocrats in that the libertarian party never seems to actively promote their party or campaign for their candidates. This way they do not get many votes and thus the republocrats can say: "See, the people do not really want their liberty. They are just mere slaves after all!" In spite of all that let's make them the most favored party. Let them know we want our liberty/freedom back! After all, we know that politicians are liars, traitors and schemers. They sold our nation out to the United Nations without conferring with us, the people. How much worse can it get!

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I came into this country in September, 1961; and I was all Gung-ho about it. By 1963 I knew there was something wrong with America. It took me a long time to figure it out but now I know what is wrong! I am telling you hereunder.

Over the years, I went to law school. I went out of my way to study real estate law, the Magna Charta and common law (out of school study), and the wars since, and including, the civil war. I joined patriot meetings of people that also knew there was something terribly wrong with America. I protested the IRS and income tax and they nailed me and put me in jail. I know for sure that democracy divides the people; and in politics and war the slogan always is “Divide and Conquer”. Do not let that happen to us any longer!

I finally started to study the Constitution and read the amendments carefully; and, finally, I understood what government did to us all. The story follows in bit and pieces below.

The original signers of the Constitution made one huge mistake; they allowed government to make changes to our Constitution and government turned our Constitution of liberty to one of slavery that they forcefully enforce on us. We, as citizens, made the next big mistake in trusting our elected officials - we neglected to know and defend our Constitution.

The Constitutions are mere words and when not read and studied by us, the people, they are not even words at all. The meaning only becomes law if we, the people, are smart and diligent enough to know it and enforce it on government forcefully.

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As it is; government may make changes to the constitution, but what it must not ever do is invert its original

                      intent of the liberty of the people to subjection; and that is what they are treasonously guilty of.

Also, in any court case where constitutional law comes up, the judge must vacate the court; because Constitution law is only decided by “we, the people” as the preamble of the Constitution states. Corporations have no access to Constitution law; it is reserved for live, biological people only! Not only can corporations not vote, they are utterly prohibited from making donations to the political voting process. We, the people, must make many changes to Constitution law and order to declare ourselves above government again.  Corporations, as I said are the real slaves in society

We, the people are above the constitution as far as the construction of government goes. We wrote the constitution. Government is bound by the constitution; so, a bound entity cannot change the chains that bind them or bind those who are free;  but only their masters can -- that is we, the people! Americans are born free! Government (or the hidden forces behind them like entities in the CFR / Committee on Foreign Relations, news reporters / news papers or the International bankers) can as things stand do anything to us and our posterity. We simply will have no choice unless we take matters back into our own hands. Jesus mentioned the exact same, that slaves cannot be masters and sons cannot be slaves. Christianity and Americans never understood that!

 The republocrats cleverly set the rich against the poor and thereby insure that the country is so insidiously hatefully divided and at odds that the liberty is completely laid aside as not important.

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shut down the IRS agency



gte rid of forced income tax. see my article on inflation as government fund creation in this site



utterly tax free government funding system

Presently, with the personal income tax, we-all live on a ranch of free-range slavery.  Income tax keeps the masses dirt poor.
This is a scandal. Presently the funds are used against us to oppress us. You have all the right as a free person to kill anyone who oppresses you in the stead of the power players. You can kill company presidents who claim you owe taxes, or accountants, or IRS agents that come against you. That is why liberty must be tied to thousands of secret cells of 7 or 8 people keeping track of each other and planning attacks on those who oppress you. Knot that sternly in your minds and never let go of that idea. Teach you children to be free and cause them to form secret cells to insure liberty. We will call these cells Liberty Cells. Cell leaders in certain areas should know one another so that larger defense or attack plans can be executed. Defend your original constitution and defend your liberty. Established cells should help other people create new cells. The more cells we have the more and better your liberty is secured. Do not allow anybody to stand in between you and your utter liberty. Those who betray cell members or cells must be killed! In war the entire commercial establishment becomes your store room. If the clerks and owners resist bind them and take what you need for the fight; if the shoot at you kill them and take whatever you want. But make sure you first identify yourself as freedom fighters. If you are short of funds forget paying rent and make sure you can set the unit on fire if they come for you. Do this only after your cell is well established and well interconnected with other cells. In war all is everything is OK (morally). Liberty cells multiply by division just like biological cells. Once a cell is well trained the cell splits up and each member starts another cell, etc. This concept must work world-wide  so we get groups of cells that can plan bigger attacks on the traitors. If one cell in in trouble, there must be a secret code to tell it is in trouble and which cell is the one in trouble. You can then help the cell or start an independent killing spree of elected officials to force the enemy to retreat.

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We need as many as possible cell-members in law enforcement agencies, elected officials, government bureaucracies, etc. Infiltration, reporting of government people not aligned with liberty must be identified and dealt with. Design devices that go boom on 50 different operating systems. We can play there game as well. Presently, there is no citizens organ being able to deal with government. Your job is to make sure we will get them and make sure that our "will" is the law!

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The action you must do before any violence, is to draw up a standard form which I will give you that must be sent to the person you are planning your action against. You must give them 20 days to reconsider his / her stance against you before you will consider further actions.

The form is hereunder:

Dear Sir / madam,

This is to inform you that you are trying to oppress a free person with the name of xxxxxxx. You are herewith warned to lay off from your oppressive stance against that person. This stance will be brought up to a private free jury to determine reprisal actions against you if you do not respond with a valid reason.

You have 20 days to respond to this notice and, in case you are planning oppressive actions against me, to desist from these actions. Your promise to desist in your reply will be taken as a honest token and as apology for your previous actions and all will be forgiven, but in case you will continue to harass and oppress that person in any way, you and those who are have arraigned themselves with you may expect further actions from me. This is a common law tribunal with official actions of response.


zzzzz; xx-xx-20xx

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My Advice First

Today, in the year 2020 in the month of March, there is an extraordinary amount of political rigmarole in the internet media about politics with Donald Trump trying to get reelected. Most of us have no more patience with all the opinions in the digital media with which our inboxes are flooded; but there is a much more important piece of information that hardly anybody knows about ‒ that is that our Constitution has been usurped by government and now the Constitution has truly become the chain and block that binds us all as slaves to the will of government. So please, be patient with me and peruse the content section of this website and become up-to date about the worst crime in the history of mankind. It is the best thing you can do for your own understanding of physical reality, America and for the world. The Constitution failed us because we, as citizens failed to really take the Constitution serious; and to defend the Constitution with our lives.


What sets our nation, originally, apart from other nations is that our Constitution  guaranteed us liberty ‒ utter independence from being under the jurisdiction of government. That is why Americans have ever been able to say that they have liberty in America, but government, through the unlawful proposing of the 1st phrase of the 14th amendment, assumes (wrongly) that it has jurisdiction over the free people.

This is utterly untrue and you never even have to give it a thought that this phrase is law that binds us, "the free people". US government, now, act as if it does have jurisdiction over us by demanding forced personal federal income taxes through the entirely unlawful 16th amendment and by forcing us to sign corrupt bank account contracts.

They work on us on an individual basis, while they themselves force us by mandate and under color of law and huge powers of enforcement. All our government departments are now a bunch of the most harrowing and corrupted criminals in the nation. I cannot see how we are going to extricate ourselves from this wrongful enslavement by a bunch of lying, deceitful contrivers of official elected dereliction, unless we call for the aid of our armed forces, the sheriffs and police forces.

Here is the beginning phrase of the 14th amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof”. It was never stated, after the victory of the independence war, that "we, the liberated people" are subject to anybody or any organization until the 14th amendment showed up. That phrase in the 14th and the entire 16th amendment are utterly non-Constitutional and were, and are yet, not law of any kind. We, simply, have been betrayed by this system of government and the state-governments assembled. And we, all, still stick to this asinine idea that we have a democratic form of government and declare proudly that we are free. Baloney! The original intent of the Constitution is that our individual rights are protected in the republican (utterly individual) way from government harassment and accusations.

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Before the war of independence we declared to the English king: "No taxes without representation". And in fact, after we won the independence war we were free and our liberty was declared to be forever in the newly adopted US Constitution. Government could never have the authority to have people put in jail or fined on its own frivolous authority. The internal revenue tax has no place in the American way of government. It must be abolished for people to be free again! So, no one can ever be forced under penalty of law to pay a tax. Personal income taxation is slavery; especially when so many people ended up being beaten by the ignorant, arresting police and stuffed in prisons while, in truth, they should be honored as heroes. The tax that the original independence fighters were objecting to were indirect taxes; they were not even direct income taxes. It is just utterly wrong for government to trespass on your property weeks before they arrested me and tried to get evidence of malicious prattle from me against them by provoking me. I know this is so because the agent that did the trespassing was a witness at my trial. Then I was accosted at my door, beaten and hauled off from my home. Government just cannot ever do such things to legal citizens. It makes America not an iota better than the NAZI regime where such things happened all the time.

See where elected officials lead us. The first opportunity these representatives found, they impliedly “tied” us like slaves to government through the 14th amendment; but the introductory phrase is only a delusion because the way it is phrased it assumes that we already were in submission to government; and just when the people won a war against the Confederates. Nobody was expecting that and so they hid it in the amendment that actually freed the slavers. It is utter depravity! How dare they do that to us! How dare they insert the 16th amendment without anybody making an objection at all. Your home has always been called your private castle. NOT ANYMORE! The ignorant people believed it and so it stuck in the minds of their posterity. What good has elective representation ever done us? We were duped worse by our elected officials than by King George. I believe, that ultimately, we would have been better off with King George.

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Our original Constitution gave the governing authorities many indirect taxes to supply themselves with funds to operate. These should suffice amply. There was never any talk, ever, to tax the common free people directly; there should be none now or ever!
Also, I really do not understand why the federal government needs  about 50 trillion dollar debt to stay in business. Something is extremely wrong. They took and still take trillions of dollars illegally from us through personal income taxes and then they still need to borrow yearly.

If federal government would actually protect our borders as it is supposed to do there would be no need for the, very expensive, suppressive Home Land Security Agency. Government is out to suppress us more and more on threats they themselves put into place and we will be forever stuck with. Do not trust your government. Note that no matter whether the republicans or the democrats are in office, the treason goes on uninterrupted. We only have one party system made to look as if there are two. Do not get caught in all the political rigmarole. It is all shadow boxing.


All the unrest in the world is mainly caused under the authority of the United States using your dearly earned federal income taxes. Know that government does not exist other then on a piece of paper. In order to make itself visible, it must keep trouble afoot so it can be seen correcting bad situations of its own making! The closing of the CIA and several other federal agencies will help enormously relieve the US budget. The utterly useless US Armed Forces can be reduced by 80% -- just keep the missiles ready.

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This is the beginning phrase of the 14th amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof”. It was never stated, after the victory of the independence war, that "we, the liberated people" are subject to anybody or any organization until the 14th amendment showed up. That phrase in the 14th and the entire 16th amendment are utterly not Constitutional and were, and are yet, not law of any kind. We, simply, have been betrayed by this system of government (the combined republican and Democratic parties) and the state-governments assembled. See how it has not kept your liberty safe. People lived for a hundred and fifty years with this betrayal and nobody ever noticed and/or declared the treason.

You can see that government keeps us in slavery by noticing that government keeps funding the IRS branch of personal income tax. As long as they do not abolish this branch the president and all legislators are still insisting in enslaving you and denying you your amendment rights and the liberty you ought to treasure. Therefore, you should not ever reelect those elected officials in all branches of federal and state government who keep you in enslavement and the parties they represent. That ought to be clear from the start!

We have excessive proof that we cannot trust any of our governments with our liberty and with a sole concern for our nation, so what other matters can we not trust any of our governments with. Remember, we are talking about those individuals who preached all matters for our good and brutally betrayed us. To have more control we must remove any link of government control over the constitution from them. from now on all constitutional matters will be determined by we, the people.

In making Molotov cocktails use oil and gas and fill them 3/4 full.

Despite what government says, we are still a republic

We, as individuals, count in the republic. Let's not forsake that right by government trying to force us under their general jurisdiction in the so-called "democracy". Presently we are surrounded by traitors on every side. I say vote in an administration; and if it is doing a good job, keep it in place, but always be watchful that the Constitution is not being perverted to mean exactly the opposite. We ought to change the clause or law that demands that presidents can be in office only two terms and that elections for the senate and House of Representatives must be held at certain intervals of time; and instead stipulate that every four years a poll will be held that will decide whether new elections are called for or whether the ongoing house and senate can remain in office. The Constitutional republican form of government that includes some democratic principles is the correct form of government. Income tax is slavery because they steal wages for which we put in a lot of labor; just as the slaves paid their existence through labor and submission / being subject.

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The National Debt Issue

With all this betrayal by the government departments in federal; and state governments and the enslavement of the people (some of which paid around 80% of federal income tax) how is it possible the federal government also ran up a tab of about 50 trillion dollars? I believe that means we the nation must pay over a trillion dollars on interest. This simply cannot be true! The Constitution does not make a provision for government to go into a permanent debt program. I believe we, the free people, are being taken beyond any limits possible. The democratic system of government is the absolute foulest system of government possible because we vote once and thereafter we have no more "say" until a next election. I object most sternly to such absolute betrayal and incompetence. There simply cannot be such an enormous debt possible if government has any idea of sincerity left. I know for sure that we, the people, have been betrayed beyond anything possible. This must not go on, but how does it continue on from year to year with staggering increases of the debt? Somehow the Federal Reserve Bank has bankrupted our nation of free people and robbed more of our standing while it has never done anything it promised it would do ‒ guide our economy so we would not ever see a depression again. We must seek help from the military Joint Chiefs of Staff. Set us free from this government system and set us free from a corrupted, upside down Constitution and set us free from this non-existing debt, by all the power that is within you! We must have another revolution to set this nation free from such nonsense and betrayal! If the debt does not exist constitutionally, then there is no debt. That sets the national debt back to zero! Incidentally, we pay on and off about another 5% tax to federal government by them issuing uncharged script into the economy -- forgery that does not look any worse than charged funds script; it is indistinguishable from charged script!

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The National Bond Issue

One thing needs to be addressed immediately. Government cannot exist if it cannot operate within the money it takes in constitutionally. Our defacto Government, also, raises money and its level of debt by selling bonds. The word "Bonds" really is a synonym for bondage / subjection / slavery. Government simply keeps increasing the level of slavery it holds the general population in. We, as people, have no say in the approval of the increase of bondage we are placed in. In a nation that is based on liberty, the people cannot allow the government to bound, we the people, into unfathomable bondage and debt. We really must revamp the constitution, and make the military responsible for defending the constitution with weapons to keep all the people free from government-schemed subjection.

Presently, you can buy government bonds and sell bonds. Other nations can buy these government bonds and we are, then, in bondage to other nations. Liberty cannot allow such government creation of bondage because it violates the tenets of the federal Constitution ‒ liberty. Constitution means to we, the people, a declaration of liberty. Liberty is boundless within personal responsibility, like: treat others as you would like to be treated yourself; in other words: be considerate of others, always. While on the subject of money, let's make sure that the new Constitution clearly specifies that government cannot raise any indirect taxes without the approval from the Special Grand Jury and the same for the installation of new government agencies. The people must take those responsibilities away from the legislative department of government. The One World Order (OWO) conspiracy is at home in our federal and our state governments. It is a conspiracy because they never, ever included us in the proceeding of it. I know they are betraying us all the time!

Bondage and liberty are dichotomies

Bondage and liberty, on the same par, cannot coexist simultaneously in a declaration of liberty in order for liberty to mean anything. So government, also in this category of enslavement, is taking out loans (issue bond-certificates) that bind the people; and thus are betraying the people. So, our newly to be modified Constitution must contain a clause that forbids government to sell out the people like slaves! Government cannot make loans, not in any way it can be expressed. If government cannot make ends meet, government must stop over-expending its budget. It must exist within its means; and this does not mean that it can put people in jail because these people do not agree to be plundered by government! So, government bonds must cease to exist, if we are to have true liberty. The betrayal goes beyond all bounds. It attempts to bind the free people
through the original Constitution -- this an absurdity. It must stop. Bonds are against the original Constitution intent; and therefore, government cannot hold the people responsible for them. It is not mentioned as a means to fund its operation; especially not to fund its secret conspiracy to establish the United Nations, and its main headquarters right here in New York City NY, USA! It is a clear indication of betrayal. I can see that all this was planned to happen decades later after the 14th amendment because of the many baby steps by which government proceeds to bind and betray us ever more. Know that the UN only is a congregation of governments that help each other as governments, but not necessarily the people of the nations. The UN is basically a conspiracy against the people of the world. They are conspired to keep the people of the world enslaved to their governments.

It is extremely important to flood all government offices and offices of chief editors of major newspapers and university student-body newspapers with your mails of stern objection to all the charges, stated herein, to them. The more registered mail they receive the more pressing their shame! Also, give the link to this website.

And the sale of bonds and the interest on them was taken care of by the 16th amendment that came some 40 years later. The people were going to be saddled to pay the interest on the bonds through the federal personal income tax. The democratic government system has given us nothing but bondage, insecurity and lots of misery! Is that how we want to continue? We have been given nothing but lies, deliberately planned world wars, Korea, Vietnam and many other wars, terrorist attacks through the CIA and treason! And there is no doubt left that the three departments of government are in conspiracy against the people. How much more can we be deceived before the people will wake up? The Declaration of Independence demands that at a certain level of depression the people must sternly object, and if the objection from the people is ignored then mass-defiance by means of weapons become mandatory!

Maybe bonds could be put up for sale by state governments for large projects when the bonds are sold only to the inhabitants of the state and can be resold only to other state inhabitants. The same could be said for bonds issued by the federal government, only when they are salable and be resold to US citizens. If they are held outside the jurisdictions the bonds become immediately invalid.

The 14th amendment was a planned betrayal; and the scheme worked because everybody was sick of the fighting and quarreling after the civil war when the 14th amendment was adopted. Conspiracies that span several generations have a spiritual base. This can thus be the wrath of god toward the people of this nation for violating or insulting God. People think that that is bunk; but they are wrong. God exists and he has often spoken of giving his blessings to a nation or give his wrath to punish them. Look up in the bible Deuteronomy 28 for his blessings and Deuteronomy 29 for his curses. It is entirely up to the American people whether god will grant his support now with Deuteronomy 28 or whether we will be stuck longer with Deuteronomy 29 -- resist the flow of events with an easy and larger force than government can put to bear (we are over a 160,000,000 people strong) or be wimps and live with the status quo and things will grow steadily worse!

The only people that gained from the civil war were the US politicians. It was a severe defeat for all the people of the United States and their posterity. Everybody was so happy the war was over and that the slaves were freed that they did not notice US government pulled the wool over everybody's eyes and placed them all in slavery up to this very minute!! We had unlimited freedom, an absolute rarity among people in history, and through the  phrasing of the 14th amendment people allowed themselves to be placed back into the world-herd of subjected people. Now the constitution is a guarantee that we are forcefully kept into subjection through a fleet of measures that enslaved us and keep us enslaved. Hurray for the stupid American people! When will you, all, re-invoke the Declaration of Independence. I have been seriously betrayed by state and federal governments and I will not forgive them! The American way has been seriously betrayed.

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US Bond

Since bonds are un-Constitutional, they simply do not exist. So, the nation is thus debt-free. Whoever bought these US bonds bought worthless pieces of paper; as worthless as the federal government declared the confederate currency after the civil war. I, also, declare federal bonds worthless. The purchasers of US bonds just bought themselves a dead cat in a bag. The federal (national) debt has just been reset to $0.00. This national debt simply does not exist; but one way to handle it is to place this issue before the people for vote. I, personally, am against that because the nation consists mainly of dummies. We have very seriously been swindled, under false color of law, by the state, and federal governments. There are many laws about that in the federal criminal code. Our whole system of government is a hoax ‒ an illegal ponsi-scheme!

The Constitution Protects Us as Individuals and as a Group

This is not a matter government can decide as in, "we can do this without the people's consent" strategy. There must be an election and the people must decide whether they want to be in bondage or to be free. If the people support bondage, they are stuck with about 50 trillion dollars of debt that increases by the second; and on which they must pay the interest through their income taxes. But this vote cannot take place until all the people have been thoroughly briefed on what is at stake here; and  because the Constitution protects us as individuals in the republican form of government.

I do not have to accept bondage privately. I will not be treated within this group, of government propagandized yes-nodders  but as a single, free, unburdened member of this nation. I can thus not accept the democratic form of government but insist on being a member of the republican form of government which protects our individual republican rights.

The 17th amendment makes us
, supposedly, a democracy by allowing the people to vote for candidates of the federal senate

I, Johannes Pieter van Krieken, as the only one discovering this traitorous, un-Constitutional governmental behavior, address the military Joint Chiefs of Staff to defend my, above statement, and force government, to again, operate in the republican, Constitutionally legal manner and to take over all its responsibilities, within bounds set by the original Constitution. People of America, support me in this order and demand. Contact the military Joint Chiefs of Staff and all your elected officials and demand that they immediately cease their criminal support to our governments.

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My letter to the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff:

I recently sent you a letter about the betrayal of our original Constitution by, I believe, the Lincoln congress and administration. Our Constitution was perverted with the several states' acceptance of the 14th and then the 16th amendments of our Constitution, which Constitution is the declaration of freedom and liberty for all. I just discovered that the betrayal goes even deeper. Not only did the civil war free the slaves, but after the wrongfully adopted 14th amendment, our entire nation of people was flung in an all-encompassing slavery. It, also, seems to have given government the power to borrow money and to burden to people with paying the ever-increasing heavy interest on the debt.

I have declared federal bond sales illegal, and I have reset the national debt to $0.00. Please support me in this decision and set this nation, again, on a path of liberty that was stolen from us by winning a civil war that also happened to set the slaves free for a couple of months.


This is a most desperate situation and I give you full power to take over federal government. Government has been betraying the Constitution and it has been swindling the nation for over a hundred and fifty years out of trillions of dollars. It is all an enormous lie. Pass this website and link to everybody in government, family and friends. It is not only my duty to defend the original Constitution, it is everybody's job, so do not disappoint me. Do your national duty. You, the military, is the people's last resort to justice in this case. You and President Trump can either be the tail end of the dragon coming, or you all can be its head. It all depends whether you are all cowards or heroes. And that goes as well for the rest of the American people.  On the matter of presidents, except for Lincoln who truly deserved the bullet he received, all other assassinated presidents were killed by the OWO conspiracy for refusing to implement or cooperate with the OWO.-- End of letter.

People having invested in US and state bonds should have investigated the legality of the scheme they planned to invest their money in. Bad luck for them, but it has to be this way!

When we view the incredible betrayal of our original Constitution, and the enslavement of the American people en bloc, you know that even bigger treasons were planned for all the money and power they concentrated in government. The plan was the start of the One World Order (OWO). This banking conspiracy is thus older than the civil war because the civil war was planned and started inside the US government, not in the South. The South was pressured to start the war because of unfair legislations that affected the South seriously. All our IRS misery and all the wars since the civil war were planned wars. The wars were found to be necessary to convince the world that wars between nations were too vicious a precursor and an incentive to support the start of a United World Order. These traitors caused all the wars. The CIA has been intricately involved in planing most of the later wars and upheavals to guide and assure that the OWO would be steered in exactly the directions planned. I know that these monsters caused over 200 million dead, much destruction and mayhem. I read a lot, and found out a lot about these things from reading the Presidio Base library books that filled the walls in my prison facility. I just cannot believe that such treason is possible and that people will go to such lengths to get them accomplished. These conspirators all came from the universities in our country and from the English schools of learning ‒ all stinking rich, university graduates and the slime of the earth!

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The Constitution Must, forever, Forbid Subjection, Bondage and Slavery of We, the People; and the existence of secret societies. They exist to infiltrate public entities of any kind such as the Free Masons have done to the extend of controlling well over 80% all the resources in the world including, also, the control of human labor, government societies and the laws of all nations in the world. I now see that the lower grunts in Free Masonry become public by wearing free mason heads, tee-shirts and personal web pages to show how harmless they are. It is all camouflage because the leaders in Free Masonry continue to spread and control wars from both sides of the front lines causing death and mayhem by the hundreds of millions. (4-26-2022)

We, the people are not responsible for a debt that a group of criminals masquerading as government tries to foster on us. Our government system has betrayed us beyond belief.
Please, as the military Joint Chiefs of Staff, declare war on our system of government and slaughter yourself through the department of governments, federal and state; and establish yourself as a military government until a stable government and a newly, debt free, nation can vote (?) in another set of state and federal governments. What we presently have, you must see yourself, is insane! It is clear that we need a military government for about a twenty-five years before all the plans of the traitors and brainwashing of our people has vanished before we can attempt another system of government voted in by the people. The main goal of the people must be to keep government limited and under strict control. We, the people, have failed miserably in that; if we continue to fail to do that we might as well be slaves! The OWO is now so well established that it now operates as an international protection racket. How are we ever getting our liberty back?

Presently, America Is not We, the People but the, supposedly, Two major Political Parties is America.

Don't be fooled by it any longer! The two parties separated us all from huge chunks of our labor and money; reduced us to mere slaves. If you do not pay (you eventually will anyway) punishment will surely follow; just like it was on the cotton plantation - and separated from your spouse and children; and you cannot ever find decent work again, other then mere slave labor! If you are unwilling to set our constitution straight, you will be doing this to your fellow people and maybe to your own posterity. We can no longer ignore our bondage to the two-party system!

The two-party system is like Adam and Woman, one but divided in two; except in the physical power structure it is in reverse: it appears as two but really it is only one. Politically, we are being deceived in so many ways. The people are divided (that is why they never accomplish anything, but the parties are united and that is why America is the way it is! The CIA did make America the evil empire. It has been stirring trouble in the mid-East for many decades.

The One World Order is the two political parties, like good cop and bad cop working for the same boss. No matter which party is in control, the One World Order progresses without fail; and both parties poopoo that a One World Order conspiracy existed or can exist They lie blatantly. At present it is not we, the people, but the two political parties that is the United States of America. We must change that back to we, the people, that is in control. We have been extraordinary lax and shabby about it and we lost our constitution to a bunch of real criminals. But, now we must do the right thing, which is not ever the easy thing; the easy thing got us enslaved to government.

I have discovered years ago that US government is now nothing but a huge international organized crime syndicate. The definition in UC, title 18 describes it as such. It, literally, controls everything in the world; and us slaves provide them the funds to do it all.

I have a suspicion that as the political positions get in the more heavy power levels, the parties will only nominate politicians that can be politically blackmailed or can be easily bought to support the OWO conspiracy.

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Let us roll up this governments' conspiracy. They are truly traitors, they need to be placed out of power and our posterity must be taught how to stay free from the rich and powerful conspiracies that they will always try put us back into bondage again. At this moment in time I am beyond disgust for them; and so should you!


My wife just read me some stuff on vaccination. There is talk that a law may come up that forces us to be vaccinated for all kinds of supposed diseases to obtain a drivers license, get a passport, for children to be allowed to to go to public schools etc. Robert Kennedy and his son have researched vaccinations and they, and the medical society, cannot find proof that vaccinations actually work. What bothers me is that government seems to allow itself the power to force us to be injected with materials we, ourselves, do not want in our bodies. We, people, are slaves and the slave owners decide what will be done to us. I do not understand the laxness of the American people with respect to an enemy as serious and dangerous as the United States government. It has never really proven that viral vaccinations work.

This is my order to the free people of America as of April 28, 2020. 

Folks, there is no due Constitutional order left in America. We must insure our liberty. This means that bank contracts must change so that we are not under un-Constitutional law of banks and government agencies. We agree to some financial rules over which government has jurisdiction, but our liberty will not be attacked by the contract. We will abide to the legitimate jurisdictions of government over roads, industry, utility industries, food industries, business and banking and the like but the second they abuse these jurisdictions by trying to control the people through them they lose the jurisdiction and the killing I order in this memorandum must be immediately stepped up. We do not tolerate any resistance and we take no prisoners. But, by my research, they are in default of those area of jurisdiction also, simply because they betrayed the contract by which they received their positions and power. I am telling right now; Show no mercy. They never showed us any! Ask your politicians you approach: Are you going to defend the original Constitution and will you do all possible to fight to reestablish it. If the person says yes ask him to do all possible to reestablish the original Constitution as a start. If he start pulling out his cell phone or do anything else than answer you query, kill him immediately! because if the person says no, or does or say anything else, he is a corpse the next instant. This is no joke. If you, afterwards notice the person is lied to you, it is your job to execute him. We are taking no prisoners with traitors! The authorities must immediately understand that we mean business.

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Suggestions of Attack on Government Officials and the Corporate Structure

We did not start the wars -- governments did!  There never was a federal income tax. There never were any world wars, no Vietnam or Korean wars; there never was a Cold War. These wars were only in our minds because we were stupid enough to listen to their news bulletins, but they were never in the minds of the governments involved and in the minds of the OWO conspirators. We, all, have been lied to on an enormously huge scale. Everyone in governments for hundred and fifty years is guilty. They all pulled the wool over our eyes while we were good citizens, and obeyed all they told us to do. You, all, should be terribly angry!

What we are doing is not our fault; it is governments' fault! They betrayed us over a hundred and fifty years ago and kept this betrayal hidden from us for hundred and fifty years. All we are doing is finally joining the fight. To begin with target to kill all IRS agents and the military Joint Chiefs of Staff. Send them a message they will not forget! These chiefs keep all the armed forces captive under them. Once the military is freed from discipline they can join us in reestablishing liberty in America. Just keep blowing away whatever officers are in the way to free up the military.

They have been targeting us now since December 1945. Now it is our turn! Remember; we are at least 160,000,000 strong. We need about 20,000 cells of people; 5 to kill and 2 to look out. Form five pointed stars with the victim in center; this way no one can be shot but the victim. Always wear a loaded gun and a 6" bladed knife. I wish we could do it peacefully but government will never, ever, go for that! Stay at least 20 feet away from the target and the one at the back of the target shoots him / her in the back of the head. Wear floppy hats. Think things out but do not hesitate. Everybody is a target in government: judges, cops, everyone in government who is not willing to join your recalcitrant  cells. If he does, he must surrender where his family lives. if he betrays you, shoot the family. Always be able to pull ten or more cells together quickly. All people in the world  are involved in this fight for liberty -- this is a world-wide affair. Do not quit until we all have our liberty secured, everywhere in the world. Let's all pull together for once and get rid of all the forms of slavery governments put us through! Believe you me; the OWO wants us enslaved -- worldwide

Next suggestion. As employees form corporate clubs, organizations, groups and demand from your work place management to remove income tax administration from the company's accounting systems. If not you have options to destroy the company's equipment, sabotage or start company-wide strikes.

Get another set of bank accounts and while signing the contract, black out anything on accepting federal law with the note that the contracts are against the original Constitution. You will not accept being a slave to government. Then cancel your current accounts. It causes enormous administrative upheavals in accounting, business and banking. Anything that will obstruct operations so we can get our liberty back!

Literally write to your state legislatures and demand that they restore the Constitution to its original intent: Liberty for all and that income taxes are a form of slavery. Warn them that if they do not fight to reestablish the original Constitution they are traitors to the people, and consequences of death may follow. If they fire you start organized attacks on management. Do not take no for an answer. We are 200 million people strong; do not forget that!  The enemy must be attacked on all levels. So, be inventive!

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Paragraph needs a title here. Loaded truck and trailer weight cannot exceed 35.000 pounds and speed limit for trucks is 65 miles per hour. This will save the country's highway infra structure and increase the amount of jobs. Excessive speed limits will be reported, either through GPS or by others on the road, instantly to police and trucks will be electronically fined.

We must legalize drugs, bring the price down to competition pricing and set very high limits to DUI abuse standards for being caught in areas under control of the authorities. Drugs are recreational, and must stay at home. Anyone found driving on highly addictive drugs while driving must pay for it in fines and in prison labor while rehabilitating. Addicted people are slaves. Slavery is against the law, no matter in what way or means it is detected! High addictive drugs are under pharmacy regulation. Bring death penalties to the drug cartels management and dealers. Place all these things in the newly to be revised Constitution amendments.

Spread the word; copy my website and share. We must stop being wimps!

copy and hand out to friends

 Copy or create your own and hand out. This is important. You can leave out "please read 1st paragraph." 


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The original Constitution consists of just mere words. It is your dedication to defend the words that makes it law!

I am addressing all those who have taken an oath, or something to that effect of defending the original Constitution (because that is the only Constitution there is) and the, by the people, newly revised Constitution will set new standards of law, government and enforcement. I am your supreme Commander in Chief, overriding all other military titles and I belong to the worldwide resistance fighters against slavery in any form. Follow my orders herein and make sure we get our original Constitution back before October 31, 2020; the fight is on! We can then determine what else needs to be in it to guarantee liberty. That means the personal income tax is utterly abandoned within all the states and American properties held in trust; and to insure that all government bond certificates are set to zero value. If not; start the attacks on government administrations and their facilities. The elected officials have made themselves traitors. The elected officials have made due order a joke. It is not a joke, and we will reestablish true due order. The first order of business is for you all to make electronic and hard copies of all you find on reacquiring your Constitution rights on this website and distribute them to your Liberty Cells of resistance. We must have millions of copies about because my orders will remain standing whether I am alive or dead. Get back your individual freedom, that is what is at stake here. This struggle, probably, will be the Armageddon the Bible speaks about. Nobody could anticipate how this war would develop, but here it is. It is a world-wide war from the oppressed against their deceiving lying, false pretenders of government. If you do not secure your freedom from government now; it will only get worse because that is how the cowards with power and money operate.

Christians, you must decide whether you will remain ineffective wimps to me and to Jesus, whom you profess to be your lord. Your god is a righteous god; so show him you stand with him or are annihilated because of your failing and faltering trust and belief in Jesus and in the liberty that the original constitution guaranteed you. This site has the truth about Jesus and about true liberty. Do not remain deluded by your ministers and know there is also a price to regain your liberty in spirit. It is your choice. The truth you need is all here in this website.

As it is now, when your child or grandchild, being a slave of government, does not accept his now, constitutionally guaranteed slavery, he/she will be beaten by police, strong-armed by four government-type people with side arms, arrested, thrown in jail for at least 2 years and will eventually come out of prison a felon that cannot find work anywhere anymore because he/she must report to the company that he/she is a felon. All because of the 14th and 16th amendment incorporated into our (we, the people's) constitution, without any of "we, the people" knowing about the proposed amendment or giving these two amendments our consent. If you remain a wimp you will be looking at your children being treated that way; and all because you did not defend your constitution against your enormously crooked government when you discovered what vicious tactics government used to enslave you through your own constitution. Government will not accept backtalk from its slaves. And the police and sheriff's departments have no idea what they are doing. They are really not much more than hoodlums. The sheriffs have forgotten what they are really there for; there job is, mainly, to protect the people from government intrusion!

That is what happened during my arrest. I had many proofs of incidents where people, both of a federal and state nature (under color of federal law) infringed against my person and I retaliated by sending these people time-sensitive demands of what right they had to come against me. No one ever answered my demands, so I charged them all the penalties of the laws where federally charged people violated my rights and I fined them with all the penalties of the laws they violated by trespassing my rights, under color of the law. I updated my billings to them every month with 1% interest per month. That, basically, was why I was arrested for failing to report my billings (according to the IRS) . I must reiterate my statement that the American government is the most cunning and vicious government on earth!

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Armed forces soldiers, of any kind and rank, ask your base leaders to cooperate with you and my orders; if your corporate company officers do not, then kill them. Do not allow your superiors to argue or make contrary talk. Do not allow them contrary talk. They are either for us or against us. If they do not join you in your fight for liberty, the officer is a traitor. Kill him whenever you have the chance; but the sooner the better. This is a fight to get our country back from the official" riffraff who ripped our country and our freedom from under us by color of law and without due process. Do not take it anymore. The original Constitution is the law. There simply is no other. You took an oath to defend it; so, take it back. It is your original constitution. Get it back from those who stole it from you ‒ your elected officials who, all, betrayed you by taking an oath to defend it and lied.

We cannot rely on the governmental judicial system because they are part of the guilty people and guilty organizations. We have the proof. We have the story and now we need that action! I need to know general, Millice, (or whatever your name is) where you all stand. I have to ask my my wife for your name). Whose side are you and your fellow Joint Chiefs of staff members on. You took an oath to defend the Constitution; if you lied about that you are the enemy of we, the people. We, the people need to know whether you are on the treasoners' side or on the side of the suppressed and of the Constitution-robbed, people. Please get in contact with me, for if I don't hear from you within 10 days, I will be forced to address every fighting man in your military departments. I will give them the choice I give you gentile men; that is whether they wants to be the wimps and listen to their treasonous superiors or will be the help we need to defend and re-conquer the Constitution. We must set all the deceiving government administrations in America straight. They will have a choice as well, because we will force them to stand with the people or with a traitorous OWO conspiracy to bind the whole world into submission. This must be a movement that is going to be a lot worse than the Irish IRA movement. The liars and the schemers and enslavers will come to justice an masse!

The, by the governments perverted, Constitution has become an issue of a new independence war. It will be the people who will get back their original Constitution and we will get rid of government issued bonds, the personal income tax and mis-formulated bank account contracts. I am your new commander in Chief. I will carry no weapons. So, that if and when I die violently you know your commander has been murdered by the treasoners. Form yourself an over a hundred thousand  independence cells. Break open all armories, when your demands for weapons and ammunition is not met, kill all resistance. Every one who does not obey my orders to isolate government entirely from the people is an enemy. People at the IRS, FBI, Homeland Security and every other department that has armories, deliver the weapons to the people. We will be heard and we will not stop until we get back our original Constitution. We are unlimitedly free people, we will not allow submission of any kind. Government Bonds issues will stop and the value of outstanding bonds are set to zero. And there will be no US American citizen left who pays a personal income tax.

I will give these same orders to all people in the world. As your upper, senior commander I order you to do the same as I order the American people. Let's get rid of vicious, lying betraying politicians. Let's do away with the present system of the United Nations and set it up in a manner we, the people must have it. A United Nations should not create international tensions, but it must find ways to handle our needs and transport plenties so that everyone can have a decent life, without vicious governmental attacks on our persons. I, Hans, give to all people in the world our American original Constitution with the suggested changes included and I give you the power to enforce it in all your countries.

The new Masthead of the United Nations will be the original Constitution of the United States because it will insure liberty if we the people will only enforce it on our enemies in government. Listen to me! Government always will be your enemy!

Basically, the fight is as follows. Demand that those working for government cease to support the government traitors. Get a straight answer for or against the original liberty declaring Constitution. Any argumentation from that person is a death sentence.

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The mast head of our Constitution and the United Nations must be mast-headed with the following: Liberty for the People; and below that; No income tax, No debtor prison; No national or state governments' debt and bond issues, no liberty-debilitating personal bank account contracts or other personal liberty-debilitating contracts whatsoever and no signing government documents under penalty of perjury for civilians. Betrayal of one of we, the people in the entire world by any government is the betrayal of all of we, the people of the world. Presently, government professes treason, and treason must be stopped instantly by death of the treasoner(s).

It must be printed as a pre-preamble to the Constitution so that, never again, there can be a sliver of a doubt about the liberty of the people. Do not allow elected official or anybody else you question time to think about it; if the answer is not immediately for the original Constitution you have my permission to kill that person immediately. They are either with us or against us. The wimps need to die instantly. This is not a matter of democracy. This is a matter of obedience to me and to the cause. I demand obedience because my cause is true and important to every American and all other people in the world. The situation governments has lead us in calls for a vigorous stand for liberty. Those against, or wavering just condemned themselves to death. The wimps elected in office and betrayed us for so long deserve death -- immediately!

We got to get those who can be a threat to our liberty out of the way. Know, that as long as government owns 1 mm2 of property it can still claim itself to be a nation in itself. So, we must make the District of Columbia and all the properties it claims to own around the world to be the 51st state of the union; and the armed forces cannot any longer report to the president but to the chairman of the, by me proposed, Special Grand Jury, who itself has no authority but on majority-approval of a forum of the special jurors. At the moment the Military Chiefs of Staff refuses to obey me as the supreme commander; so it is open hunting season on all of them. Further, in the future any treaties with foreign nations must also receive the approval of this Special Grand Jury to be operational. Congress  and / or the president has proven to be utterly unreliable to make such decisions in the future.

If our Constitution is not set right on the deadline on June 21st, 2020, then my order and command takes effect on June 22, 2020. Do not disappoint me, get your weapons and your mind straight. The war of the people against their governmental oppressors is on until our liberty is fully secured. Nationally, I should have about 150,000,000 foot soldiers and internationally, about 3.7 billion. Go out, you-all, and set your countries and the world straight!  Great things come from small beginnings.

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US government, in conspiracy with state governments, sold us out as slaves through the beginning phrase of the 14th amendment and the 16th amendment. It clearly shows a conspiracy against the original experiment in the world of the American republican liberty form of government. Our forefathers, our fathers and we all swallowed the proposal and then the acceptance of the 14th amendment and 16th amendment treason like milk and honey. Notice that with a won civil war as camouflage they stuck us with the 14th as written and the continued collection of the income tax after the victory tax during the 2nd world war ran its 2-year cycle. Now, you can see that these wars were not accidents of nature. They were deliberately planned with a whole fleet of OWO goals, and our full enslavement, to accomplish. These were our fathers, sons and daughters that fought and won the wars and as reward their enslavement was planned and executed. Treason really cannot be any worse than that! And if you will read on you will find out that treason and betrayal runs as high as heaven in spirit. Yes, all the way up there!

The One World Order Conspiracy now has diseases at its disposal to keep the entire world under house arrest and cripple small business. Like I said so often now, it can start world wars, skirmish wars and now spread virus diseases that take an enormous toll in human life, destroys millions of mom and pap businesses and lots of larger businesses as well. They could not care less how much damage, misery and death it takes; like George Bush senior said, The One World Order is inevitable. They will get what they want, and the OWO is a plan accomplished unless, we, the people show them otherwise. This battle is not for the weak-minded. It takes all of us (in the world) to reestablish our true liberty! You have my standing orders:

Fight till death or till we get our liberty securely back!

We can actually win this war against treason from governments by absolutely avoiding voting for republicans and democrats. You will be tried in your mind by your accepted enemy-propaganda, but trust me, it is the only way we can get our liberty back!

Now read  My Arrest by IRS and then return to vaccinations by going to "Find function" in this site.

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I propose to try the Government(s) for Treason; this Would include all Elected of Officials in Federal & State Governments

We cannot rely on the governmental judicial system because they are part of the guilty people and guilty organizations. We have the proof. We have the story and now we need that action! I need to know, general Millice, Whether you are on the treasoners' side or on the side of the suppressed people. Please get in contact with me, for if I don't hear from you within 10 days, I will be forced to address every fighting man in your military departments. I will give them the choice I give you gentile men, that is whether they are wimps and listen to their treasonous superiors or will the help defend the Constitution and set governments in America straight. they will have a choice as well, because we will force them to stand with the people or with a traitorous OWO conspiracy to bind the whole world into submission.

Proposal for a Permanently Seated Special Grand Jury

Government cannot, hereafter, operate without the veto-approval of a permanently installed SPECIAL GRAND JURY that should be seated for 2 or 3 years, whose job it is to watch-dog our governments. They ought to be reelected by the people in the republican form of government. Payment for this jury must come from the jurors reporting the hours they spend on watch-dogging in sessions when needed; and the tri-monthly bill will be handled by the US Treasury.
I say vote in an administration and if it is doing a good job, decided by a majority polling-election, keep it in place. We could actually be doing the same with the members of the Senate and the members of the House of Representatives on approval or objection of the Special Grand Jury.

Government is just a bunch of people who are supposed to be working for "we, the free people as individuals"; it is not the other way around. What is the use of a Constitution if it is not doing what it is supposed to do for “we, the people”? Government cannot tell us what to do, unless it has specific jurisdiction and the 14th and 16th amendments are proof of Constitution criminality on the part of the governing officials and thus they are in defiance and guilty of insurrection against we, the free people. The Constitution must be amended with a phraseology that declares that the jury in a criminal case decide on both the law and the fact. The jury shall thus determine if they, themselves, would accept to be tried by the mandate of the law cited. If not that law will be scrapped from the code books; and the accused will be set free. Also, from hence forward, the military Joint Chiefs of Staff will report to the presiding member of the Special Grand Jury. Presidents have betrayed their office of being the head of the Joint chief of staff. We must learn to limit the power these high elected officials can carry.


The specially elected  Special Grand Jury can decide, whenever necessary, to call a special general election to remove any branch of government from office after a new election is held to replace those thrown from office altogether.

Original Constitutional Government’s Means and Ways to Collect Revenues

Government can collect taxes from corporations but they cannot hold us responsible for filing taxes and following their idiot rules, and paying taxes, etc. They can do nothing to the people because we are, forever, protected by the original Constitution from being harassed by government officials and / or agents. Nothing, not even an amendment, can be written anywhere that opposes the original intent of the Constitution. The War of Independence was fought to liberate us from the suppressive yoke of subjective jurisdiction by the English Crown ‒ any sort of suppression no matter its (Constitutional) source or jurisdiction must be resisted, even with a war against the criminals trying to subject us all.

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The Republican Form of Government, According to the Original Constitution, Means that a Person's Individual Rights  and Liberty cannot be taken away by a democratic majority vote. Direct taxes, as we pay them now is an utter poof that we are slaves and without rights at all, whatever they try to make us believe otherwise by them referring us to our constitutional rights. Since the adoption of the 14th amendment we lost the constitution and governments have the last say as to what is what!

Government schemed to abrogate our Republican Rights by giving the people a democratic majority vote to elect federal senators. They poured our republic into a democracy. By adopting the 17th amendment government hoped it took away the people individual rights so that we would all be bound by the 16th amendment. This is all hogwash. Government believes that through majority vote they can whittle away all our individual rights eventually. So, the 17th amendment (a dastardly enslaving tool), peculiarly, following the 16th amend on its heals reveals government's treason to separate the people from their individual, hard-won, republican rights that they earned through winning the war of independence; and whereby the people were delivered from British subjection. You can see the complete scheme they followed to extricate us from our republican rights through the  manipulation of the 14th, the 16th and the 17th amendments, all adopted by the governments taking its little baby-steps together.

The Original Constitution is a Declaration of Liberty -- What we have now is a declaration of slavery!

The US government, however, together with the traitorous state legislations, has made it a declaration of slavery; and they have maintained this traitorous stand for over 150 years! Just remember one thing, US government has been we, the people's" worst enemy in the last 150 years. Are you reciting allegiance to the flag? That means you defend it against all enemies while you admit to being a slave. The enemy is the one you trusted and who betrayed you behind your backs.
If you do not want to fight this corruption of the Constitution with all the might in you, you are a traitorous coward. I know the country is full of those! There should be no mercy! Either be a red-blooded American or be a wimp ─ your decision! Know that government has no “say” what the Constitution means (not even the Supreme Court); that responsibility is solely reserved to the people because it is their declaration of LIBERTY from the harassments of government. Government is the servant not the monarch. In the American republican form of government, each of us, individually is a monarch and unassailable without due cause; and as long as we respect the courtesies and rights that others expect from you. Do not let government deceive you. Stick to your hard-won republican rights!

The American Republican Form of Government is a Monarchy

Our form of government is like the British monarchy. We, the people, are the crown, the president is like the prime minster of England; like Churchill was during the 2nd WW. The only thing missing in the constitution is that we must have a titular king, and that is what I propose is the Special Grand Jury (SGJ). Whatever the legislature (congress) comes up with must be accepted and signed by the Chairman of this jury after deliberation and acceptance by majority vote of the jury.

Up till now our servants had the had their unrestricted way with us, the people. This must stop immediately. It was always intended that we, the people rule over our government. We, the people, are not a figurehead. We are the literal master of our country. That is also why the justice department cannot ever rule over constitutional issues. If we would allow that, we just lost our constitution and the roles are reversed as they are now. We, the people, ourselves, are the only judge of what the constitution means. So we must revamp the constitution with the changes I propose in these articles that only the people can change the constitution by having the SGJ suggest whether any piece of legislature can affect the constitution, and if there is any reason to believe that they are right then the chairman of the SGJ must demand that the piece of legislation be brought up for a general vote by all the people. 55% majority of the people's vote decides whether that particular legislation stands or falls and / or must be altered to the dictates of the chairman of the SGJ.

Someone must start a video and texting blog that is the communication between all of us, the people about constitutional matters. This video and texting blog is where we, the people communicate with one another and must be the means to form a Special Grand Jury, with whom we can communicate through this common blog. This blog project is of most importance and urgency. It must have data management, analysis, communication and decision capabilities. It is like face book, but we are all friends. And it must have clout!

I am too old and ignorant in such matters, so count me out. My contribution to you all is this book and my website.

But first we, the people, must force our state governments to release their hold off our, the people’s constitution. Those who are against our takeover of control over our constitution are in public treason against the people, and must be executed as is done throughout history with traitors. So, let’s get started as a people to insist that we get our constitution back ‒ by a peaceful method or through arms.

Presently, with the personal income tax, we live on a ranch of open-range slavery; no matter where you are they still get your 1, 3, 10 or 80 pounds of flesh.

Our newly to be declared Constitution for the US Government must have a masthead that clearly declares that we, the people, enjoy unrestricted liberty from government inference, forbids debtor-prison, personal income tax, government bond issues and no liberty-debilitating personal bank account contracts, no other kinds of personal liberty-debilitating contracts and no signing of government documents under pressure perjury by civilians. My bank account was given in court to give the IRS jurisdiction in their case against me.

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The Worst Crime in History

The reversal of the intent of the meaning of the Constitution was well hidden inside an amendment that common folks never saw or considered. This crime is even surpassing the communist take-over of Russia in the second decade of the 20th century, or the communist take-over of China. The Constitution now supposedly binds us hands and foot to the will of government. It does not protect us at all. The problem lies with a most clever trick done to our Constitution. Read the mutinous first line of the first paragraph of the 14th amendment. It says: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof . . ." To be subject is to be a slave ─ the African slaves in America were subject to their masters. Abe Lincoln who brought the international bankers back into our country was one of the prime American traitors. Presently every elected official in federal and state government is holding the people, the country and the constitution hostage from liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Only cowards will live permanently under these conditions.

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Abe Lincoln Was Government's Pal  --  never the Pal of the People; he is a traitor

We must no longer live with his statue sitting there in the Lincoln Memorial. This traitor's name must be dragged through the mud from this day forward. How did that bastard dare to begin enslaving the entire population? Government built statues and such for their reasons, for reasons that affect the entire population negatively. Lincoln was government's pal, not the pal of the people -- we, the people just paid for it! Do not ever forget that! So, start looking for other statues of other people that helped set government above the people, and so get a clearer picture who the original conspirators are who betrayed us.
In history, everywhere, the common people have had to put up with such incredible suppression and cruelty, it is almost unbelievable that no one has ever done anything about the corruption of our constitution. I give kudos to Carl Marx. At least he accused the rich and provided a means to correct the incredible, permanent suppression  the entire human population had to content with; and I wish nothing but death to our present set of elected officials who were allowing this American slavery to continue to this very day!

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Esoteric versus Exoteric

There are always these two principles sown up together. The esoteric is the truth according to the deceivers and those siding with them, presently and in the past; and the exoteric is the story they publish to fool the public. Lincoln's statue means to the esoteric that he did government, the bankers and the rich great favors and when these scoundrels see the statue they know Lincoln was for the rich and did good things for them. The exoteric message is for those who are supposed to be fooled by the rich and powerful. It means he did his very best to fight and free the slaves. Yes; but that was not the real purpose of the civil war. The real purpose was to use the victory to bind the entire American population into subjection and slavery and it was a successful start of the conspiracy to found a One World Order (of which nobody knew anything but the conspirators). Yes, for everything government applauds publicly look, as the common man, what the real truth is that they are very determined to hide from the masses. These two principles are ever present and are used over and over by those in control, the deceivers and traitors -- always! The big problem with believing exoteric "truths" is that the common folks enforce these beliefs on each other so that it becomes impossible to eradicate these false beliefs from the minds of people. That is why it becomes eventually necessary to have a general uprising like they had in the French revolution and the heads of the rich rolled en masse! It is time again to have this in America.

These two principles are ever present and are used over and over by those in control, the deceivers and traitors -- always! It is the principle of the primordial lie; and when persisted in will lead to ultimate spiritual death – absolutely no escape from it. So, never take what the rich, powerful and government tries to promote to you at face value -- believe me -- they are trying to fool you. Look at the Vietnam War, there was really nothing to fight over and see how many tens of thousands died in that stupid war. Finally, to fool you again, they erected the Vietnam memorial; it diverted general unrest. It means something to them and the opposite to the rest of us; the rich, powerful and government does not give a hoot how many people died! As far as the many governments involved in that war, it was mere shadow boxing. The war was about giving the Vietnam people and government standing in the eyes of the nations which, as a prior colony, they desperately lacked. If there is a monument, be sure, they are fooling you with it. The purpose of the war was to give recognition for Vietnam as people and as a nation.

Another name for misleading the masses is called propaganda. Today misinformation is spread through the new-media, and it is swiftly picked up by the public media such as face book. Once public media gets a hold on misinformation there will soon be 500 versions of the misinformation and the esoteric truth is safe forever.

Examples of Esoteric and Exoteric:

Esoteric message – there is an international OWO conspiracy --- Exoteric message -- There is no conspiracy; people are talking here, simple, about conspiracy theories!
Esoteric message– US citizens are under the jurisdiction and control of US government --- Exoteric message -- US citizens are the only free population on earth.
Esoteric message: We have no enemies abroad and among the insiders all is at peace
Exoteric message and appearances -- We have Arab extremists and terrorists; we have communism versus capitalism; we have Korean, Vietnam and may other wars we (the insiders) sick on all the populations of the world.
Hardly ever mentioned as seriously bad is capitalism. Capitalism is ever present in any system of politics. It is insidious and it is the only thing that makes physical reality hell. It is ever present because the gods of the universe built it into the virtual reality called physical reality. It is a component of greed only present in human beings to the extreme.

The twin towers coming down and the construction of a single building in their place =-- meaning the end of a dived world order and the beginning of the united One World Order centered in the United Nations in New York, NY. To the common people it announces another Muslim act of terrorism.
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The Initial Phraseology of the 14th Amendment Must Be Corrected as Follows:

All people, who were part of and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those people naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens;

The people have been extraordinary patient with this treason, but this must now cease; and action must be taken to restore the Constitution to protect the people from any further dictatorship actions of government(s). The truth is that we are above the government because we, the people, as individuals assembled, wrote the Constitution to contain the government to the letter. Come hell or high water, we are the boss over it!! Government is subject to us! We and, especially the military, as the military of the independence fighters also did, must fight to re-declare our independence from this dictatorial government to get our original Constitution and our liberty back. It means that our armed forces (having taken a very serious oath to defend the original Constitution / declaration of liberty) have the jurisdiction to arrest the traitors now called "elected officials" and take control (because federal government may now be viewed as a foreign group of conspirators that have usurped our legitimate Constitution government) until a new government is elected and sworn into office again

Governments are in treason to the people. The only things that get people's attention are money or bullets. We, the people, do not have money so we have to convince them with bullets. We must get our original, improved constitution back!! If they reduce us to the status of slaves then, we, the people, will let them know they are mistaken! Bullets are the only remedy; whether the armed forces will help us or not. They seem to forget that our families are in the armed forces!
Anyone that is not helping us to get back our liberty, anyone at al, is our enemy! You shoot or sting up traitors. This why you all have your gun amendment right. that is to shoot traitors in government! You, either say what you mean, or you are just all cowardly talk that needs t0 be strung up!

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The Deceitful Phraseology of a Bank Account Contract

For over a century and a half the departments of government ignored these violations of the Constitution and continued, over prolonged periods, to use these fake 14th and 16th amendments together with a deceitfully phrased individual signed bank account contracts that stipulates that holders of bank accounts must uphold all federal laws in order for people to have a contract with a bank; thus giving US government fraudulent jurisdiction in federally filed criminal cases. This federal contractual rule must be abrogated or the banks are intruding on the Constitutional intent and are then in treason against the people. We must demand
I can see that people must adhere to general banking rules, but that does not give government the right to subject all people using a bank account to be subject to all federal laws rules and regulations. This rule as it stands now is treason to the people.

If you want a new bank account, just read over the sections and cross out anything having to do with obeying federal or state laws and sign it. if the banker refuses to accept the contract, kill the person. Always, support and help your fellow fighters. No one goes to prison or into the police tanks without making sure they stay out. Fight for the freedom of your fellow Constitution-fighting soldiers. Kill all opposition, one way or another.

Whoever reads English in other countries copy down this website and find help to translate it into your language. Spread the word. We will not tolerate being ignored any longer!

My Demands as a Former Arrested and Brutalized Person

I, as a former arrested and brutalized person by orders of the IRS, demand reparations for my person being subjected to extremely brutal, original-Constitutional violations, unwarranted arrest treatment by IRS agents and a Vallejo, CA police officer, named Cosgrove in early 1993. They claimed "cause" but did not have any, and never showed me any cause. I was found guilty by the judge and served two years, against Constitutional mandate, to 2 years in jail.
I have set out my demands for reparations to this treatment in my address to the US Attorney General in a letter I sent him (se further below for this letter). I will not be happy until I have it in my possession: $200,000 per year in prison and $100,000 per year for my wife having to suffer life without me. If government is honest, it would speedily and voluntarily make these reparations for having created havoc and serious harm to my family. I will not be happy until I have it in my possession. See: My Arrest by IRS below.

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My Arrest by IRS

One day I came home from my post office box and a car came screeching to a stop in my driveway. A woman, Jody, came out first with two burly plain-clothed men. They said they came to arrest me. I was still sitting in my car. I said let me see the arrest warrant and see showed me a piece of paper from about 6 feet away. I said let me read it but she retracted the warrant. So, I stayed in my car for about a couple of minutes. In that time she called the city cops and a minute later a cop showed up.
He immediately pulled his night stick to demolish my car. So I got out of the car to protect my car. He immediately jumped me and we fell on the ground and he proceeded to hit my face with his fist. He must have hit my face about 3 to 4 dozen of times without let-up before he quit. In the mean time the two men jumped on my back to restrain (?) me. Since I had fallen, my two arms were under my body but the weight of the three of them made it very hard to place my hands on my back for them to cuff me. I was never read my rights. I was illegally arrested because the police officer never bothered to check the warrant and never bothered to show it to me. Police jurisdiction cannot be claimed until the suspect has read the warrant if one was issued and until the suspect was read his rights. I, also, wonder whether the police has any jurisdiction over an IRS arrest.

As long as I was not cuffed the cop kept hitting me in the face. The cop dumped me in his car and drove to the hospital where I was cuffed to a bed. Nurses and doctors came by and just looked. My face was beat to pulp, but there was nothing they did. After a half hour of this I was placed in the IRS car and driven to San Francisco and placed in a cage with about another dozen, or so, people. I was in there for about an hour and brought into court. I was never read my rights; these three hoods from the IRS could have been a bunch of Mafia people using the cop to beat me up. How could he have known? The judge must have read me the charges in order to ask if I claimed: guilty or not guilty; but I cannot remember her doing that. If that is so, it was the first time I heard of them; and I hardly ever understand the first time somebody reads text to me.

If, indeed, a warrant was out for my arrest, the signing judge was fully ware that our US constitution was inverted by the 14th amendment and that the people were since then reduced to serfs rather than monarchs. The warrant-signing judge, the arresting IRS arresting officers, the Vallejo cop, the arraignment judge, the Marshalls at court, and the trial judge all knew, or should have known that they were trespassing on my rights to liberty and in conspiracy to sent me to jail,; the Marshalls office being in further guilty o confiscating my court suites and donating them tio some charity I cannot see it in ay other manner than that America is ruled by hoodlums who know that they are doing wrong and ripping the society off their liberty and have reduced them to slaves that worked on the plantations. I am appalled to be called an American with the rest of the people that allow themselves to be reduced to slaves. You either follow my commands or you are deserted by me and the gods. Shape up and do hat it takes to get your liberty back!
A nation of 350 million people strong, wherein almost all people still solemnly recite allegiance to a flag in a nation that has completely betrayed them.

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This Is What Judges at Arraignment Should Ask Before any other Proceedings Take Place.

Has the arraigned person been read his/her rights? Has the arraigned person been molester during arrest? Has the arraigned person seen and red the warrant? Has any additional officials helping with the arrest seen the warrant? In this criminal case is the title of the case correct?
These are 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th amendment rights that were violated in the criminal (?) trail. Without this knowledge brought before the court the hearing cannot proceed any further and or must be declared a mistrial.

At that time, also, the judge must decide whether the arraigned person should be released and the case declared a mistrial.
Nothing like that happened in my case. She (the judge) was extraordinary brisk with me; short and irritated.  And I was not up to sniff on procedure to insist on it. But the judge should have; and as far as I am concerned she was more guilty than I, because I stood and fought for my (our) rights; and my case hinged on me defending my rights for I was arrested for defending my liberty (it, probably, is a good lesson on your rights to read my case against the IRS from the court proceedings) unless they all came afterwards to correct any legal buboes they made. I would think they probably did.

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Police Brutality in front of family members

he other thing was that my wife was just convalescing from an operation and heard all the tumult outside; so she came out and saw me being beaten to pulp by the cop. She was hauling out there too! The cop testified to the number of arrests he had made in his career, which was somewhere around 1750; anyway, it was an astronomical number. The female judge asked if he was  injured in the arrest proceeding and he showed her a, tiny, little scratch on his cheek (we had fallen right next to a rose bush and he must have evidently got that scratch there. So, I spoke up and asked the judge why she did not immediately get up and kiss the poor guy. I howled "Please judge, kiss his bubo, please kiss his bubo ", but she only gave me her meanest look and told me to shut up. Even the deputy marshals could not stop grinning!

It was another sham of a proceeding. I felt myself to be a slave who objected to have his labor forced from himself; and that is why I had the bejesus' beat out of me and be forced into a labor concentration camp; and thereafter I was prevented to continue my profession because a felon must report to the company he is applying to for a job that he is a felon. So, nobody would hire me ‒ my very life was destroyed forever. I was a slave who disobeyed and I had to be made an example to all the other slaves, so my conviction went into all the major newspapers! How dare this man oppose the by the (perverted) Constitution approved, American slave system?! HOW DARE HE? HOW DARE HE? HOW, THE HELL, DOES HE DARE! Yeah, liberty in America! One of my friends tracked down the car of judge Armstrong and gave me the make (Volvo) and license number. I told them I did not want to harass the judge. She probably was scared stiff of the IRS herself.

Fictions of Reality always Become Dictatorial

Do you see how fictions of reality can take over your life? Fictions of reality, government, should never have the upper hand over life organic human beings! I hope, that my punishment is a lesson to you and declare yourself for liberty and against any sort of slavery, as income taxes are; or otherwise, may your chains hold you lightly! Remember that some 70% of your taxes are squandered on keeping the ONE World Order going on track.

In summary: My 1st amendment rights were ignored. I petitioned the US Attorney General (with a copy to the president of the USA see my letter below) that my in inborn rights were violated by the IRS arrest proceedings at my place of residence in Vallejo, CA The Attorney General is in arrears responding to my grievance. My individual rights were violated (9th amendment); I was never given the chance to read the warrant during my arrest (4t amendment right); The criminal case was titled wrong (6th amendment); I was given way too excessive bail (8th amendment) and I was seriously brutalized. People in this country have been separated entirely from their Constitution. It is a shame /shame / shame! From the IRS agents, to the Vallejo, CA cop, to the IRS attorneys, to the arraignment judge and the trail judge; everyone of them broke one or more of my Constitutional  rights without ever even blushing. By the way, the trail judge I was stuck with was a black lady called "Armstrong". I always thought she was related to Louis Armstrong the famous trumpet player and singer. She did not remember either that her forefathers once were slaves or she was not willing to do a true job of delivering Constitutional justice. Just know, if it happened to me it happened / happens to a lot of other people. Don't stand for it any longer! It can happen to you; unless, of course, you are an obedient slave.

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 Below, Time Table of the USA, One World Order Conspiracy


The Social Security Number gave us the forced income tax

You can follow the criminal time table by seeing how one government action followed the next: first the deliberately set off civil war by US Congress intimidation of the south, then the consequent civil war followed by the Constitution-corrupting 14th amendment's adoption; then the adoption of the 16th amendment; the US participation in WW1 to cause unbelievable destruction and loss of life to try to inaugurate the League of Nations by the United States ID. It was a conspiratorial act to begin the One World Order. Then the Federal Reserve Bank caused the great depression. Its purpose was to cause so much hardship on people, but especially on the older generations. Which gave government in the mid thirties of the 20th century the OK from the people to create all the social security institution (which ideas were already being discussed in the legislature in 1930), which gave governments the all important social security the means to give US and state citizens the social security ID and thus the familiar state and federal income tax identification #. Thus in 1930 US government already knew that in 1940 a world war was being planned so the income tax could be voluntarily accepted by the American people. The plan was to re-propose a League of Nations that failed to fully materialize after the 1st W. W. US government, under Roosevelt, wanted desperately to be involved in the 2nd WW so that it had a valid reason to start taxing the citizenry and to propose the now established United Nations, with headquarters right here on our soil.

War always gives our government huge advantages over we, the people -- so, be sure that when government wants more power over us their strategy will always be either a threat of war or a sudden oncoming war. Be sure of that! You can see this from my brief here on how we were enslaved (but remember; God is the one who set all this up because people, by themselves are not capable of thus.-- we are merely sleeping souls acting out a spiritual script. All the following wars after the 2nd WW were a forth flow of LL the US citizens receiving a Tax ID # ; that is how incredibly important it was for the US government to force a tax ID number on the citizenry -- and the only way they saw was to give us a social security number first. And as long as we have the CIA institution you can be assured that whatever war, skirmish, terrorism, etc. can be traced directly to the CIA, that works behind the scenes in every country through several hidden fronts set these actions into motion. This department is closely related to the United Nations to secure its goals such as Homeland Security which now operates in all countries and causes civil rights violations on and on. government gains the most advantage over we, the people through wars and terrorisms of whatever kind -- all set off by CIA activity. These two agencies are the worst terrorist agencies in the world.

Then One World Order conspiracy caused the deliberately planned 2nd WW (The Japanese were in on this conspiracy by bombing Pearl Harbor to give the US government an excuse to join in on the war because the people were resolutely against engaging in the war. Roosevelt was eager to join the war because without the USA being involved in the war the OWO conspiracy plans could not proceed any further, and neither could the plan to yoke Americans with the income tax). You can clearly see that the newly created tax ID is directly tied to the world war II, because the people were going to be forced through Pearl harbor to join a war that was already scheduled to happen, and which required a 2 year voluntary victory tax to start forcing the tax from the people (voluntarily) and which tax is still levied today and still labeled voluntary. After the war they ignored the deadline of expiration of the voluntary income tax. The Japanese war effort was making great inroads in Asia because England could not then (supposedly) defend its Asian colonies. By attacking Pearl Harbor they betrayed themselves because they knew before hand that they could not win against the USA) and the consequent initiation of the federal, voluntary, personal victory tax; and then, the IRS who, although the voluntary victory income tax had, legally, expired, continued to collect the "voluntary" tax based on the now well known 16th Amendment and also, the establishment of the United Nations (of which the US government paid something like 80% of the first ten years of operation ‒ your income tax dollars). The Japanese betrayed, themselves to be a partner in the One World Order because that nation gave US government an excuse to join the war. You can see that we are dealing with a international secret conspiracy, weaving itself from federal government as the proposer of the several Constitution changing steps, desperately wanting to be a part in the two world wars to increase destruction of life and property to the maximum in order to make the people of the world surrender to a One World Order government; which was proposed by US government immediately after winning this vicious murderous war by proposing and executing the United nations as a new form of world government (which by the constitutional mandates is another treason perpetrated by government against the people). I mention here again that the US government inaugurated the Social Security act with the false intention of saddling the American people with an income tax ID # and sucking out the population of its wealth. In other words our American history over the last hundred and fifty years is all an artificially fabricated history to get the American people to pay a forced (voluntary) income tax. This income tax was extended to all state governments and from there all governments started the sale of government bond issues. This utter betrayal, then, involved every elected official who were not our friends but from the start enemies of the people.

As it stands now the whole political strata of politicians, both federal and state, know that they have been found guilty of sedition and treason. The evidence lies clearly exposed. If they do nothing and try to ignore their guilt as the propaganda technology prescribes, they set themselves up for punitive massive people's revenge. A civil terrorist war will be at hand and the politicians will be the victims of death and more. Why not find the right solution to set things straight. They can never again hide their conspiracy because it lies exposed and it is well publicized by me and now many others. It will never go away now until things are set straight. Betrayal against one of we, the people is the betrayal of all of we, the people.

Yesterday, July 22, 2020 I spoke to a man who added to what I had to say that we are just as stuck and enslaved by our state and county governments. He is completely correct, and it is atrocious; but let's face it, state government only got away with their ploys after the 14th amendment was adopted. And the adoption of these are all based on state legislative bodies accepting the federal treason; so we must take away all constitutional connections to our national constitution that the original founders placed in the constitution and make sure that federal government cannot suggest any changes to the constitution at all. It also makes clear that we must have permanent juries in place national and statewide that must make sure our governments cannot ever trample us down again as they have done to us now. Can you now see the sick wisdom of the state governments how they could benefit from ripping the national constitution from us and made it a government-controlled document entirely? They trained in us a slave-mindset to accept our degenerate3d status, but folks we are 160,000,000 people strong (worldwide we are some 2.5 billion strong. Let us get them and keep them supressed. We can vote the traitors out of office, and if the refuse we have clear proof of their treason and can place them against the wall, Hitler-style, and submachine gun them out of existence. We are the final power. Our families make up all the government employee bases and of the elected officials as well; how can we ever loose. Justice and everything else is suspended until we again have a government of three separate and isolated from each other government departments. Now they are all in cahoots; and the news media is 100% government controlled. So, please watch or listen to anything else but the news -- ye hear! I have said it elsewhere, but to the OWO we are nothing but a self-replenishing resource. they do not give a hoot about us. It is their great ideal to keep us repressed and caught.

Stop seeing things government's way. We must force them to see things our way again!

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Government never Admits to any Wrong-Doing ‒ A Hither Propaganda Ploy

Having now clear proof of an anti-Constitution conspiracy in our government systems, I have no other choice but to take command because "we, the people" cannot tolerate that a bunch of liberty-stealing criminals run our governments in our stead. To the pseudo-president I added this section below: "We, the people" are not taking it any longer. Place yourself for the people and the original Constitution or declare yourself as traitor against all that the United States Constitution originally stood for and continue to enslave your nation.

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Following Is my Demand and Order to the Military Joint chiefs of Staff

I, herewith, empower the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff, jointly, full power and responsibility as I, a member of "we the people" to be the only one with enough knowledge and understanding, seemingly to be absent in the rest of the population and governments, to correct and stand guard over "we, the people's" U. S. Constitution as a protecting watch and attack dog, because all other people and bureaucrats have failed to protect and defend the Constitution. We tried to depend on the several groups of civil governmental institutions responsible for watch dogging the Constitution, and they have betrayed us. All these people, having responsibility in government, have taken the oath to uphold and defend the original Constitution, but those are only words. They have all failed to do anything at all to defend the original Constitution.

So, the military Joint Chiefs of staff, as a military joint group, have been given the most important assignment, ever, to do what our military is supposed to do before anything else: help the people to correct our US Constitution to its original intent of keeping the people free from subjection and slavery; and to help keep it safe in perpetuity ‒ to make sure "we, the people" are all free and beyond reach of the civil services and of government's grip to enslave the people ever again. Hereunder, in my letter to the US Attorney General, I have a proposal to inaugurate a perpetual Special Grand Jury (SGJ) whose job it is to check that government will remain within its Constitutional authority. You, joined Staff, please make sure such a Special Grand Jury is established and filled with people, not having one iota to do with politics and government; and keep a close relationship with this coming Special Grand Jury (SGJ) to help them when necessary in re-stabilizing our government when it runs amok again against the Constitution. So, take note when other amendments are proposed and adopted that go against the grain of liberty and freedom. You can also go through all the government-adopted amendments and verify that we, the people can accept them. Off with their heads; all of them! We cannot have mercy against such treason! The deceit and cruelness of our governments from the Lincoln administration era and the following administrations of federal and state governments up to this point have perpetuated over the last 150 years is beyond words to express. How can "we, the people" ever have mercy on these critters? However, from a spiritual standpoint we must thank them and god for it all. We are here to learn and experience evil, as the name of the tree in paradise implies. Without evil we experience in this physical existence we would never, ever experience the good, equally a part of what the name of the tree in paradise implies. It is the only means to regain our conscience in spirit again, but this time as a full pledged spiritual being with permanent status in spirit! Everything in the physical realm is in god, Jehovah's hands; and his job is to make us understand good and evil. He is doing a magnificent job. there is nothing any of us can do or think that does not come from him!

I want you all to select the members of the Special Grand Juries. A minimum quorum would be 18 members present, but the total amount of jurors should be about 200 in total;, and all must be required to attend, unless extremely serious circumstances prevent a member from being present on penalty, etc. (but only when a vote needs to be taken).  I know that well-trained retired military people, especially personnel from sergeants to the highest officers, will make the best jurors because they understand what loyalty and liberty mean. The Constitution demands the highest form of loyalty. All these jurors first need to know what the Constitution meant to the writers and to the people who fought in the independence war. The common man, has no idea what is necessary to be a constitutionally trained person. I hate to say this but I believe this Special grand Jury should not have rich and powerful people impaneled; there is always something wrong with them. They can hardly read enough to communicate as "citizens" and their cell phones are their ultimate toys. To defend the Constitution means to help the most ignorant people from falling into traps created by officialdom from which they do not know how to extricate themselves and / or end up being incarcerated for many years like I was. The military, from all ranks up must be re-taught what it means to protect and defend the Constitution. Only government, at this time, has the means to pervert it; and government officials corrupted the Constitution. Please help set this country and this world straight and let us all be free people. No more individual beings in subjection to government, and no more personal income taxes which are undeniable indications of slavery. What we have today is creeping enslavery. Government agencies take baby steps of some 30 to 40 years to address different ignorant generations; and your posterity will hate you for letting it happen. Stop it now! Presently, the original Constitution declares that our country is in enemy hands; so defend the country from our in officialdom entrenched enemies!!! Of course, your posterity are your souls reincarnated in the future. You are doing it to or for yourself -- you cowards!

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Presently, the original Constitution declares that our country is in enemy hands

At the start of WW II, the coming Japanese attack on our military base at Pearl Harbor was known to President Roosevelt but he hid this fact from the US military and as supreme commander he was thus guilty of high treason and should have been shot. He kept the commander of that base in the dark about the attack (the attack was thus a smashing success in destruction of property and human lives) so he could rile up the American people to give him support to join the British in the war. All I can say about President Roosevelt and all the rest of the elected government authorities is that they were traitors against their own people and of the armed forces. Not only did they betray the nation, they betrayed us by being part of an international conspiracy; they betrayed the armed forces and all of us; and caused a holocaust in Pearl Harbor. How can we, as Americans, keep our heads high towards the people of the world? We have been totally defeated because we trusted them (people whom we put in charge).

We were all betrayed from the beginning, because no one defended our brave little defenseless Constitution. How could we, we were goaded to fight the toughest civil war ever known by President Lincoln? One of the phony goals of the very difficult civil war was to free the slaves but, instead, the real goal was to enslave us all! And this dastardly thing was done while we were all fighting; and as we can see the right cause, the South, lost the war. History is written by the winner, not always the right group to support.

So, the people fought the civil world war in which the country suffered enormous losses of property and of human life, that created huge heaps on misery on just about everyone; yet with all the fanfare of winning a war a federal government proposed the 14th amendment; and it was placed before the state legislatures. No one even noticed that it, not only freed the slaves for a couple of months, but that everybody became subject to a by the Constitution protected enslavement policy of us all to the federal government. I find that, above all things, incredibly odd. The state governments were completely in on the perversion of the government.

Did no one even bother to think that the whole idea of a Constitution was to declare unlimited liberty and freedom to all?  Most people in the legislatures were and are lawyers; and then throughout the years, no on noticed or objected sternly to that first phraseology of the 14th amendment. No one knows better than lawyers what subjection means. You can draw only one conclusion; an enormously traitorous conspiracy was at hand. Traitors, all of them; a most dastardly thing. I have no other words for it;  the 14th is utterly unConstitutional. If you bring this before the people, I know that 90% of the voters will agree with me!

I really, really, suggest that the people, through the SGJ, take another look at the Constitution's phraseology and throw out the clauses that declare that state governments must vote on amendment proposals to the Constitution. Now that the state legislators have proven to us all that they are traitors, we must include a clause that, from hence forward, only "we, the people" will approve of all previously adopted and future amendments. And if "we, the people" screw up our federal Constitution then, the people only have themselves to thank.

Listen; our governments in the past have made us fight wars for the OWO goals and hundreds of thousands of people were forced as slaves (the start of the first sentence of the 14th amendment) to fight wars against their will and against the principles of liberty. the (secret) One World Order conspiracy has cost the nations over a half million death and millions of inured people. It has cost us billions of dollars to fight. Government does not give a damn how people suffer or die; they find their OWO goals much more important; and all you sleeping duds only worry about which political party will enslave you. You are a sleeping giant and you just will not wake up. Government is puny compared to the power we have. Secure our liberty and then worry about the rest. Let's make sure that forced military service and forced taxes will never ever happen again.

Insure our liberty before anything else. I am so disappointed in you all!!

This introduction copied from my book Nested Betrayals, now available from, search for Hans van Krieken

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Following is My Declaration and Order to those working for all our federal and state governments:

I, Johannes Pieter van Krieken, as a free, sane human being of we, the people, and inhabitant of one of the states assembled into the United States of America; and in absentia of a Constitution-defending and liberty-loving president, and acting on behalf of "we, the free people" (I, having, assuredly, at least 80% of all federal income tax payers and, at least, 30% of non-income tax payers behind me), having given the president of the United States and the US Attorney General due notice (and if they deny "due notice", this here writing will be their due notice), make the following proclamation to my "supposed ”fellow “free Americans” who in any way are associated with the operation of the institution / government called, the United States of America: I order every elected official, employee, agent, worker and anyone associated “with” or “of” the United States of America and of the state governments (this also includes sheriffs and the police forces of incorporated cities and private communities) to cease their duties and go home until the following treasonous phraseology, which never held any Constitutional meaning to start with, is removed from the 14th amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, because it is the original Constitution's intent to insure the "forever freedom" of we, the original fighters, their descendants and those naturalized as free people of the American states assembled:

In the 14th amendment to the Constitution, for the creation of a federal government and the new document of we, the people, the following initial phrase must be removed, forthwith

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof  

And this phraseology must be replaced with the following wording:

All people, who were part of, and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those people naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens;

and, secondly, I order the abolishment of the 16th amendment in its entirety;

So that our liberty is again insured; or if you by refusing to obey this ,my order, to abandon your job temporarily, you declare yourself to be a fellow traitor and conspirator to the free people of United States of America.

"We, the free people" have declared war upon the deceitful persons in government to keep "we, the people" from having our unlimited freedom as the Constitution's intent of that document insists and which was written after the valiant war of independence which has cost the dear lives of many of our initial heroes of that war. Prevent a second civil war; join me in my declaration and order by insisting that these orders are followed by you insisting that your elected officials join me in my intention to give life and meaning back to a document as important as the Constitution; or be declared traitor to “we, the people” yourself. If we do not do it now, it will never happen and your posterity will always fear, and be in subjection of hard labor to their government; the government, in which, instead, they should have a full trust ; and also, that we may be a shining example of standards of liberty for the rest of the nations in this world. Declare yourself for or against liberty, for or against slavery; and for or against the original Constitution. Those who disobey this order are in insubordination to the only leader now available to you because the officials in government are in treason against the original Constitution and against "we, the free people". Whatever we do else; we must always first take care of the home fires. These United States are aflame with treasonous fires from north to south and from east to west. We, just, cannot allow this situation to continue. We live for posterity; posterity demands that we give them a free future; so that we can say we did not abandon them! And your posterity is you, because Jehovah, god of physical reality, said: "the sins of the fathers shall be passed on to the sons".

You, officials and the Joint Chiefs of Staff will be in subordination to your commander in chief, me. if you disobey. It means that you admit to keep a criminal government system in place! In that case you might as well free all soldiers you have placed in prison on charges of insubordination, because you would be no better than they are. but if you obey, you will be called the new freedom fighters of America! I am Paul Revere and George Washington rolled in one; but I am like Lincoln in a manner, also, in that I want to set free all the slaves, all 350.000.000 of us ‒ forever; not just for a couple of months. The federalees have us by the balls! Let's get them back.

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 Declared on this the 2 of April, 2020

I f the president is a decent citizen, he would start the Constitution reform demand himself and secure our liberty as if new arrived at. he can do so with the help and threat of the armed forces, to do so in a temporary, military overthrow. Set the Constitution straight and save a lot of lives in the process, because the people will do it themselves if he is not a decent citizen.

He could demand that all legislative houses be deserted throughout the nation and start new elections of legislators who will clearly take an oath to uphold the new Constitution which will have added provisions for a Special Grand Jury and for the new Supreme commander being the chairman of the Special Grand Jury; and an added provision that the Special grand Jury chairman will be executed if the Constitution will again lapse in a treasonous document. The new Constitution, having a masthead that declares liberty for all the people, and below that "no income taxes, no debtor prison, no government bond issues, no liberty-debilitating personal banking account contracts, no other kinds of personal liberty-debilitating contracts and no signing of government documents under penalty of perjury. I am for all that!

I will give you a set of addresses you can write or email to ( look up some email addresses)

San Francisco Examiner, Chief Editor, 835 Market Street, suite 550, S.F. CA 94103

Wall Street journal, Chief editor: Matthew J. Murray, 211 Avenue of the Americas, New York NY  10036

Chicago Tribune,  Chief Editor: Colin Mc Mahan, 160N Stetson Ave Chicago, Il 60601, (

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: 9999 Joint Chief of Staff, Pentagon Washington D.C. 20318-9999

United Federation of Police 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, 10th floor, Suite1025 Washington DC 20006

National Fraternal Order of Police, 701 Marriott Drive, Nashville  TN 37214: Patrick Yous, National President

National Sheriffs' Association, 1450 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA  22314     Pat Royal /

FBI Headquarters, 935 Pennsylvania Ave D.C. 20535-0001

we just search the internet for news blogs, domestic and foreign newspapers and send them all my email letter; you-all can do the same!

I will send copies of this proclamation and order to all institutions with power to act. You all, do the same! Let's get this all straightened out! Insist that the state legislatures make at least these two chances to the Constitution. Without them we might as well scrap the Constitution; and scrap the idea of government altogether! It has always proven itself to be seriously suppressive and secretive.

We cannot allow for more people to go to jail and be declared felons by the IRS insisting they trespassed on any of the Inter Revenue's rules and regulations. The imprisonment, and the hardship to the loved ones of those imprisoned, are now your unpardonable responsibility. I do not understand how government officials ever got away with this betrayal. Please write your elected officials and tell them you are not taking it any longer; and insist that they must support this order; and please spread this information to all you know immediately. Please copy the above from "My advice First", above, to here and keep it safe; and inform all people you know by sending them a copy. You may and can add or change your name instead of mine as the person ordering the military and the president. This, truly, is of the highest importance. Thank you! For more information please click the link

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By the way, the legality of gun control is in question because guns are manufactured items over which government can regulate possession, use and ownership. The 1st problem is we do not have any valid governments in our nation and the constitution says that we are allowed guns under ANY GUISE OF OWNERSHIP. They (the governments), all, perverted the Constitution and never did anything to live up to the original Constitution and never bothered to defend it or to make it a homogeneous whole. At present the constitution is an non-harmonious, nonsense mess. So, whatever the governments say or order us to do is null and void -- but they have the utterly ignorant police and enforcement powers to make us do whatever they (the governments) want. And that, my fellow slaves, is exactly the original purpose of the constitution; to prevent the overreaching powers of government over we, the people -- and you, the people, do not give a damn one way or another, and vote for the worst treasonous parties that could have ever existed. either one of the "two in one" republocratic parties

The movie "Snowdon"

We saw the movie "Snowdon" about a CIA officer who was (is) a computer genius. His mentor at the CIA said that one particular machine prevented WW3. That is a lie; what prevented WW3 is that the United Nations was, according to the conspirators, a success. If it had failed like the League of Nations, we would have had WW #3; a war so terrible that the whole world would have lain prostrate to accept a OWO -- and that was the plan if it had failed like the League of Nations after the first WW.

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For your Information

Announcement of an order by me of an American government take-over in defense of the American constitution that was perverted by government some 150 years ago


Please support us in our struggle to get our constitution back!

For more information see



There is a very important piece of information that hardly anybody knows about ‒ that is that the American Constitution has been usurped and cleverly perverted by government; and now the constitution has become the chain and block that binds all Americans as slaves to the will of government. So please, be patient with me and peruse the content section of this website and become up-to date about the worst crime in the history of mankind. It is the best thing you can do for America and for the world.

The American federal constitution was perverted through the mis-worded 14th amendment to the constitution that was proposed swiftly after the civil war and adopted by the state legislative government bodies. The follow-up 16th amendment some 40 years later (forced) federal income taxes on the free American people. American government always fools us by taking 40 or so years between baby-steps so that  later generations really don’t know what went on previously. These two amendments are treasonous twin attacks on  the American people; clearly indicating that we are dealing here with treason. Following is the beginning phrase of the 14th amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof . . ." It was never stated, after the victory of the independence war, that “we the liberated people” are subject to anybody or any organization. Americans have always proudly stated that they are free, no bondage or subjection to anyone! There is no mistake. They are free according to the unwavering intent of the original constitution. And this beginning phrase is a deceit that seems (But not in fact) to indicate that subjection was already a decided fact. The 14th amendment should be corrected to say: “All people, who were part of, and included in this original constitutional agreement, their descendents and those people naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens . . .

Government cannot tell us what to do, unless it has specific jurisdiction and the 14th and 16th amendments are proof of constitutional criminality on the part of the governing officials and thus they are in uproar, defiance and guilty of insurrection against we, the free people. Nothing, not even an amendment can be written anywhere that opposes the original intent of the original constitution. The independence war was fought to liberate us from the suppressive yoke of subjective jurisdiction of the English Crown ‒ any sort of suppression, no matter its (constitutional) source or jurisdiction, must be resisted; even with a war against the criminals trying to subject us all ─ government.

The idea that we are subject to anyone is taken from the ether. It is never mentioned before that we, the people, are subject to government; government was designed to have jurisdiction only over its own affairs, never ours. A flip-flop in our "reality of being" took place in the constitution (supposedly America’s bible) because this phraseology now, as if it is an established fact, makes government the boss; and we are thus, supposedly, the slaves. Americans have lived for over 150 years in subjection to a foreign occupied enemy. US government is a government of vicious and deceitful occupation.

You can follow a conspiratorial criminal time table by seeing how one US government action followed the next: first the 14th amendment corruption and adoption, then the adoption of the 16th amendment, then, the American government’s proposed League of Nations that failed; then the social security act gave all citizens an social security identification # that is thereafter uniformly used as a personal federal income tax ID#; that was quickly followed by the deliberately started 2nd WW (the Japanese were in on this conspiracy by bombing Pearl harbor to give the US government an excuse to join in on the war) and the consequent initiation of the federal, voluntary victory income tax; and finally, the IRS who, although the voluntary income tax expired in 1945, continued to collect the tax based on the now well known 16th amendment.

You can see how closely the tax ID# was followed by the 2nd WW that saddled us with the voluntary victory income tax; that was again followed by the IRS continuing to tax the people by the power of the, really, non-existing 16th amendment. Both the first sentence of the 14th and the entire 16th amendment are bogus -- thus worthless!

The Japanese laid bare to view the conspiracy as an act of the One World Order, because that nation gave American government an excuse to join the war. You can see that we are dealing with an international secret conspiracy, weaving itself from federal government as the proposer of the several step, the state legislatures following in their footsteps, inauguration of the Social Security act, etc, that stayed with us through many administrations of government.

Government kept insisting that any talk about a One World Order Conspiracy was the talking of a bunch of lunatics. But NO! These were the people who knew what was really going on. This all proves, even more, that our governments were, and are traitors to the American people. Having, thus, clear proof of an anti-constitution conspiracy in our government systems, I have no other choice but to take command in defending and reestablishing the validity of the original federal constitution. The initial phrase of the 14th amendment should be corrected to : "All people, who were part of, and included in this original constitutional agreement, their descendents and those people naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens . . .”

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Hereunder is my demand and order to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff:

I, herewith, empower  the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff joint full power and responsibility as I, a member of "we the people" to correct and stand guard over "we, the people's" constitution as a protecting watch and attack dog, because all other people and bureaucrats have failed to protect and defend the constitution entirely. We tried to depend on the several groups of civil governmental institutions responsible for watch dogging the constitution and they have betrayed us. All these people, having responsibility in government, have taken the oath to uphold and defend the constitution, but those are only words. They have all failed to do anything at all to defend the original constitution.  So, the military Joint Chiefs of staff, as a military joint group, have been given the most important assignment, ever, to do what our military is supposed to do before anything else: help the people to correct our US constitution to its original intent of keeping the people free from subjection and slavery; and to help keep it safe in perpetuity ‒ to make sure "we, the people" are all free and beyond reach of the civil services and of government grip to enslave the people ever again.

I have a proposal to inaugurate a perpetual Special Grand Jury whose job it is to check that government will remain within its constitutional authority. You, "the joined Staff", please make sure such a Special Grand Jury is established and filled with people, not having one iota to do with politics and government; and keep a close relationship with this coming Special Grand Jury to help them when necessary in re-stabilizing our government when it runs amok again against the constitution. So, take note when other amendments are proposed and adopted that go against the grain of liberty and freedom: Off with their heads; all of them! We cannot have mercy against such treason! The deceit and cruelness of our governments, from the Lincoln administration era and all the following administrations of federal and state governments, have perpetuated this treasonous stand over the last 150 years. This treason is beyond words to express. How can "we, the people" ever have mercy on these critters?

The American people are still sedated by clever government propaganda, but I know that we have lost our country and our enemies are keeping us enslaved and sedated; and I know we have to fight till death to get it back, but the great masses have no idea that this is necessary. We need the people of your country’s support and aid. I hope that our armed forces can be depended on in helping us to make our constitution a shield for our liberty again. I really do not know whom in the world to trust anymore.

Thank you for reading this; and I hope fervently that your liberty and your country are still yours. This OWO conspiracy is huge, extremely clever, rich and powerful. Maybe you should all call on your gods.

People, who know what end is up, constitutionally, in America and speak up like I did when I was arrested for resisting the utter, constitutionally illegal, Internal Revenue Service arrest and demands  and was cruelly beaten up. So, you either end up in jail or get shot but the constitution must be defended. This is America, and state government officials always side with federal government that, today, is nothing else but a nation and state-occupying force, just  like America was  occupied by England, forcing us into a liberation and independence war. Here in America the police are very quick with their night batons and guns.

I know and understand that we need international cooperation to make this world run smoothly, but I fear (because of the secret conspiratory nature of how The United Nations got its start that we cannot trust the secret intents of the United Nations. Besides the OWO is too guilty with cruel wars, massacres and destruction to give it much of our trust.

The United Nations was born of  the One World Order through huge amounts of death, destruction, as the atom bombs on Japan can attest to and all the fear that was associated with all the death and destruction; and then to think that the United States was at the planning and execution center of it all! Both of the big American political parties belong to the One World Order conspiracy because we cannot see any difference in the operation of either party to the betrayal of the American people.

I do agree that the world needs to meet at a peaceful place and prevent any disagreement from spreading into wars; but be assured that all the little wars prior, during and following all the big wars, the United States of America had a hand in planning and executing them. That is why the CIA was created, also. America is not all good; in fact its government is about the worst regime in the world.

For your information the IRS is the federal income tax agency. It can be compared to the KGB  during late  USSR -- everybody is scared stiff of them. As long as we fear government, as all Americans do, we cannot say that we enjoy liberty.

I want to stress that we must have a masthead to the Constitution that prevents such blatant betrayal in the future. The masthead should read as mentioned previously. We, as free people, are not beholden in any way to government; especially not a government that has kept us deliberately for over a hundred and fifty years in bondage and slavery. God damn the democratic government system. Let's get back to the American republican system of government. Please tell people to vote this year the libertarian party. I cannot believe how we have been taken by our own people.

Johannes Pieter (Hans) van Krieken 

PS:  Every freedom-loving gun owner and their high school graduates should have a copy of the book "Nesting Betrayals available at 

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Hereunder is My Demand and Order to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff:

I, herewith, empower  the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff joint full power and responsibility as I, a member of "we the people" to correct and stand guard over "we, the people's" constitution as a protecting watch and attack dog, because all other people and bureaucrats have failed to protect and defend the constitution entirely. We tried to depend on the several groups of civil governmental institutions responsible for watch dogging the constitution and they have betrayed us. All these people, having responsibility in government, have taken the oath to uphold and defend the constitution, but those are only words. They have all failed to do anything at all to defend the original constitution.  So, the military Joint Chiefs of staff, as a military joint group, have been given the most important assignment, ever, to do what our military is supposed to do before anything else: help the people to correct our US constitution to its original intent of keeping the people free from subjection and slavery; and to help keep it safe in perpetuity ‒ to make sure "we, the people" are all free and beyond reach of the civil services and of government grip to enslave the people ever again.

I have a proposal to inaugurate a perpetual Special Grand Jury whose job it is to check that government will remain within its constitutional authority. You, "the joined Staff", please make sure such a Special Grand Jury is established and filled with people, not having one iota to do with politics and government; and keep a close relationship with this coming Special Grand Jury to help them when necessary in re-stabilizing our government when it runs amok again against the constitution. So, take note when other amendments are proposed and adopted that go against the grain of liberty and freedom: Off with their heads; all of them! We cannot have mercy against such treason! The deceit and cruelness of our governments, from the Lincoln administration era and all the following administrations of federal and state governments, have perpetuated this treasonous stand over the last 150 years. This treason is beyond words to express. How can "we, the people" ever have mercy on these critters?

The American people are still sedated by clever government propaganda, but I know that we have lost our country and our enemies are keeping us enslaved and sedated; and I know we have to fight till death to get it back, but the great masses have no idea that this is necessary. We need the people of your country’s support and aid. I hope that our armed forces can be depended on in helping us to make our constitution a shield for our liberty again. I really do not know whom in the world to trust anymore. End of letter.

I know and understand that we need international cooperation to make this world run smoothly, but I fear (because of the secret conspiratory nature of how the United Nations got its start) that we cannot trust the secret intents of the United Nations. Besides the OWO is too guilty with cruel wars, massacres and destruction to give it much of our trust.

The United Nations was born of  the One World Order through huge amounts of death, destruction, as the atom bombs on Japan can attest to and all the fear that was associated with all the death and destruction; and then to think that the United States was at the planning and execution center of it all! Both of the big American political parties belong to the One World Order conspiracy because we cannot see any difference in the operation of either party to the betrayal of the American people.

I do agree that the world needs to meet at a peaceful place and prevent any disagreement from spreading into wars; but be assured that all the little wars prior, during and following all the big wars, the United States of America had a hand in planning and executing them. That is why the CIA was created, also. America is not all good; in fact its government is about the worst regime in the world.

I want to stress that we must have the above mentioned masthead to the Constitution and to the United Nations Charter that prevents such blatant betrayal in the future. The masthead should read: Liberty for all the people. No personal income tax, no government bond issues, no liberty-debilitating personal bank account contracts, no other kinds of liberty-debilitating personal contracts and no signing of government issued documents under penalty of perjury. We, as free people, are not beholden in any way to government; especially not a government that has kept us deliberately for over a hundred and fifty years in bondage and slavery. Let's get back to the American republican system of government. Please tell people not to vote this year or any other year until we can say we have been liberated again. I cannot believe how we have been taken by our own people. End of letter.

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 Legal Living Matters More

It is well known that per capita black Americans are more involved in crime and consequent arrest than the rest of the American population. This percentage makes it more possible for black Americans to be arrested and beaten up like I was, also. Being beaten up by police is not only a black problem; I was seriously beaten up as well and I believe it happens more often than not to all of us. I have a very low opinion of police in general. They seem useless where it truly matters and when they arrest somebody serious violence is their way of trespassing on our original constitution. Let us face it, government with all its anti-drug legal laws has not been able to curtail drug use. When people violate the law this brutally, and the legislators and police violate this law just as much as anybody else, it is already declared legal by popular demand through it incredibly high level of defiance to accept these laws -- which by the way, is the common law through which this country is legally administered; which, however is no longer understood by lawyers, legislators, justice and the executive departments of government.

Black Life Matters is now so obviously anti-democratic as it is presently accepted by government, that it only confirms everything I have been writing here within. Presently, America is run by those minorities who scream the loudest, create a major part of the violence and criminality. If people would bring a lawsuit against those city councils who promote 'Black Life Matters" by painting it on streets, the supreme court would uphold your suit; that is, if there is any constitutional knowledge of law left in the Supreme Court. Police scorn the idea of unusual punishment by beating up people who, actually, to to cooperate with the system of law the constitution insists on -- those accentuated in the first nine amendments to the constitution.

This is mainly due because drug-use, drug sales and drug manufacture are illegal. I have already proposed to make drugs legal., but make use of it on government-controlled properties such as highways and freeways illegal with extremely severe penalties for its use in such places. This makes manufacture and sale of drugs taxable. It would dry up illegal drug sales and manufacture and would lowers the price so that the illegal manufacture and sale becomes futile, causing the illegal sale and illegal manufacture useless. It would probably reduce to a minimum the illegal actions of both the Black and other American people, giving them a much better legal standing in our society. I therefore like to force the legislative departments of government to adopt my proposal by making slogans and two-sided car flags that read "LEGAL LIVING MATTERS MORE! and below that the

See hereunder:

law abidance prevents most arrests and thus no brurality

Living Legally Flag

The idea that we are subject to anyone is taken from the ether. It is never mentioned before that we, the people, are subject to government; government was designed to have jurisdiction only over its own affairs, never ours. A flip-flop in our "reality of being" took place in the Constitution (supposedly America’s bible) because this phraseology now, as if it is an established fact, makes government the boss; and we are thus, supposedly, the slaves. Americans have lived for over 150 years in subjection in foreign occupied territory. US government is a vicious and deceitful occupation power.

You can follow the ongoing conspiratorial criminal time table by seeing how one US government action followed the next: first the 14th amendment corruption and adoption, then the adoption of the 16th amendment, then, the American government’s proposed League of Nations that failed; then the social security act that gave all citizens a social security ID# and an income tax ID#, quickly followed by the deliberately started 2nd WW (The Japanese were in on this conspiracy by bombing Pearl Harbor to give the US government an excuse to join in on the war) and the consequent initiation of the federal, voluntary victory income tax; and finally, the IRS who, although the voluntary income tax had expired in 1945, continued to collect the tax based on the now well known 16th amendment. The Japanese betrayed the conspiracy as an act of the One World Order because that nation gave American government an excuse to join the war. You can see that we are dealing with an international secret conspiracy, weaving itself from federal government as the proposer of the several steps, the state legislatures following in their footsteps, inauguration of the Social Security act, etc, that stayed with us through many administrations of government.  Government kept insisting that any talk about a One World Order Conspiracy was the talk of a bunch of lunatics. But NO! These were the people who knew what was really going on. This all proves, even more, that our governments were, and are now traitors to the American people. Having, thus, clear proof of an anti-Constitution conspiracy in our government systems, I have no other choice but to take command in defending and reestablishing the validity of the original national Constitution. The initial phrase of the 14th amendment should be corrected to say: All people, who were part of, and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those people naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens . . .

Anyone who is a politician, who has been a politician or who has taken an oath to defend the Constitution owes their constituency that elected him/her, and the people of this nation a very serious and humble apology. You all have screwed it up. I can see that the ordinary person believes he/her can rely on their elected people to keep their liberty foremost in mind for them, but you utterly ignored the most important part of your job ‒ to keep them free and out of having to pay forced on them taxes. It only proves, without doubt, that the democratic form of government does not work! I am for a king. We know whom to accuse when the system gets screwed up. The only thing with this kind of king is that the people are free and forever un-beholden to him, but support him freely in all the good works that he / she does. taxes come from the true slaves in our community: that are the institutions, bank trusts and corporations who receive a license to do business. A trust implies that funds are not disappearing without a reasoned out, and reserved method of trust operations. Blatant losses to the investing people are simply criminal acts. It is not what the people expect a trust to operate; and any recompense to the people must come out of the pockets of those who speculated in their own interest; and not in the trust people placed in them. Our elected officials do not serve us but causes beyond our own interests and beyond the contract of the constitution of we, the people and our elected servants who now claim to be our masters.   

Examples of American government being traitorous to the American people

Douglas MacArthur, the only 5 star general in the world, was betrayed by the United Nations because he was ordered to report all his planned attacks on North Korea, to the Secretary of Security of the United Nations. He noticed that all his reports were passed on to The North Korean Defense ministry, and thus whenever he attacked a reported military target the North Korean defenses were almost impenetrable. So, he researched this by planning an attack that he did not report to the UN secretary of security and in this attack there was no defense at all. So he stopped reporting his plans and met with great success. Because of his actions a great number of pilots saved there lives, but us in America were told that this great general was fired after his second or third attack. This is how we know that the American government was traitor to its own military forces.

We know that general Eisenhower was a traitor to the American people by stopping the American attack on Germany in the 2nd WW. By stopping the attack front from moving further into Germany, which was sternly opposed by General Patten who insisted we pull up to Berlin as soon as possible, which talk was immediately stopped by Eisenhower by threatening Patten with insubordination, demotion to corporal and immediate imprisonment. We know that the holocaust was created in the minds of the people of the world by Americans special forces details setting up the hoax of the holocaust through stages of Jewish mass genocide. We know that the military tribunals held in Nuremburg, Germany only tried cases of German military misbehavior while utterly avoiding equally vicious behavior of military actions by the Allies. An example of war crime is the vicious attack on "Dresden, Germany" three days before they overrun of the entire German forces.

We know that president Eisenhower installed the CIA which has never done a thing for America but worked entirely to make sure that the United Nations would remain  in place in, no where else but on the shore of the Hudson River in New York City.

We know that the Attack on the twin towers in New York City was planned and executed by American forces and executed by deeply hidden CIA establishments in the Arab Countries.

I can go on and on. There is no doubt left that the present American constitution is a a mutilated forgery of the original and any talk of taking oaths to protect it must be answered with death of this system of government.

I now, also, understand the scoop about presidential assassinations. All these assassinations are related to presidents who opposed the tactics of the OWO they were forced to accept. The OWO conspiracy is not necessarily hidden in the dealings of the elected officials -- the elected officials are forced to accept the dealings of bureaucrats hidden deeply in the employees of the federal government (and most likely, outside government altogether but hidden in the capitol “Washington” who can operate without ever being noticed.) A notable culprit lies in the CFR, the Committee on Foreign Relations. It is not heard of very much lately, but I bet the power is hidden somewhere in this group. I can remember that Late President Wood row Wilson confessed on his death bed that he was so sorry for betraying his country. I cannot see why any citizen would have any reason to want to shoot a president; so we must look for hidden schemers who will not be disobeyed. That is why I wrote that we must scrap all the bureaucracy and start very carefully from scrap. So, solving the betrayal problem may not be in persecuting elected officials but getting the armed forces to take over the government altogether and to start with a carefully appointed set of armed forces officials. I cannot see another solution. so, my plea and order to the military Joint Chiefs of Staff remains. Either this group is part of the OWO or they are cowards to face the OWO conspirators. If they still refuse to accept my order then we know they are against us!

I just listened to an analysis of the upcoming very real possibility of another civil war (November 18 2020). The liberals and conservatives are, presently, divided to the extreme that the only solution in preventing an upheaval so bad that 30% of Americans will be killed in just a few weeks. The only solution predicted and advocated is to divide the nation in to halves; one side conservatives and the other half into socialists. The losses of human life would be 85% on the socialists side because of the must stronger determination and readiness to fight of the conservatives to win and re-establish traditional order in America versus a generally, larger but nonviolent socialists. the socialists want things done through government but conservatives have all lost any vestiges of trust in government. So, since conservatism is in the minority, but much more adept in war, they will go into revolution; and no one can stop them. Government is now a non-entity and thus the conservatists will reestablish their rule and the socialists must thus be annihilated. No other way out. That is why I suggest you, dummies, to vote liberation so we can first reestablish our freedom and then sit down and talk war and who will win. The socialists will be annihilated if they persists on wanting everything for free from government. The conservatists surely will expel all immigrants entered in the last 30 years or so because they do not belong to the original people that established America; and there will always be a strain between them. the conservatists want unity in conservatism or we all will all die first. So, you-all make up your mind between being annihilated or get out of the USA or vote libertarian.

I have lost all faith in our system of government and, thus our government. It all went wrong when Lincoln and the then congresses proposed to rescind the people's right to liberty  -- and 35 stupid stat congresses made that proposal constitutional law. We must again fight to set the constitution back to liberty. Presently we do not have a constitution and thus no liberty; and all matters of government actions since then must be reviewed.

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In Our Spiritual Realm a Similar Flip-Flop Took Place

Before I start my discussion: If you believe a lie as distinguished from the truth you knew before, you live in fantasy-land. Fantasy-land is a realm that plays off in the mind -- not in true reality. A fantasy is thus based on some logic that is apart from reality. Such a logic is called program; and the basis of any program is a lie. These kind of realities are seen in numerous computer games and some of them become so realistic that they resemble virtual realities. In genesis 3: 2 through 7 we see such a removal from reality. Read this citation in the King James or the Catholic "Good News" bible. In answer to Woman's true reply to the serpent, the serpent says to Woman: "That is not true. If you eat of the tree you will be like god. The serpent answers to Woman that her father and god is a liar. Woman's response to that was to do the thing god advised her not to do or she would die that same day. She looked at the tree, found the fruit desirable and confirmed the serpent's answer by plucking and eating the fruit of the tree. She then told her mate Adam and he partook of the tree; therewith declaring that her father / god is the liar. So, by believing a lie to be the truth they descended into a virtual reality, thus not anymore present as  conscious entities in the realm of their birth. They resumed their existence in a coma with a dream the serpent weaved for them in a virtual realm called physical reality. I can prove that we are in a virtual reality because in our lives we are never without being under the influence of  thousands of  lies, many of which we really believe. Therefore, there is no doubt that the serpent is Jehovah and physical reality is a mere virtual reality. Everything in the universe is underwritten by the gods; and all is spiritual fiction!

We truly exist presently in Hades, the underworld. Remember we are here in virtual physical reality to experience evil in all its overpowering extent and continuums; and the lesson of evil lies in deception, twisted untruths swallowed whole by the masses and forced onto them by the privileged and served on us by the clever whiles of the spiritual usurper /serpent / Jehovah. As you look at the spiritual trap figure below, you can see that the 1st section belongs to Jehovah for the white race and the next section after that belongs to the serpent's rival, Lucifer, etc, etc (Lucifer, however, is never mentioned in Genesis) All those spiritual (white/Adamite) entities (from the previous cycle of the physical realm) who followed Lucifer ended up in this cycle in the 2nd section of the spiritual trap-net. The 2nd great deception of the serpent Jehovah was that when we landed here in a virtual reality called "physical reality" is that he impressed on us that we had a choice and decision-capacity and that our beliefs and religious behavior gives us the chance to be saved, to be redeemed or to be condemned forever. We clearly do not have any choice at all. If we exist in a virtual reality issued from a program then we follow the algorithms provided to us from the program -- even though we believe we seem to have the clear impression that we make innumerable big and little decisions everyday. It is all deception, even though we feel accomplished, prideful, guilty, deceived, etc. just as if we are actual independently acting creatures. Yet, Jehovah contradicts these impressions in that he keeps claiming in the bible that he knows the end from the beginning. Physical life is thus another incredibly great deception -- a "La-la-la reality" created in some computer-like program that involves us as comatose souls.

Look at the sequence god created the world.  He started with creating day and night - this means manipulating and setting into action souls way deep in the spiritual trap net. All souls deeper in the trap-net never lose their duty, so only the universe minus our specific solar system existed before god began his creation of the new cycle of the solar system and of physical life. You will see that he started with the easiest tasks first and went in reverse of the spiritual trap-net until he finally created human beings also. As all human souls all degraded into the section deeper from which they previously were created, they appeared in a race different from the previous creative cycle. So, all human souls reappeared from a lower section in the trap net. The newly created Adam and Woman will fall from paradise some 24,000 years later and become the new white / Caucasian race on earth to begin their search for spiritual truth after they believed the lie the serpent told them and after they consummated the belief in the lie by consuming the fruit that would kill (be comatose to the paradisiacal reality) because they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in paradise. They have about 5000 years to become aware of the lie and repent from that serious mistake and if they do become aware and repent then they be raised from spiritual death into realms of truth higher than from which they fell. However, those saved in Jesus during the previous age cycle will, also, be recreated as a white race together with the other human races on the sixth day. So, of they are wise and accept Jesus in this following race they will be recreated as a white race in the thereupon following race again, etc. So eternal life is thus possible in physical reality. It still is but the second / consolation price. -- there is no becoming redeemed in true spirit, although, that is also possible, of course. Go to Figures, figures 10 and 5 to notice that the 1st section in the trap is the processing section of hell in which Jesus plays an enormous roll in saving souls from descending in the second trap section from which there is no more chance of escape from hell -- and in which Jesus is the one who helps us understand that redemption back into higher positive spirit is possible.

 However, this does not mean that the serpent also believed the lie. He simply told a lie, in an environment (paradise) where a lie is possible so that for Adam and Woman a choice was possible. The purpose of the lie, however, was for a very small part of Adam and Woman to understand the reason of the lie, to repent on believing in it and so cause them to be redeemed to a higher realm in the heavens of truth from where they started. Jesus said that a few will find the hidden way back to a higher reality (Truth), but the masses will follow the well indicated signs to the next lower level of Hades / death.

 No one can create something from nothing. Only the true god in true reality (in the highest heaven) seems to be able to do that. A sculptor starts with a piece of rock or wood, a pottery maker starts with dirt and water, a car manufacturer starts with all kinds of dirt,  transformed into parts. The serpent, also, cannot create from nothing, but he has the souls of trillions of his lie-believing spiritual beings to start with. He implanted a program "universe" in all the minds, and gave the cells in the minds of Adam and Woman, lying in a death-like coma, individual being identities and filled each soul mind with a specific identity program. Then he integrated all the soul minds to correlate the trillions of different programs in virtual reality called Physical Reality. There is no universe anywhere but only in the soul-minds. The Asian Indians call this reality Maya / illusion! So, the working of gasoline in a internal combustion engine, the working in a the combustion chamber of as jet engine and the working of our computers?; they are all the souls hanging together doing the things they are told to do in their dream state -- otherwise there would be chaos, and virtual realities never consist of chaos.

We are still in paradise but we are dead to it we cannot participate there and thus we are as if we are not. Instead a virtual reality, physical reality, keep us occupied for some 30.000 years to allow us to be selected to be in spirit or to continue in physical reality to be programmed as soul for all that exists in physical reality along a sloping net, so to speak from humans to the deadest matter there is. Please consider my words because they are true! So, you have three possible spiritual destinations. If you insist of being a non-Christian you will be judged (by yourself) to go down into the physical world forever until you represent black-hole mass in this virtual reality; if you are a believer in the son of man (Jesus as he was represented in the physical), Jesus from Nazareth, you will be saved to have another try in the next cycle of this virtual reality, earth. If you believe in the son of god, the spirit in Jesus, and know that this entity is our god in paradise, you will be forgiven of the original sin and you are again a conscious part in the spiritual realms above physical reality.

Here is a correlation that just occurred to me. God sent the flood after warning the Adamites not to intermarry with the other races. No one listened but Noah, whom he told to create an ark large enough for human and much of animal life. So, the flood came and went; and here we are again doing the inter-marriage thing on a grand scale. There is a second flood at hand presently. This time the flood is unstoppable because we had our serious warning already. This present flood is to drown the Adamite gene in the gene pool of the rest of the races --  and then the end will come because the ages are created solely for the fallen Adamite races that show up in physical reality some 20,000 years after to start of the new age. The intermarried offspring will be judged by their own actions which are as evident as black and white. You will judge yourself for forsaking the gene god gave you and squandered through utter carelessness and impunity. As I already said that must be some hundred years away. Even though Jesus said that all who believed in him could be saved, it does not mean that we suddenly have the right to marry into the other races and have interracial kindred from it. The great rule god gave us is to keep the race clean -- So you figure!

Prayers and religious zeolism does not work the way you think. Your life-style, your desires, beliefs and actions are prayers to god. It lets god know whether your drive of life is toward the physical or the spiritual. Being overly concerned with helping others, trying to do good (or evil for that matter) goes not necessarily please god. He looks at it like what your actions are pointing at -- toward the spiritual or toward physical orientation. This so important you should think hard about that! he will give you what you want -- going down into Hades, the spiritual trap-net is the overwhelming choice of all creatures. That is why nature is so super-huge.

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How the transformation from physical awareness to the spiritual awareness takes place

A person that knows the truth, as I know it, is presently still enslaved to the lie because of all the souls in the universe and those  who are part of my body make-up still enforce the spiritual lie on me as a person. But, I in my spiritual mind, am spirit and my soul knows the truth of the spiritual lie, so when my physical body dies, my soul, then, is set free from all brainwashing interferences from all the trillions upon trillions of souls in the universe and in my body who kept my awareness caught in the physical; then only my spiritual mind knows the spiritual truth because I am set free from the spiritual lie that I, as a " living" physical person, sincerely believed. I, thus, will simply wake up from my lie-induced spiritual coma and be again aware and participating in spirit where I, as soul intrinsically and innately, truly belong!

The above described transformation is entirely different from what Jesus with his angels will do at the end of this closing period of this Age by gathering all his saved souls with the brilliance of his light that lights the sky from horizon to horizon. What I described just above is the private redemption that occurs is the stillness and in light of spirit of individual understanding; while what Jesus will do for those who believe they will be saved in him is saving souls from this closing Age and making them to be primary souls (Adamites) again in the new Age cycle to come. The redemption Jesus talked about in his address wherein he said that the masses will follow the well advertised path to perdition but where a very few souls, who having found the hidden way to redemption will return to spirit. This makes completely true that Jesus is of spirit and not just another human man in the throws of spiritual programming based on the belief in a spiritual lie.

 Here is a quote from the Bible, Revelation 21:1 and see also 2Peter 3:13.    After the wicket are consumed in the Fires of Hell (this is being forwarded to the 2nd section in the spiritual trap) and the earth has been cleansed by fire, God recreates this earth as a home for the saved".  And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the 1st heaven and the first earth were passed away. This is exactly according to the way the spiritual net operates. A new Adam and Woman will, descend on the earth in an already existing new physical reality that has been inhabited by all those souls in the net from section 2 down to the end of the net. All creatures in earth are thus accounted for spiritually and everything in the universe has soul and through their various physical appearances exist in a condition of brainwashing / being propagandized and they all  lure everything and everyone else in the universe to believe that we exist in a real physical reality.

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In the same sense, in a much lower order Roman Catholics are similarly deceived by the papacy (for confirmation read the book "The Great Conspiracy" by E. G. White {she is a Seventh Day Adventist} revealing that the deceit factors in the Roman Catholic Church are glaringly true.) I do not relate to any religion particularly, but it clearly proves by biblical standards that the serpent / Jehovah is similarly overruled by the pope as god / the "spirit in Jesus" / god of paradise). Paradise, also, is overruled by the serpent / Jehovah; and now we see, as revealed by the deceits of the 14th amendment and the 16th amendment and my further writing on the subject of American governments, that the people - the true rulers in America have lost their standing (by the lies and force of power imbued of all the aligned American governments) - reducing us slaves. Government has, now surreptitiously, l become our masters. The same scheme of lies is played of in paradise, in the Christian church and in the corruption of the people's constitution for government by the scheming governments.

Do not trust your government officials

We have seen from my writing herein that the most trusted and revered officials in the past, such as both presidents Roosevelt, Lincoln, and others have turned out to be our worst enemies. When they seem to do good, there is always something ten times worse being done behind the scenes.  For instance these three presidents were all involved in self declared wars, some of which took the annihilation of forts, strong military establishments and deceit.  Teddy Roosevelt started the Spanish war, Lincoln the civil war and D Roosevelt got us through betrayal, deceit and panic involved into the ongoing 2nd world war. All these war were preventable events these individuals got us into through betrayal of office and betrayal of the people. Whoever was president during the 1st world war tried his level best to be in on that war and about 8 months before its end he succeeded; and just so he could propose as an Allied party the League of (useless) Nations --  and in his efforts took tens of thousands of soldiers to their death and more to permanent injuries.. So, President Trump may not really be what he seems. If he starts to promote and in fact start seriously campaigning to have the constitution restored to the people and get rid of the 16th amendment we can be sure he is not what he pretends to be! The more agreeable a politician comes across to us the more we must doubt his true intensions! Just do not trust the bastards! Also, in December 2020, just during the Christmas season, a missile hit a building in Nashville, TN housing an set of vote-counting machines. The explosion was blamed on a car-bomb by the official media and thus on terrorists. See how government is hiding behind criminal attacks by blaming them on foreign terrorists, Stop believing the news and your governing authorities. We, the people exist in a well-organized government created chaos!

 The spiritual lie done to us (as souls) you can read in the bible, Genesis chapter 3: verses 1 through 7. Please, please (for your spiritual sake) look up this section and we will be on the same page there too. Most of the Old Testament is bullshit. It always is the winner who writes the history; and so it is in this spiritual deceit. The spirit in Jesus is the apparent loser and he has to work himself back in our soul-minds to be the original truth-sayer. It is always a hard and very difficult task. The serpent lied to us and we believed the true god to be a liar. And we proved that we believed him by eating from the tree of good and evil. We are now "as dead to spirit" to the true god (as our god warned us about before we ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil), and took the serpent / liar as our new truth-sayer. Because spiritual entities cannot die, we are lying, out of communion with the true god "Jesus", in a coma in paradise. Our paradisiacal bodies are still there. We exist now (only in our coma-dream) in the underworld, Hades, physical reality, which is a virtual (not-real) reality. The liar, Jehovah, is now our god.

 I am trying to make you understand that we can return to our spiritual innate reality which is the spirit in Jesus! Since, in Jehovah's mind, anything, or anyone, that can draw his captives away from his default jurisdiction as god over the physical reality (anyone who reveals himself as his opponent, humans or in spirit, and who can draw his captured souls away from his might) is, in his opinion, an anti-Christ. So, we can say that by Jesus in the flesh trying to give us the truth as to what happened in paradise (something we totally forgot as comatose souls) Jesus is an anti-Christ himself (and I, as Jesus’ co-fighter, can be said to be one also). By saving us from Jehovah’s wrath Jesus proved to be the god we had in paradise (he wants us back in spirit). Jehovah wants to curse us (that is in the bible, Deuteronomy 29) but, really, Jesus wants to save us from Jehovah's curses (Deuteronomy 29). Jesus and Jehovah are enemies in spirit; can you not see that? Sorry, if you cannot agree on that with me, but that is because you are not thinking straight. Jesus is our "truth". He always said, “ I am speaking the truth ─  I am the truth and the light! Jesus told us in his sermons on earth: “The Truth Will Set You Free”. We must thus have been exposed to a lie that we believed in spirit first!

Your soul is a prisoner to a false god. Jesus knows we are not free because serpent/Jehovah stole the truth from us by his lie. This concern and the concern of what government did to us in the fourteenth amendment is what this website is about. So, trust me, have patience, all will become clear in this site. Please hang in there with me and your mind will light up as Jesus wants it to be. At the moment, my light is not only hid under a basket but even worse, you are utterly blind to the threats and threads of a web that has you caught so gently; and your offspring will be caught against their will like cattle ready for slaughter because of your dullness in understanding what is happening here. If you do not trust me and ignore my writings here, you will be suckered ever deeper into hell (deeper sections of the spiritual trap-net) as a soul; and as a human ever more into slavery and oppression; so please, hang in there with me. People say, all the time, "I will not be confused by anyone, I have my belief, my parents and my siblings thought / think so also, but my dear friends they are wrong. They say, "I want to be with them when I die". But if you stick to that belief you will end up ever deeper in hell, under ever worse conditions ─ forever. All reality, as it concerns humans, is that our sane and conscious intellect is being tested to the highest degree. You may think that it is your idea, but no -- it is negative spirit doing it to you. Believe me I have been tested and I have been given to see that it was negative spirit / Jehovah /serpent doing it to me, always!

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The spirit has a purpose for the deceptions that we are now subject to; and that is to lift our souls from innocence to conscious spirit, so that we can be free in spirit and not ever be deluded by anything at all. We are led to believe that paradise was in physical reality, but it is another lie. We are led to believe by Jehovah that this is a true spiritual reality. It is a lie. The, now, seemingly differentiated spirits of “good and evil” will after we have grasped the true meaning of being, which is to bring us to the true real godhead, will redeem some of us back to spirit where we belong, and then the two good and evil, godheads will become one. Please, take me serious!  I am the present secular and spiritual Guru of this world. Thank you!    Hans van Krieken   

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Something about the Sabbath day


The Sabbath is the seventh day in the creation according to Jehovah. I can believe the order of work days and the Sabbath in the way god relates it to us in Genesis 1. I believe in that sense the first day is Sunday because it is the day that the sun was created. Although some "howevers" come into play here. All people created were utterly unaware that Jehovah existed when Abraham got into a special relationship with God. At Abraham's time of life no one knew exactly on what name-day in the life of Abraham the first day was that god tells us about in genesis 1. It could have been Thursday or so; and as we all know the days of the Christian week are based on the Jewish day counting. However the names of the week days of the Catholic church were often based on pagan ritually assigned days. And these pagan holidays, originally, were to get the pagans converted. Boniface, one of the early evangelists, went to the German tribes and converted a pagan day they celebrated at the end of December converted that day to a Christmas holiday, just so he could help the people in Germany understand insight to the works and life of Jesus of Nazareth. The same is true for other evangelists who used pagan holidays like Easter with the Easter bunny and Halloween with the witches. So, who knows? I see really nothing wrong with that. It kept people from all over Europe and minor Asia the solidly in the belief of the living Christ and part of the church; and. really these holidays are fun for young and old, breaking up the monotony of daily life. Jesus was healing people on the Sabbath day many times just to draw out the criticism of the religious leaders to show them up how wrong their interpretation and tradition of the Sabbath and of god's intentions for that day were.


In our present time, how can we be sure that the randomness of the weekdays we are accustomed to and accorded to us by the Catholic church are the god-proclaimed days of the week? God never specified the days of the week; he just told us in a stern manner that we must work six days and then rest on the seventh, no matter which schedule we might adhere to -- RIGHT! So, if you want to be religious (which I am not!), whatever day you decide is your rest day / Sabbath is OK with God as long as you adhere to that schedule faithfully, which is a very dangerous thing to do because of the uncertainty of this Sabbath day. Also, Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man -- man was not made for the Sabbath (I would include beasts of burden that receive rest because men adhere to the Sabbath). I understand that God did not mean for us to be utterly helpless; the day was meant as a rest day so that the real toilers among us could take a well-deserved rest but were granted to do household chores rescue and things that are fun. So, you see that God / serpent is not all that stern and forbidding. He meant us to have a good life and to get us so brainwashed in this physical life with him as god so that we would entirely forget that spiritual life actually exist for us. It was his job to teach us the values of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil -- and let's face it, he is doing an extra-ordinary good job of it!

 I am very happy that we all can be accorded at least one day off from the rat race. But my wife and I are way beyond such earthy matters; we know the truth and as Jesus said, the truth sets us free from all worldly understanding, consequences and responsibilities. We, helplessly, rest in the gods, whatever their names, duties and capacities. So, let them decide what is good for us. All we have to do is accept their rule over us - nothing more. The end result is life in spirit. The default way is to hell -- life on earth in all manner life -- from humans to animals and then into flora and minerals. believe that is the way down through hell. It takes eons to get stuck in black-hole plasma, and I do not know if there is rescue from that. The universe, for the umptiesth time, is spiritual, comatose existence, where we dream up the virtual universe -- and brainwash each other that the universe actually exist. Whatever we sense and experience is spiritual brainwashing!

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Physical reality has nothing to attract us or to intimidate us. It is clear to me now that the temple / the tabernacle in the desert is a means for us, people, to get to know (in Jehovah's way) about good and evil. We were deliberately created to love evil and its advantages; and "god's Law" gives us the means to be good. But the goodness required is beyond sin-loving humans to adhere to. Christ Jesus is hinted on regularly in the Old Testament to point us toward redemption by means of his forgivingness to save us from perdition. The battle in our soul's mind to adhere to good, even with the redeeming quality of Jesus' blood sacrifice for us, is continually betrayed by our humans mind to follow riches and power rather than goodness and meekness in Christ Jesus.   But even when we have understood what the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil has taught us, we are still not acceptable for return to spirit because we have not atoned for our betrayal of our Paradisiacal god, who happens to be the spirit in Christ Jesus. Without showing regret of having believed a lie in spirit and having fallen for the sales pitch of the serpent we remain barred from return to spirit. So do not die without also atoning in your soul for the treachery your soul committed in paradise. Remember, though, physical reality is a virtual reality, a reality where evil can be practiced without the peace in true spirit.

 There Are, at Least Three Gods

The sexes prove that god /or gods exists because sexual differentiation cannot be explained through evolution. If "they" claim the sexes can be explained "they" are another bunch of liars. The god of the lie, Jehovah (the serpent who told us that our real god, the spirit in Jesus is a liar) became our god under whom we suffer because of our belief that he tells us the truth. Then there is the spirit in Jesus (our god of paradise) and, lastly, his father and his realm of pure truth. If you disagree; it is your bad luck because you have absolutely no facts to back you up. Consider them every moment you breath. I know that you are arrogantly rejecting my statement here, but suppose I tell the truth. If, however, you consider what I here propose, in spite of your great knowledge and wisdom, no harm is done. If, however, I am right, you are extremely clever to take my words (that come to you utterly for free) in earnest; you are spared not only hell in this life but hell eternally in this vicious physical reality, first as humans, then in uncountable following recurring incarnations as beasts, as plants, dirt  and at last as black-hole plasma ‒ forever! You will never be in true reality and miss the plans the god of truth (the spirit in Jesus' father) has in store for all of us.

I was just thinking how we are in a virtual reality physically, but present in a spiritual sort of mass computer in which all comatose souls are tiny little chips. Remember that during WW2 a squadron of fighter planes disappeared from the Bermuda Triangle? The spiritual computer simply was manipulated to select the squadron and deleted it from the program "physical reality". It could then be pasted in one of the very many other worlds in solar systems throughout the universe or it could be permanently deleted by deleting it once more. Also, it explains how Jesus could appear suddenly in closed quarters where his disciples were praying -- and then disappear again. I hope you begin to see that I do have the truth physically and spiritually speaking. I hope you will begin to see how we are trapped in physical reality through a bunch of computer ground-rules and inserted in a virtual program where space is the drawing medium just as movie film is the drawing space in movies.

I can visualize a computer based on three basic digits. It should be possible to have -1, 0 +1 as basic digits not just on the digital scheme now in use. Just like 120v coming into our homes have a ground / common wire and a wire carrying 120Volts is transformed into -120 volt, common ground and +120 volt causes our homes to carry 240 volts for washers and dryers manufactured to work on 240 volts to work. The common in such a computer system will be the ground still, but computations would take very much less time to complete. All that is needed is to incorporate the - 1 into a new kind of flip flop switching system.

Psychological Warfare

Releasing a corona virus, and in the future even worse viruses, is psychological warfare; and we are utterly at their mercy. It is time for some people to start praying for all of us! So, if for some strange reason, you do not agree with any of these two topics, it does not really mean that we cannot still be friends. But in the case of the 14th and 16th amendments you can be the source and the cause, if you are a coward, that my liberty can be unreachable; and in the spiritual issue you will not be able to gain spiritual liberty for which I try so hard for you to understand and have.  The outcome of WW1 was the League of Nations, endorsed by America and it failed, so they organized WW2 and we were permanently stuck with a voluntary war tax ever after (you know why this tax is voluntary: because you signed the 1040 form under under threat of penalty that you owe the tax); and stuck with the United Nations which also was a very strong US endorsement. But you, like the Israel slaves in Egypt want to remain sleeping and remain dull to your liberty. Government betrayed us back into cruel slavery and kept the secret from us. The Constitution now is the block and chain that binds us as slaves to the US government.

 I can now see that the corona virus is a stored test tube virus. I wrote the Attorney General about the betrayal government plied on us, and they come back (some 14 days later in February of 2020 with a known laboratory-created virus that may kill some people to scare us back into subjection to their will. With curfew and such things they scare us so much that people will believe that they are safer as bloody subject than as free people. I must have set off this scare with my letter; and government retaliated ─ with preplanned responses. We really have one hell of a vicious government as enemy now. At least the enemy is now revealed. They received my letter to the attorney General about a month before the virus scare broke out. How about that! I have already said that they (the OWO) caused many wars and hundred of millions of lives were lost to get us to accept a One World Order; and their means are more horrible than anyone can imagine.

 They always do their vicious business in little baby-steps. First, we had the 14th amendments corrupted and 40 years later (some three generations later) the 16th amendment. Now everybody thinks government is the boss. No; that is not true if we do not want that. What has all your voting done for you. You are slaves! Of course, all this will bring us so much closer to the end of time. I am sure that much worse scares will come our way to shut me up! Remember; the evil ones are like wolves that come in sheep clothing.  What is even worse, after stealing all our money government still runs out of money and must sell our federally hold lands and borrow from the international banks. It is a tremendously arrogant stance to the people who already gave so much. The greater set of crooks cannot be imagined. They always look like good-doers, and make me like a lunatic. They always use baby-steps, and that is the way we know it is all a conspiracy (Ying and yang always go together). And yes! The events of the world are now like one big program such as the TV series Gotham; and I am Jim Gordon. I believe, the world is in real trouble now, but the masses are too brainwashed and think in a very dull and super visual way so that our liberty will slowly sink into the morass of time. Yet, spirit is in full control. Armageddon is coming! Candidate politicians ought to have recently read and studied the Constitution before they are placed on the ballot; and if they are elected they must pass a test on the content of the Constitution. We, now, have a bunch of lame-heads leading us! Also, We work for our money. It represents our labor. By the IRS confiscating 30%  or more of our work, we are literally slaves; a thing that the Constitution and the civil war declares to be un-Constitutional. Get that in your SKUL. Is it not amazing that our children in school must stand up and pledge allegiance to the Constitution when the Constitution guarantees them nothing but slavery? We must stop that routine until we have straightened out the 14th and 16the amendments to the Constitution; so that we can be proud again to have a true Constitution!

 If we cannot trust our authorities anymore as it becomes more clear every day, where are we as a society? We are back in the stone ages. Now more than ever we must take up our guns and do our voting with pointing the gun and not you, bang; not you, bang!

Now Read Complaint against Government (addressed to Attorney General), and Nothing Exists outside the Region of Truth  3 28-2020    Hans van Krieken

We are dealing here with care fully planned progressive treason ‒ the worst kind of treason there is. The CIA, the IRS and Homeland Security Agency are serious internal enemies of the American people.
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Advice for Corona Virus

A better way than the guidelines to combat the corona virus when shopping  is to wear oversized latex gloves after leaving the car. After shopping  take them off after placing the shopping articles in the trunk and car. Take them off before entering the car when driving back home or to the next stop; put them back on after opening the house door. Then bring in the groceries and what not. Then, while wearing gloves store your groceries away. Take off the gloves and place on the back seat of the car. Then, don't use the groceries and gloves for a hole day and all is again sanitized and the gloves are reusable. Put them on when necessary inside out.

Howard Hughes was a sharp individual. He was powerful and had acquaintances in very high places. He was very much in the know about the One World Order conspiracy. He decided to lock himself in from outside society because he knew that discussions of diseases to be dispersed through the air was being considered. His house was a complete barrier from dust and bacteria that could enter the house through the ventilation system and insisted on the finest filtration barriers to bacteria and such. He must have been disgusted with the OWO conspirators. So should we be! The conspiracy is there, and I know about them for about 40 years.

I bet that one of the super rich said to a group of companions I bet you all a billion dollars that i can make everybody on earth walk around with a mandatory mask.  I saw in the a chain-grocery store a bunch of oranges that were considered in Spain where I saw them in Seville, as inedible because of the bad taste. This variety of oranges has been given the GMO treatment and now they taste delicious. Folks, here you have the prove that the covid-19 virus was a GMO project to make this wagering superrich guy win his bet. The virus was hyped up to be a serious human threat to health. And see for your selves, we are all wearing a disgusting mask which would be ridiculous only two years ago to believe we would be doing!

 You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, You can make a contribution through PayPal to

Doing your best is a process that goes on until your last breath. That is what I am doing in my books and in this website!

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Prologue and Summary

Christians believe they have it all in being saved in Jesus but they are mostly mistaken. Jesus gave them the least minimal consolation prize by them being saved from descending ever deeper into perdition / existence in hell / physical reality, but only for the duration of this ongoing Age cycle. The next Age cycle is for the new set of Adam and Woman, not for those saved in this cycle. So, in order to get back to spirit one must find the truth of the fact all by oneself that one cannot return to spirit unless repented from the spiritual sin of believing the serpent / Jehovah. What Jesus truly wants is for us to discover the spiritual truth; the truth that will set you free. It is all in the Bible, but religious tradition has made its message hidden from the mind. Jesus claimed that the truth shall set you free from hell altogether and return you to the spiritual realm as conscious and free entities. They / Christians presently, are nowhere at all. Christians are as spiritually dead as before they were saved in Jesus. They are still in hell / the underworld because they still believe that their god and father in paradise is a liar. We believed a lie in spirit / paradise and by the god in paradise we are dead because we disbelieved him and are the fruit of the of the knowledge of good and evil. We are already in hell! Physical reality is hell. Genesis 3 verses 1-7 was given to us by Jehovah, to give us an angle to get from under his righteous reign as god over the underworld. herewith he can say that he has warned us from his wrath by allowing us to know that he is a (pseudo) vicious lair. Pseudo, because in the end all is righteousness in physical reality, even if you are condemned to the hell it is. I have tried to warn you from the vicious end you will go through for ever in physical reality from which virtuality of being you can never escape without confessing to the sprit in Jesus for having made a terrible mistake in believing the serpent over him.

Jesus said that he, from before his birth(?), is from above and that we, from before birth, are from below; indicating that he is life and that we, in the region of darkness, are from death ‒ even before we, as humans, committed the sins that Jehovah is talking about. Jesus is referring to Genesis 3: 1-7, where it is told that we, in paradise, believed that the serpent told the truth about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil while our father and true god, the spirit in Jesus, is the liar. We died that day away from being in communion with our god (the spirit in Jesus) because among others, we believed our father and god to be the liar; and the lair, the serpent/Jehovah to be the truth-sayer. It, also, clearly states that life is in spirit and death is to be in physical reality (physical reality is the under world/ Hades). Now; swallow that; you Christian. It is from falling deeper into Hades that Jesus saved us by us showing faith again in his spirit of truth ‒ showing a sign of having faith in him as our god again. It is the beginning of having spiritual faith in the spirit in Jesus again and only then to be born again in spirit. It does not mean that we have rebirth in spirit by showing faith to be saved in him, but only that in the next Age we will again be born as white people and having another opportunity to regain the spiritual truth about our true god / the spirit in Jesus. The opportunity to that is buying my book(s) and reading/understanding the material in earnest.

Choose reality over fiction / perdition

Everything in the universe is associated with spirit – there is absolutely nothing not associated with spirit. The only life possible is in spirit, but when the spirit in us believes a lie we live the physical reality (a spiritual hallucination), which is the life of the dead in Hades /the underworld. Physical reality is the spiritual underworld; the world where those believing a lie in a higher reality reside; because in spirit the lie cannot be allowed to exist in order to preserve the "truth" of spiritual truth. The belief in a spiritual lie will send you immediately into a spiritual coma where you are forced by the liar to dream physical reality – a coma dream. Everything that exists physically is associated with each soul who has been treacherously caught to believe the lie. This comatose soul is brainwashed away from the truth. That is how the liar created physical reality as a new substitute reality for true reality in which he is the ultimate boss and god (there is no god before me he proclaimed). The god of the universe is, in fact, the liar and makes you believe that this reality is the only and true reality. Read the materials in this site and in my book! By the way, this website will disappear in the near future but the e-book / The Truth About Reality will remain. Without this book you will never know the spiritual truth. It is all up to you to become enlightened or to go into perdition / hell / Lake of Eternal Fire as everyone else. Your redemption depends on something entirely different than on believing in Jesus as Christ. Don't be stupid; find out what I am talking about. Creature bodies are ultra-master pieces of electro-biological and chemical design. They are perfect in every way; and they have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of evolutionary development. If you really think of the perfectness of the human body you would never be able to associate it with mere mere random chaotic evolutionary processes. In Hades is perfection of design to mystify us as to the truthfulness of physical life. It seems too real to be phony; yet it is; fools gold lacks the weight and physical reality the liberty of being.

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I saw a video clip of a tamed bird that looked like a mocking bird that made a flying back flip on a sofa in a house. It took off and landed on the sofa and the entire flip took may 15” in height. If we really realize what an enormous complex maneuver this is, one can again get proof that this bird was once a human being. The very quick changes of operation of its wings to create the back flip are enormously complex. At one sequence of time it had to fly upside down and actually had to fly on its wings upside down and the fast change of operational functions of the wings shows that birds have an enormous capacity of quick, learned, practiced coordination and of applied intelligence.

For us earthly creatures, what we believe we see, what we believe we hear and/or smell becomes our truth, but if all we sense is coupled to a very carefully included deceit, all we experience is based on fictional lies. And this, folks, is what happened to us in paradise; and what we are swamped with in physical reality. The only real truth we can know must come from our observations, from our unbiased intelligence and our ability to deduce the truth from the fictions based on an assumed truth which is the word of the spirit in Jesus while on earth and the Pentateuch of the Bible; The first five books and the gospels of Jesus. Most of the rest of the Bible is mere useless verbiage because it comes from the liar-the serpent-Jehovah/Allah and he wants you to swallow it all.

The problem is that we, creatures, have been subjected to brainwashing from the day we were born and we grow up in a world ruled by propaganda, mind-conditioning and plain brainwashing. Nothing comes from nothing; the universe and earthly living creatures must come from a designer of life and contractors / spiritual slaves somewhere). Physical life emanates from our souls, deeply deceived in spirit and out of communication there. That leaves us as comatose entities in spirit dreaming physical reality induced by a cleverly constructed virtual reality based on mere spiritual fiction displayed from a spiritual computer and displayed through comatose souls. We respond according to the character and personality given us by the program. Let me give you an example:

Government is an example of a virtual reality. It is just someone's idea. So, government is set up by our Constitution. It delineates how president and his department are appointed and the same for the legal department and the justice system. All the duties and functions of the appointees is very carefully written manner. See, in this case we, the people are god, government is our creation and all the functions and duties are clearly set down. See how everything done inside the government comes from decrees coming down from above the government; we, the people. Even so, in physical reality everything works exactly according to the dictates of the entity (ies) who formed the idea and the execution of the program physical reality. We are all operating on instructions given to us moment by moment.

There is thus a system of truth according to the spiritual truth and "a serpent designed truth" based for those who have accepted the liar (Jehovah / serpent / Allah) as the wellspring of truth. based on deceit. If you keep on reading you get the insight to all this; straight in alignment with the Bible. If you do not, you will be eternally sorry. Physical life is as phony as fools gold. It seems so real but it is so fake. Don't be fooled any longer; taker my words serious.

If you are an out-of-the-box philosopher this information is for you. You can follow how the author gets from step one to two etc. you cannot disagree that one of the author's conclusions must be that the entire universe is a play that involves every soul ever created by god in many, many sets of Adam and Woman / (Eve, after the lie believed) and that physical reality is Hades, the spiritual underworld. I have proven beyond a doubt that the Bible besides a lot of Jehovah's propaganda contains the truth; and that Jesus is a real person that walked this earth like you and me; yet in spirit he is our god in paradise before we betrayed him; and still is.

The reason I am sure about what I write is that when Jesus changed a container with water to wine he must, without a doubt, been dealing with entities or a program that he could communicate/manipulate with and act through. Nothing can happen if there is no communication. The universe is a spiritual mind-game. We have been induced to play with all the other gazillions of souls making up earth and the universe that brainwash our comatose souls into bringing the dream to all of us together as if the universe and all of us exist. I can see how Jesus told the sleeping soul in Lazarus to wake up; and Lazarus commenting back "Do I haave to?!” And Jesus replying to it; "Yes, just for a little while longer." And Lazarus' soul answering “OKaay!”

I have an example we have on earth: the weather forecast. The weather bureau has untold many data available on a continuing basis. A program has been devised that forecast the weather using all the data that is transmitted to this program continuously. So, when a person anywhere in the US wants to know the weather forecast for a given location the program, immediately, spews out the forecast. The spiritual program works on lines analogous, but on everything existing as pieces of data that constitutes physical reality and not only can it forecast but it can actually control any thing in the program at will for those who know how to operate the program.

Here is another reason that physical reality is a virtual reality. Corruption is everywhere from high society to the lowest levels. it always cost us liberty, happiness and our means to provide a living. the world is chockfull of lies and deceit. Nothing is as it seems to be. That makes our reality a farce ‒ a fiction, a virtual reality. can't you see that?

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A Universe construction flow map

When anything is made or manufactured through a corporation, a manufacturing piece parts and subassembly flow chart is created. This means screws, rivets and other means of fasteners must be purchased or if not available in the market must be manufactured in house or subcontracted to vendors. Many sorts of sub assemblies must be put together or they may be purchased from outside the organization. So all parts must be in house or at least available when the larger assemblies and final assemblies are forecast to start. All these necessary steps must be completed before final assembly can take place. Therefore a projection map is created that shows the length of time it takes to have these in house in the store facility before they are needed in the production schedule.

This flow chart is the holy grail of the product. Even so negative spirit has a "production flow chart" in creating and maintaining a universe; and we souls (deceived spiritual entities) are like the worker ants in an anthill creating and maintaining the anthill; we are creating and maintaining this universe on an analogous principle of the flow chart a manufacturing company uses to create its products. The world, for us here on earth, is the center of the flow chart that affects the creation and running and maintaining of the solar system and all its, elements and creatures, and we, souls, do the staging and the play of the universe in action. In action I mean that whatever we do, like making love, conceiving children, finding and doing our jobs and all that takes creatures to do their thing as species, races, individuals and who do it very religiously according to the mandates of the flow chart created by the god of the underworld / Jehovah / Allah /Jaweh. Jehovah, the serpent / a clever animal in paradise is the master of physical reality, which is built and maintained on the belief of a lie.

So, a fact is that the assumption of our perceived and understood truth is based on a spiritual lie-believed.

The solar system in which the world is placed, world as a lump of material in the form and shape and with all it ores, resources and all and the waters of the ocean must all be ready before the solar system is ready to start operating. The earth itself is the stage for all creatures to play their roles as given by the 30.000 or so years long program can be spooled in operation. So in the set-up of the earth it must appear as if it has existed for 5.5 or so billion years. So fossils of dinosaurs and many such things are placed in the earth; and in each new Age cycle these appear again exactly where they were in previous Ages.

So, when science, archeology and many other kinds of research and philosophies are conducted it cannot appear but that the world is some 5.5 billion years old and that there can be no god(s) , because the findings or philosophies to explain everything must conclude absolutely that earth is indeed billions of years old. But for us, who know better, all things we do to learn more of the earth history is a trap to disguise that the universe is but a game played in spirit and that the goal of the play is to create another son of god. Physical reality, then, is thus like a still. All ingredients are placed in the vat, the materials in the vat is put through an aging and cycle and after the required length of time something very rare and useful is extracted from the soul distilling cycle ‒a son of god, assembled from those particles (souls) that fit the requirements to be the living stones that from a son of god in spirit and these stones fit naturally like cells in a biological body fit in a living earthly creature. You get it?! The whole stage was possible by the souls we are associated with believed a lie in spirit, so that we have nothings but false truths to rely on and those false truth allow a billion and more schemes of us being deluded and scammed.

Those who are able to look through the illusions of physical reality know that things are not as they physically appear, but are traps that send those souls who cannot see through the illusions and who just love physical reality will be there for ever; first as the darker skinned races, then as creatures in the aquatic species, then will exist as creatures in lower primate species, and through everything that exist;  not only in earth but later on deeper in the cycle of hell as materials that make up the physical universe. The process of annihilation will take an eternity of time. The final resting place will be in a black hole (some 90% of the universe consists of black hole mass, about in the proportion of the sun in relation to the planets), the garbage can of souls in the universe and the center of all galaxies.

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A word on the Corona Virus

Now-a-days with the art of gene splicing understood, one can create new strains of viruses and bacteria just for the sake of making huge amounts of money. Humanity in general does not have the maturity to be trusted with such knowledge. Revelation in the bible speaks of Babylon the Great (business, banking and industry today) being destroyed in one day and the business people of the world see their financial empires destroyed in one day. The corona virus may not be that curse. I am a great supporter of Hydrogen peroxide. Mix regular store bought hydrogen peroxide 3 parts water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Take a little bit in the mouth slosh it around, half swallow it bring it back into the mouth and swallow it. That is all. The unstable oxide in it will kill anything in its path. If you notice a deep tickle in your throat that makes you cough. do this. I think once is enough. The damaged virus coating reveals an enemy to the white blood cells and attacks it dead. Also that little bit of fluid will wash the virus away to the stomach where the stomach acid will do the rest for those virus items that did not get killed. I have done it many times with toothaches, flues and such. I am still here at 83!  Free prescription from Hans. For an infected tooth root I keep a bit of it under my tongue for 4 minutes; five times a day. It is an antibiotic, but germs cannot get immune to it. It works al the time.

 Quick acting cure for the common cold and flues

Here is the prescription for the nasty common flu. Pour one fluid ounce of hydrogen peroxide into a cup, add 6 fluid ounces of water and gargle as soon as you notice the symptoms. Gargle about every half hour for two hours, then gargle when necessary. The first day this kind of gargling brings up much mucus. You fell lousy as hell for two days. The third day you feel much invigorated and then the cold just peters away. The purpose is to damage the virus or cold germs as soon as possible, then the white blood cells know as soonest what of critter is making you sick. the cells, then, can combat the disease the soonest and you'll recover in no time. Gargling with salt water is useless.

Viruses of this kind have to potential of destroying the world's entire infra-structure of industry, research and business. If anything can destroy the mighty worldwide banking an business culture it will have to be an incurable and deadly, very infectious disease such as a virus; and god would send it to us through the intermediary of some, supposedly, brainy human beings in order to make us all believe that god does not exists; and thus for almost all to go down into the hell of physical nature permanently as shown in my diagrams and article.

You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, you can make a contribution.

You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, You can make a contribution through to

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Nothing Exists outside the Region of Truth!

The character personalities shown in the TV program GOTHAM are more real than people believe it to operate in our larger world-wide society. But humanity has already shown that "real"-world characters are worse than shown in that program. Humanity is now simply waiting for the final destruction. Whether you believe in god or no, read revelation in the Bible. It is all coming, because we deserve no better than that.

 I have a suggestion on diplomatic immunity! People working as envoys at the United Nation's headquarters or in any Embassy ought to have diplomatic immunity when they are in the embassy's property; but once they step outside that territory they are just visitors in town, just like other people; they should then behave themselves as ordinary people and obey the rules, laws and ordinances or face the consequences.

The Man with the white Curly Hair mentioned in Revelations in the Bible

The Bible speaks in the book of Revelation about a man with white curly hair to be prominent in the last days; our high Priest. Guess who has exactly such white hair without a gray hair among it; I, Hans van Krieken , now at 83 years of age, has that hair. And I have been writing to you for well over ten years and hardly anyone pays attention ─ that I know of.  I am thus a figure like him on earth in these `last days.      Hans van Krieken         3-17-2020

Here is an excellent suggestion!   When looking things up in the internet, go about 30 pages deep in the search results then start working your way back to page 1; because, for sure, the real inter hogs are those who are on the first 7 or so pages of the search results.

Banks try to remove all cash from society but by the constitution (if we really still have one) cash is the only means of legal tender. Here is a set of reasons by David Ramsey what cashless means and what it involves.

In the words of Dave Ramsey... Cash is King  HERE  IS WHAT NO CASH ACTUALLY MEANS:
A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. A cashless society means:

* If you are struggling with your mortgage on a particular month, you can’t do an odd job to get you through.

* Your child can’t go & help the local farmer to earn a bit of summer cash.

* No more cash slipped into the hands of a child as a good luck charm or from their grandparent when going on holidays.

* No more money in birthday cards.

* No more piggy banks for your child to collect pocket money & to learn about the value of earning.

* No more cash for a rainy day fund or for that something special you have been putting £20 a week away for.

* No more nixers on the side because your wages barely cover the bills or put food on the table.

* No more charity collections.

* No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.

* No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones.

What a cashless society does guarantee:

* Banks have full control of every single penny you own; and can freeze your accounts for any "legal (?)" reason. This means you cannot buy or sell

* Every transaction you make is recorded.

* All your movements & actions are traceable.

* Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which will take about 3 weeks, a thousand questions answered & five thousand passwords.

* You will have no choice but to declare & be taxed on every pound in your possession.

* The government WILL decide what you can & cannot purchase.

* If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’.

Forget about cash being dirty. Stop being so easily led. Cash has been around for a very, very, very long time & it gives you control over how you trade with the world. It gives you independence. I heard a story where a man supposedly contracted Covid19 because of a £20 note he had handled. There is the same chance of Covid19 being on a card as being on cash. If you cannot see how utterly ridiculous this assumption is then there is little hope.

If you are a customer, pay with cash. If you are a shop owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card. Cash is a legal tender, it is our right to pay with cash. Banks are making it increasingly difficult to lodge cash & that has nothing to do with a virus, nor has this ‘dirty money’ trend.

Pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have the choice. This coin shortage is another crime of government against the people. they have guaranteed us that we have sufficient cash-flow to handle all our commercial and private transactions.

the solution to the coin shortage is as follows: If the decimal amount of a purchase is less than 51 cent the shop keeper pays a the remainder thus the amount is rounded down but if the remainder is 51 cents or more the purchase amount is rounded up and the purchaser pays the extra amount. So, we delete the handling of coin altogether. Cah registers can be automatically programmed that way.

Paper currency is bank-theft and Run-on-the-bank Safe

The banking system is supplied with large amounts of paper currency script that have not yet been charged with value. It just sits in the faults of banks as just paper. When people withdraws their earnings from a bank, the amount of the withdrawal is subtracted from the amount shown in his or her account. Then the paper denominations are are given the value of the amount withdrawn. It is only when people make currency withdrawals that they receive script that has been charged with value. However, when a bank is robbed, the robber gets uncharged currency script that does not harm the bank at all because the script has never received value. But the amounts stolen becomes inflation to the general public as the script is spent as if it has received value. A "run on the bank" is also financially harmless because with large script paper in the bank's abeyance can supply all the demands of legally stored value. The bank is hurt in this case because its holdings of value has been reduced enormously. This is bad for the bank because it receives approval for loans according to the holding of real value in the bank which, after the run, has become considerably less -- and if large value script are stolen, the serial numbers are recorded and the thief cannot spend the script at all and he will immediately be reported to the police by the merchant as the thief.

 New media website proposal for un-censured materials

Some programming scientist should create a face book-like database and selection process like Google with categories of interest into people (for a reasonable fee) can log into a group-member of his choice like plants, animals, political affairs, and communicate with others through an article database into which people can view and/or originate legitimate, researched opinions like on Wikipedia but good for photos and written materials and subdivided by country, language and an open site for faith and spirit and several labeled international, outer space, etc. and sub-sub sand sub-sub-sub divisions. Such a set-up could enhance research, development, fabrication potentials, etc. It should have a screening system to locate potential hackers that delete group sections or materials such as government might harbor and lock the out. This system is based on liberty for all, but not for those who want to steal name lists, lock the people out from certain databases on the this special internet website or attempt to start terrorist categories. I already have such a set-up on there is a site where you can write to your heart's content. The setback is that people cannot reach each other. In my proposed site people, at least accounted in the same section will be able to do so.

The reasons the USA is in such a terrible condition and that we have lost anything even slightly Liberty, is that the people should never concede to governments; yet the people in general have placed their trust in the governments -- while the constitution clearly suggest that if the people do not defend the government (something strongly suggested by some of the constitution under-writers) we will undoubtedly lose all our liberties. Folks, it is even worse than these spokes people have believed could happen. No sufficient amounts of people even defended the constitution when we lost our complete grasp on the constitution and our liberty through the adoption of the 14th amendment. Corporate laws declare corporations having the same standing under the laws as the people have. This is so absurd and utterly beyond belief. The people should have immediately declared all governments dissolved until extra constitutional guarantees could be placed into operation that keep governments into more severe limits of authority and operation. The constitution must be amended so that the constitution clearly dictates that governments cannot limit the rights of the people that the people had at the signing of the constitution.

Also the masses of the people are too under-educated to be allowed to vote. Voting rights should only be granted to people who have completed at least the level of junior college and who have attained the age of 25 years. History has clearly indicated that the under-educated masses have no sensible understanding what government based on liberty is all about.



  • Why This Web Site?

  • Read the 1st 15 words of the  14th amendment

  • First This

  • This is how the governments in the USA gave themselves unlimited power

  • New media website for un-censured materials

    How to fight back against the traitors in our society
  • Scheming is not an honest way of voting

  • The American Flag Upside Down

  • Freedom of Speech

  • Why we have a representative form of government to start with from the beginning
  • False Enslavement
  • The people of the world have been dispossessed
  • Our Script Money Hides an Evil

  • Vote Libertarian
  • Voting – not just an emotional act
  • Bondage

  • contribution through PayPal

  • Treason

  • Banks must pay interest of 4% above the going inflation rate

  • The Social Security Number gave citizens the forced income tax

  • I just read some of the Pope's Global Education Compact,

  • How the transformation from physical awareness to the spiritual awareness takes place

  • Physical to spiritual transformation

  • Something about the Sabbath day

  • How is it possible that we all started as free people in this nation and one hundred fifty years later everybody knows to be slaves in America, the Land of the Free?

  • A NEW IRS-FREE GOVERNMENTS  FUNDING  SYSTEM (based on approved inflation)

  • Read the Vicious Lies in the Preamble of the Republican Platform. (and you all ate it like cookies)

  • Letter I Sent to the Libertarian Party

  • Quick acting cure for the common cold and flues

  • The reasons to fight a Cashless society by tooth and nail

  • Shun the republican and the democratic tickets because these are the parties keeping us in slavery

  • Despite what government says, we are still a republic

  • Present Grand Jury Selection Is Unfair

  • Overview of the defunct judicial process.

  • Do not trust your government officials

  • Vegans and vegetarians versus meat eaters

  • Roy Fields clip about money

  • Paper currency is bank-theft and Run-on-the-bank Safe

  • The American Republican Form of Government, According to the Original Constitution

  • The American Republican Form of Government is a Monarchy

  • 14th Amendment flag

  • The 14th amendment proposal is a defeated hoax

  • Time Table of the USA, One World Order Conspiracy

  • Figures

  • The National Debt Issue

  • The national Bond sales Issue

  • Bondage and Liberty are Dichotomies

  • US Bonds

  • The original Constitution Protect Us as Individuals and as a Group

  • Presently, America Is not We, the People but the Two Political Parties is America

  • The 17th Amendment Makes us a Democracy by Allowing the People to Vote for Candidates of the Federal Senate

  • Original Constitutional Government’s Means to Collect Revenues

  • The Original Constitution is a Declaration of Liberty

  • The Worst Crime in History

  • Suggestions of attack on government

  • The Initial Phraseology of the 14th Amendment Must Be Corrected as Follows:

  • Government is an example of a virtual reality

  • The Deceitful Phraseology of a Bank Account Contract

  • My Demands as a Former Arrested and Brutalized Person

  • This is What Judges at Arraignment Should Ask Before any other Proceedings Take Place

  • Fictions of Reality always Become Dictatorial

  • My Arrest by IRS (in February 1992)

  • I Have Been There

  • Time Table of the USA, One World Order Conspiracy

  • Government never Admits to any Wrong-Doing ‒ a Hither Propaganda Ploy

  • Following is my Demand and Order to the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff

  • Presently, the Original Constitution Declares that our Country is in Enemy Hands

  • Voluntary personal tax (a Hoax)

  • My Letter to the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff:

  • Demand and Order to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff:

  • My Declaration and Order to Those Working for all our Federal and State Governments

  • The Constitution and world law Forbid Bondage and Slavery of We, the People

  • Proposal for a Permanently Seated Special Grand Jury

  • Do not be like your government -- all pomp, no glory and lots of treason; just a bunch of cowardly traitors

  • Government Betrayed Us back into Cruel Slavery and tried to Keep that Secret from Us

  • Abe Lincoln was government's pal  --  never the pal of the people

  • Legal Living Matters More

  • Esoteric versus Exoteric

  • Examples of Esoteric and Exoteric

  • The movie "Snowdon"

  • Vaccinations

  • My US Patent

  • In Spirit a Similar Flip-Flop took place as has taken place in US government, our constitution and our liberty

  • Prologue and Summary

  • The Man with the white Curly Hair mentioned in Revelation in the Bible

  • Examples of Subjection of People

  • Happy Wife - Happy Life
  • A Word about the Corona Virus
  • Doing is a Physical Activity
  • All or Nothing at All
  • Nothing Exists outside the Region of Truth
  • Spiritual Truth versus Spiritual Lie
  • So, what do we experience after death?

  • Spiritually Controlled Odds
  • The Power of the Catholic Church in the United Nations

  • Why Woman in Spirit was Separated from Man
  • Dual Standards of Truth
  • When Will Be the End of the Age?
  • Facts for Americans to Know
  • Talking about Physical Reality
  • Advice for Corona Virus procedure
  • Examples of American government being traitor to the American people

  • Prostate and Health and Financial Concerns for Men
  • Some Forms of Reality
  • The Sincerity Behind Marriage has Become Obsolete
  • Imagine to Be what You Want to Be
  • How our Monetary System Works
  • A New Agricultural Pruning System
  • An Invitation
  • Complaint against Government (addressed to attorney General)
  • Addendum to the Letter to the US Attorney General
  • Insurrection
  • A Possible Solution to Viral Diseases
  • Psychological Warfare
  • A Universe Construction Flow Map
  • A Proposal for Change of Amendments
  • Generalities
  • Photos
  • My Arrest by IRS (February 1962)
  • My US Patent
  • Sketches and Diagram denoting spiritual understanding
  • Letter to foreign Newspapers
  • Introduction copied from my book Nested Betrayals
  • My Order to Try the Governments for Treason by a Court of We, all the People; this Would include all Elected of Officials in Federal and State Governments. Contact Them and Ask which Side They Are on. No back Talk. For the Original Constitution or Against. Their Answer Is Your Judgment. If the person is Against us, Kill that person. No Mercy!

    If you like the material and know them to be true, I must tell you that this website will exist for only a very limited time. If you want your children and further posterity to be exposed to this body and spirit liberating material make sure you get a hold of my book (s).

    For purchases of my books go to Search for Hans van Krieken

    My new book "Nested Betrayals" is published at

    Physical reality is the dumping ground of those souls who are too enamored with the spiritual lie to let go of it!  Hans van Krieken / 7-25-2019  But the truth will set you Free!  Jesus / 7-25-0030 & Humanity has no idea what awaits it. / Hans van Krieken / 7-27-2019

    Government Betrayed Us Back into Cruel Slavery and Kept the Secret from Us for over 150 Years

    The Constitution now is the block and chain that binds us as slaves to the US government. I can now see that the corona virus is a test tube virus. I wrote the Attorney General about the betrayal government plied on us, and they come back with a known virus that may kill some people to scare us back into subjection to their will. With curfew and such things they scare us so much that people will believe that we are safer as bloody subjects than as free people. I must have set off this scare; and government retaliated with preplanned responses. We really have one hell of a vicious government as enemy now. At least the enemy is now revealed.

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    It is just someone's idea. So government is set up by our Constitution. It delineates how president and his department are appointed and the same for the legal department and the justice system. All the duties and functions of the appointees are very carefully written down. See, in this case we, the people, are god; government is our creation and all the functions and duties are clearly set down. See how everything done inside the government comes from decrees coming down from above the government of we, the people. Even so, in physical reality everything works exactly according to the dictates of the entity (ies) who formed the idea and the execution of the program physical reality. We, as projections of soul are all operating on instructions given to us moment by moment from set in stone rules and dictates. A computerized virtual reality sticks accurately to the demands and rules set for it, but the program "government" has no valid security built in by we the people to work as stipulated. So all governments, even established for the best of reasons, is guaranteed to be perverted where the people become the slaves and the governmental authorities become dictators. In our case it is done by making sure that the Constitution becomes the security by which the people are utterly enslaved. It was done, after a deliberate heavy upheaval of the civil war by traitor president Lincoln, by having the 14th amendment ratified as written. By making people subject to the state it was then to their advantage to get the 16th amendment ratified by vicious, compromising tactics. Through these two amendments secured that the Constitution became the absolute contract that made we, the suckered people, to be nothing more than slaves. So, the world wars and the Korean and Vietnam conflicts were fought and resolved by American slaves who never had any choice to refuse to fight. Also the vicious IRS dictatorship caused thousands to be unlawfully incarcerated while the rest of the population as mere slaves were forced to cough up trillions of dollars utterly unlawfully.

    For more information turn to Complaint against Government (addressed to attorney General)

    In the USA, all governments consist of brutal, self-serving dickheads and that is another reason that I will not vote. My father used to say, filth turns to foam in water and the foam will always rise to the to the surface. And there you have it with American governments; they are a bunch of dickheads, and the least person they want to serve is you! Also, all important elective office candidates have been preselected before you have a chance to vote on them. They are, without a doubt, One World Order proponents. Every president we have had since and including Lincoln were traitors because they kept that little phrase in the 14th amendment a secret from us; and never, ever, did anything about to rectify it. The 14th and 16th amendment actually changed the Constitution from a statement and demand for liberty to one of brutal dictatorship; so you people better not "hurray" the Constitution and our form of government anymore! Read on below for the explanations.

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    Some forms of reality

    Moses wrote the first five books in the bible, also referred by the Israelis as the Pentateuch. Moses must have been a seeker, a thinker and was given insight from spirit in order to allow his ability as a thinker to put the whole Pentateuch together. Which god or gods were involved I do not know but I know three kinds of spirit as it stands now with the universe in place. We have the god of paradise, which upon closer look is the spirit in Jesus. Then we have the deceiver in paradise, the serpent, which I now know as being the god of earth Jehovah / Allah / Yahweh / the great spirit, etc., of which this god says of himself as written in the Pentateuch that there is no god before him. This is true as far as it concerns physical reality. Then we have the true and highest god as far as it concerns us here on earth ─TRUTH, ruler and creator of all spirit and by Jesus called “his father in heaven”. Jesus is also called by Jehovah as his son, and Jesus referred to that capacity and title of himself as the Son of Man. I believe that the spirit in Jesus was Moses’ guide in the writing of the Pentateuch.

    I know that in order to create an environment of awareness other than TRUTH one must assume a belief in a lie which allows the creation of another kind than TRUTH; a truth defined to be in accordance to the lie believed for entities in that false belief. Utter Truth is truth of what is really truth. Nothing can be added or removed from TRUTH for that would create either an addition which must be a lie or a subtraction of TRUTH which would make an incomplete statement of TRUTH. The promulgators of these would simply fade oout of reality and be there no more.

    When one wants to create a subordinate reality in an existing reality one must sell or enforce a believable lie to those existing in that reality; and one must scorn the creator of that higher reality as an outright liar. The liar becomes the true god and the true god is abandoned and forgotten. The newly accepted god can now manipulate his believers into creating and depending on another (but lower) form of existence that is then the truth for the community of believers.  The new subordinate system of truth is based on fiction and is the truth for entities in that system. The believers in the lie are now thus dead to the previous form of truth, because when one is out of communion with the god of that reality one is dead to it. One is not dead per-sé but one seems to be in a coma (out of communion with that reality).

    Physical reality is a virtual reality based on a lie believed in a higher form of reality; and whatever we (believers of a lie in paradise) experience here on earth seems to be the truth for us creatures caught inside it. This lie soundly removed the truth of the higher creator and replaced it with the lie believed and this lie believed separates his believers from the real TRUTH and, therefore, allows a creation of a virtual reality (a spiritual fiction) apart from TRUTH in the minds of those who believed the lie. This virtual reality is unique and must satisfy all the conditions of this subordinate reality as specified by the promulgator of the lie. For entities created in this reality this spiritual lie represents the highest truth that one can assume in this sub-ordinary reality. This is thus also the formula for all subsequent virtual realities derived from this one and are devised by clever human beings.

    Virtual realities are created for a purpose. Once the goal or purpose of the virtual reality is reached (at least in spirit the virtual reality) the program will be shut down.

    One can be god over a fictional reality and still be a (sleeping / comatose) member of TRUTH, as long as the designer of the lie remembers that the lie introduced is a lie and apart from TRUTH. The liar must thus try to prevent any of the lie-believers to rediscover the real truth. The spirit in Jesus is such a spiritual entity. He created paradise (and one can read in Genesis 2 and 3 of the bible of how he went about that. Basically he created an environment, Adam and Woman, animals (of which the serpent is one); and trees (which are evidently like classes of many sorts) to teach Adam and Woman the principles of Good (which good is, of course, the spiritual/native truth of Adam and Woman, and the evil is the  lie that the lie-believers depend on as truth in the case of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil). The spirit in Jesus is the effective creator of  paradisiacal reality. The spirit in Jesus himself is this god. These trees are classrooms are teachers of reality of some sort. God / the spirit in Jesus told them to partake of them. How many higher realities must be there above the reality of the spirit we call paradisiacal truth. I believe these higher forms of reality are infinite.

    So, there are three categories to dying.

    (1)  Those refusing a belief in god/s experience nothing at all. Their participation in the virtual program has been simply stopped. They, so-to-speak, experience dreamless comatose sleep -- until the next time they can participate again by being born again the the virtual grogram.

    (2)  Those who believe in the resurrection of Christ and they in him experience Jesus' outstretched hand

    (3)  Those who overcame or discovered the lies fed them in spirit and repent of believing in the lie fed to them in spirit. These will experience true reality beyond the reach of this virtual realm.

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    The way to look at this is as follows:

    In paradise we have Adam and woman; they believed a lie told them and in consequence physical reality appeared into their dreaming mindset. In another form of paradise another set of Adam and Woman are made to believe a lie and they are falling into a coma and for them an entirely different physical kind of reality is being dreamed up by all the entities making up the entities of Adam and Woman. And so it goes on an infinite  in other cycles of ages. Dreams do not take up space; so like the internet an infinite number of such dreams are possible -- thus an infinite amount of world-like realities exist out there.

    Not only are there untold many solar systems but there also are untold many universes. The realities possible are infinite because we do not know what are the basis's (I mean here the plural of basis) of thought and deception because we cannot comprehend the reasons for them.. But at the top of all fictions there must be a true reality which is the ultimate godhead. Infinity, for us reaches in all faculties and in all directions. I have computer aided design program and the space fields on the drawing areas are unlimited. The only thing I cannot do is specify a field the size of infinity. On my program I can make unlimited amounts of designs -- so, spirit can do so much more than we can and it can create an unlimited and growing amount of universes and design an unlimited virtual realities with their own habitable environments that do not necessarily operate on the principles of our physical reality. We are simply a design on a spiritual computer of which space, mass and time are some of the the screen design  parameters. I could design an animated solar system right on this computer, and project a space vehicle traveling through it and project the animated video. So, do not tell me that spirit cannot soh..oh..o much more than this primitive little computer.

    There is also the one tree of which god / the spirit in Jesus (tsiJ) told these two to not eat from /partake of in any way or they would die. The true purpose of this tree is for them to actually succumb to the temptation and thus to partake of it.

    Brainwashed people are dead to new opinions and new understanding unless it comes from the source of their brainwashing. Brainwashed people are spiritually dead and are emotionally devoid of sincerity.

    Jehovah / serpent is the angel with a flaming sword that will prevent you from you trying ever again to enter into paradise while holding a lie as the truth. Only realizing the truth as I have written it will allow you to bypass these angels and cause you to reenter the reality of paradise again. This is the major purpose of Jesus coming amongst us and for me to write all this. We belong to the spirit in Jesus; he is our father and creator and he is sure that his sojourns in our imagination will bear fruit. Be one of the fruits of his efforts.

    If humans are associated with spirit, and they absolutely are, then everything else in physical reality is associated with spirit (it is all nor nothing at all). If that is so (and it is!) then physical Reality cannot be anything else but Hades and real life is in the spirit. If this is Hades (the bible calls it the Lake Of Fire) then what God in paradise (in Genesis 2 of the bible) said about not messing in any way with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or we would die that day is absolutely true; and we are dead to the reality of paradise and awakened to the imaginary reality of the universe. / Hades. Physical reality is a figment of your spiritual imagination, an imagination based on the lie you believed in paradise. I want so much to help you back to your redemption but you are your own greatest enemy in allowing me to help you to do that.

    Every reincarnation birth is a punishment from god, Jehovah, and also another chance to find the truth as I tell it in my books and website. I understand the true mission of Jesus was to contact you in spirit in the hope to restore you back in spirit. You as humans still have a chance to repent of the spiritual lie you believed. It is the only way to true life again. Recanting of this lie believed will return you to true reality where we all belong. Once you exhausted your chances to be born a human and when you will reincarnate as an animal entity you will have shot all your chances of redemption and all that is left is Jehovah’s / the serpent’s everlasting wrath of having violated any one or more of his righteous demands of you.

    In earth we only have belief systems. Why do people deliberately shun the belief system that could give them the greatest reward; that what I have to offer you? Why not be sane and chose that belief system that can gain you the greatest reward. That greatest reward is to again become conscious in the spirit (where we actually belong) by simply renouncing the spiritual lie that sent us spinning into spiritual unconsciousness with the extra punishment of becoming aware in physical reality that encompasses us so totally that we never could understand the answer that Jesus gave us: “The Truth will set you free”. As I have already stated before, being saved in Jesus Christ gives us only one age of mercy of salvation; meaning that you are safe from descending deeper into hell than you are presently for one Age cycle only. You may get another reprieve in another coming age, but that is a great "if". The chances for you are much greater by accepting the spiritual truth by accepting my version of understanding redemption, because really, it is the only chance you will ever have when you ever come across this article or my website.

    Let me restate one of Jesus’ parables and explain it to you. Jesus said in a parable-story that if someone has something against you, you should go to him and settle the matter between you and him before the sheriff will arrest you and hold you in prison until you have reimbursed the matter with that person to his complete satisfaction. Jesus tried to tell us herewith that we are caught in prison / physical reality already and we will remain here in physical reality until we have settled the matter of the truth between him / Jesus as god in paradise and you as an entity in Adam or Woman when we believed the liar who told us that god / Jesus lied to us about the matter of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. I am advocating you take that parable serious and reconnect with Jesus in truth and admit that you made a terrible error in taking the serpent serious in his false vicious sales pitch against you and against god / the spirit in Jesus. You will remain caught in physical reality until you have experienced all the aspects of physical reality which will take eternity to do. Jesus gave us another hint by stating that the truth will set you free; and then enhancing that with his statement that He is the way, the truth and the life.

    My materials about spirit are not found anywhere else on earth because I have discovered (and have been given) the complete insight on the way spirit got to design virtual reality: Earth. What it took to start it and what was used to give it life and to sustain it. No religion, science or other group of people or individual has ever uncovered the truth. By not getting acquainted with this material while having come across it or have been referred to it or come upon it in any other random way, will very seriously affect your standing as spirit and will keep you in the spiritual trap that physical reality is! You are on your own because if you miss this material on purpose no god will have mercy on you and your entire being will be badly affected for eternity. You do not believe me? You will be forever after be sorry for it!

    The spirit of Jesus is the god of paradise whom we betrayed by believing the lie the serpent told Woman in paradise about their god; and through Woman Adam betrayed god and through Adam and Woman into which we are included as cells in their identities we betrayed god as well. As God told them that they (we all) would die that spiritual day in paradise. That dying in paradise is not spiritual death because we are eternal beings; we believed the lie and thus fell into a coma from which state a false reality could be founded.

    In our assembled cellular entities in Adam and Woman we are lying in a coma and are dreaming a false god's induced physical reality (realm of darkness and death in Jesus’ words) that we now seem to enjoy each moment of our lives. We live, die and reincarnate continually until this Age is complete and our collective awareness in our coma dream is temporarily shut down. Then, in short (further details can be found throughout the books for more clarification), a new age begins and the Age progresses again just as before but with god, serpent, and every soul assigned a new role (such as race, species, type, etc.).

    This physical life, initially, is assigned to us as human being in a trial we, all, must accept (for most of us will exist throughout the Ages (eternally) in all the known and unknown spectra of life found in earth) in order to rediscover the consequence of the lie we believed in paradise. Finding back the initial paradisiacal error we committed in paradise and repenting of that error will set us back in honor with god, the spirit in Jesus and we can then be reaccepted in spirit as now spiritually aware eternal beings. However, our redemption back into spirit is extremely severally hampered by the powers rto be on earth to swallow the theory of evolution as the manner physical reality exists. It will cause us to believe that gods,  any kind of spiritual reality and the existence of souls is bunk. These things are not just happening in our earth but throughout the universe, repeatedly and forever. This is the way god designed to get new sons in spirit.

    And as far as to my American legal, political and financial understanding goes, I have been trained and have investigated them to such an extend that I understand the full principles of each and how they interrelate to create the typical social, religious and political fabric of which American society is comprised. What underlies this fabric has been a secret conspiracy to create a One World Order of which British and especially American governments are deeply involved and are guilty of, which involvement clearly dictated high levels of deceit, corruption and a clear pattern on how the American people are held hostage. Propaganda and deceit of all kinds are used of which the people are utterly unaware.

     Hans van Krieken

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    Letter to the US Attorney General

    Suggestion to US Government about Federal Grand Jury Empanelment and Suggestions on How to Improve the Jury System

    Article URL: 15c

    It is easier to move a mountain than to change a learned, adult's human mind!

    To the US Attorney general: Complaint against US Government about Federal Grand Jury Empanelment and Suggestions on How to Improve the Jury System 

    I am addressing you as one of we, the people, and in your official capacity.

    I cannot see how the Constitution can be of any value at all if we, the people, are subject to the United States as the 14th amendment seems to infer. The intent and meaning of the Constitution must be defended with all might and courage! I would like you to consider the arguments set out below.

    The Constitution in all its contents and specific understanding is written for the sole purpose to confine and set the limits of governmental authority and to allow personal freedom to the people. It was not ever intended to expand the power of government; so for reasons of government’s legal attacks on private citizens of the states and also of the federation of states government has no status in court against any citizens unless, as stated in the Constitution, it is supported by a jury of citizens that has not been composed in any way by government and it is according to a lawful statute that applies to anything over which the government has jurisdiction. The Constitution (s) is a common law document restricting the powers of government, and as such this standard of limitation applies also to state governments.

    If state governments accept an amendment to the Constitution it must therefore be followed by a statement of approval by the people, or a jury selected by the people, that serve the people in deciding whether the amendment should stand. Government is a servant of the people and the people cannot ever allow the government to become a master in whatever capacity over the people whatsoever.

    If, by some legally colored default or some other reason government makes a claim to have jurisdiction in court over just one person of we the people than the judge must call for a mistrial because government comes without any authority to do so. The way things stand presently government cannot be held in any other way but in dereliction of its powers and duties. It proves again clearly that government alone or in conspiracy with other state governments are the enemies of we, the free people!

    In the cases of all the amendments placed into law by the legislatures of the states, who proposed the adoption of the new amendments? It seems that most of them really do not concern the states at all; such as the 14th and 16th amendments. If one of the departments of the federal government wrote and proposed the amendments for the state legislatures to adopt, then these amendments are, without question, un-Constitutional!

    By the way, the Attorney General must be excluded from a grand jury investigation. His presence is against the meaning of the constitution!

    Federal government cannot propose an amendment where federal government is bound to the stake as far as it applies to the absolute liberty of the people. It cannot propose or create amendments. I know that the people have been betrayed by both federal government and the state legislators. Let’s not forget that government cannot be trusted, so when government starts writing and proposing Constitutional law, we know that we had just been duped.

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    Many, many people have been incarcerated, un-Constitutionally, by the IRS. Government should not be a plaintiff in court nor have the power to accuse and pray for imprisonment of anyone of we, the people. Any amendment even suggesting that such is possible has no standing whatsoever for it would nullify the intent of the Constitution.

    If it is at all possible for US government to propose an amendment to the Constitution it ought to be first introduced to the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury ought to really consider if the people want to be saddled with the proposed change (because any amendment US government proposes would afflict the general populace in a negative way) before it is submitted for a vote by all of, we, the people.

    I am sorry but the way Grand Juries are selected is downright stupid and un-Constitutional. In any trial case both the defendant and the prosecutor select the jury, but Grand Juries are selected by the government. That, to me, is asinine.

    I believe that in both the federal and the states’ jurisdictions special Grand Juries ought to be impaneled for 2 year and they should be the guardians of the people’s Constitution(s). Attorney-generals and the DA’s like to win cases, and, presently, they are in charge of selecting Grand Juries. So, they have the choice to pick Grand Juries that will support the state and federal cases. That is utterly un-Constitutional. The deck has been stacked in favor of government. This must stop. The suspicion of a charged deck should never exist; thus, my proposal of seating a Special Grand Jury for 2 year. Each federal district could have such a Grand Jury impaneled. Grand Juries will be impaneled by the abdicating Grand Jury. This gives we, the people, a rightful means in deciding whether enough evidence exists to have the defendant indicted.

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    I can see that great harm is done to defendants charged by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is in charge of selecting Grand Jury members with a bias favoring the IRS. So, we really have a monkey shoot when the IRS charges one of we, the people with a series of charges. It is utterly un-Constitutional.

    It is also un-Constitutional for government to compose and propose Constitution law without it being placed for consideration before the Grant Jury. That ought to be an amendment in itself. If most amendments after the 11th have entirely bypassed the citizens of the United States, the Grand Jury ought to start a class-action suit against the US government. The people have never been non-governmentally represented in our government system. The people have always been non-represented in cases against the government; but since government has changed the form of government from the republic to the democracy (how did that come about without any input from we, the people) we are fully in the right to place the federal Grand Jury in charge of judging the United States government; and the States’ Grand Juries should be in charge of cases against the state governments. We should not just only be in charge at voting time, the people must be in charge all the time. The people, spearheaded by the Special Grand Juries, are in charge of the Constitution as the representatives of all the people and in a supervising authority over government. Government has been getting away with murder till now. Because all the people thought they were subject to the United States, the government has utterly undone the entire Constitution!

    In government’s disobedience to the Constitution it installed the Selective Service and forced many people to fight terrible wars in order to install the United Nations which (after the failure of the League of Nations) was the second step to inaugurate the "One World Order". How can it be that such important amendments as the 14th and 16th amendment get into the Constitution without any input from the people; not even without a review by the Grand Jury? Forced conscription, (which can happen to us any day today also having this 14th amendment) is cruel and utterly unjust. Conscripted people receive a minimal recompense. They are forced into war and suffer any serious consequences possible in fighting a war while being forced to kill other people. The future of conscripted people is minimal. They may risk the bright happiness that marriage, children and responsibility for a family or friends can have.

    No one should ever again be forced into the military by government demand -- and nobody should ever be forced to pay funds or forced tribute to government that is not required by the people-owned constitutional law.

    Constitutions can only be owned by we, the people; and only we, the people can make changes to the constitutions. We should eject our nation from the United Nations. There are great dangers to us as a people involved by being part of a larger whole in which we will drawn through confliction laws and rules.

    There are too many religions, thus separation between religion and state must be absolute; not to be altered /overridden by the United Nations

    People joining the military by choice receive higher pay, know what they want from military service and take well-planned chances of death or injury; and they form involvements with people from any sex on a temporary or permanent basis by choice of both parties. They know the risk of joining up with military.

    Present Grand Jury Selection Is Unfair

    Up to now, government has been able to get away with picking the Grand Jury without supervision of the people. That is a huge flaw in our legal system. The Constitution does not give government that right. The original signers of the Constitution had one thing right; Government cannot be trusted. Any barred (or disbarred) attorney or judge can figure out that the 14th and 16th amendments are a government and banking conspiracy to commit treason against the people/citizens of the United States and in violation of the original Constitution of America. The Supreme Court should have noticed that the 14th and 16th amendment are frauds. It should have given notice to government to bring an appropriate correction to bring the Constitution back into a validly operating condition. However the Supreme Court can only act on complaints from one or more of the people or from a corporate fiction. We, the free people, have no watchdog agency that can make a complaint of such matters as mentioned herein and we should have such a watchdog institution. This only proves that the Supreme Court, a bunch of lawyers thoroughly acquainted with reading skills, deliberately, and consistently, overlooked the bogus nature of these two amendments; giving us very good reasons to remove any cases dealing with the constitution away from their jurisdiction!

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    Overview of the defunct judicial process.

    Also, Judges do not give justice anymore; they follow some rules and base the instructions to the jury (or to themselves) on the basis of outdated rules and case law. The first rules of judgment is reasonableness and ethical solutions towards differences between the parties, whether the parties are the government and an ignorant person or between law and a supposed violator of that law. Many of laws are out of date, or deliberately ignored by government and the justice system such as the law regarding agents of government trespassing onto private property or laws protecting the rights of the people that are being violated by government agents. It has been the rule since King Solomon or even earlier that true justice is above board and operates with clean hands and with mercy in mind. Presently the courts defy its roles of justice; so much law is violated and ignored where it concerns the right and concerns of the people while those of fictional entities is held way above the true rights of the people. The Uniform Commercial Code is primarily based on reasonableness and equitable solutions. why does that not count for people reduced to slaves and serves of government. One can bring any form of law and precedence to bear, but if the arguments are not reasonable the court should reject its acceptability in the case. The court cane even overrule legislative acts and arguments based on similar cases in the past! the fourteenth amendment must be revoked because it is based on the most unreasonability of all. One cannot accept a person of free status to be subjected to being subject to anything at all. The Magna Charta, the original constitution, the strict standard of reasonableness of the UCC and the remainder of the 14th amendment forbid free people to be made subject to something or other at all. No one has the right in justice to demand another man to be his/her or its slave. The 2nd WW, the Korean War, the Vietnam war all were fought by hundreds of thousands of people forced under penalty of military law to endanger themselves to death, injury, permanent injury and force their loved ones and dependants to suffer hideous losses in companionship, income, standard of living and other unrecoverable poverty and emotional losses. What has been done is utterly unspeakable. Like slaves, hundred of thousands of men and women were (many against their will) forced into the fiery furnace of wars to be killed by the hundred of thousands to serve the purposes of a secret conspiracy within our governing bodies, to serve purposes against all that our original constitution was designed to prevent from happening. The nation was designed to be sovereign, but this conspiracy reduced the nation, and its people, to a subordinate role through the creation of a One World Order which, against all insult, was placed right in the midst of our first great city, New York, NY.

    There are no statues of limitation on acts such as the degradation of the American people to slavery by the 14th amendment. A constitution entirely based on the principle of liberty for all can never be corrupted in justice to render the population to subjection for any reason; not for any reason to include a clever system of incorporation where the created entities can stand seamlessly on an equal basis with the organically born and grown entities as the people living in that country. reasonableness cannot include apples and mice in an equal relationship as corporation can do with human beings. The constitution was not written to include anything else as people under any circumstance. So, the present legal system is already a complete miscarriage of justice and based on the worst kind of inequality possible.

    Humans are subjected to the greatest miscarriage of justice in America. Laws are only guidelines in the formation of justice in court. Any law ought to be made improper and of no use in upholding the process of justice and coming to a correct verdict. Laws cannot ever be made more important than people and justice should always prevent a corporation to come to some sort of equal basis with living human beings. Therefore there should be three systems of justice. One for people, one for corporations among each other and one for relations between entities of fiction and of physical reality such as people. in this case as ever, animals are excluded from comparison with human beings although I agree that the most parts of worldly human society are no more than animals -- and god sees that also correctly in this manner (although one should always treat animals with consideration in their helplessness in relations with humans), although the animal nature seems to be also encouraged in humans in relation to the amount of riches a person is identified with. The 3rd system of justice should rather be handled by a system of inexpensive arbitration.

    Power corrupts and unlimited power corrupts unlimitedly. Money in the amount of unlimited riches such as governments and the super-rich now possess corrupts these people and organizations. Corruption in grand scale is a crime that cannot be controlled in our modern legal system. the only way we have as a legal protection is to limit the power of government (which today is unlimited) is to control by power of the people the budget for government. it must be removed from the legislative and the executive branches of government -- and so must the riches of individuals. the riches of individuals can be controlled by law as I have stated herein and in my books. penalty of violation is utter poverty and if tried to hide the fact of gaining riches beyond the legal limit it must be inescapable death. If such laws are not inaugurated we must cause the government branches to step down immediately like it is done in Great Britain because in America the people are king unlimited.

    I have said in here that I was imprisoned by the IRS without answering my plea to them to give cause why they are harassing my and my wives persons. IRS agents simply came on my property with a bogus warrant, I was not given to inspect the document even though I asked for it, and they brutally arrested me without bothering to read me my rights; and then gave the court the impression that I failed to comply with the arrest. Somewhere in this web page is a copy of my letter to the Federal Attorney general that I demand payment of $200.000 for each year I was in prison and $ 100.000 for my wife for each year she was forced to exist without my love and support. I made the same claims fort all the people arrested by the IRS and for their dependants. never heard back from the criminal!

    Justice involves the major cause of the plaintiff and defense at the same time -- justice is the measure of reasonableness of the pleas and a verdict that is based not just on law and precedence but on providing a fair arrangement based on reason. If a verdict is not based on reasonability the case is ready for review by a higher court or in the alternative to a mistrial whether accepted by the legal community or not.

    The departments of government ignored these violations of the Constitution and continued over prolonged periods to use these fake 14th and 16th amendments together with a deceitfully phrased individual signed bank account contracts that stipulates that holders of bank accounts must uphold all federal laws in order for people to have a contract with a bank; thus giving US government fraudulent jurisdiction in federally filed criminal cases. It places the US justice department in conspiracy with the rest of the anti-Constitution criminal conspiracy to subject the people of America to US government and to be able to imprison people on false/phony government (IRS) charges. But, we, the people, stated in the Constitution that we will be benefited with a fully operating and guaranteed currency system. This currency system must come to us free and without inflation because inflation is the unfair releasing of legal tender without being charged with a charge noted on the face of the script; or in any other electronic manipulation which charges credit without value added; and without limiting or subordinating factors or encumbrances to one or all of the people. Thus, any taxes required for the operation of USG must come, not from people, but from the corporate businesses. Corporations are subject to government, and these entities receive the benefit of limited liability and, also, have been given standing in public court; which limited liability and court standing, requires of them to collect the taxes from the people by charging these taxes into the products or services they sell; because the free people should not be required to pay them under threat of government formulated penal laws. All that the Constitution declares is for the free benefit of the people.

    Let’s not have anymore of this. That is why I now file this complaint with you, the Attorney General, against the United States government with this letter. A copy will also be sent to President Trump.

    I must stress that the people are not subject to government ─ federal or state in nature. You must be convinced of that or our Constitution is not going to help anyone. Here is why. The Constitution is a set of demands by which we, the people will tolerate a government to be placed in operation for the operation of itself with the full insurance that the people will always be free and remain free and with a valid, honestly working currency system. Thus, no amendment can ever be Constitutional that, even in the vaguest manner, insinuates that the people might be subject to government. So, again, it must be stressed that, for starters, the 14th amendment must be rephrased as shown below or even better; and the 16th amendment (being utterly un-Constitutional), must be forthwith deleted and be made of no effect whatsoever.

    The Civil War was the purpose of, and the means whereby all American state citizens lost their status as free people through subversion of trust. After the Civil War, government officially incorporated this fall from free citizens to serfs of government by demoting the people and their posterity by a deceitfully promoted and government adopted 14th Amendment to the Constitution, declaring that “all state citizens are citizens of the United States” (and “subject” to the jurisdiction of the United States). By the way, you recognize a One World Order conspiracy war by the insane orders given to the soldiers on either side to en masse confront enemy shrapnel-canon fire or on either side being forced en masse to come up out of the trenches and be en masse mowed down by opposing high-frequency machine gun fire and such other insane mass-commands; atom bomb attacks, such an atrocity of fire-bombing Dresden three days before Germany surrendered killing some 200,000 people with five time that score in all kinds of injury or suicide bombings, high-jacking of all kinds and extremely high dead rates per incident or war and the US government is the head master of this conspiracy. You can be sure that the CIA or some other foreign agency had their hands in these incidents.

    Yet, even after this amendment, people still thought and think of them-selves as being free. The preamble wording of the 14th amendment should have stated: “All people, who were part of and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those naturalized in the United States are unburdened and free United States citizens . . .” This would have stated the same thing without alluding that the free people are subject to anything at all. The way it is written and the way it is followed by the 16th amendment represents treason from the several governments against We, the free people of the United States.

    Furthermore, it is only just that all those people arrested and put in jail by the IRS or on invalid government charges, and what stands for our bogus federal justice system, who are still living should receive $200,000 for each year they have been sentenced in jail; and their immediate families, who suffered the loss of their loved ones and the financial support of those incarcerated, should receive each $100.000 for each year of the wrongfully executed sentences of their immediate relatives and for the loss they experienced of their husbands, fathers, sons and/or daughters. These amounts I have been picked from the ether. These amounts should be considerably more, but they are the minimum amounts these people deserve for being purposely, utterly falsely arrested, processed in the courts and jails and then imprisoned to sit out their wrongfully arrived at sentences.

    Government ignored these violations and continued over prolonged periods to use these fake amendments together with mis-phrased individual signed bank account contracts claiming that holders of bank accounts must uphold all federal laws in order for people to have a contract with a bank; thus giving US government fraudulent jurisdiction in federally filed criminal cases; and shuts out the state law system completely. It placed the US justice department in conspiracy with the rest of the anti-Constitution criminal conspiracy to subject the people of America to US Government and imprison them on false/phony charges; and in addition and beyond all that now subject we, the people, to a foreign and higher governing agency, the UN.

    We, the people, stated in the Constitution that we will be benefited with a fully operating and guaranteed currency system. This currency system must come to us free, without limiting or legal, or otherwise subordinating factors or inflation. Thus any taxes required for the operation of USG must come, not from people, but from the corporate businesses. Corporations receive the benefit of limited liability and have standing in public court, which limited liability and court standing requires them to collect the taxes from the people by charging these taxes into the products or services they sell; because the free people should not be bothered or required to pay them under threat of government formulated rules and penal laws. People ought not to be charged for tax crimes. Paying taxes is beyond the standing of a free and liberated citizenry. Also, corporations, being entities of fiction cannot own property, real or otherwise. Corporations can lease everything but cannot own anything and if any kind of taxation is required the tax falls on the corporations. And as said herein no one can own more than a very limited amount of value, whether invested or not. Riches beyond the legal limit must be shed and if not those exposing the illegal riches of individual to government will be given the legal amount he or she can own; the rest is forfeit to government and the one who violated the law must be given 10 years in prison plus  a term of parole of another 10 years. Only United States citizen having only one legal right to be named US citizena in good standing can own land and other property.

    Since government is a fiction it also cannot hold property of any kind. Whatever it needs must be leased and borrowed. The profits after taxes belongs to the corporation to be distributed to the share holders. The landlords of corporations and government agencies have free access to all operations of the leaseholders so that can be ascertained that no illegal operations take place on the property; and can do so with sufficient government back-up. Also corporations must register their profits and pay tax thereon and of none is reported for 2 years the corporation is automatically considered abandoned and terminated. Religious institutions must be incorporated; and cannot be used to hide secret actions or illegal activities.

    After about 250 years of living with the original and government-amended Constitution and with the democratic system of government it is up to the people to study and edit the Constitution to eliminate any uncertainty about the meaning of any article and to thoroughly edit all the amendments; and either delete the ones reeking of government scheming by incorporating those amendments that still make sense and deleting those that have enslaved us to our servants. For one thing I must adamantly state that the minimum voting age should definitively not be 18 years but should be raised to at least 28 years of age. 18 Year old children have no life experience to vote with the more mature and experienced folks. The present minimum voting age creates more harm than good, because it makes the overall vote meaningless. Children are children and should not be required to assume the duties of mature adults.

    Many of these children may be employed by freewill by the US armed forces that coerced them to take a completely wrongful oath -- the correct oath is to fight to defend the Constitution and the active aggressors against our laws and National Independence and other enemies of the people's liberty, but they are still kids and the armed forces do not now primarily defend the country but require the armed forces personnel to attack foreign nations that do not conform to a democratic form of government. That, in a way, is a Hitler scheme of making the world a democratic supremacy.

    This oath is in conformance to the One World Order conspiracy efforts to create a One World Order democratic super-state by coercing smaller nations to abandon their non-democratic structures and instead forcing all nations to adopt the US-modeled corporate democratic government structure; thereby forcing the choice of government for these nations from them. Our entire government system has been invaded by the coalition of international bankers who masterminded the 14th and 16th amendments to the Constitution and try to force a United Nations law system over and above the Constitution for American government.

    Presently, our entire government system is a hoax. In my considered opinion it operates in anti-Constitution mode. USG should mind America before anything else! We probably were better off with King George of England than we are now with the “supposedly” so good and sound Constitution "democratic" system. The smartest country in the world is Spain because they were wise enough to bring their king back into office.

    I want to add that the government (that is supposed to be limited in power) has the awful power to send people to jail; thus separating a parent from his children and his or her spouse. It can throw them out of house and home, and other such atrocious things. It shows that in spite of what we call liberty we still exist in America in a basically barbaric midlevel culture and existence.

    There is another matter that US government does that is against the Constitution. Government cannot make laws that forbid the people from taking, and carrying drugs. The people are free and not encumbered by government. However, government can make laws that declare drug manufactures and drug cartels that bring drugs into the black market and thus endangering we, the people to become drug addicts illegal and punishable to extremely severe penalties. It can declare all drug manufacturers and drug dealers to be enemies of the people; and people found guilty of such crimes should get the death penalty. This could even be reinforced by an amendment to the Constitution. And the amendment should state that such characters, even on police suspicion of being such, cannot ever be empanelled in a jury.

    Also, dual jurisdictions are not just. I propose that if state and federal jurisdictions apply in a case the federal law and justice system overrules the state’s claims. One should not be exposed to two trials when one will suffice. This also should be stated in the Constitution.

    I hereby have another proposal for a new amendment: The means whereby amendments are accepted or rejected should not be placed in hands of state legislators but, henceforth, in the hands of the Grand Juries. Grand Juries are not part of government and should take on the roll of managing the US Constitution for the people, not legislatures that form a part of government. It is too prohibitive to get all the people to vote on changes to the Constitution, but the ten Grand Juries in all 10 districts are a good representation of we, the people. Grand Juries should have experience in being jurors; this makes them less of a sort of cow-towers for government. That is why a 2-year of Grand Jury empanelment is an excellent idea.

    Please hand over a copy to the Grand Jury, and pass this article along to everyone you know.

    Thank you.

    return receiptfrom president

    I did not hear a peep from either one of them; and I sent it to them twice. That is because they are following another script than the original Constitution; the script being the incorporation of a One World Order empire. We have been reduced to mere chickens inside a coup d' é tat.  It was not Spain who was our enemy during the Spanish war that Teddy Roosevelt fought around the turn of the 19th to 20th century; It was not Hitler, Mussolini, the Japanese emperor or Stalin who were our enemies. The enemy was always within. It was the the American-spawned One World Order conspiracy. Our real enemies were the many government administrations since and including the Lincoln administration that were our real enemies. We have been stupendously betrayed by the people we most trusted ‒ our carefully voted-in political government officials. Before the 2nd world war the Japanese officers were actually trained in America.

    How much more absurd can it get? They stole our liberating Constitution and turned into prison of subjective intimidation, vicious arrest proceeding and long, felon-making prison term that prevented our pseudo ex-convicts from ever putting their lives back on track. We have lived for a hundred and fifty years under a heavy yoke of oppression. The people we appointed to uphold and safeguard our Constitution stole it from us and turned into a yoke we have been subdued under for a century and a half. Don't tell me we should not execute the bastards.

    You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree but because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, you can make a contribution in my account at , or better yet: buy from a set of choices in  Search for Hans van Krieken.

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    I have been there!

    I was forced into a Japanese concentration camp as a small child, suffered undo viciousness there for nearly 4 years; I was a prentice merchant marine apprentice deck officer and was not paid or treated any better than the prison camp. I was brutally arrested by IRS agents with the help of an even more brutal city officer and I was never treated for the extremely vicious treatment I experienced during my absurd arrest. I received the roughest treatment in the the marshal's office, while being brutalized in the court system; my civilian clothes were many times stolen from me by the marshal's office to be sent to "Goodwill" (some goodwill); I sat two years in an American jail, labor camp (got paid 5 cents per hour); and I still feel pity for how all these people are being treated by their governments. And I am, surely, among the most compassionate people this earth has ever brought forth. All this is not due to people but due to spirit. Yet, I still have faith that it is all for the very best of me; because I know, if I did not experience these things, I will be in this universe forever and my soul will be all the very worse this physical reality can shove me into for ever and ever

    II am confident that drug manufacturing should be strongly opposed by government; but we must give the people something other than liquor. I propose that we legalize marijuana as we do liquor. It ought not to be sold over 3 ounce per purchase and one's driver's license ought to be reported at sale send put in the police files. like liquor the police should checck the amount in the body and when the check reads over the maximum limit when stopped by the police, a ticket should be given to the violator; with the danger that the person cannot ever be caught having in his body at whatever level; plus, of course with a stiff fine for trespassing the legal limit while driving. Most people would abide with that rule and the rule would quickly sift out those who violate the rule. Also government would be able to tax the product while, presently, it is sold under the table. I believe most drug users would permanently go to the consumption of marijuana instead of other, more dangerous drugs.

    I heard that President Trump wants all US citizens to receive a government-issued check of $1.200. That news came out after I wrote this letter to him and the US Attorney General. With this check, I believe, they want to settle us into a legal "Accord and Satisfaction" action. (If someone owes you a $1.000 and he sends you a check of $200.00 and you cash it, it may mean that you cannot claim the remainder--$800, as a debt he owes you still.) Anyone who cashes this check may agrees that all moneys taken from the person illegally through income tax has been satisfied and the person cannot ever bring the issue up again. Accord and Satisfaction must always be handled on a clean hands and mind (good faith transactions) basis, or the court will not allow /> One bad aspect of the idea of Accord and Satisfaction is that a debtor may pay you, say, 60% of the debt owed, so that the remainder not worth is to go to court for. That is one reason people will not hand over the merchandise until the bill is paid in full. I think, the whole thing of Accord and Satisfaction is bull shit.
    The temptation to cash the check is too great, I fear, in this case, in the democratic process, these people cashing the check are the majority and all will be held to the decision of the majority and all of us have to shut up about the issue for ever. That is the very bad thing of a democracy over a republic. The majority is always the stupid part of the nation, and if the majority cash the check the Accord and Satisfaction legal rule is now satisfied for all people in the US of A. And you cannot sue the government because it is the richest entity in the world, that can keep a matter in court for 20 years or until you give up.
    I mean by being stupid that in some issues one person is a dummy and in another issue another person may be the dummy. In some issues I can be considered a dummy, but overall, nobody can be an expert on everything. But, yes, it is true the majority on any issue are dummies. That is the manner in which a democratically arranged government has great clout over us all. However, the Constitution supports voting, but that does not mean we have to drop the title "republic". We fought to be free from subjection, and now that we are subjects again, thanks to the 14th amendment, government (not the people) made us into a democracy ‒ another criminality of government because the people never had a say in it. However, never forget, the spirit is leading us, slow but surely into the battle of Armageddon. How that works and the reason for it is a mystery to me.
    After thinking about it, I believe that President Trump is doing the right thing. Let's face it, no president before has ever made such an offer to the public. It is an enormous gesture of good will. Let us all cash the check and be settled with this matter. But sending people into jail and charging exorbitant interest rates to collect taxes are crimes that cannot be forgiven; and these practices must stop instantly.
    I can see a bit of the reasoning behind the 16th amendment. At this time in history, we are retired at age 65 or so. That means, without the 16th amendment in place, everybody must pay an indirect tax to fund the nation. Poor people and retired people must pay the much higher sales tax. This becomes an extra burden for the poor and the retired to keep one's budget going without going bust. But then, also, I have made the suggestion somewhere in this web page that government can give aid checks to those who are burdened beyond their income to pay for the necessities of life. Food, of course, should always be tax free to buy. I would like to suggest that packaged food and "fast food-serve food" should also be tax free because so many people depend on it instead of cooking their own meals.
    By government being able to set different tax rates they can make rules whereby the poor get better terms than the average or the more affluently funded people. I, really, do not care how government funds itself; the original Constitution gives government certain economical trade transactions it can tax. It ought to be enough to run the government on the daily basis. I suggest, though, that paying taxes is more satisfactory than government taking out loans and selling off our native property assets to the highest bidder. But no matter what, government does all these things no matter how much taxes its takes in.

    In many cases judges do not ply their trade with clean hands, that is why rich people can exhaust poor people of the financial dignity and cause them to lose the case. Judges ought to clam down on the issuing of non-essential petitions entered into court with unclean hands and minds. Half the lawyers should be barred from court because of this practice.

    I had once an issue in the court against the IRS and the case was to be heard at 9:00 AM. We had to drive 60 miles to be on time. At 11:00AM the IRS was still not represented in court; and they were based right there in the federal building. I asked the clerk present if I was 20 minutes late would the case be considered abandoned? and the clerk said : "Yes". So I, instantly, withdrew my claim, and left the court. Talking about Justice; Pahw!

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    Look at how some 22 generations overlooked the wording of the 14th amendment and so sharply followed with a dictatorship of the IRS. Of course government wants to defend the perverted Constitution. It suits them just fine. But it is not government that must defend the Constitution but the people must safeguard the Constitution from government.

    I went to several of my neighbors about the corruption of our Constitution and no one is in the least interested. So, now you can be sure that they are your neighbors and the community you live in that keeps you enslaved. People are so disgusted by our system of government that apathy reigns extremely high in America. What can we all do but hate our neighbors. America is a lost society. The people vote and beyond that they are brain-dead. Please do not be. Be smart; withhold your votes until we get our full-fletched liberty back.

    It is just like Moses, who would want to lead the Israelites out of Slavery in Egypt, The people did not want to leave because they felt they had all they needed. They accused him for all things and grumbled continually. The same also happened to the African Americans in the USA. It took the very bravest, very often women, who lead their fight against suppression. Most were cowards but a few were willing to die for all of them.

    The same happened during American Independence war; the great majority felt they could live under the suppression of the British empire. Had the war for independence failed  in America the British would have killed the American fighters by the squadron until they were all gone. With those odds the fighting spirit of the Americans were high and desperate. The British had no mercy with insurrection; it must be weeded out like a cancer. That is why it is such a tremendous scandal that our Constitution was brought to naught by US and state governments an utter, complete scandal! They do not deserve any standing, honor or credit at all! All of them, since the adoption of the 14th, politicians have betrayed America. I have no mercy with them. It is a clear matter of insurrection and cunning bad will. They should all be placed before a firing squad! In my mind they are already dead!

    No honor among self-seeking politicians; so be my guest: vote for them. No politician has brought up in session the surrender of the public's liberty since its disappearance. As far as the people of this nation is concerned, government has betrayed the people and we are in bondage. The governments of America have no more jurisdiction in America than a a bunch of beef on the hoof. If they do not come clean this election, we know that the next generation of politicians are not worth to be placed in office.

    We must realize that the great majority of people are cowards, but that does not mean the we must relent to gain progress to re attain liberty. People, we must get rid of all traces of subjection that we are terrorized under from any sort of people, or any sort of organization. The Dutch, the master's of fighting for independence, fought for their independence from the extremely rich, new-world-marauding King of Spain (the then government of the Dutch ) for 80 years, but their stubbornness paid off.  It is also why the tricolors of red, white and blue (the Dutch flag) still stand for yearning and fighting for liberty all around the world. No one could withstand the enormous power of Spain, but the Dutch did! Dutch ships used to rob Spanish galleons loaded with gold and silver from Central and South America. But before they could get to the galleons they had to first pass the naval escorts accompanying these ships. My last name  "van Krieken" was awarded to a man who did outstanding battle around a town in Belgium named Krieken against Spain by the then leader "Prince William of Orange". The Dutch are still reigned by the House of Orange \ Oranje in Dutch. Even along the East Coast of the USA are still counties and cities called Orange, giving indications that the Dutch once had settlements there.

    Now-a-days, we live for more than a 150 years under the yoke of suppression supported by all the presidents and legislatures since that time; and under an even more immense yoke of plunder and fear by the fraudulent Inter Revenue Service since the year the treasonous 16th amendment was supposedly adopted. They withheld the truth about this scandal because, either they were threatened by members of the One World Order conspiracy, they belonged to the OWO conspiracy or they were to indifferent to study the Constitution carefully and discover the hoax played on the American people; but what ever it may be, they should have known a hoax was playing itself out with the IRS dictatorship, and they did not step forward. They are guilty because the Constitution did not mean enough to them to study it and to defend it with their body, mind and soul! 

     We have been souls that already went through the entire spectrum of beings and matter this universe hold within itself. Souls are recycled constantly to go through the entire spectrum of being in physical reality; people, when possible, we can step out of the cycle and be lifted up in spirit; if, only you could have more trust in me; but alas, people cannot have any insight than their noses are long. Such a pity!

    By reading these materials, I have taken command of your soul and mind. That is the way it is. Nobody reading my stuff can ever be the same. Please take action to correct what you have failed to do as an American and as a soul. If you would read along in this site you will discover that everybody has been subjected to many sorts of mind-control/mind-conditioning. Brainwashed people are under a very secretive control of the brainwashers. We are utterly unaware of these activities but they have a powerful control over your thought processes and automatic reactions on things. Brainwashed people are utterly dead in spirit. Let's face it, we were brainwashed in spirit first; that is why we are dead / comatose in spirit. Brainwashed peoples' minds are closed to new understanding. I want you to break through these brainwashing mental walls. The world is an entirely different place than you are aware of. That is why Jesus taught tat we must become all over like children again; to empty our minds of all brainwashing and then understand the spiritual truth that will set you free. Jesus is the master and he truly lived. He understand things so much deeper than we can ever completely be aware of.

    So, we might be forced to do the same in America. Even Spirit uses slaves, our deliberately comatized souls are still used to materialize the universe and us creatures in it. We have been ripped off of our liberty in America and we must fight to regain our liberty, and our souls are caught through a lie-believed in spirit; and this website is the way to regain our liberty there. That is all!

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    My US Patent

    By the way; Also see my US patent on the radical boat hull design which will save the world as much oil and for the duration of oil production in the world, if not more than the newly discovered and brought into production oil wells in the Dakotas of America and in Canada: US patent #7752986 (B2), awarded in July 2010 (One of the, by myself, best-thought-out, formulated and written patent application so far, as stated by the patent examiner). It was ignorantly ignored by government, the super-rich and wealthy.

    My arrest by the IRS

    One day I came home from my post office box and a car came screeching to a stop in  my driveway. A woman, Jody, came out the first with two burly plain-clothed men . They said they came to arrest me. I was still sitting in my car. I said let me see the arrest warrant and see showed me a piece of paper from about 6 feet away. I said let me read it but she retracted the piece of paper. So, I stayed in my car for about a couple of minutes. In that time she called the city cops and a minute later a cop showed up. Until a suspect has read the warrant, the authorities have not arrived at jurisdiction over my person. I, also, was never read my rights! The governing authorities are a joke. They do not know anything of proper procedure; and if they do, they simply don't give a damn. Our private property is supposed to be the only place we ought to be able to say is our place of safety from government intrusion. It is no longer so. the IRS has been accosting me many times in my homes by delivering demands to my property at my home. They stole two cars previously and sold them. I reported the theft of the cars but police refused to deal with it. I counteracted this by demanding cause for their actions against me and they never replied, so, eventually they trespassed on my property beat the shit out of me and dragged me off; just like they used to be able to do to slaves enjoying their rest in their huts on the plantation after work. And this is 100% supported by the way the present constitution reads. However, I doubt that a federal judge has jurisdiction of a person residing in a particular state jurisdiction. so which judge signed the warrant against me? I bet it was a federal judge because I was hauled into federal court. See, state jurisdiction does not mean anything anymore, the "feds" can step and trample on state jurisdiction to their heart's content without the state doing anything to stop it. People can only be held to one jurisdiction but the federal government blows it all to bits. Is this how you all want to be governed? Yes, because you all still keep voting these criminals (Republicans and Democrats) into office.

     Yes, the United States has turned into a slave farm where government can beat the crap out of you on your own property, throw you in prison without ever having to show cause for its actions. This is entirely different from the way it used to be by the attested pre-14th amendment laws in the early US criminal code. My arrest occurred as far back as 28 years ago. Can you imagine what it is like today? The IRS, until this day, calls the federal income tax a voluntary tax. How big a set of phonies can they be? These IRS agents are all American citizens. Where is their honor and decency? Even more, where is the sense of honesty and decency of most all the presidents? You, bunch of dummies, put them all in office!!

    For once you democrats and republican voters must lay aside your differences. The first point on the people's national agenda must be to restore our rights as the owners of the constitution. It has been ripped from us by both the republicans and the democrats because they both are in the conspiracy against us, the people. Show them we, the people, have cloud as well. We are about 160,000,000 people strong; help give our traditional rights back -- the right to not be disturbed in our peace at home, at work and in public by government liberty-debilitating demands in any way.  Let's put the traitors back in their place! Vote the libertarian ticket; they want you to be free again.

    A cop showed up and parked next to my car. He immediately pulled his night stick to demolish my car. So I got out of the car to protect my car. He immediately jumped me from behind as I was facing the IRS crowd and we fell on the ground and he proceeded to hit my face in rapid procession with his fist. He must have hit my face about 3 to 4 dozen of times before he quit. In the mean time the two IRS men jumped on my back to restrain (?) me. Since I had fallen, my two arms were under my body but the weight of the three of them made it very hard to place my hands on my back for them to cuff me. As long as I was not cuffed the cop kept hitting me in the face. The cop dumped me in his car and drove to the hospital where I was cuffed to the bed. nurses and doctors came by and just looked. My face was beat to pulp. but there was nothing they did. After a half our of this I was placed in the IRS car and driven to San Francisco and placed in a cage with about another dozen or so people. I was in there for about an hour and brought into court. I was never read my rights; these three hoods from the IRS could have been a bunch of Mafia people using the cop to beat me up. How could he have known? The judge must have read me the charges  in order to ask if I claimed: guilty or not guilty; but I cannot remember she doing that. If that is so, it was the first time I heard of them. I never found out if a federal or state judge steeped so low as to sign the warrant.

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    I was hauled off while my wife was left helpless and unemployed at home. The IRS really wanted destroy us for good and making my wife homeless. However, I  a patriot meeting my wife met a family that was just made homeless and she invited them into her house. They paid the rent and kept Carol's cost of living current. So, in this case we thwarted the IRS' intent also. But I was made unemployable because of my felon designation in the corporate systems. I started a window and house-cleaning business that just barely kept our heads above our financial situation.

    This is what judges at arraignment should ask before any other proceedings take place. Has the arraigned person been read his/her rights? Has the arraigned person been molester during arrest? Has the arraigned person seen and red the warrant? Has any additional officials helping with the arrest seen the warrant? In this criminal case is the title of the case correct? These are 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th amendment rights. Without this knowledge brought before the court the hearing cannot proceed any further. At that time, also, the judge must decide whether the arraigned person should be released or not. Nothing like that happened in my case. And I was not up to sniff on procedure to insist on it. But the judge should have; and as far as I am concerned she was more guilty than I, because I stood and fought for my (our) rights; and my case hinged on me defending my rights for I was arrested for defending my liberty. It probably is a good lesson on your own rights to read my case against the IRS; unless they all came after to correct any legal buboes they made. I would think they probably did.

    The other thing was that my wife was just convalescing from an operation and heard all the tumult outside; so she came out and saw me being beaten to pulp by the cop. She was screaming out there too!

    The cop testified to the number of arrests he had made in his career, which was somewhere around 2500, it was an astronomical number. The female judge asked if he was injured in the arrest proceeding and he showed her a little scratch on his cheek (we had fallen right next to a rose bush and he must have evidently got that scratch there. So, I spoke up, with my pounded to pulp face, and asked the judge why she did not immediately get up and kiss the poor guy. I howled "Please judge, kiss his bubo, please kiss his bubo ", but she only gave me her meanest look and told me to shut up. Even the deputy marshals could not stop grinning!

    I was never asked according to the claims on the warrant whether I was guilty or not, because the judge never could read them out loud because I believe she never had one in her hand. It was another sham of a proceeding. I felt myself to be slave who objected to have his labor forced from himself; and that is why I had the bejesus' beat out of me and be forced into a labor concentration camp; and thereafter I was prevented to continue my profession because a felon must report to the company that he is a felon.  So, nobody would hire me my very life was destroyed forever. I was a slave who disobeyed and I had to be made an example to all the other US slaves! How dare this man oppose the by the Constitution approved, American slave system?! HOW DARE HE? HOW DARE HE? HOW, THE HELL, DOES HE DARE! Yeah, liberty in America!

    One of my friends tracked down the car of judge Armstrong and gave me the make (Volvo) and license number. I told them I did not want to harass the judge. She probably was scared stiff of the IRS herself.

    Do you see how fictions of reality can take over your life? Fictions of reality, government, should never have the upper hand over life organic human beings! I hope, that my punishment is a lesson to you and declare yourself for liberty and against any sort of slavery, as the income taxes are; or otherwise, may your chains hold you lightly! Remember that some 70% of your taxes are squandered on getting the ONE World Order (OWO) going on track. We, the People, were kept in the dark about it because governments are your enemies.

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    In summary: My 1st amendment rights were ignored. I recently petitioned the US Attorney General (with a copy to the president of the USA see my letter(s) above that my in inborn rights were violated by the IRS arrest proceedings at my place of residence in Vallejo, CA The Attorney General is in arrears responding to my grievance. My individual rights were violated (9th amendment); I was never given the chance to read the warrant during my arrest (4t amendment right); The criminal case was titled wrong (6th amendment); I was given way too excessive bail (8th amendment) and I was seriously brutalized (uncommonly brutal arrest). People in this country have been separated entirely from their Constitution. It is a shame /shame / shame! From the IRS agents, to the Vallejo, CA cop, to the IRS attorneys, to the arraignment judge and the trail judge; everyone of them broke one or more of my Constitution rights without ever even blushing. By the way, the trail judge I was stuck with was a black lady called "Armstrong". I always thought she was related to Louis Armstrong the famous trumpet player and singer. She did not remember either that her forefathers once were slaves and she was not willing to do a true job of delivering Constitutional justice. Just know, if it happened to me it happened / happens to a lot of other people. Don't stand for it any longer! It can happen to you; unless, of course, you are an obedient, subservient Christian slave.

    The problem with fictitious entities like the IRS is that they possess only one license, but there were three people in the plaintiffs table; and most of the witnesses they brought forward were people working for the IRS and witnesses who were arraigned against me because I had sent them a letter of complaint why they were demanding things from me and by what laws they did these things. These witnesses were accountants for firms with whom I had worked who said they needed some IRS form filled out by me. I wrote back that they had 20 days to respond to my request of proof that they had a right to demand anything from me or they would owe me the total of the penalties provided by about 5 laws in the US criminal code for individuals coming against another person under color of law and that I would charge 1% interest on the unpaid balance per month. These were old laws but they are still valid. These so-called" witnesses did not answer me; so, after about four years of sending them my monthly updated bill, I had some four and  half million dollars outstanding against them all. I reported to the IRS these outstanding, unpaid bills and offered them 50% of the funds collected by them for me. They held the demand for their right to approach me at all and the monthly bills as evidence of wrong-doing on my part, so I demanded that the same evidence they were submitting as evidence was evidence of my innocence. If The IRS was only given one license, how come the courtroom was cluttered by individuals testifying against me. I also clearly noticed that there were not three competing departments of government working in my case but three departments of government working I unison against my person. It was very clear to me that the separations of the departments of government is only an illusion on paper; in reality there is only one department condemning a person daring to withstand utterly (un)constitutional government. I am appalled by the total of preprogrammed propaganda that our population is drowned in as far as their knowledge and understanding of what constitutional government is all about. We truly live all together in one huge slave plantation and do willingly damage to some other person accused of violating one or more of their slave laws against another person. Liberty went straight out the door after the civil war was won and we became tax-paying slaves after the people won the 2nd WW as the IRS continued to collect the (voluntary) income tax from people. Is that what people fought the civil war, the 1st WW and the 2nd WW for? Life after the wars showed me that we lived the lives of slaves, not of a people declaring they were free.

    My Order running smoothly. Yesterday, April 8, I sent my command letters out to the president and the military Joint Chiefs of Staff. I never heard back from either one of them; no; "yes sir, we will be looking into this matter immediately" or so! Folks, you have been sold out and there is no help coming from governments or anybody else. So, really, the Irish IRA is right, unless you fight till death you will not get your rights and liberty back ever. Government, without even the slightest of a doubt are ruthless criminals; and you are welcome to vote for them; but I will not ever! Our government is not any better than the Nazi regime. The Irish people seem to still have their balls which seem to be lacking in the people of America.

    Here is another thing; the IRS brought their case against me before a grand jury which stupid jury agreed to all the charges the IRS laid upon me; but then the IRS titled the case The United States of America versus Hans van Krieken". If the case was reviewed and signed by the grand jury, the case ought to be titled "The People versus Hans van Krieken and the judge should have immediately dismissed the case because government made the charge, not the people. So you see that everything in this country is a bunch of bunk trash! No one knows really what they are doing. The title of the case is major in court. The accused has a right to know who the real plaintiff against him/her is in court.

    Any way, I was given $100.000 bail, which is about the bail a suspected murderer gets; and I was hauled off to jail (my wife's parents put up their house as bail to get me out. Not only that, her mother was a one-time 23-year employee of the IRS (Hurrah for mom!). In all that time I never, ever was shown the warrant. Neither did the cop verify whether the IRS had a legitimate claim. It took two and a half week for my injuries to heal, but no medical help ever showed their faces. Since I had no lawyer, the judge did not even ask if I had ever seen the warrant. I never saw the judge handle and read any warrant either. That is justice and police work in America folks. A month later my wife received a bill in the hundreds of dollars for my forced stay in the hospital. Anyway, by a similar working of the court I was given two years in jail, and thus, I am a felon. I wear my status as felon as a medal of the highest honor and I have no respect left for authority.

    ‒ governmental or religious. They are a bunch of bumbling idiots who have absolutely no respect for the law! I stay out of their way. Because I was not allowed a lawyer because I did not want to betray how my wife got income I appointed the judge as my lawyer, stating that she knew the law as well as anybody. I, also, refused a jury because I knew how stupid the general public is, so the judge was the jury. Had I taken a jury, my penalty would probably have been 6 years or so. Obviously, they kicked me and my personal defense attempts around the court as they wished. I am not a registered voter because I am a felon. I would never vote anyway, because I cannot mingle my most learned, experienced and intelligent vote with much of rabble out there. So, here is a case everybody hates to be in, in a dictatorship, government was the accuser, judge and jury. How about that; and I wanted it that way! In most criminal cases brought by government juries are in most cases just government 's rubber stamps.

     I did go to law school before I was arrested and read tort, criminal and contract cases, to find out what the tax laws were all about. Nowhere in the Internal Revenue Code could I find anything that made a "taxpayer a tax payer, so it all hinges again on the fraudulent 14th amendment. However in court I was utterly out of my realm as far as court proceeding goes. But I am well adjusted and in the know about law in general. I actually gave all the evidence the IRS brought before the court as my evidence in defense, because all the evidence was based on my demands to be told why they thought they had jurisdiction in this case and to reply to me in 20 days time or my demands or my demands for my right would stand and they must cease to harass me. They never answered me and just went on to arrest me. There is a lot more to this case but I just do not want to bring it all up again. Be assured that everything in government is hinged on power, deceit and being in the know! And the federal Supreme Court endorsed all the system did wrong. I actually told the court that the federal government betrayed me! No mercy for the people!


    Do you know that because of the stupid jury system in the US of A, and the irresponsible behavior of the people themselves, America holds the largest percentage per capita prison population of any country in the world. In some European countries the judges change the jury sentence from years to a couple of weeks. Now, that shows responsibility on the part of the judge. Most convicts are truly sorry of their wrong-doing so why give them years?

    My arrest was something from which the Constitution ought to have protected me. If this was not unusual punishment, then I do not know what that means, and without having gone through a trial, or for the cop to not even having checked the phony warrant. The Constitution is just a useless piece of paper, that can only be used by rich super crooks who can use it to escape punishment. It is an instrument used by dirty folks in government and crooks; the rest of us are helplessly caught in the rituals of misjudgment of the people by officialdom because we are subjected slaves to government.

    The second world war was fought by American slave labor because most of the soldiers never had a choice whether they would join the fight or not. They were forced to fight because of the deliberate false phraseology of the 14th amendment. What a misery we American s live under! The same can be said for the people who were forced to fight in the Korean and Vietnam wars. It is all of the most high scandal. And Hitler was utterly misrepresented because he was the looser and oddly because he was a member of the On World Order Conspiracy. He was designated to be the fall guy!

    III myself was imprisoned for more tan 3 1/2 years in a Japanese concentration camp, simply because I was white/span> and 3 or so years old when I came into the camp. Many, many people died or were permanently disabled because of the treatment they received. I and my brothers suffered in life because we never went to school in the camps and we were later placed in classes that were beyond our reach of understanding. My younger brother still gets Japanese support for the injuries he suffered as badly undernourished baby. We existed in these camps with 40 or women (it was a women and children camp; if you were over ten years old you went to a work-camp, being separated from your mother) in a house having only mostly one bathroom. If the commander some one had badly trespassed the rules, he would shut of the water supply for 3 days. You can imagine the rest. And we were al there because a bunch of conspirators started a war with no other purpose than to kill, maim and destroy as much as the could in the smallest possible time, so that they could reach their goal of trapping the entire world population in one pen.

    And oddly enough, 90% of what I know I learned in prison by reading much of the Presidio army base library with which our camp was litters. Every wall was stacked from floor to ceiling with half the library of the Presidio military base in San Francisco, CA. I just locked myself in a broom closet and read all I could about world history, and books written by veterans of the civil war, WWI and WWII. So my time was not wasted. I must have read more Presidio library books than any military person on that base ever did.

    My spiritual insight came from me not understanding Jehovah's stand on people obeying his stupid laws, rules and ordinances. So, I began reading the Bible again from the start and got stuck on Genesis chapter 3; and then I remembered a lot of things Jesus taught like in John 8: verses 28 to end; John 17 verse 3 and 26, 26 and Jesus mentioning that "The Truth Will Set You Free". I came to the conclusion Jesus and Jehovah are opposed to each other.

    I was set back three times in my school years. The nasty thing is I studied hard and knew my business but I was a dud in doing written tests. I was educated as a ships mate for the international trade. I was apprentice at 21, was paid 60 guilders a month in 1958 and I sailed with the Holland America Lines.  Since I was more in the states than in Europe, I was making only $15.00 a month. I was mistreated in that year. It was about as much as I made as a prisoner in American jail; 5 cent per hour coming to $12 a month; and that was mostly robbed away by other prisoners who were able to get into my locker somehow.

    No one paid any attention to you and no one helped teach you the trade and the new technologies. It was a wasted year, like a prison sentence. Most I did was pick rust of metal surfaces and in the harbor I was assigned to be a guard in the cargo holds so the dockworkers would not steal the cargo.

    I write all this as it happened to come back to my memory. This whole website is so composed. It is a Montessori kind of story-telling.

    Corporate America are the nation' real slaves; they are the fictions of law operating under license. They are supposed to pay the taxes and uphold whatever measures are necessary to keep government in business and industry, schooling, banking and commerce sprawling with health and vigor for the good of us all.

     Examples of Government Subjection of the people

    As examples of subjection I give the William the Conqueror, who attacked and occupied England, and made the English people subject to him. I give India whom England conquered and made the people subject to the English Crown. The American people were attacked by the English crown on the matter over taxes, but the American people defeated the English in the Independence War. We freed ourselves of the subjection of the English Crown. The Bible, which was the corner stone of reliance of freedom at that time in America, tells a story where an Egyptian pharaoh conquered another nation, and pharaoh decided, that because he subjected the people of that nation they should pay him 20% of all they produced each year. Very many people pay much more than 20% in taxes. Your total tax bills are around 66 to 75%. And believe me a lot of that goes straight in the pockets of your elected officials, unofficially. Taxes can be levied on a conquered people, but never on a free people. How dumb the American people still are to allow their fellow Americans to be arrested under incredibly vicious overpowering force and to then be placed in imprisonment for many years over illegal income taxes, when the whole American idea of liberty hinges on government being subject to the people and not in reverse. Bah, I am ashamed and angry to allow myself to be called  American. You are bunch of pussies! There is no spirit in freedom any of our elected officials, or in our sheriffs and police forces. Our elected officials take the American people for a bunch of pussies too; for them to be pushed around at will by their own elected officials. You are like cattle in a feeding lot, ready to be slaughtered. People in other nations in the world wish to could have any reason at all to be called free. I was arrested by a bunch of hoodlum officials who used unmitigated police brutality upon me who came home in a peaceful way to tend to my recovering wife. The cop's name is Cosgrove and he worked for the Vallejo, CA police. He did not even bother to find out if he had any, even false, jurisdiction for his action ‒ a true hoodlum. Check my case with the IRS. It ought to be all in the records.

    We are a fee people. How dare American federal government and state governments even mention that the American people are subject to anyone. How stupid of the American people to even consider to be subject to anyone. What happened to the spirit of he American people even considering they are subject to anyone. The 14th amendment must be rewritten to eliminate the phrase "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof . . ." To be in subjection means to be a slave. A slave is in subjection, and to the jurisdiction of his/her master. Your forefathers fought a civil war to free the slaves from the subjection of their masters, and not a year later they found themselves and the former slaves again under subjection and the government did not wait long to assert their power over the subject people to force the 16th amendment on them, that state that government can force the taxes from you under duress of vicious power like beating a donkey to perform impossible to perform tasks. because the 16th amendment says that you gave the that power. Who in hell wants to vote. Before you accept any candidate force them to pledge to free you from government subjection! The Constitution is now a statement of government power over the people. I can give you an example of a valid tax that has been taken into the outer space of taxes. This tax is on commodities that are essential for our livelihood and necessities. It is the gasoline tax and the taxation of fuels to heat our homes. They tax you about at rates of 300 to 600% of the price the oil companies want you to pay for fuels. This utter highway robbery; and that on top of all the "illegal" taxes we pay. How do they dare!; and how come you are taking this when you are able to stop this by forcing your candidates for election to do something about it. How do you force them? By having them make a signed statement that they will fight to the teeth in their appointed arenas to reduce legal taxes, restore our, the people's Constitution back to the people and delete the 16th amendment from the Constitution, as it being against several of the first ten amendments of the Constitution, among other cruel and uncommon punishment as the IRS is doing routinely, sheriff  and police forces in conjunction with the IRS.

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    One of the reasons I came to America is that I wanted to be free from the income tax in the Netherlands. The Dutch people fought themselves free from Spanish subjection and the population later on allowed themselves to be subjected to income taxes. The Dutch people allowed themselves to be pussified. How scandalous that is. The nation allowed itself to be pussified through subjection. I was sure that Americans, who are always bragging to be free, were free indeed. In court I asserted to the judge that American government had betrayed me when they allowed me in the country. They saddled me again with the income tax that was gotten at by secretly adding in an amendment that people are subject to the Jurisdiction of the United states. It sounds so innocent and it is such an incredible betrayal of the people. How do I know this? It is because some 40 years later this amendment was followed by the 16th and nobody gave a damn; these two amendments were deviously related to each other. You knew I live near Ashville North Carolina. There is a very quaint, but big hotel that was built to accommodate the politicians in summer when Washington, DC is a stinking morass of heat and humidity. This hotel hosted a great event for Washington politicians in 1914 to celebrate the adoption of the federal income tax and the16th amendment. They feasted the event that government had defeated the American people by foisting the forced federal income tax on the people. This how treacherous your elected officials are. America is not a democracy; it is a violent dictatorship ‒ and it has been very busy selling us out to a One World Order dictatorship for the last 150 years with all the vicious means available to this conspiracy! And most of it is done through forced upon us income taxes.

    The English people do not dare to revolt against the Crown because the Scots revolted once with due cause. The English trampled them underfoot and every resistance fighter was hunted down and hung from the nearest tree at the place they wee found. We are all too familiar of the Irish fighting for their independence from the British crown. The English Crown is utterly inhuman. Don't talk to me about peace under a One World Order. It is just all the same all over again. I believe Hitler was a pussycat compared to the English crown. They are terrified of their Crown because it is utterly vicious in nature. You cannot consider the British to have freedom at all.

    The people have no idea where we are headed when they start using weapons you cannot see. House arrest is an arrest in your house. The viruses are a manufactured weapon and will be used against us over and over again. The first sign of "liberty" in a One World Order. We, all, exist in the realm of death, as Jesus brought up many times, and your release from this death is to reaccept the truth that Jehovah is a scoundrel and the spirit in Jesus is our god and king.  I know spirit in real, and Jesus reigns there.

    We, all also know that America is a Christian nation, no matter what a corrupted, utterly ignorant, Supreme Court tries to sell us. Government cannot inset itself in the affairs and belief-systems of the people. So, by having nullified the supreme court I now decree the United States to be a Christian nation; and it is only up to the we, the people to decide what sort of religion American people want to identify itself with. So to decide there ought to be a decree made through the voting process, of which the government seems to be so enamored with.  Our Country was stolen from us by elected officials who are, without a doubt, traitors to their oaths and to the people to whom they pretend to serve. I fear that your posterity will live under a much worse yoke than we presently do; and will all be due to your irresponsibility.

    You, people, in other countries, do not come to America. You will not be better off than where you are. America is only a fantastic country in your dreams. It really stinks as a place to call "HOME". I have lived in many countries and none are worse than living in America. The problem always is the ignorance of the great masses. Governments like it that way so they can amass more power over all the people. It are your fellow citizens that keep you in slavery, everywhere!

    All the non-communist countries in the world are presently subjected to a national income tax. That is what all those the wars have brought us. Who, here in hell, wants liberty, free from a compulsory income tax anymore. That dream has been utterly stamped from the people's minds. Liberty has become extinct. This means that the entire world is held in subjection. America should stand out a nation where they honor the liberty of people of the nation, yet they are actually more cruel to their people than in any other nation; and that includes the communist nations. I have it up to you know you know where with the hierocracy of the democratic process. The most useless system of government because government can hide behind the indifference of the people to do whatever it wants.

    In Hawaii among the natives they had a sanctuary where people could find a safe haven when pursued for any reason. From that place a truce sort of agreement could be reached to prevent vicious measures. The One World Order won't have such a safe haven because the courts that ought to be that safe haven have been drowned in protocol preventing true justice, simply because the judges do not ask all the right preliminary questions to make sure that arrested person was treated humanely. All those liberals in this country should do more research and insist on decent actions by the justice department and the marshal's office concerning people held for trail in prison. These people are innocent until proven guilty but the way they are treated is as if they are the vey worst of criminals. I know, I was subjected to these treatments.  The same thing goes on in state prisons where I was held before trial. For one thing, my wife used to bring me suits to wear in court, but after we had to put the prison garb back on no one ever saw their clothing back again. I saw in the marshal's off ice a corner stuffed with boxes. These boxes were stuffed with the clothing prisoners had to take off when again forced to wear prison garb. The pile had a sign on it " For Good Will". The clothing was given away to the Salvation army to put up for sale. This is pure theft, but they have been getting away with that practice for centuries. The clothing belongs to the men and women who brought these clothes to their next of kin in prison hold. This happens every time I am had to appear for a next court hearing  How do they dare!? Just for this practice, federal government owes me for about $50.000 for allowing their personnel to deal in the practice of theft. They have some excuse for that by claiming the clothes were not being picked up. It is a lie, because we were poor as church mice, and my wife put in several tries to reclaim the clothing. They refuse to give them back. man am I happy to know all this stuff and to have my real god, the spirit in Jesus looking after me.

    Government is out to collect you in ever increasing pens, such as the FBI, ATS, IRS, Homeland security etc. ,etc. It happens all over the world because it is an One World Order overseeing set of pens. I am thoroughly sick of government. I hope god will soon take over and cobble them over their heads. We, all need a new start, but whatever he does it is totally OK with me! I just want to get permanently out of physical reality! If that means a bullet through my head, that is perfectly OK with me. I know I am chosen by the gods, because they gave me insight, intelligence and wisdom beyond compare. This site is proof of that, and enough for me! I never was this way before. I was carefully groomed. My wife says: " no more writing, nobody cares anyway. I replied: " I have to write so that it is all here so everybody can ignore it. This way they have no excuse when the end comes and they did not take heed. they will have absolutely no excuse whatsoever! That is the way the gods want it. And do you know who the gods are? they are the god of negative spirit ( the lie believed, the god of neutral spirit, the spirit in Jesus (often called Jesus Christ), and the god of positive spirit, the god of pure truth/father of the spirit in Jesus!

    Remember: human intelligence and wisdom is pure stupidity in spirit. Jesus said about that in order to understand spirit, you have to, again, be like babies and learn everything at new.

    I can remember how, in federal prison we got fish on Friday night. The fish was so horribly stuffed with slim bones that it was inedible. I think that sort of fish head, meat, bones and scales ought to be ground into a dry powder to provide very good nutrition that could be served as seasoned or marinated patties in fast food services. It could actually be very tasty, and very nutritious. The whole fish has more nutrition than just the meat. The fish powder could be made into bread, using flour , yeast, baking powder and some other ingredients. This waste fish could be used as a great snack that fills "up" but not "out".  It could be snack that people would "die for" to eat; kind of like the Japanese used Krill to make delicious fake crab meat.

    I remember from Dutch East Indie that a common good meal was raw, dried small fry fish and rice. You just ate the bunch of fish whole with the rice. It is called "eecan tree" in Malay, but I do not know how it is spelled. "eecan" means fish and "tree" probably means small or dried. The Malay language kind of disappeared as a language from my mind. As  small kids we had a native lady babu/care-taker who taught us the language.

    A century and a half ago, the international bankers and our state governments have caught all the people of our nation in subjection , their offspring and all nationalized citizens thereafter, through a little phrase in the 14th amendment to the Constitution, after they divided and suckered the people into a vicious civil war by declaring them subject to the United States and forcing them upon penalty of prison and felon-ship without standing out of about fifty trillion of dollars of their hard-won wages. It is the greatest betrayal and scandal in the history of mankind. We must, again declare Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence. In the Bill of Rights to King George of that time the Americans were dealing with an indirect tax; we, at this time, are dealing with a slavery tax ─ the income tax, that of all things, is enforced on us by our own elected officials. Our affairs with government lays so much deeper than the indirect tax (a tax on tea) they were fighting about. Americans cannot live any further with such betrayal and subjection. Send the link to this article and the one to the US Attorney General to all your senators, congress people and to as many newspapers and blogs you are subscribed to. Thanks! Let's get this country back on track! The Constitution is for the rights and protection of the people, not for government. So, government cannot propose changes that can be approved by state governments as it has been done by government usurping the rights of the people to do such things. Only people can alter the Constitution(s)!

    Government, Federal Reserve banks and huge businesses now include into their operations mega-sized organized criminal organizations. This is possible because of the Constitution-declared rights that exist for private citizens now seem to extend to licensed corporations. Constitutions are to define and protect the rights of private citizens. If corporations would receive protected privileges, these must flow forth from documents that separate the national and state Constitutions from such government issued and controlled statements. The Constitutions arrived at by the declarations of organic citizens always remains above of, and untouchable from any statements in such government-issued documents that protect the privileges that corporations and trusts now rely on. Corporations cannot rely, ever, on the Constitutions that protect organic private citizens. If that is not so then fictional, organized criminal institutions rule the land; and we private citizens exist at their pleasure.

    Government may claim that they give us benefits etc., etc. That is why we, the people, caused a government to exist; namely, to benefit us. That is all! It is for us people to decide in every age what the Constitution means; and by that mandate government must abide until the Constitution is again interpreted by we, the people. That is exactly why the people need a special Grand Jury to watch the government and tell it/ them (federal and state governments) what the Constitution(s) really means and as a document by the people the Grand Jury must inform the people what changes ought to be made to the Constitution and/or its amendments by placing the issues on the next ballot. Individual people can make suggestions to this Grand Jury and for them to decide whether the suggestion ought to be put before the people by placing it on the next ballot. We cannot give this right to the Attorney General; because we already found out from my letter to that office that it does not give a damn.

    There is a huge injustice in our justice system that must be abolished. Rich companies, rich individuals, drug lords, and other successful criminal organizations when pulled into court by citizens or by prosecutors of the US or state can spent huge amounts of money to defend themselves. One cannot speak of justice as long as this is possible. In a true justice system the first thing a judge must determine, even before a trial starts is determine how much money the pourer of the parties can spent, by determining what is needed tp keep his expenses to such a level that his household can continue to operate without due strain. Then the judge will assign the amount of money each contender is allowed to spent o the trial. Rich people exist in full immunity because they are protected through their riches (which riches most likely were acquired illegally anyway). All judges know when one party is pulling a trial to a very costly snail's pace by introducing unnecessary motions, etc. They must have the power to stop such nonsense by warning the party with contempt and huge penalties if such tactics continue. This must be addressed in an amendment to the Constitutions and in the case of corporate actions, the legislature must put such laws into effect that prevent such incredible injustice. In criminal cases where the people are the plaintiff a standard amount of money must be decreed that both parties must adhere to, so that rich defendants cannot manipulate the court proceedings. This, also is a measure that insures that rich people and corporations abide by the law. This also means that parties in court must set up carefully considered operations, and place only place motions before the court that will keep real progress going to settle the matter. If one of the parties overruns their budget the matter will be referred to the defense if they have not been heard; and the matter is then referred to the judge who he will announce a verdict based on the evidence so far presented. This can be handled by the judge holding in his care the maximum allotted funds and predetermined, standard attorney fees per hour, so that the court clerk can manage the costs of the trial.

    I was once part of a partnership in drilling for oil which was successful. the well produced well and the partners received good return on investment; but the drilling company sold the well to to one of the big oil-refining companies. This oil-refining company immediately sued the partnership in court because it contested the payments it was to pay the members of the partnership. The company then offered to give those partners who did not want to fight the company in court 2 or tree times their investment dollars and the partnership lost about half its members that way, weakening the partnership for the legal coup d'etat.

    Our weakened partnership, eventually,  had to settle for "less than half of the payments that we received before the sale of the well. How such injustices can happen is beyond the concept of real justice. I am sure that the drilling company was in cahoots with one of these oil-refining companies even before the drilling company started drilling, and that they do fool any new funding partnership routinely every time they plan to seek to finance funds for a another wildcat drilling operation. How is possible that any justice system allows such "legal" scams? I think you already suspect the answer. I fear that is they way the world operates in general. It cannot be helped. Believe me, it all come from spirit because that is where we got sheisted first.

    It is ridiculous for any sane organic person to assume that real people can be subjected by means of “organic” rights, supposedly, extending to fictitious corporate rules and codes which are arrived at by mere conspiracies of licensed fictitious groups of people. It is exactly from such corruptions that the Constitutions are meant to protect us, real people, from. Governments and licensed institutions must respect that. If they do not than then governments and licensed businesses are indeed organized criminal institutions.

    Non-disclosure agreements that corporations insist employees must sign cannot overrule the rights and interests of the masses of private citizens of the state or the federation of states. If an employed private citizen whistleblower proves, or intends to prove that a situation exists in design, construction or the production of products that are a great danger to the general public, the whistleblower is immediately released from any such a nondisclosure agreement. The rights and public protection from harm overrides the intent and construction of such a nondisclosure agreement. Our society and governments are so screwed up that it will be a very difficult project to straighten it all out again. Nondisclosure agreements only exist in good faith environments -- only when both parties have the best of society in mind. Without this good faith to work for good, no agreement exists at all. In fact, without good faith nothing exists at all – not even government. If it can be proven that government does not act in good faith toward another entity, real or a fiction, government does not exists in this dispute. In fact government has lost all its standing. We exist in a fictitious, Constitutionless nation. Truth has died here.

    We, the voting public of America can make changes to the state Constitutions and the Constitution for the United States of America by incorporating in the standard voting schedules, procedures and protocols for state and federal government a section called Constitution ISSUES where only organically born voters can propose changes to the Constitutions by suggesting a chance to any particular Constitution or its amendments by 2 people placing a suggestion on the ballot. Means have to be created to allow such suggestions to be part of the standard ballots for organic voters to decide on.

    My suggestion is to cause all amendments voted in by government(s) to be made immediately of no effect, and by incorporating new amendments that agree with the masses of the people. The Constitution presently insists on a 2/3 majority for changes to the Constitution. This, also, should be amended to being a 5% majority. The next change should be to take government (state and federal) out of the amendment process to the Constitutions completely.

    Also, we should create and approve an amendment restricting our government's involvement with the One World Order , an amendment that, among others, must exclude our armed forces from being ever employed to further the One World Order conspirators' purposes (or by whatever other name it is hiding behind).

    Also, a newly created amendment should have a strong deterrent with stiff financial and prison sentences for individuals devising and placing prank-sort-of proposals on the ballot. If the permanent Grand Jury (talked about in this web page) finds the pranksters to be insincere, they will receive a by this Grand Jury declared punishment whereby the wealth and the degree of insincerity or cleverness of the amendment is taking in consideration of the stiffness of the punishments. For example, a billionaire should not be fined "an in the hundred's of dollars" fine but in the billions, etc.

    Another amendment should address the unlimited immigration policies of the federal government. We should be much more careful allowing just everyone in our country.

    Organized crime syndicates and other institutions of crime when identified should immediately be declared to be corporations because they are involved in criminal actions. When an attorney represents a criminal who clearly is a member of a criminal organization that lawyer just became the president of that criminal syndicate. He can only be cleared from that identification by identifying a superior of the accused and convicted criminal. Then this individual becomes the president CO of that syndicate, etc until the real culprit is identified.

    Below see the kind of oaths soldiers must make to be employed by our armed forces. The Constitution, as it is now, stinks; and our armed forces are our defense forces, not forces to be used to defend other countries. Presently, we defend democracy, but the nation is in fact, originally, declared by we, the people, to be a republic! Governments (not the people) changed it to a democracy!

    Here is an example of how we are being duped to be subject to government. We got a little cartoon through the internet with a figure of president Trump saying "I am still your president." Trump is the president over government, but we chose him so, as standing in liberty goes, he is under us. He was chosen to lead the government, not "we, the people".

    We, the people are forced by a perverted Constitution to pay taxes on fear of being incarcerated and have our families and our liberties taken from us. Then, these collected taxes are used to fund the CIA to force upon all countries in the world to accept a higher order than the countries' own Constitutions and even the Constitution for the US government. Yes, presently, US government must uphold the UN dictates over and above the Constitution and the liberty of the we, the people. The UN charter stand high above any domestic document. What happened to our Constitution!

    Like I wrote to the AG of the US government, taxes should be collected by the business ventures. If government wants to allow pour people that cannot make ends meet somehow it can give special assistance checks to those who qualify for such support, so tat their families do not suffer unduly because of their poverty. I would also like to make the proposal that students to schools of higher learning get paid for admission to a trade school, a college or a university and to those graduating from one class to the next. I feel that study is labor; and it deserves to be enumerated. The nation owes it to its youth to give them the best chances in life. Their salaries should come from government's purse and from those who would like to support students. And we owe them this before any dalliances with foreign nations. This way students can support themselves and do not need to depend on their willing (or unwilling) parents to do so. One way to do it is another withdrawal from people's paychecks as is done for Social Security. This withdrawal (a lot less than the Social Security withdrawal) is done for posterity to get the best training possible for those who truly want to better themselves. There must scholastic standards set to qualify for such payments. It  is the, also, only way to guarantee the best possible trained working force possible. The first 2 years of college can be accomplished through the free Junior College system. For the last two years people can follow correspondence courses, special schools specializing in specific college destinations and if warranted regular universities. this last idea, i find objectionable because universities are dens of immorality. For example, I attended a private dedications school for law called Mid Peninsula University, at the time operating out of Mountain View, CA.

    What is wrong with this oath?

    navy sailor's oath
        It is the oath sailors and marines take.


    This oath states "the Constitution of America; this is a fraud because it should state "the Constitution for government of the United states (to exist)". Also, The US government claims to espouse the democratic way of government, but it and its ruthless conspirators are an Oligarchy. The conspiracy went ahead forging a One World Order without first consulting any of the people of the idea. Look back at the utter chaos government has wrought here in the US starting with the perversion of our Constitution starting with the 14th and 16th amendments.

    Copy this article and the one prior to it

    Hans van Krieken: 5-13-2019

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    A Possible Solution to Serious Viral diseases

    I have heard of viruses that are devastatingly harmful to humans, like the aids virus and now the corona virus. I believe that the answer to diseases by viruses can be to discover harmless bacteria that like to feed on viruses. Such a bacterium must exist. Viruses are plant-like and bacteria are of the animal kind. So, let's find a bacterium that is a vegetarian and whose excrements are harmless to humans, even if we have to go 20.000 ft deep into the ocean to find them. But my guess is that if this virus came from a test tube then the anti-dote already exists. they would never release such a vicious virus without making sure that they themselves are protected from it. However; no one knew in the year 1950 about viruses, and no one died of them. They just appeared after the technology of gene-spicing became known. These viruses now make unbelievably great sums of money for those who finance and design them and then sell the anti-dote or vaccine to health systems around the world.

    Ever heard of the phrase: Social engineering? It is going on continuously. This virus may be nothing else but an enormous, worldwide social engineering project. Who Knows but only the bad guys! There may even not be a virus at all; but we cannot take that chance and ignore the supposedly existing virus. If it is the case they managed to place the entire world under extremely inconvenience house arrest. Is It not worth it to consider that god is in charge of this behind the scenes. I have given you all the reasons to accept this fact, because it is true. we are mere puppets under his direction all the time. God is the animal, the paradisiacal serpent. He is Jehovah, and the spirit in Jesus that came among us wants us to return to spirit but Christianity is all hung up that god is good. No! the spirit in Jesus, is good. He s our god in paradise. He lost us because we believed that our god was a liar. and so we seeked (what is the past sense?) our shelter in the serpent who is now our god.

    By the way, the optical lens gave science a terrific boost; and has given science huge insights up to this day. Even today the lens is a most important part in scientific instruments of research; but no one knows that the lens was invented and developed centuries ago by a Dutchman,. The lens has always been the center of all optical microscopes and telescopes and research instrumentation. I believe his name was Jan Huygens. He probably got the ideas by studying the the way light passes through the bottom of a broken glass bottle. Galilee used the lens to create a telescope with which he discovered planets and moons in our solar system.

    This corona virus, by the way, is another One World Order (OWO) Activity. The virus showed up in four completely different countries, spread no doubt by the CIA. Hitler did not die because he was one of OWO conspirators. He was taken by the Russians to USSR and retired there very comfortably. The civil war, the world wars and all the wars in between and after were OWO activities. This long-standing conspiracy could not care less about the number of people fall victim to their plans but in this case, also, there plans will be advanced greatly. Obviously the United Nations will become more prominent by supposedly fighting the virus and doing so in a "whole world" effort of containing the virus. Do not be fooled I know and have proven to myself that this true. No matter the amount and kind of vicious evil they do they always come out being on top being the good guys.

    Here is another example of a colony that was to become independent and had to have examples of a people viciously fighting to gain their independence ‒ Vietnam. In order to show how courageously the North Vietnam forces and the people of north Vietnam had courage and bravery to gain an already decided for the independence the American and Allied forces had to oppose them with both hands tight to their backs. The Allied forces could not follow retreating NV forces beyond the demilitarized zone while the North did not care. The river leading from the Pacific to Hanoi was off limits by American authorities to be mined in order to allow Standard Oil oil shipments to go through to Hanoi. during that war hundreds of thousands Allied troops and Americans died.

    South Vietnamese did not want to fight, that is why the allied troops were called in. The South Vietnamese knew that they had family all over North Vietnam. The people in the North were forced to fight because really, they did not want to fight either, but a brutal North Vietnam regime under Ho Chi Minh brutally forced them to fight. The north was helped by China and the USSR and the South by America and other UN forces. It was clearly a OWO engagement just as the WWR was clearly A OWO conspiracy. Just remember the reasons for that war; Hitler was under training for some three years to engage in war that he was told not to win. The First World War was an even filthier OWO plot. The reasons for the OWO wars were to saturate the people and nations with such horror of the thought of more such wars so that they would simply surrender and go along with an equally filthy United Nations. Another institution heralded into being by US government. US government even volunteered the land in the City of New York to house this assembly of nations.

    I Know that idea behind the One World Order is to secure world peace.  But it is a pipe dream. How ever are going to get around the war of Armageddon? We are in hands of the gods. They know what they are doing and why. The OPN World Order may think it is in control and keep deluding the people that evolution is our common background, but that is what the gods want most of you to think. Only condemned souls, after all, must hold physical reality in suspension. The universe cannot be held in suspension without all the souls it can get; and world activity must happen and therefore they need all the souls they can condemn to do it. Basta!

    You just cannot trust what the news media tell you anymore. Propaganda has reached a high level of sophistication. But first of all, events are not controlled by men but by what the god's want them to do. Every Age produces the same result. It is the result planned from the beginning of this Age ‒ produce another son of god.

    The fact that we can brainwash people (I know my kids were brain-washed against me), makes it plain that the gods can do it better.

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    Another scenario is like what they did in the decade after WW2. The world was to get rid of its colonies and establish these as independent nations. So, in many colonies OWO financed and pseudo-revolutions were planned that could never succeed. The idea behind this was to give the people residing in these colonies world-credit for fighting to become independent-nation motivated to hide the OWO force behind it and to establish to the world that these colonies deserved to be independent; even though such a spirit might have been lacking completely.

    The long-term idea behind this was to advance the idea that we are all one and from the same common history. In the following years teen agers from all countries were given great opportunities to attend the western colleges and universities so that western knowledge would quickly spread throughout the then called third world nations. Now, some 70 years later, the common knowledge that we are all one and that science and technology spread around the world and in history all along common lines of thought and ingenuity. But for all of this to happen all humans have to be subject to higher human authority.

    An example; My father was a commander, in the Dutch East Indies army, of a prison camp holding some ten thousand prisoners, really families and soldiers. But once they were repatriated to Japan my father commanded a mobile infantry group finding independence fighter groups who were supposed to be active. Actually, he was sent out to have fire drawn on his column. He went throughout the Island of Borneo to get at the terrorists; there were not any. He and his group were welcomed with open hearts and great measures of honor everywhere, with feasts, etc. Borneo liked everything just the way it was. The UN just wanted the natives in Indie to feel that they did not get their country for free, but had, supposedly, to fight to get it. This is just to give the people some manner of stature among the nations. The whole idea of the independence wars was an illusion; something the One World Order wanted.

    That is why the International bankers (whose idea the One World Order really is) after the civil war insisted that the US Constitution demands that US citizens are subject to the United States. It is clearly a fraud. The final idea of the OWO is the extinction of the white Caucasian race, revealing directly who really is behind the OWO drive. Yes, but nothing happens without the initiation of spirit, right.

    This fits right in with my discussion at another place in this web site where I think that one reason that we have a deep-cutting economic depression every 8 or 10 years is to pass the wealth of the older generation to the younger generations. It has been about 10 years ago that we had the last economic depression. The Federal Reserve Bank was installed to guide the economy to prevent such strong fluctuating economic variations. This one is well hid by the OWO conspirators behind an "unexpected" serious worldwide virus attack. The FRB now knows it overplayed its hand in the past, so now they use worldwide health attacks to accomplish the same thing. But you notice, the last thing it does, is guide the economy beneficially. All they do is manipulate the economy for the benefit of the OWO conspiracy ‒ and the federal government and our news media are riddled with these conspirators.

    And yet, just over the horizon of time there hides the war of Armageddon. And even in that coming event, not men but the gods will determine the time and outcome. My stance toward it is that I just rest in god / the spirit in Jesus. With trust in him I am save always.

    Say, the virus was manufactured in America and the virus was then, among others, released in China, and then give China the seemingly great motivation to develop the antidote with a news media backed message that China already had developed, at an earlier time, an antidote for another dangerous virus strain. The secret motivation behind this is, of course, to give China more respect world-wide as a successful science-oriented nation. Not that China does not have this kind of spirit but the OWO wants it receive, supposed, world-wide greatness and the sincerity of its efforts broadly broadcast to establish it as one of the most powerful nations as the great four during and after WW2 once were. At present, China is a formidable nation probably soon the most powerful. It finally smarted up like the USSR did. It is better to play communism in the open market than hide behind “separateness”. It paid off hugely for them. We all have President Nixon to thank for opening China to trade with its outside world. Nixon was not altogether the bad guy. I hope China can be trusted to be a peaceful nation.

    Introduction to the extend, duration and limits of the most prevalent and relevant forms of reality and their operations.

    These realities are the nature of spiritual realities and the physical realities. Other realities of much lower order are, for instance and among many others, rules and strategies of banking, the uniform commercial code, the uniform code of military justice, and many other forms of uniform codes, trade association, federal laws, world-wide treaty laws, state laws, etc., laws and regulations that are promulgated every day by the United Nations in order to implement the One World Order and on the spiritual side, the several planes of existence, like the akashic planes of existence. We will not address these lesser sort of realities because they are not of interest in these following articles and not of consequence in the major two sets of realities.

    In the spiritual reality we have the reality of truth, and the reality of lie. These two realities act in opposite ways exactly contrary to each other and are absolute dichotomies. Truth in spirit is reality, ultimate and never-ending. Truth cannot contain even the hint of a lie (fiction), because the hint or the slightest insinuation of a lie would depreciate truth into absolute nothingness. It is either all truth or nothing. That is the primary issue.

    This is the logic by which a phony reality is constructed: It must seem so real that the entities in it cannot view it any other way than that the reality is “REAL”. So, our immediate assumption as entities in the physical reality must be, “suppose it to be not real.” Then you have the major hurdle already under your belt. And, low and behold: The Bible suddenly starts to make a lot of sense; and a lot of unexplainable statements of Jesus and the prophets suddenly start making a lot of sense! Read it, at least the four gospels; and you’ll see! There are also many miracles in the old testament; like at one time the sun did not move for some 12 hours and no relationships in the planetary system was affected, when Moses hit a rock and water gust from it to allow the Israelites to drink and to water the cattle, or when the Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to pass to escape Pharaoh's army. These are all recorded facts in history. Hordes of people witnessed these things. And all this, and many, many more miracles just as a forerunner show to the coming of Jesus. Naturally, Jesus had to perform miracles to link him to all the miracles recorded in the Old Testament. The people from that time had no clue, understanding or the working of a virtual reality, but they did record these miracles, probably for people in our age to understand. Here is another example that indicates that animals have souls. A prophet was riding along on a donkey and suddenly the donkey stopped and the prophet could not get the donkey going again. At last the donkey said " Stop hitting me, there is an angel in front of me"! This is in the bible. If donkeys can see angels, they must have souls.

    Later on I give as example, and of enormous first rate importance, the story of god, the serpent, Adam and Woman. I quote from the Bible, the version of which is utterly unimportant. I use the Good News Bible, a catholic version, although I am not catholic or a member of any other form of religious practice, but I have great respect and appreciation for them. Many of these forms of religious organization are important and of power to save souls from spiritual perdition. I will address "being saved" and "being redeemed" at later stages in this series of articles. Don’t let the mention of the bible disenchant anyone of the importance of the knowledge I herein dispense.

    For one thing, for someone to tell a lie it is pertinent for the liar to know the truth. A lie cannot exist without the implied or hidden knowledge of the truth. So, a lie for its existence, depends on the truth while the truth has no inkling idea that a lie might even be possible or exist.

    Life on earth is impossible, better yet; physical reality could and cannot exist without many elaborate schemes of propaganda / brainwashing / cultural institutions, etc. Life on earth is one gigantic, enormously large, complicated and extremely interesting propaganda scheme (I call it universal propaganda) or, if you will, some kind of spiritual computer program based on a spiritual lie. And this physical reality program is empowered by the charge of this dichotomy and the regulated discharge of this potential difference created by this dichotomy. They are these very common sort of propaganda schemes held in the minds of groups of creatures that form our species, races, societies, communities and nations of the world in separate and different unities; and they represent our standing in the negative spiritual hierarchy (the realm of the spiritual lie.) I mention creatures, because almost every breathing or oxygen absorbing sort of creature is similarly bound together in schemes of propaganda. We call these systems of propaganda to be the several species, the ways of being of the great number races, cultures, religions and sub-cultures, animal species and plant-nurtured organisms and the fauna on earth.

    All the schemes of reality and the reality of associations mentioned above and all others possible forms of groups of by-propaganda-induced  associations are based on propaganda schemes held to be truthful by those adhering to them; but are based on schemes of lies, even the proponents of akashic planes of existence and many religions and forms of meditation. Without some scheme of propaganda we could not exist as individuals, or as groups of like-minded people, groups of creatures, species and ecological systems.

    What it really comes down to, is that all things existent, consist either of one of the 97 mineral elements or combinations of them to form ions and molecules. If you simplify it even further it comes down to protons neutrons and electrons. One can even further break these down to several charged particles. In other words, it is not such a far reach to allow our minds to think that a sort of computer and a complicated computer program in spirit has created physical reality; and the program is projected through our lie-believing souls on the screen of physical space.

    In the articles following I use the writing in the bible and of Jesus as examples to get at the truth of things. So follow me on a spectacular journey through some important realities.

    First, what helped me enormously in my education, and my direction of philosophy is the book by Jacques Ellul,  This book should be in every one’s library and should be read many times.  Here it is:

     Propaganda: the Formation of Man’s Attitude (available from Amazon for about $6,50)

    The gist of what I write here is factual and cannot be readily refuted because I have checked the matter from many angles and resources. It is entirely biblical and in according to what Jesus told us and what he thought. He let us know that we reincarnate and that this age will come to an end. The net described below describes physical reality to the teeth, and allows for everything in physical reality a place to be. It is seamless. It is physical reality that agrees with physical matter, animal nature, and biblical ideas of hell and ultimate perdition when nothing is done in the human mind to counteract the perditious nature of physical reality. It accords to physical nature a place for a lake of fire, which cannot be anything else but the stomachs of physical creatures. Nature consumes everything, bodies and all. If the total of stomach acids would be joined into one whole bunch, there truly would be one huge lake.  All weird concepts pronounced in the bible can be readily explained using the model of an inter-active computer program, such as walking on water and changing water into wine. Basically, physical reality is hell. I believe most people already agree on that, but the hidden aspects of such hell are unimaginable for people to understand.

    If humans have souls, and I know they do, then everything else in the universe has soul. It is either that everybody and everything has soul or nothing and nobody has soul.  The universe is a program played by every soul that has existed from the beginning on. Star dust is played by souls very deeply imbedded in the spiritual trap "physical reality".

    The movie, Adjustment Bureau is a spectacular story that brings into view several principles that are basic to finding the spiritual truth as told here in - to find back and regain one's full liberty. The movie was made in 2008 and the creators must have come upon my articles which at that time I distributed to radio hosts and Christian ministers through the mail. They could not have gotten the ideas anywhere else/;the same goes for the movie Matrix.

    This must be the most difficult book to sell. The reason is that people have been so loaded down with sentiments and brainwashing against the title of my first book: The Truth about Reality; beyond God and Religion. The more learned the reader is the more prejudiced he/she will be against the truth of reality. We are already so brainwashed for physical evolution or for our traditionally held religious beliefs in the false god, Jehovah or Allah (serpent), or whatever his name might be that the concepts in this book carry an enormous taboo for modern man; but only modern man could possibly understand and visualize that it is how physical reality got into existence. Not evolution, not god alone, but our own spiritual minds have created and uphold this physical reality after the belief that the true god (not Jehovah, the Great Spirit or Allah) has created this universe. The false god made us believe that the true god is a liar, so we had no choice but to consider the true god to be a liar and thus souls disgraced and ignored Him ever after and thus souls followed the liar as the great truth-sayer. Yet, what everybody needs to know to get the spiritual truth back is in this website and in this book.

    The problem is that propaganda-believed grounds us into the physical, and thus we all, as people, are saturated into many propaganda schemes, even the propaganda of physical reality in which we find our being, peace, calm, associations and our saneness as human beings. That is the reason Jesus shed his blood for our salvation. Salvation, though, is something entirely different from redemption. Redemption brings us back into the spirit of truth; salvation prevents us from falling deeper and deeper into the physical trap which is hell. Notice, I say we fall deeper . . . ; this means we are already in hell. Salvation occurs while in hell and the "saved" remain in a section of hell called heaven. This is in full agreement with what Jesus teaches. But Jesus stressed on us being saved rather than redeemed because our minds can buy into salvation but we were, and still are, utterly unable to even imagine redemption back into spirit when we repent from the spiritual lie believed that the serpent told us in paradise. We cannot ever accept that Jehovah is a liar and that he uses our deceived souls to display physical reality with all of us in it.

    Salvation means to be saved from the effect of breaking Jehovah's laws in the physical environment; redemption is the result of remembering as soul our error in believing that the true god is a liar, and then for us to repent from that false belief from a position of an entity in physical reality transferring this idea back to the real entity in spirit - our soul. We must convince our soul that it believed a lie in spirit. Now, there you have the gist of all that matters in our lives. How this is so, is treated further below in a description of the trap and how it works and, of course even better in the book "the Truth About reality; beyond God and Religion". Propaganda is based on presumptions that are often not true or are supposed to give the propaganda source an edge ove2 a group of people. Propaganda keeps us dead in spirit and tied into the physical realm. However, religious organizations put out their own propaganda and at the same time are caught in non-religious / non-related national and commercial propaganda systems. This is basically so because church organizations are set up as commercial (non-profit) enterprises and must be agreeable to the source of power that reigns over them. This makes being a sincere part of a regular religious institution null and void as far as your salvation is concerned. For salvation to work, you must place your trust solely in Jesus, the Christ who is in charge of the program and the results expected from it (and definitely not in schemes of propaganda). The churches are basically saying:"God, we will say Hello to you, but we do not trust you to protect us from law suits," And, of course, a good deal of clergy are Free Masons.

    Nothing in the physical universe can escape corruption. Thus the Constitution declared by "us the people of America,' the bible, and any other sacred documents, cannot escape corruption. In the universe nothing, not even the (physical) truth, can exist without being corrupted. So we, the people live solely by the grace of god. Make no mistake there is god and many, many minor gods. The statement by god/Jehovah, that he is the only god proves to us that he is right materially, but this god is a liar spiritually. Even the "truth" as we know it in earth is a lie. There are at least two spiritual systems of truth. The real spiritual truth and the truth in the physical realm based on spiritual lie. I call these realms the realm of positive spirit and the realm of  negative spirit. We, as spirits and as humans are caught in the latter.

    I give you a perfect example of something physically good; the internet. See how social criminals and crooks for gain have perverted the internet with spam, with viruses, identity theft, and other system of attack on private and public data files. When the internet got started, I could never even imagine people perverting the uses of the internet.

    Nothing in earth is safe from perversion and betrayal.    Physical reality is hell.

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    How our Monetary System Works 15

    I quote from the 14th amendment . . . (and thus “subject” to the laws of the United States [now, supposedly, the sovereign over all the states]). Yet, even after this amendment, people still thought and think of them-selves as being free. The preamble wording of the 14th amendment should have stated: “All people, who were part of, and included in this original Constitution agreement, their descendents and those naturalized in the United States are, governmentally, unburdened and free United States citizens . . .” This would have stated the same thing without alluding that the free people are subject to anything at all. The way it is written and the way it is followed by the 16th amendment represents treason from the several governments against We, the free people of the United States.

    This Constitution phrase was asked for by the International bankers (IB) before they could make deals with USG. For the monetary system to work all people using the currency nationally and locally must accept certain financial system rules and laws; it makes sense to make all state citizens subject to these necessary financial rules in order to safeguard the currency from non-regulated misuse. Just like we, the free people, are under the jurisdiction of the traffic laws. It all makes sense in order to make community living ordered and bearable.

    I now understand why people wanting a bank account must sign a document stating to accept all federal laws. This clause in the bank contract is, of course, too broad a statement because one can be only subject to one major jurisdiction. It should have stated “users of the currency must be subject to the federal financial laws”. The federal courts use the contracts signed by you to obtain federal jurisdiction for any crime. Now in order to be free from this federal jurisdiction is to rescind all bank contracts which of course no one is going to do. So, they got us like herring in a net because we must use the bank system to deal, publicly and privately, with the local and greater community with the currency system in use. So, if you forgot to cancel a bank contract which account still has $.01 in it you still fall under federal jurisdiction. That is how this works. I know this from personal experience. The phony 14th and 16th amendments cause organically free people to have to pay taxes. That is a crime because these two amendments make the entire Constitution a fraud. Government made it a fraud so, in fact, we have no rights or free status. This situation is now called the default mode of operation because no one has ever questioned these serious frauds to our government-pledged liberty. That is why I am now bringing it up to the general public. Support my writings above and beyond your efforts because this affects all of us. We are not subject but government is subject to the people.

    The problem with the above current 14th amendment’s statement( see the statement I am referring to above in the second paragraph) is that, we, the people are free and are subject to NO ONE but PROVIDENCE. This falsely phrased sentence in the amendment has been interpreted by the government (also including the Supreme Court) that we, the American free people, are subject to USG. This is not so; government, according to the Constitution is subject to we / us / the people. From this misstatement in the 14th amendment was the 16th Amendment arrived at; and from that amendment government has had us under a severe yoke of slavery and the threat of prison enforced taxes. I believe, USG overstepped its boundaries by forcing overall jurisdiction on all the people in all matters. This is wrong; that is why I have been thinking about the idea stated below.

    Concerning the rectification of the 14th and 16th amendment to the Constitution I suggest that we hold a general election like we do for electing a president; but we do it without electors at all. This ought to be a decision only by the people; anything over 50% of the voters deciding the outcome.

    I have been thinking of making the District of Columbia the 51st state. Presently this district is, internationally, a sovereign state and as such acts as if this sovereign state is the master of the states and their inhabitants. I want to bring the sovereign state down to state level. The people living in this district are Americans and they should be eligible to voting rights, just like the rest of us. They also should be able to vote on the redetermination of these two amendment changes. And when this is done we should eliminate the present unification of the states altogether and reform the union according to a redefined Constitution and on the unification set-up of countries/states as is done in Europe; so that all the states in the union get representation in the United Nations; just as it is in Europe. And we should only hold presidential approval elections on a Constitution basis, instead of running new election campaigns every four years. If less than 50% of the votes support the present president, we hold a re-election campaign to elect a new president. If 50% or more of the votes approve of the sitting president we keep him and his administration in office. That is how the crown of England decides whether to retain its present government or not. We, the American people, are the king/queen of the United States. It would save oodles of money, we keep a well-trained and oiled efficient administration in office, avoid innumerable immediate changes and unnecessary proposals for laws we can just as well do without.

    Next, I would propose a change to the Constitution by declaring that only the people have the right to change the federal Constitution and to make amendments to the federal Constitution. With the modern voting support machinery we really do not have any reason to allow state legislatures to make that decision. This also should be handled in this same general election for the changes of the 14th and 16th amendments; all in their own separate voting issues. If any other changes should be made it should also be included in this same election. Let’s throw government out of the business of messing with our Constitution and re-give liberty to the people. The 14th amendment can be easily rephrased because our bank modified contracts could now read that we are subject to only to the financial laws of the currency system. This is fair because we all use a federally underwritten monetary system.

    About the Federal Reserve Bank’s (FRB) Printed Currency Scheme and my Proposals for Change

    When the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) sends the US government (USG) notice that it received a shipment of printed bank-notes from the US Treasury, it would be lying if it informs the government that it is a value-charged currency. It is not. The notes are only script pieces of paper on which denominational values have been printed; the individual script worth no more than  2 or 3 cents apiece. So, when USG is approved for a loan, of say $10,000,000,000, both the FRB and USG know that a huge fraud has been perpetrated of which the human American public is the victim, unless the USG underwrites this loan with a valid promissory note. But how can USG give out a valid promissory note if it does not produce a profit? The loan must be approved by Congress; but what is USG given as security? Our federal land held in trust with USG or other things as well? According to trust laws the trust managers are able to squander all assets in (supposed) good faith investments and transactions. In fact, the money script remains only paper script until the public wants cash for their value in their bank accounts. Then the script receives it's face value. This is because the face value has been committed to it by people withdrawing funds from their accounts. So, no crimes have been committed by the FRB and government. But, say, government does not just print 10,000,000,000 dollars of script but print 5% more than was asked for. We can be sure that with so much script lying around, government will spend a lot of it without charging it with value. That folks is inflation. It is another expensive tax government saddles us with. It is probably spent as federal petty cash. government that does shy a minute to rob us of our liberty can be trusted with anything else.

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    USG spends the duly charged digital/script with tax-collected currency by buying goods and services from the corporate market. Corporate-management accepts it as value-charged. The people receive their pay in the form of a check or a digital deposit in their personal accounts. This charges their accounts with the pay check values. When the people in turn want to withdraw money from their account, the bank charges empty script with the value the person is withdrawing from his account. When the bank teller hands the script over to the account holder the currency he/she receives is charged with value subtracted from the person's account. The people accept this currency as real valuables and spent it in the consumer market and among each other.

    The Federal Reserve Bank’s script has now been charged with the real labor of real people. The bank charged the valueless script with their real labor deposited in their account. It would be a crime if the currency would remain uncharged and spend for products and services for which any counterfeiter goes to jail when caught. If we are so treated then officials engaging in this sort of counterfeiting should be treated worse because they commit the crimes on trust given them from the government and the people.

    I see a need for children in school to be taught how the monetary system works because I am educating myself just now. I have made grave wrongful accusations which I hereby retract and ask to be forgiven.

    Now look here. The Constitution, thus the people, charged USG with the job of managing a practical currency. USG subcontracted that job to a non-government institution, the FRB who uses script that, upon issue to people and corporations can be charged with personal bank controlled currency possessions, issued to people in denominations of our dollar-established value system of script values. It turns out that neither government nor the bank created a value-charged currency, but the people themselves did the charging of the script with its printed on denominational value through accepting script in exchange of their hard work.

    In the old days money was backed by gold and/or silver. When you turned in a $10.00 script, you received gold or silver. You knew that you were not cheated. Nowadays, you turn in a script of $10.00 you get another piece of paper that says $10.00. Government tries hard to prevent counterfeiting, but as far as our currency is concerned it is a marvelous and very convenient system, but like with everything else, without honesty, it will operate but with losses to all of us who use it honestly. Honest people will always be at the mercy of dishonest people; that is why physical reality is called hell by many people.

    The American people accepted worthless script paper for labor and sweat performed on real products and services. The people created the value written on the script with real effort. The Federal Reserve Bank (a private institution) only owned near-valueless paper script. People’s labor and efforts actually charged the paper script with the face value printed on the script. Once the script is in circulation it retains the value printed on the script which was charged into it with the face value by people, and not by the banks. The bank still owns the (none)-3 cent paper script value; that is all the value the FRB can claim is theirs; and it did so by order of a client: USG. At the counter in the private banks or ATMs people can exchange their digitally recorded account value for the script notes that represents valid currency, but the people, not the bank, placed the value on the currency. All the bank gives you is but a 3 cent per individual note or so that guarantees that the face value of the note has been charged into the note and subtracted from a valid bank account.

    The FRB was placed in business by the promise to guide the economy with the powers received so that our economy would not repeatedly fall into depressions. They have not done that, because we have had economic depressions galore since its inception. What the FRB is really doing by creating these depressions is making the older generations poor by redistributing the common operating currency wealth to the younger generations. During depressions work becomes scarce and economic values tumble. Experienced (older workers lose their jobs which they will be unable to continue when the recession is over). This makes that older people must sell their properties, which become available to younger generations at very depressed prices; and the older generations must eat into their retirement savings to make ends meet while they are still included in the national active labor pool. The young people are generally hired when economic conditions again improve. These young ones are better taught, better adapted to the new technologies and they get paid far less than the scuttled older generations. It is all a scheme, because the future belongs to the young who, through such depressions, are brought to think that all is well; but when they get older the same can be expected to hit them, etc. I can see it in no other way.

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    Thus, I must stress that the people are not subject to government ─ federal or state in nature. You must be convinced of that or our Constitution is not going to help us. Here is why. The Constitution is a set of demands by which we, the people will tolerate a government to be placed in operation for the operation of itself with the full insurance that the people will always be free and remain free and with a valid, honestly working currency system. Thus, no amendment can ever be Constitution that, even in the vaguest manner, insinuates that the people might be subject to government. So, again, it must be stressed that, for starters, the 14th amendment must be rephrased as shown above or even better; and the 16th amendment (being utterly un-Constitution), must be forthwith deleted and be made of no effect whatsoever.

    Furthermore, it is only just that all those people arrested and put in jail by the IRS, and what stands for our bogus federal justice system, who are still living should receive $200,000 for each year they have been sentenced in jail; and their immediate families, who suffered the loss of their loved ones, should receive each $100.000 for each year of the wrongfully executed sentences of their immediate relatives and for the loss they experienced of their husbands, fathers, sons and/or daughters. These amounts have been picked from the ether. These amounts should be considerably more, but they are the minimum amounts these people deserve for being purposely, utterly falsely arrested, processed in the courts and jails and then imprisoned to sit out their wrongfully arrived at sentences.

    Also, I cannot see it as right that our government system is set in such a way that it/they can throw us out of our homes, bankrupt us and imprison us. The economy is so fragile, manipulated by the big boys and our employment so unsure because of myriad different things that can affect us financially and over which we have no control and can cause us to be forced to surrender our homes, often our marriages and  may send us to prison. A government that is unable to provide security and dignity to honest working people is far off from giving people the freedom and peace that is so paraded by by government that we have, and this is all as false and phony as currency made from feces.

    Any barred attorney or judge can figure out that the 14th and 16th amendments are a government and banking conspiracy to commit treason against the people/citizens of the United States and in violation against the Constitution of America. But about the word bogus as referring to the federal court system, I mean that the Supreme Court should have noticed that the 16th amendment is a fraud. It should have given notice to government to bring an appropriate correction to bring the Constitution back into a validly operating condition. However the Supreme Court can only act on complaints from one or more of the people or from a corporate fiction. We have no watchdog agency of we the people that can make a complaint of such matters and we should have such a watchdog institution. I, just, can do all that by my little self.

    They ignored these violations and continued over prolonged periods to use these fake amendments together with a mis-phrased individual signed bank account contracts claiming that holders of bank accounts must uphold all federal laws in order for people to have a contract with a bank; thus giving government fraudulent jurisdiction in federally filed criminal cases. It placed the US justice department in conspiracy with the rest of the anti-Constitution criminal plans to subject the people of America to US government and imprison them on false/phony charges. But, we, the people, stated in the Constitution that we will be benefited with a fully operating and guaranteed currency system. This currency system must come to us free, without limiting or subordinating factors for one or all of we, the people's liberty/freedom. Thus any taxes required for the operation of USG must come, not from people but from the fictionally established corporate structure's businesses. Corporations receive the benefit of limited liability and actually by getting standing in public court as if these corporations are organic entities, which limited liability and court standing, I would say, requires of them to collect the taxes from the people by charging these taxes into the products or services they sell; because the free people should not be bothered to be required to pay them under threat of government formulated penal laws.

    After about 250 years of living with the original Constitution and with the democratic system of government it is up to the people to study and edit the Constitution to eliminate any uncertainty about the meaning of any article and to thoroughly edit all the amendments and either delete the ones reeking of government scheming by incorporating those amendments that still make sense and deleting those who have enslaved us to our servants. For one thing I must adamantly state that the age limit of the voting age should definitively not be 18 years but should be raised to at least 28 years of age. 18 Year old children have no life experience to vote with the more mature and experienced folks. The present minimum voting age creates more harm than good, because it makes the overall vote meaningless. Children are children and should not be required to assume the duties of mature adults.

    Many of these children may be employed by freewill by the US armed forces that coerced them to take a completely wrong oath -- the correct oath is to fight to defend the Constitution and the active aggressors against our laws and National Independence and other enemies of the people's liberty but they are still kids and the armed forces do not now primarily defend the country but require the armed forces personnel to attack foreign nations that do not conform to a democratic form of government. This oath is in conformance the One World Order conspiracy efforts to create a One World Order democratic super-state by coercing smaller nations to abandon their non-democratic structures and instead by adopting the US-modeled corporate democratic government structure; thereby forcing the choice of government for these nations from them. Our entire government system has been invaded, the coalition of international bankers who masterminded the 14th and 16th amendments to the Constitution. Presently, our entire government system is a hoax. In my considered opinion it operates in anti-Constitution mode. USG should mind America before anything else! We probably were better off with King George of England than we are now with the “supposedly” so good and sound Constitutional democratic system. The smartest country in the world is Spain because they were wise enough to bring their king back into office.

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    Anyway, by keeping track of the script notes when these are issued to people banks can know where we will use these notes. So, when you spend liquid money at a restaurant, the owner will return the notes to a bank for deposit and the bank will thus know where the money was spent. This can thus be important to the banking industry to discover the trends where people spend their money. The loan officers of the banks can thus know which industries are becoming more popular for acquiring products and services and will allow easier loan conditions to those falling into the trending kind of businesses than to industries that are in the decline. The same, of course is true for transactions done by credit card. Banks know where to invest and where to withheld credit by looking over the statistics

    All of what I am writing about the money system I am merely finding out from just thinking about it. That is how my mind got sidetracked with my previous idea of the National Debt. I could not, at first, comprehend that government actually goes out and goes into the financial market to obtain loaned credit.

    I could not understand where and how government gets it collateral. Government is the trust manager of all federal public ands. It must place such lands as collateral for its loans. Trust managers in general can invest property held in their trust at their option and at the best rates of return. The FRB who is the USG’s banker holds these properties as collateral. As long as USG pays at least the interest and makes strenuous efforts to pay the loans off, the collateral is safe. If it does not, the bank is authorized to sell part of such property so that the debt and loan balances remain within the stipulated loan conditions. This means that those properties acquired by the bank can be sold to anyone. I remember hearing that a Japanese corporation holds very large tracks of land in Montana and other states up north where they produce large amounts of livestock for consumption in Japan. Maybe that is how investors in Japan got a hold of these properties. These sold properties, however, remain in state and/or federal jurisdiction.

    I have always listened to others about how government manages its currency system and have always been 95% in the dark about how the money system really works, and the way USG and FRB operate on the financial scene. At least on paper I am now convinced that all is on the up and up. I am sorry about my premature haste on giving you all the wrong impression and I have a high level of confidence that what I have thought up here is correct. It cannot really be otherwise. I am assured at this point that the dollar currency system is all level and above board. The FRB is a competent and honorable institution. And I hope that, in the future High School children will receive proper in-debt training in how our currency system works. How, otherwise, can we get a properly educated and insightful voting constituency and an intelligently operating democracy.

    Do you know that about 90% of the entire mass of the universe is tied up in black hole mass? The center of any galaxy is concentrated in a black hole that provides the gravitational force to keep a galaxy together as a unit. Each galaxy must have a central gravitational force that must be around 90% of the galaxy previously I thought it to be about 60%. Without a central gravitational force a galaxy could not exist because the arrangement would be too unstable to survive. Furthermore, galaxies must be so far separated from each other that the gravitational force of one cannot have any force left to affect its neighbors. That spaciousness we see in the universe accounts for the stability of the entire universe.  Also, please note that physical reality is a suppressing force on creatures. Moment to moment it forces our attention on the physical, whether it is attraction to people or things, plans for the future, accidents, repairs, serious money shortage, suppression from government,

    Sudden riches; betrayal of every kind ‒ you name it; physical reality will take your mind off from the spirit and onto the physical. It is a lying, negative spiritual suppression intended to make us fail to see that Jesus is god of paradise where we belong (and where we are still comatosely at, by the way). By failing to credit spirit for physical reality you doom yourself forever to be in this spiritual hallucination of physical awareness and experience all the natures possible in this foolish reality; from humans to black-hole plasma. If you do not want to wise up you will be forever spiritually lost; to be utterly nothing / dead in your nightmare spiritual dreams. Give it a thought, because I have the spiritual truth! The more savvy we get physically the more stupid and lost we become spiritually!

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    Space keeps the galaxies in place

    We have never been able to discern a central star that could be the central gravitational force of a galaxy; besides, such a star would self-destruct into its own mass and condense into a black hole. This universal stability is the only stability one can find in the entire whole or any of its parts -- the stability of the whole universe. Everything else is subject to corruption and disintegration. All this mathematical correctness of the universe points directly to the creativeness of god. The universe is a fiction in spirit and has no weight, influence or power there. It is a sort of game that starts and stops when certain goals or mile stones occur that require its start or end. The game has had infinitely many new starts and ends. Jesus referred to the end of this age by saying that stars will go out of their orbits and fall willy-nilly etc. The start, of course, occurs by Woman and Adam in paradise to believe the true god to be a liar, and the end occurs when a part of the fiction recognizes the fraud and the belief in a spiritual lie on which the game age has been started. The end occurs when an entity caught up in the fraught again unveils the spiritual truth which has been hidden during the rest of the age. This truth is that god is reality and that by an entity not believing this to be the truth the entity throws itself by its own accord from reality into fiction. The fiction is physical reality created by souls believing a spiritual lie with each soul having been given an identity in this fictional reality and with multiple reincarnations to let souls participate in it in several phases during the entire age.

    The big bang of the Big Bang Theory is only implied in the setting up of the game, just as are all things in earth that seem to have a beginning prior to about 30,000 years ago. These creative events are only implied at the start of the game and designate the props with which the program find its start. The rest of creation is according to genesis 1 in the Bible. The fall of Adam (and Woman as Eve) takes place some 18,000 years after what god created in genesis 1. Of course, what god created in genesis 1 are only implementary steps at the start the newly started game game that create a fully operating physical eco-system and physical setting as a stage into which the latest set of Adam and Eve start their history in the age.

    I discovered an odd thing; I always assumed that 12 o'clock was around the earth's noon when the sun would be in its zenith. Wrong! I checked it out for Ashville NC. Our noon happens around 1:30 PM. How about that? I never really thought about it but some centuries ago and, really in ancient times , people had to burn candles in order to read or study at night, so some smart royalty thought about making noon much later so that people could have longer daylight and peruse their hobbies, read and/or books and study. All together a very smart move. I agree with that, but people never realized that noon falls an hour and half later. So, now you know that too. I think, it is generally so throughout the world. It makes life a lot easier.

    In fact these spiritually designed ages have gone on for so many times that everything in the universe at one time or another was attached to a white person's soul. Nothing exists that is not soul.  Not only in this solar system but in over another trillion solar systems operating in the universe. The solar system is a perfectly balanced whole. It should not have happened evolutionary. It is designed. If it is designed then copies can be placed at strategical positions throughout this universe. And if the universe is thus designed, then there are untold many universes in existence, also.

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    Dual Standards of Truth as Taught by Jesus

    Jesus (the Christ) of the New Testament in the Bible taught two doctrines; he taught that it is impossible for mankind not to sin and at another occasion he taught that one must be as perfect as god is perfect. Both teachings are utterly correct even though in contradiction. For those who seek salvation in Jesus Christ know that they cannot not sin, so they accept Jesus' offer of salvation by having faith in the fact that he is the son of God/Jehovah and that he will keep such people safe from perdition. Those, whether they are a part of the organized religions or individual believers, find salvation in Christ and forgiveness of sins as revealed by Moses and Isaiah. These souls will be saved from the wrath of Jehovah but are not set free from their error and fall from paradise. Jesus preached as son of the most high god and also as the Son of Man for Jehovah - two different gods. Read why this is so in other articles in this site or in the book. But who is Jehovah? let's go back to when Jesus was tempted by the devil after fasting 40 days in the dessert. The devil said:" I will give you all this, pointing at he world, if you will worship me." Jesus answered: get back of me, Satan. From this little encounter Christians believe (and it is supposedly supported by other Bible quotes) that besides god, Jehovah, there is another entity called Satan. But Satan cannot give anything away because he/she never created the world. It is god, Jehovah, who was testing Jesus, and Jesus knew for sure that this god / Jehovah was tempting him to accept the physical world. Jesus knew that this god was his enemy in spirit, the serpent. Why is Jehovah the serpent? Because the serpent made Adam and Woman believe that the god in paradise (Jesus' spirit), was the liar, and that the serpent was the truth-sayer. So, they both ate from the fruit their god in paradise told them to stay away from. So the result of all this was that Adam and woman died away from the paradisiacal spiritual realm and fell into a coma where they are dreaming up physical reality as human beings. See folks, there is no devil; only god /Satan / Jehovah! Jehovah is teaching us the evil the tree tells us we will know when we eat as paradisiacal beings from it.

    Here is another corroboration that souls uphold physical reality: According to the bible, Genesis verse 1: In the beginning when god created the universe ( universe is a misnomer because in those days people did not know about solar system, galaxies and the enormity of the universe; what was meant "the solar system only". The universe is too huge and complex to be recreated every time).The earth was formless (and desolate and probably clouded over because it was dark). The raging ocean that  covered everything was engulfed in total darkness.

    In my interpretation two scenarios are possible. The first: the souls were not yet set in organized action of the program physical universe / physical reality. Thus the soul minds not put in active organization just milled aimlessly about in random dream fragments. But when god started bringing program actions into the minds in charge in the program for the beginning stages of the program organization in the soul minds, their dreams become organized according to what stage of operation god set these minds into organized dreams.

    The second possibility: All souls were on another program that simulated the situations god experienced just before starting the first day. He, then, terminated the "chaos" program and started the program "physical reality" in the order given in the bible. The second scenario makes more sense because the souls were already doing in a chaotic matter what physical reality already is. They were already dreaming water and earth as solid matter. How could they anticipate such thing without a supporting program? And, so, during the first six days physical reality was brought about according to the steps and algorithms of the program.  We know that nothing comes from nothing, so what other means were available, but bazillions of idly dreaming soul-minds dreaming of being part of black hole plasma matter of the physical reality program.

    We are dealing here with two value systems; one that is applicable for us as humans in the physical universe (somewhere behind the east gate of paradise where now two angels and a fiery sword stand guard so that we cannot reenter as spirits by that gate and the other value system where we as spirit/souls have exchanged the true god for a liar because of what the serpent in the tree stated in answer to Woman's statement (This previous sentence god made me write because I was actually copying from the bible, but god wrote that sentence through me, so I have left it there). The serpent answered "That is not true, you will not die when you eat from this tree; you will be like god". Woman believed the serpent and thus accepted the liar as the truth-sayer (Genesis 3: 1 - 7). When Jesus is acting as the son of Jehovah / the serpent (through his physical mother Mary) he is dealing with us in our human capacity (as entities born of Eve, mother of all mankind, not as Woman created from a rib of Adam who is presently dead to paradise). In the human capacity we as spiritually dead entities in Adam and Woman ( basically in a coma and thus out of communion with activities in paradise. are dead to truth through their fall from paradise and we, unless saved in Jesus, are also dead to Jehovah through our inability as humans to live sinless physical lives. But when Jesus is speaking as the son to the true god and the father of our creation as spiritual entities in Adam and Woman in paradise, we remain dead in paradise in spite of Jesus saving us from our sins as humans until we can again (in spirit, as soul entities) become utterly in accord with the true fact that the true God is perfect. Jesus tells us that we must be as perfect as his father in truth is perfect. We, as spirits and not as humans, cannot exhibit any flaws of imperfection and Jesus' acts of saving us from sin will not help here. But the book of Genesis and others in the Old Testament of the Bible and in his own teaching in the New testament Jesus allows us to know that the true god also exists and that we do not know him at all. When fully informed of that fact and when we reaccepts through our own understanding that the true god is the only god that exists we will be again as perfect as god is perfect.

    Because of these two unrelated value systems we have the human value system of truth which truth is based on the spiritual lie we as spiritual entities believed in paradise; which means that we have abandoned the true god as a lying piece of feces and have accepted this spiritual liar (Jehovah, Allah or whatever his name might be in other religious groups) as the true god who through Moses have relayed Jehovah's laws, ordinances and demands to us. Muhammad set out the laws applicable to Muslims. Muhammad, by the way takes the first three or four books of the Jewish Torah as the word of god. The other value system is the spiritual truth which is the only god. So the difference between these two value systems is that the true spiritual truth is based on spiritual truth and that the other value/negative system of truth is based on a spiritual lie which lie is the foundation of truth in the universe. We are dealing here, so to speak about a positive, zero value and negative forms of reality.

    Also consider that our souls are made of truth but our bodies are made of products of lies. Only entities that are made of truth/truth are good, anything made of truth/lies is evil. That is what the lesson of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is all about. After we have descended into the virtual realm of physical nature, while our souls are made of truth we, made who are made of truth/evil can at some stage of understanding attain the spiritual bodies that consists of truth/truth. It is the knowledge we gained from the tree of good and evil that makes some of us good/good. It is a step up from the bodies of Adam and Woman in paradise and it is the new body of a newly born son of god! Adam and Woman in paradise were not complete yet, but our experience in this physical age as physical creatures we (my wife and I) as souls did gain the knowledge of evil so that we, as souls, can be like god; and thus be god. It is spiritually good to know what evil is because god knows what good and evil are. I have approached this conversion from spiritually incomplete to spiritually complete from several angles in my articles because one of those angles may just convert you from ignorance to full understanding. This is the second birth Jesus preached about. Physical life means nothing, the spirit is everything; unless you translate all you experience in earth to the spiritual counterpart you have learned nothing because spirit is all, and matter is fiction/nothingness in spirit.

    This knowledge of evil can be compared to the following argument. People who talk bad about another person without much fact other than that they don’t like someone is like murder. Without prove these kind of attacks are nothing more than hearsay. To talk like this to another person’s small children is atrociously vicious. Life, basically, is based on relationships. If a person destroys another person’s relationship with family members, friends and colleges, that is basically all the life the targeted person has. To destroy these relationships is truly mass murder. Each relationship is a life thing. A relationship is a living thing; and it is very, very fragile. If trust is broken by some gossip, it is a severe blow to the relationship. God, also, stated that causing a relationship to break is murder. In genesis 2, 3 and 4 in the Bible you can read about it. I gave 3 chapters so that you are fully informed how it started and how the trust in a relationship causes death and permanent separation. There was no cause in this story for Adam or Woman to distrust God's word so they did not bother at all about the forbidden tree. It was the serpent who called God a liar which caused Woman to consider the serpent's statement. By acting on the serpent's words Woman showed that she lost trust in the true god and thus took the liar as the truth sayer. Thus, from that moment on the true god lost all standing in the minds of Woman and Adam, and that good standing was acquired by the serpent who now became her/their god of truth. The break in the relationship between god and Adam and God and Woman was thus their spiritual death, just as God had told them. Death is an utter break in relationships; just as physical death causes a break in all earthy relationships of the person who died. Because of that spiritual death we all are now stuck in a coma and player physical creature seemingly forever in the physical reality.

    Souls are dreaming this physical reality with this goal in mind! God knows the end from the beginning of this physical reality. This means three things. First: Physical reality is a program. Second: He knows what he wants to obtain of this program because god is sane. Third: There is thus a beginning and an end. Know that the end is now very near because the truth about physical reality is now clear to some of us souls. That is his goal! to bring the truth home to us souls.

    Even if there is some fact to the accuser’s gossip, these facts are basically based on the accuser’s attitude and viewpoint. If the accused person is a bad character, those around him will find that out for themselves. The accuser’s attitude toward the accused is mostly based on highlighted experiences with the accused and most of it exaggerated by the person’s own colored shade of mental glasses. Above all such experiences should be kept out of conversations with others and not forced on them by one owns dislikes. It is the ethical and moral path of actions not to taint another with public vicious attacks, especially without the accused present. Not to do so exposes the accuser itself as the bad one, really. Telling lies about lies about another person that are believed by others is like murder, the same kind of murder that happened with the true god and Adam and Woman that happens when a person spreads vicious gossip about another. It kills relationships and relationships is the life of us all. It hurts not only the target of the vicious gossip but also those spoken to, when the gossip is believed.

    Then those who heard the accusations of horror tell them to others, like their boy or girl friends and when they marry the in-law children will have nothing to do with the accused because of the gossip. This can be compared to abortion where a possible friendship is aborted by hearsay evidence and in that manner prevent the birth of the possible relationship. That, people is physical life. hazards everywhere but mostly from those you love the most.

    Then those who heard the accusations of horror tell them to others, like their boy or girl friends and when they marry the in-law children will have nothing to do with the accused because of the gossip. This can be compared to abortion where a possible friendship is aborted by hearsay evidence and in that manner prevent the birth of the possible relationship. That, people is physical life. Hazards everywhere but mostly from those you love the most. But then, what kind of relationships would that make anyhow? People who believe and act on hearsay in such a judging manner never make for good friendship. Some even claim to be god-fearing Christians of which Jesus said “do not Judge”, but these people even judge on suspect, unverified gossip evidence. On second thought, I rather have them reveal themselves before I start a friendship.

    The spiritual truth and the spiritual lie create in the minds of all entities of the sets of Adam and Woman lying in coma a potential difference that is comparable to our electrical battery, except because of the infinite number of sets of Adam and Woman, it is a huge size battery that is recharged every time a new set of Adam and Woman fall for the serpent's lie. This battery energizes the program "physical reality" in the minds of all entities lying in a coma in spirit and it empowers the program physical reality in the combined minds of all entities lying in spirit in coma. That is why I often refer to these source states as positive and negative. the positive (truth) is then the common and the lie creates the potential difference to create a power source. yes! There can be innumerable sort of physical realities out there, depending on each son of god in spirit dealing with their own individual serpents in their own created paradises which are utterly independent of our physical reality.

    This source of universal power is very likely to be the black energy scientists all over the world are trying to capture and control. That will, of course, never happen.

    Any or all of my website articles are readily copied and pasted . Please do because this material is nowhere else available, and I am presently in my 80th and this material will never be available again in the setting of a website. Save the link(s) in the index to save the article(s).

     The Trurh About Reality Book front page


    I have occasionally, or rather, somewhat frequently derided women or really womanhood. We fell from paradise through the thoughts and acts of Woman. This peculiarity is still part of womanhood. Know that in paradise woman was neither man nor a female. They were both amorphous. After the fall they became humans and thus male and female. But largely, have come to the understanding that women are truly smarter, as Harry Belafonte already told us. I liked his songs!

    Let me go into that idea more specifically so you understand what really is going on spiritually. God created Woman from a part of man. The Bible says from Adam's rib, an important part of his beingness. From the psychological viewpoint when God separated woman from man he separated the emotional part from Adam and placed that part in Woman. God knows the end from the beginning, right? God works on the principle of grace - always, even from the beginning in order to accommodate the end to get what he wants from the couple in the end. God did so in a manner where the division would allow the pair, or rather, a splinter of beingness of the both of them, to be able to find the spiritual truth back after falling away from it by believing a fictional idea that spiritual truth can contain a lie. Accepting that idea would, and did, place spiritual entities beyond the region of truth. There is no place or region beyond truth, because beyond.

    Beyond the reality of truth there is nothing. Truth cannot contain fiction of any kind. We fell from paradise, a place where we could commune face to face with god, and we really fell into nowhere at all after accepting the fact that the true god is a liar. Physical reality is nothingness because it exists beyond the realm of truth. To return to reality from the nothingness wherein we presently reside one needs to get back to the truth of the matter. The true God does not lie! So, through the belief and actions of Woman (and Adam) we shut ourselves from the only channel to truth available to us - paradise.

    Nothing exists outside the region of truth - Physical reality is a fiction collectively held in the minds of comatose souls.

    Physical reality exists solely for spiritual purposes. Its purpose never fails! Jewish people lack a certain amount of trust in spirit that exists all around us, but not observable through our coma state. Jesus was, and is the link between spirit and physical reality that makes it possible for some of us to reconnect with the spirit and wake up again. Only through repentance of the spiritual sin can we reawaken. This awakening has nothing to do with the physical but, like a smog-device, is only an intermediary in the process of re-awakening. Trust in Jesus; and your chance may awaken in you also. Also, why not take Jesus' promise of salvation in the physical with a new hope to reawaken in spirit. After all, for you of the Jewish faith, Jehovah is the serpent and thus the liar that made us all fall. Don't put your faith in HIM! The universe is proof that all those who are still asleep in spirit are the elements and assembles of soul(s). Think about it; know that not all Christians are Catholic. And wine does not change into blood. Jesus told us that as a means of explaining how the spirit works. Jehovah fooled you-all for millennia, and you still refuse to see the truth! The physical reality is a dead end and a new cycle will begin; and it will be soon! try not to be in it!

    Thus Adam and Woman died to the truth, but only their active participation in truth died; so they exist in a spiritual coma-state. Their minds went blank, but otherwise the entities were in tact. God allowed through the actions of the snake to have every cell entity (souls) in them to be reprogrammed to deploy and activate a fictional environment in which they as fictional characters could exist in a fictional reality. Physical reality is that fictional reality. It exists only inside the minds and bodies of Adam and Woman. But our set of Adam and Woman is the last; but in untold many ages before before our 'age' there are literally untold trillions of such couples that came before our set of Adam and Woman we are an integral part of. All these sets believed the spiritual lie and are integral into bringing physical reality into existence to make up the entire universe together with us. Physical reality is the greatest and most complex program in existence, yet it does not exist in spirit. All the untold many sets of Adam and Eve weave this seamless apparition of reality and personal and group interactions in our minds. It is a huge interconnecting program that actively involves every entity of us all. It is really a coma-dream that weaves us all together into this being aware of, interacting with and in active common participation to keep physical reality suspended and to make us seemingly active parts in it and of it.

    Remember: Physical reality exists in pure nothingness. Physical reality is not a part of true reality; and it exists only in specific stretches of time referred to by Jesus as AN AGE and exists only in the minds of fallen souls. (Physical reality consists of endless sets of such Ages in which in every age a set of Adam and Woman will ‘fall’ from paradise. There is no beginning and no end to the number of ages, but the present age is the only one that counts and the universe and the participants of all other ages are only playing the part of the prop-scenery of this present age.

    I have reason to accept that an age lasts about 30.000 years, because it does not need to be any longer.  I have read very detailed propaganda, for one, in “National Geographic", how our world was created through galactic chaos, condensation, etc., changes in climate, charged particles, changes in environment, collisions with flying asteroid debris, biological entity - interaction, customs and many other variables. It is a carefully planned hoax, to make us believe we are all ONE physically. The inertia of mass and mental states is the proof that very few will ever find the truth. Mass is one of the basic tenets of the program, Physical Reality. It is imbedded in fallen souls caught in the far-deep end of the trap-net as universal dirt. The part under investigation of its mental and active state of the last set of Adam and Woman is being observed, guided and aided by sprit. Its purpose is to allow entities to reconcile their erroneous beliefs by realigning themselves again in truth. The principles of this age, and every age before and to come, is the white race of human beings. Their chance to find the truth is coming very rapidly to an end. And, because of the technology and use of gadgets and cleverly directed brainwashing going on as we speak and write makes finding the truth almost utterly impossible. To make the odds of finding the truth back much better one must do so as a unit of man and woman, and disengage oneself completely from any propaganda source, that means thus all news, TV, radio, religious kinds of books, all occult type of literature. To clean one's mind from any source of physical propaganda takes years. The worse source of propaganda is of course familial relations and physical reality itself. Physical reality is the biggest source of propaganda that binds us into the tenets of physical reality; one cannot escape it. Propaganda kills our spirit, and physical creatures seek their favorite propaganda scenes to find a common bond with others. Without a common source of propaganda people are utterly alone. Aloneness is shunned like the plague. Unit(s) of physical man and physical woman must together find and know the truth and they shall be free from the bind of the program physical universe. The frivolity of women makes that task so much more difficult. But God makes the search back to truth so difficult that only the very few will find it. I hope you are one of them!

    Physical reality gives lost souls a place to be and to act because otherwise they would be in a terrifying actionless and thoughtless nothingness forever. It is a kindness of god and gives us an opportunity to repent. Physical reality is a program imbedded into all the minds of all the being-entities of those sets of Adam and Woman who believed the spiritual lie (that God could tell lies) -- lies that would expose god as a deceiver and not as the origin of all that exists in spirit. If you, as spirit, tell or believe such a lie you will exclude yourself automatically from true reality, because if you would remain you would contaminate reality with an untruth and thus wipe either yourself or all of reality from existence. The way it goes is that you wipe yourself out. Once the lie is believed and acted on the supposed liar (the true god) is rejected and the one who told the lie which you accepted as truth is accepted as the true god. A switch in the mind of souls has been created to see the lie and all lies as truth and spiritual truth as a lie. Thus Physical reality could be seen as being the (fictitious) mirror image of reality. It is there but it consists of nothing at all.

    Thus, all physical species of being on earth are already perfect from the beginning of this age. Our own observations prove that. There is not any biological species that, as a whole, is not perfect in the role it plays in physical reality. They're placed so to create the illusion that makes physical reality seem evolutionary real. The Theory of Evolution is bull shit. Professor Leakey's bones are only props in our fictional physical environment and are not an active part of the present cycle of this age.

    The remaining part in MAN, after woman was separated from him, has the ability (through the spiritual teaching of the bible, the honest seeking nature somewhere in him and the experiences gathered in many life-times in the place they were relegated to - a virtually created reality that we refer to as physical reality), to rediscover the truth and to have at least that part of himself and the equivalent part in woman (soul-mate – woman is mated to man, man is not mated to woman, spiritually). This unit will be reaccepted in truth and will thereafter always be “one” again. Both man and woman are needed in physical reality as separate entities to rediscover the truth.

    My wife and I are a team that distilled the truth from the oceans of errors in thinking, distractions of being here, and a multitude of other factors (misunderstandings, and deliberate brainwashing schemes by the powerful in government, religion, banking, commerce, etc) that utterly sucked us all into other deceitful schemes of the seemingly endless possibilities available in physical reality. But “truth” can, from the pits of desperation, only be gleaned by the physical male part of them. And woman is the one who can make her man know that he did get the truth. That is how God made it possible at all for them as a unite to come back to reality, armed with an enormous array to defend spiritual truth.

    The purpose of physical reality is to distill the TRUE part in both Adam and Woman from the mass of the unredeemable parts (spiritual cells/souls) in the both of them. The unredeemable parts will continue to reincarnate and be drawn deeper in this trap net called physical reality. The true part of the couple (Adam and Woman) will become part of god and is referred to as son of God - of which ”sons” there are endlessly many and of whom I and Carol will be one also.

    The sad thing in women is that they are physically oriented in the extreme and are driven by competitive spirit, and are the reason that the mass of mankind in the world are caught in it eternally.

    I will add a rudimentary picture of this endless cylindrically formed net below. Know, though, it is only a means to describe what kind of trap we fell into. But the program is definitely based on the principles of “catch and trap” of this net. If you ever rediscover the truth you will simply escape through (all) center(s) of the net in the opposite direction of the designed trap-action of the net. Trapped souls seeking to escape the net tend to seek escape by going to the outward circular boundaries of the net so they never notice the escape which lies in the center of the net. The choice of physical representation is made in a spiritually comatose entity, but the physical manifestation of the choice determines the specific net-section of race, species or material in the net. The first set of sections have trapped the now existing human races, the next set of the trap section contain the several aquatic mammal races such as whales, killer Wales, dolphins, etc., the next set  of sections deal with the several lower primate races, and so on. Each net section has its own spiritual overseer/god / daemon. The head god is Jehovah; the one who tricked us into the net.

    I was off the coat near Monterrey in California on a surf board near a kelp bed and suddenly I saw a killer whale. I was a bit panicked, but it left me alone. I know he knew I was there because their sound-rigged radar is as infallible as that of a bat. Killer whales are in the very net section after people, so I believe they have some memory left of being human once. I have never heard of a killer whale-attack on humans.

    Bait in previous/closer to the entrance sections of the net has lost their appeal but bait in the next deeper section is utterly desirable, whatever the bait may be. Through the force of endless reincarnations in the regular sections of the net (each human category net-section has its own compartment for those saved in it such as (pure/) white Christians have in the first net-section). One is drawn ever deeper into the net as the Ages go by from humans to animals, etc. Human history or an Age always has a time span of about 30.000 years (why is explained in other articles of this site and book). Everything present in the physical universe are only props to make physical reality seem real for the present significant set of humans. The universe exists primarily for the last descended race of Adamites (the offspring of the last descended set of Adam and Woman). For non-human species physical reality is the only reality, no exceptions!  It takes billions of Bazillions of souls to keep the universe in place. They are all there in paradise in a collectively steered coma dream program.

    the spiritual trap is like anet with untold many sections in it 

    Your soul's only chance to escape the trap is in the human forms;
    there after your soul is caught for ever (The entire universal diversity is represented in this configuration!). This is the way it is!

    And here is a detail of the human sections

    the human sections of the spiritual trap

    The figure shows that once our souls nibbled and believed the lie we were caught, even though you may be saved in Jesus you may still believe the spiritual lie of Genesis 3: 1-6; so our souls are still in the trap / physical reality as is shown above in the special places in the human sections of the trap. Physically we simply play out the rolls, like slaves the souls are forced to personify. Soul minds can actually make physical reality seem quite natural. the by Jesus created heavens in the diagram show the place of the saved in the net sections. The mention of these sections mean that in the next Age to come these sections are opened in the  appropriate time period for each section and the souls re-released in the same section and thus are not shoved down the section but have the same standing they had in the previous Age. This trap net is , as shown, located in zero spirit.

    The spiritual trap / the universe

    The spiritual trap is negative spirit; it is the spirit's penal system ‒ Jesus' salvation makes it a bit more bearable. He gives hope where before there wasn't any! Physical reality tells you, you are in the trap.

    The first section in the net is the white race, the second may be the Mongolian race, the third section could be the Asian Indian race, etc. After the human races come the races of the aquatic mammals, the lower primate races and so on through all animal life, plant life and material substances. The only escape is through the way we got into the trap but in the opposite direction. Jesus said that very few will find this way back.

    Woman and Adam (and we in them) partook (nibbled) of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and as god told us we died away from him and from paradise.

    Now, if you have read and understand this article you have nibbled from the truth and you are caught in it!

    Without experiencing evil we cannot become sons of god. So, in the end evil reveals itself again as good also.

    This net goes on endlessly until souls are caught in the mass of black holes at the center of galaxies

    What is the meaning of the special sections in the human sections of the trap? Jesus felt sorry for all mankind for going into perdition without a chance to circumvent this by Jehovah determined fate. So, he told the people that with faith in him he will make sure they are saved from this doom. But souls can remain there forever because they are trapped in these special retreats from finding back the spiritual truth. Jesus did so by dying for them utterly innocently with regards to the Jehovah's laws and rules. So, the safe place remains in effect for only this ongoing Age. In the next Age they will reincarnate again as white people together when the Adamites begin to incarnate in physical reality, some 5000 years before the end of the Age and thus have another opportunity to find back true spirit by recanting the belief in the lie they have held in spirit for so long.

    A section in the net is from one truncated open cone section to the next. Inside the net is pure spiritual nothingness.

    The periodic table of elements as discovered by Neil Boor fits nicely into this depiction of the trap of physical reality. Each physical element in the chart can be a detail in another section in the trap way down the lane in the trap from where we are in the trap. Outside on the left of the depiction of the net and all around the net is reality. One enters from the left by proposing or believing a lie about the TRUE GOD and one is inevitably drawn deeper in the net (the net being a spiritual brainwashing program) through irresistible bait set in the following deeper section and so on, endlessly, draws souls deeper into the net. Outside the net is reality, inside the net is a realm of nothingness, called physical reality which only exists in the brainwashed comatose minds of all the fallen spirit entities of all previously descended sets of Adam and Woman and the current descended sets of Adam and Woman.

    The baits in the human sections of the trap consist of sex of course, and rituals that include sex, material success and winning, verve for religion and systems of religion that do not lead to truth. Bait in previous sections of the net have lost their appeal. Through the force of endless reincarnations an unsuspecting soul is drawn ever deeper into the net as the Ages go by and soul thus descends from human nature through all species to the nature of dirt.

    Those of the different human races other than the white race have a heaven-section dedicated to those who have accepted Jesus as savior. They, however, are saved in a section of the net that have caught them in this age. Once souls are in any of these sections they have the opportunity to be redeemed to true reality by the savior who originally came for them. That is why each section of heaven in the set of cone sections for the human races have a door through which they can enter spiritual reality.

    Let me give you an example where Jesus clearly indicated that stones have soul. Somewhere the people were praising and jubilant about Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey-colt. An official approached him and complained to him about the people praising him. Jesus answered that if the people would not praise him the very stones would begin to praise him. Jesus was not joking. He always stated the truth and he was not speaking in parables. The stones have soul and they could praise him; as a matter of fact all things in the universe have soul attached to them through the comatose dream-state they are in. 

    As Jesus said, In my father's home, where I am going, there are many mansions, I will make one for you also. The other mansions are all occupied with the redeemed souls from previous generations (Ages) of sets of Adam and Woman. So each member of the dark skinned races who are saved by having faith in this generation's Jesus will return with the particular savior of their generation from their heaven in their net section of the trap to their own mansion in reality. That is why I made broken line sections in the walls of the specially created heavens by all the several saviors in my depiction of the trap we are all in. There are thus 2 ways to be redeemed to reality: one is by exiting backwards through all the section centers back to reality or guided by a savior through the walls of one of the heaven sections in their trap section of the net into reality. Each spiritual family of sets of Adam and Woman in its own mansion.   

    This same kind of trap net is now used by the OWO conspiracy to trap everybody in the OWO net. It is a net of lies and deceit and propaganda systems to lead us from one trap section to the next. We fall together by the millions from one section to the next. This is the evil that people must pass on to soul so that it can wake up. That is our task on earth to inform our individual souls of the net it got trapped in and rescue it before soul disappears into perdition forever; placing another more negative spiritual layer between us, people, and the spiritual truth.            Hans van Krieken   3-31-2018   



    Sketches and Diagram denoting understanding spiritual understanding  


    understanding spiritual truth

    There is strong significance in the bible that physical reality is a fiction in spirit. God in paradise had to create A & W from dust -- work. But physical reality was created by words of the god of earth -- by simply bringing into action a  some existing program.


    The spirit in negative spirit is the Holy Spirit and the trinity is the serpent/Jehovah, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Holy simply means different. Jehovah is different from us because we create well below him, but in positive spirit there is no difference at all between the true god and the redeemed souls anymore. That is what "Holy" means. That is what the serpent implied. Jesus, however, god in paradise, however said that when you eat of the fruit you will day this very day. That is also what happened.

    Figure 1


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 2


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 3


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 4


    understanding spiritual truth

    The by Christ created sections within each of the human trap-sections are reserved for those saved, the saved will move laterally to the same section in the new age. One a soul leaves the set of human sections these saved places do not anymore exist.  there is never an upward move in the trap-net, but any downward move is, spiritually, considered a move to death.

    Figure 5 

    Outside the trap is true reality; inside the trap, no matter in which part or section you are in, is physical reality /hell / lake of fire. Inside the heaven Jesus created, you are only safe for the duration of this age. It means that in the next age you will again be represented as a white person in that age. You will still have to realize that physical reality is hell and that you must return to spirit to be free. Only the truth will set you Free!


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 6 

    In the above figure the fallen souls are captive and uphold physical reality, but those saved in Christ Jesus are received in the special sections as within the sections of the trap for the souls who still uphold human beings, shown in figures 5 and 11. The heavy curve is for those who remain in hell / the underworld forever. They are in the lake of fire because they are consumed by other creatures and in ever changing forms of creatures consume others alive or dead and their remains dissolve in the hydrochloric acid of stomachs. All these stomachs together form the lake of fire. Say, a cow is slaughtered and packaged into a hundred salable items. These are sold to different individuals. Say, altogether 250 people eat the packages. The stomachs hold acid, and the collective acids of all these stomachs is the lake of fire for this cow. But the soul associated with this cow reincarnated 5000 times and so experiences the lake of fire continuous ly. But after that this soul is associated a million times in the lives of chickens. You see the picture of the lake of fire taking shape in your mind? At one time the soul of this a particular cow was associated with human beings of all the human races on earth. The same goes for vegetables like peas and lettuce. In those days nobody knew what an acid was; so, the only way to describe acid as as a lake of fire. Even though saved in Jesus, you will remain in the trap; and one place you do not want to be is inside the trap and caught by Jehovah. Eventually you end up as black hole mass in the center of a galaxy. Gravity is the only one phenomenon that cannot be explained. It must be the one major attributes of a spiritual entity to have been caught in a lie. The entire universe and for creatures to exist is gravity.

    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 7


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 8

    The negative spirit is Jehovah who holds our lie-believing souls captive to uphold the universe and all creatures on earth.


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 9


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 10


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 11


    understanding spiritual truth

    The chart signifies those who are saved in Jesus Christ and are saved to enter the next cycle physical reality again with the new Adam and Woman.

    Figure 12


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 13


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 14


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 15

    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 16


    the two aasic spiritual realms; positive and negative spirit. 

    Figure 17


    understanding spiritual truth

    Figure 18

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    When will be the end of this age?

    When will the universe be rolled up?

    My wife's role in our line of discovery is that she is most excellent in posing the questions I do not ever think about. My role is to always come up with the answers; but without the question being asked I would never venture on an answer.

    Both my wife and I know the truth, and, just now, we discovered why the physical universe did not vanish for us. The answer to that, of course, is that not the physical creatures, Hans and Carol must know the truth, but also the spirit in conscious mind. At the moment Carol's and my souls are still dreaming in a state of coma. We are still an integral part of this cycle of physical reality. Physical reality is pure nothingness. Whatever it does, does not affect true reality other than having the ability to affect the soul-mind positively or negatively.

    These souls assigned to fictitious Hans and Carol,  must complete their cycles of physical lives in the program before they can exit the program altogether. But when we both die physically, our souls will be in an off-stage condition, and they are in a position of being unplugged from an assignment in a role in the next age-cycle. Just as truth cannot contain a lie or entities believing a lie, so the program "physical reality" cannot include the truth in any soul mind who is consciously aware again about the true god and the truth it holds within itself. Our souls, then, after our physical death, consciously will know the spiritual truth. They are simply not anymore a part of those believing the spiritual lie (that the true god is a liar on which lie the whole concept of physical reality is based).

    Our, my wife and I, physical deaths will be the moment that our part in the scheme of the program vanishes because now our souls are not a part of the inventory of souls believing the lie. The lie believed by all other souls in the program is not any more a part of the belief our souls have. Just one spiritual entity knowing the truth would prevent the program from running if it were included.

    If we were inserted in the program, if this were possible, the program simply would not run because intrinsic spiritual truth and  intrinsic lie cannot exist together. If we would simply disappear from the physical scene without leaving a trace of ourselves in our physical state, the entire universe would be upset because all lie-believing souls together are responsible for holding their scheme of physical reality in place with us missing. Our absence would cause irreparable damage to the running of the program, so that it will upset every other soul’s idea of physical reality. But once we are declared dead and people can burry or cremate us the cycle of our lives have been duly accounted for in the program, spiritually and physically; so we can be duly eliminated from participating in the next age.                    Hans van Krieken 3-23-2018

  • Spiritually Controlled Odds     

    The general odds-structure in my life lets us plainly see that God exists, this is so, at least, in my experience.

    Odds in general, when people are expected to bet on something like horse or dog races, would lie at maximum somewhere between 1/1 and 50/1. In a case of 50/1 we must regard the entity rewarded with odds of 50/1 very peculiar. Either the entity has no chance at all to win or the trainer has hidden the form, class and speed of the entity so well that the odds on the entity are way off. In this case, I would say, even the trainer did not bet on the entity. If you could detect the trainer betting on it, even just a little, he is relying on the odds to give him his gain for the money and the odds would be very promising. However if an entity gets starting odds of 200/1 we know the entity does not belong in the race. That is why we never see those kind of odds in a game or race.

    But in my fairly recent life I have been tracking odds on sets in number-combinations. For instance, when someone other than me pauses a movie playing on a DVD or a down streamed movie from Netflix or such I try to combine or manipulate these number sets in the progress strip of the program (the number arrangements on the not yet played remainder of the program and the numbers already streamed) not just the hours and minutes but just as numbers per sé. I compare their arrangement, or I add / subtract, etc. the numbers on the left and add the numbers on the right, and see what comes up. Too very often I get comparative combinations that fall in impossibly high odds and yet the combinations are right on. And these odds on odds keep popping up too frequent to be statistically possible.

    The odds must surely fall in the millions to one. It simply proves that someone is messing with the odds, but it cannot be of human origin. We may pause the program because someone has to use the bathroom, or decide to pause to have a snack. The odd combinations do not always happen but the odds are very, very much in favor of someone unseen controlling the odds just to let me know that he is with me. For one thing, the entity knows that I happen to consider the arrangements of the played and not played minutes and hours in a program. How would the entity even know that for starters.

    I just have a habit to observe, consider sets or given number combinations or manipulations that give certain entirely unlikely to be hoped for results. The odds that the not hoped for combinations popup are extraordinarily common. These things should not happen so frequently. The odds for that are too astronomical; and things that cannot be explained in any way must be expected to be done by an unknown interested party.  

    Let me give you an example of a set of events that just occurred to us yesterday. It was a nice day and we had planned for weeks to go to one of our most favorite restaurants in Cashiers, NC. The place is called "Cornucopia". We had forgotten the name of the place and its location as well. So we ask around and finally it came out to be the Cornucopia. When they told us the name we remembered the name as well. We went to the location and there is it, the Cornucopia. It is in the mountains some 3500 ft up. For summer it has a divine temperature in at that area. So, when we came home we watched a movie and lo and behold the name Cornucopia showed up in the program several times. Cornucopia means Horn of Plenty, but I have not heard that word or used it in the last 25 years or so. It is not a common word, yet here unexpected it shows up twice in the same day. Now you figure! This gets a little more bizarre because I speak, write and read 3 languages. I also was in my youth educated in 5 languages. The residual word and rule knowledge increases the word knowledge even more. My word knowledge, with all its rules and conjugations add up into the million.

    Here is another example from yesterday and the day before. We were watching Netflix and my wife wanted a bowl of cereal. She paused and the still to be played material showed as 14:41. I then remembered that the day before when my wife paused the program the still to be played part was shown to be 13:31. That is odd enough for me to realize that it was not accidental. It was planned by entities not materially in our presence.

    Other examples are: I am riding along a street and just happen to see a building number 123. This is significant because the numbers are consecutive and 1 + 2 = 3. But a little later I realize the highway number is 231; same digits and 1 + 2 = 3. Or I wait for an elevator and notice a sign with a telephone number that consists of all the digits from 0 to 7; or when a DVD or down-streamed movie is paused and the progression strip shows that the hours of the shown segment + the minutes of the still to be shown section equals the minutes of the shown section + the hours of the the not  yet shown section are equal to each other.

                                       Hans van Krieken; revised on  2-25-2018               Back to top

    Honor your Father (and Mother)

    Basically, the most significant way to honor your parents is to make sure that all your children are legitimately born in the exact same race and color as they were. You can send those flowers and do what-not for them, it will/might be appreciated, but nothing can repair the disappointment in a pure Caucasian parent when his grand children are not of his own pure and clean race.

    God creates the races and he has a specific plan for each race. Racially mixed offspring are something spirit does not know what to do with so the program sends them along in the net to perdition. Getting racially mixed offspring is the sure way to disappoint your parents and god as well. His plan for all creatures is "All creatures shall procreate in the image of their parents"; paraphrased from genesis chapter one. How can anybody get that all wrong!!

    The universe and all its creatures are nothing more than props for the learning, teaching and experiencing of the latest set of Adam and Woman so that they might reawaken, through their earthly experiences and understanding; and awaken from their belief in lies by reaccepting the truth. Jesus told us that only a very few would find the truth and reawaken. At the beginning of the next age, which is now very close, the present white race will be one of the other human races and the world is again prepared for a new set of Adam and Woman to descend into it as the next white race. This present white race, what is left of it (some souls will have returned to the special place -- Christians call it heaven -- according to the truth as determined by the liar (god/serpent) hidden in Christ Jesus, the savior. Jesus prevents souls from getting sent along into the deeper sections of the net/hell, so that these saved souls will have another chance to declare the truth of the matter and so redeem themselves from physical reality to true spirit.       

          Hans van Krieken 4-11-2018        

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    Spiritual truth versus Spiritual Lie

    I am talking here to the Muslim religion, Jewry and Christians. We all share the first five books in the Bible, Pentateuch and the Muslims agree with at at least the Book of Genesis in the Bible. We must trust Genesis tells us the truth about the serpent's treason against his god, which I have determined is the spirit in Jesus. So, let's get together here in this website and agree that what I tell you herein is the spiritual truth.

    There is a truth according to the spiritual truth and a truth according to the spiritual lie. These two are the only spiritual versions of reality possible.  These premises are the ground rules set in the lie: “God is a liar”. As long as these premises are not violated the truth of the lie is not violated or endangered. All those believing the premise of the lie agree that the true God is a liar. He is so much a liar that the fact of his existence has been utterly forgotten. Once the fiction of the lie is in place, in the hearts and minds who believe the lie, entirely new schemes of lies are allowed to be generated, embraced and to exist in the realms made possible by the lie. The truth according to the lie is anything that does not violate the premises of the lie told and believed in spirit. Thus the spiritual truth returned to the mind of a soul will set that soul free from the fiction it believes and it will be back in the realm of spiritual truth.

       That is what Jesus was referring to when he promulgated the phrase: "the truth will set you free".

    I call the Physical Universe the manifestation of the lie believed which caused the reprogramming/spiritual brainwashing of all the spirit entities that believed the lie. In this case, and in every instance, all the (cellular) entities in the infinitely many creations of sets of Adam and Woman of this and all previous ages that believed the serpent's lie, and feel in one form or other an integral part of this universe are engaged in it.

    Let me show you why we are subject to the premises of the lie we all believed. Let me quote from the Bible, The Good News version, For all practical and, yes, for all purposes this Bible is the best there is.

    I quote from Genesis 3: 1- 6.  . . . The serpent asks woman "Did God really tell you not to eat the fruit from any tree in the garden?" Woman looked at the tree and answered the serpent "We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except the tree in the middle of it. God told us not to eat the fruit of that tree or to even touch it: if we do we will die." The snake replied: "That is not true; you will not die. God said that because he knows that if you partake from it you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad." The woman saw the fruit and ate from it and then persuaded Adam to eat from it too.

    The serpent said that God lied and Woman believed it. So, now we arrive at a psychological premise; Woman, and then Adam believed God to be a liar and the serpent the pronouncer of truth. A reversal of awareness was introduced in Adam and Woman. The true God was abandoned and the serpent was accepted as the true god. Hence humans' acceptance of the serpent as their God, Jehovah or Allah, or whatever men on earth call the serpent, as the true god and the real "true god" was and is utterly forgotten because he was considered, and is still considered to be a liar. We, on earth, have no inkling who the true god is at all! We exist immersed in the quagmire of the realm of the lie believed, physical reality. Since physical reality is based on the belief of a lie, it is not part of true reality but a perversion of true reality / a fictional dream.

    Here is why! If someone tries to invade the realm of spiritual truth with a lie, truth would not be truth anymore, and it would immediately deteriorate into a realm of the lie. This cannot be because everything possible must rely on the truth being the truth. The spiritual truth is impervious to the power of any lie. It has to be; just as the zero level in currents cannot be be altered when the zero-level of voltage is grounded to the earth. Truth is unassailable!

    To tell a lie about the spiritual truth to an entity accepted in the true reality would expel the liar immediately from the realm of truth because a lie would not be possible to establish itself in the realm of truth. The only way one can be expelled from the Realm of Truth is by telling a lie and/or in believing the lie. The belief in it would instantly induce a coma in the lie-believing entity, a spiritual coma, because spirit is eternal and the only real thing. So liars, and believers of lies, expel themselves from the truth by falling into a spiritual coma that I call negative spirit. The spiritual coma is negative spirit because it is caused by a lie believed. This spiritual coma is where all other fictitious/virtual realities come from. Physical reality is a negative spiritual mind program that includes all who have ever believed and still believe the lie in spirit. In our age of physical reality lies established have, so far, been in accordance to the ground rules of the original lie, simply because this age has still not ended. When the spiritual truth has been reestablished in the physical universe this age is also at its end because it would be utterly opposed to the lie believed in spirit. We are very nearly there now.

    The falling into a spiritual coma affects every entity of the composite beingness of Adam and Woman that believed the lie. As humans we have some 10 billions of cells, likewise in spirit beings are made up from billions of living spiritual entities very much in tune with each other. Every entity in the fallen spiritual being is reassigned a specific fictitious individual identity and is assigned a complex role it will represent during the enfolding of the coma dream during the age -- physical reality. That is how human races exist and how all plant and animal entities on earth came into this virtual reality called earth. There have been untold many sets of beings "Adam and Woman" before our present generation of Adam and Woman. After every 30.000 years or so, one age ends and a new age with a new set of "Adam and Woman" comes into existence and the cycle of time called an age starts for the new set of "Adam and Woman" on earth. Its beginning, its duration, its progression and its ending are always the same. God told us that there is nothing new under the sun, EVER!

    Government is an example of a virtual reality. It is just someone's idea. So government is set up by our Constitution. It delineates how president and his department are appointed and the same for the legal department and the justice system. All the duties and functions of the appointees is very carefully written manner. See, in this case we, the people are god, government is our creation and all the functions and duties are clearly set down. See how everything done inside the government comes from decrees coming down from above the government; we, the people. Even so, in physical reality everything works exactly according to the dictates of the entity (ies) who formed the idea and the execution of the program physical reality. We are all operating on instructions given to us moment by moment. A computerized virtual reality sticks accurately to the demands and rules set for it, but government has no valid security to work as stipulated. So all governments, even established for the best of reasons is guaranteed to be perverted where the people become the slaves and the governmental authorities become dictators. In the USA, all governments consist of brutal, self-serving dickheads and that is another reason that I will not vote. My father used to say, filth turns to foam in water and the foam will always rise to the to the surface. And there you have it with American governments; the y are a bunch of dickheads, and the least person they want to serve is you! Also, all important elective office candidates have been preselected before you have a chance to vote on them. They are, without a doubt, One World Order proponents. Every president we have had since and including Lincoln was a traitor because they kept that little phrase in the 14th amendment a secret from us and never, ever, did anything about rectifying it. Here it is: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof . . .

    In other words, the liar will introduce a new integrated system of reality into the last set of beings that believed the lie or found the lie attractive enough to believe in it. They become "awake" in their coma of the reality they dream "Physical Reality. The dream has them awakened into this physical reality. Physical reality is truly nothingness in spirit. It takes no space up in spirit but only manifests itself in the comatose spiritual entities of all the sets of comatose Adam and Woman. The first 18000 years of the new age is nothing more than the setting of the stage for the introduction of the new set of Adam and Woman. The first seven days wherein god (as told in genesis 1) is creating “physical reality) is to set the beginning of the stage for Adam and Woman to enter into the age later on. God is working so we deal in god's measure of time. God in the Old Testament stated that one of his days was like a thousand years of our time continuum. So, seven of his days are like 7,000 years of our time.

    The universe is indeed expanding because every 30,000 years another set of comatose spiritual entities are added to the mind program that integrates all soul-minds into the program. At least at the end of every age all preexisting souls will take a step down (go one or more sections deeper into the net) in the importance it had in the previous cycle of the program. So, all souls trapped in the lie/trap net descend one or more section deeper into the net. Way at the bottom of the entire trap net more and more souls and thus more universal mass is added to the universe that express their participation in the enfoldment of the program as the most basics of matter -- black hole mass/plasma at the center of galaxies.

    Here is the maxim for a fictitious reality: There is a reality of truth and one of the lie. There cannot be a lie in the reality of truth but the reality of the lie can have a truth based on the maxim of the reality of the lie, and in this virtual reality of lies one can have billions of lies that can be believed and which ‘lies believed‘ will cause the believer doom, loss or even new systems of reality one can believe in. All ambitions in physical reality lead to doom except for the ambition to reestablish the spiritual truth in one's own mind and spirit.

    The physical reality is a reality of loss and doom; just consider that we all have to die from one incarnation to get to the next. There is no end to the trap "physical reality" that we are caught in; unless we arrive at the truth of the spiritual deceit that caught us. We must reestablish the God of truth as the true god in the very spirit of our being; and thus renounce Jehovah and the physical reality as a permanent prison.

    So, human history can never predate the beginning of our own age - about 30,00 years ago. Everything that seems older is part of the scenery of the spiritual program, thus mere props to create the environment. These props include also all outer space. Every age begins at the same point with exactly the same environment and with all resources and thus also all fossils we have dug up in the last 30,000 years back where they belong; back in place in and on the earth. Physical earth in this age had everything in place after 7000 years and it is running without Adam and Eve for another 18,000 years or so before they, the white race, enter it. The entities of our Adam and Woman have some 5000 years as humans to reestablish the true god in their spirit. How I have arrived at these numbers is explained in articles on the "reading pages" of this site and in my books. Basically I found that an age does not need to be longer as about 30,000 years.

    In the new (following) Age, this (our) present white race will have become the next lower human race (lower on the spiritual / physical) scale. I believe it to be the Mongolian race. The scale runs from the Human races to the marine mammal species and races and than into the lower primates and from there deeper and deeper into the net-trap "physical universe", thus into lower ranges of mammals species, reptiles marine creatures, insects, flora and finally into the several types and compositions of dirt in the universe. This is the truth of our physical reality. What is in the net is fiction and outside is the true spiritual reality which, of course is truth. Whatever is of the physical universe is in the endless trap and is in spiritual nothingness of being dead to true reality.

    This is the truth of our physical reality. It is a coma-enforced dream-reality and from this splinter of spiritual nothingness we must, must, find our own origin in true spirit or all is lost. Once a soul enters the marine mammal state soul's chances to find the truth are nil! If we find the truth as I here tell it, you will wake up after death not in a Christian or Muslim heaven but again reunited with the truth who is the only true reality.  Read other articles in this site to get a better idea of how this net works.

    I hope that I have shown you the incredible power of spirit. We all together as souls in our set of Adam and Woman lying in a spiritual coma together with all the other sets of Adam and Woman lying in a coma at our sides in Paradise create physical reality with all it solidity and the binding power of time, mass and "intelligence" that keeps us all together presently in physical reality in one role or another. These include all those playing the role of physical matter, those playing the roles of physical elements, viruses, microscopic insects, cold and warm blooded creatures and all the flora beneath and above the surface of the seas. The "serpent" in paradise is a powerful indoctrinator, programmer and program coordinator and our souls are perfect performers. But none of this could happen without the steadfastness and help of the reality of truth! The lie and the truth form a sort of spiritual (like electrical) power net, that allows for comatose spiritual minds to be organized into some kind of a super, spiritual computer.

    But you see, the serpent has become in power over the comatose beings (because these two believed his lie to them) and has reprogrammed all spiritual entities in all the comatose sets of Adam and Woman that came before this set of Adam and Woman; and given himself the role as god in the dream. Each spiritual cell of each being has been given an identity of a physical creature or of some physical matter. The role the true god has in reality has been left out in the dream altogether. So, as everyone takes part in the dream drama the role of the true god is not there so the dreamers are utterly unaware of his existence in the play. The true purpose of the play is for the comatose dreaming entities to rediscover the role of the true god that has been left out and where our true love and allegiance belongs. Only when we deliberately add that item of knowledge into our dream state can we wake up from it and be reintroduced to our real god and be present consciously with him again. The whole purpose of the age of physical existence is to give the entities of the last set of Adam and Woman a chance to reaccept the true god and be reestablished in true reality. Very, very few will succeed in doing so; so, beware!

    We, almost all together, play all the integral parts of this universe as the ages progress. The serpent wrote the program but we, as eternal soul entities, play out the roles. We are the performers. As soon as we add the true god to the scenario, we have broken the premise on which the lie is based and the lie is revealed and we are again in the true God's graces.

    The bait of the next section is just that, the bait for which souls in the higher section are enamored with. The souls saved in Jesus are collected in this first section and are saved from descending deeper in the net. Being placed in the special place in the first section is called heaven and it represents: "Being Saved in Jesus"

    But the very few souls who found the truth of why all of us are trapped in the net can repent of their grave spiritual error and leave the net to return to the realm of truth where they will be as expansive in mind and creativity as the true god himself.

    That is the only escape from the trap net and it is called being redeemed and not just being saved.

    Don’t tell me that this great opportunity to return to our true birthright in true spirit is not a worthwhile action to buy the book to understand and investigate your choice of destinies for your soul. It is exceedingly worth it.

    The end of this AGE is extremely close at hand. Don’t wait another second to buy this book.


    Truth Recognized = Reality (= truth according to truth)

    It is a spiritual realm.  Physical reality is fiction based on a lie

    Jesus said the Truth will set you free. If you are here you do not have the truth!

    Physical Existence = A Lie Believed in Soul  = a lie believed to be the truth because that is the only option we, as deceived spirits, accepted


    Look at the below figure of pruning patterns. I propose to modify present fruit tree and vine pruning patterns by creating square table top pruning patterns for fruit trees and square or rectangular pruning patterns for vines. Make the table-top about 3 to 4 ft thick.

    The benefits are many. Present pruning systems create a Christmas tree pattern or spherical or ball shape patterns. In these patterns the sunlight will at all times only shine on the surfaces exposed to the sunlight and give shadow patterned sunlight on leaves deeper within the outline pattern. Deeper within the outline the leaves receive less and less sunlight. Also, harvesting is more difficult because many of the fruit are located deeper within the outline form and must be extracted from there with more difficulty. Also, in these patterns sunlight is allowed to fall on the ground giving life-giving light to produce unwanted weed crops. The nozzles for spraying the trees must be modified to be placed above the foliage and spray down from above.

    However, in the table top patterns the fruit will always be underneath the canopy and thus much easier to harvest. One could design low box shaped motor-driven carts that move underneath the canopy and either automatically or hand harvest the fruit and drop them into the box-shaped cargo-area of the cart. The entire table top surface of the canopy will allow all the leaves to receive sunlight all day long. Fruit fertilizing insects can easier find the blossoms and one can spray the foliage from above. Also, unwanted weed crops will receive little or no sunlight. Harvest productions would be numerically increased; and I cannot see any disadvantages to this system of pruning. In the beginning in shaping the tabletop shape one can keep in the center of the trees a conical shape to receive a greater amount of sunlight. When the branches are conformed to the intended table-top shape one can get rid of the cones. I use bamboo sticks and twine to help get the young branches to grow in a horizontal plane for trees and wire and rope with vines.

    However, this manner of pruning and shaping the trees or vines is best on more or less level pieces of land. When the slope of the land on which the trees / vines grow increases beyond about 10 degrees one is better off to return to the Christmas / conical type shape of the trees.

    Hans van Krieken: April 26, 2019

    new agricultural pruning method 

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    "Doing" is a physical activity          

    We are in this world to “do”. Do is all we can “do”. Every moment and instant of our physical awareness we “do”. It is utterly impossible in physical reality to not “do”. When we sleep we “do” and when we are in a coma we “do”! In order to “be” one has to be present in spirit. To be or not to be is a matter of awareness. As long as we believe to be physical creatures we cannot recall to “be” eternal spirits. That is the way the game has been rigged for those who incarnate in physical reality over and over again. We cannot “be” in physical reality because it is a mere virtual reality. We believe to be here because we are in a coma in true reality. We dream to have physical awareness! Get That! And, physical reality, and all programs for computers, are solely based on activity / doing. All our computer games are based on doing, nothing else!

    The real entity “you” is an entity in spirit. The human person is only an impression soul has of ‘being’ by playing/being human (and “playing” is a form of “doing”) every moment of being (aware) in physical reality.

    By doing things as physical beings we believe we actually “be”. But we are not in physical reality as spirits. We only pretend to be physical creatures because we were deceived or brainwashed as spirits in reality. The physical universe is the alternative to being present in spirit.

    Jesus made that clear. He said he always “is”. He means he knows he cannot die because he knows and understands that he is eternal spirit. Humans do not have certainty to be a spirit because they do die; so they always doubt. Doubters are not! Only those who have absolute certainty “are”, and will always “be”.

    Praising god is a form of doubting. You fear not to praise him so in your doubt you praise god. All that is needed, though, is to understand and know that you are a deluded spiritual being when present in physical reality and that the one you praise is the one who deceived you. By praising god you place more importance on being human than on being a spiritual entity.

     All physical creatures are so involved in “doing” and in being present in physical reality they have utterly forgotten that they “are” spirits in true reality. When you are in a coma, physically or spiritually, you actually can be in two places at the same` time – one real and one pretended. Think about that! 

    If you do not refer this site to your friends you do them a sever spiritual disservice..

    Hindus and Buddhists proclaim universal consciousness but that consciousness still equates spiritual unconsciousness.

    Deceits in action, no matter their coloration or form of holiness, are a form of psychedelic drugs and mental feces.

    Deceit in any form stinks up to high heaven.

    The book, "The Truth About Reality" is the most important book in the universe!

                 Click to read articles and some book pages
     Many new articles added since 06 21-2011

    Help get the states to obsolete the institution of marriage in America. It causes too much trauma, hate and heart-rendering heartache and financial disaster for all involved.

     For men:

    To begin; Sex is something god of physical reality got us involved with after the fall while souls believing that god in paradise is the liar and souls taking the liar as truth-sayer. Sex is for procreation and therefore done excessively often by us. It is a silly thing and therefore a thing never to be talked to others about. It is another unwritten law of god that when violated brings an almost unforgivable deep sin with it. It is always utterly private, especially in marriage.

    Let me start with a schedule of frequency of intercourse for men that will keep you healthy and fit into your old age. Boys and men who need to have many ejaculations to satisfy themselves in their youth can do damage to their prostate glands. Too frequent orgasms in a day, week and month kept up for long periods of time will enlarge the prostate that can lead to prostate cancer.

    This schedule of ejaculations that I have worked out will keep the doctor and the surgeon away.


    Ages from 10 to 16 years of age            no more than 7 ejaculations/orgasm per week

    Ages from 17 to 25 years of age           no more than 5 ejaculations per week

    Ages from 26 to 45 years of age           no more than 4 ejaculations per week

     Ages from46 to 65 years of age            no more than 3 ejaculations per week

    Ages from 66 to 80 years of age           no more than 2 ejaculations per week

    Age 80 and up                            no more than 1 or 2 ejaculations per week

    85 years and over                       one ejaculation every 12 days. I believe that the early death of our past male forebears was due to too many ejaculations.


    The problem with the prostate is that it needs a time of rest in order to make the prostate fully functional again. Too many ejaculations per day or week will stress the prostate into dangerous overstress

    It takes way above average maturity and wisdom to accept each other over long time spans as life's partners

    Another important concern is that about 45% of divorces are religion-related. Women are too modest and can begin to hate her husband simply because he is trying to satisfy his sexual aptitude and enjoyments with his wife, but because of religious concerns of the woman she hates what he tries to do. That hate spreads through all her other engagements with her husband and to the children.

    In starting a new relationship women perform willingly and with calculated pleasure; but that wears off in shorter or longer time. Beware when you marry a woman of your dreams, especially when both of you are in your late thirties and early forties, that sex will not be as good as when you just started the relationship. This is not always true, but it is common enough of a problem.

    A sexually frustrated married man may get roving eyes, so a couple must discuss their sexual appetite, activity and frequency of sex so that either party knows what to expect and that will satisfy her as well as you.  A woman with unresolved sex frustrations begins to hate her man. A man must hold the reins in and she, in good faith, should step up to the plate a little to keep a good relationship good. Everything in a marriage depends on willing to support each other and to hell with the little frustrations each of you may have. The goal is to save the marriage and create a happy environment for the children, who, by the way, should never be spoiled.

    If a woman is oversexed, don’t stay in the relationship too long. She can’t help getting into other relationships, and you all will end up being hurt. She has no strings to keep her marriage on an even keel. To her sex is like a dedicated sport, the "play" of sex suffers and play is what men want.

    Men have become the weak gender! Now that the world is run on push buttons and computers, women are in charge. They are more competitive than men. They are savvy. They have the law solidly behind them against men. A woman can get a man into serious trouble just by accusing him rightly or falsely of abuse or rape. We have now women police, lawyers and judges. Even politics have been taken over by them. They have these kind of jobs because they are women-libbers. Who can expect impartiality from them! Women are more scheming, more vicious than venomous snakes. And it denotes one sign that the end of the age is near. That does not mean that there are not a good many splendidly good women. But we can’t tell by looking at them and that should scare the hell out of any man.

    The big problem is sex. Men cannot do without it and women use sex often, as a means of strategy. So, even there the game is rigged.

    And that is not any one’s fault. It just is the way the god’s have rigged the game. They have their purpose and their purpose is what human life is all about. I am beginning to be more convinced that god rigs many activities and things we, as humans like too much; such as orgasms, drugs, dangerous activity and such. I believe this is true for men and women. So to speak people can actually orgasm themselves to death. Anything we do overactively will be a big factor in determining the final cause of our life. Without determination to keep your desires, activities and proclivities strictly under control will shorten your life. Pace everything you do. You don’t have to be the best. Being too addicted to anything will cost you in the end. – and the end is already not too far off.


    Just remember, every married man over fifty knows: Happy wife—Happy life

    Be very cautious to make up your mind to marry. The benefits of marriage hardly ever outweigh the trouble of it all; and in the end you lose everything you put into the marriage: emotions, hard work, expectations, concessions, your self-respect, standing in the family and among your friends, savings, your children, and your children’s respect for you, and much more! Basically a man can never satisfy all the “needs” and religion-motivated modesty requirements of the average religious woman. Also, you will almost surely lose your long-standing job, and after all that you’ll run the risk of being exposed to every sexual/social/drug-culture/disease out there..

    A wife can begin to hate you within the first year and once that hate is established it never goes away but intensifies. Women can hate men deeper and with more gusto than the devil. There is no fury more severe than a woman scorned (at least in her opinion).. A woman under thirty-three does not know which end is up, and after that they lose all sense of emotional reality.

    The terrible problem is that not by far every marriage is an unhappy one. So, men gamble as men hope that they fall into this happy group. Try as you may, the reality of the matter is that your chances are slim. Women do not really like to entertain men sexually. After some years of marriage sex is like work to them, yet they do not contemplate that the man goes to work every day to provide all the family needs and the special shopping needs of the wife. There is almost always a hidden agenda at work with women.

    They want to marry to get away from the parental home or they are competing with women friends to get married. They may be gold-digging and hope to win a rich man or a man with good prospects to do well; too many reasons to list them all. We truly love, but women are always slightly unsatisfied and calculating. And don’t ever forget the everlasting honey-do lists in a marriage.

    I would seriously suggest that a young man is better off having affairs that means nothing seriously or seeing a reliable prostitute once a week and take care of your more urgent needs for ejaculations through masturbating. Life is much more enjoyable, and the money you’d be saving on a daily basis outweighs the severe costs of maintaining a family that will be lost to you in 5 to 10 years after your wedding with all the cost of child support and possible alimony and divorce procedures. A Wedding is now not much more than a pre-divorce party. Save yourself all the bother.

    I am not just writing about my experience only. I have talked to a lot of divorced men. The stories are almost always the same. I believe that about 65% of married men are sexually stifled by their spouses and I am sure that about 70% of Americans are psychologically, clinically depressed. What an unhappy situation for the most affluent and educated country in the world.

    I have been there. I have experienced the absolute worst and the very best in my marriages. The first marriage, with a wife 2 years younger was absolute hell. She even tried to abort my second son on the sneak. My second marriage is only heaven. She is 17 years younger than I and I could not wish for a better partner in life.

    My first marriage lasted 15 years and the last 6 years she had an affair with a friend (?) of mine. Beware of bringing friends into the family! The two intervening years between the marriages was spent in many short affairs. These two years were a serious emotional and psychological recovering time for me. I am still always wondering, after knowing my present wife for 40 years, why with all my love, efforts and investments in my first marriage; horses for my wife and my children, life in the San Francisco coastal mountains, why she had such deep-seated never-ending hate against me. I have come to the conclusion that it is what god intended for me to experience.

    I am sorry to have to write this but divorces are too easy and they leave behind too much hurt, damage and financial difficulties and torn lives. Someone has to speak up and out. Take this writing for what it is worth, but in my opinion marriage has lost its principle value; to protect the woman, take care of the children and provide the environment for a happy family life. Women do not need us men to take care of them anymore. They now earn more money than us little people. If I were the parents of a girl to be married, I would insist on a clause in the marriage contract or in a separate document that if the marriage ends in divorce before 20 years have elapsed, the to be married couple owes the parents the cost of the wedding + 5% interest yearly back. That will make a wedding and marriage a much more solemn occasion and arrangement. I don't mind paying for a wedding but then it'd better be a real, lasting marriage.

     The sincerity behind Marriage has become obsolete. People do not take sincerity seriously anymore.

    In its stead, I propose that the states incorporate relationship permit offices that issue relationship licenses that are legally valid for the first 3 years and thereafter are valid for 5 years somewhat like driver’s licenses. The first 3 years would be a good period to see if the partners can live together peacefully and with love and play and without pregnancy and with separate bank accounts. Couples could still marry before a member of the clergy, but the phrase ". . . until death do us part" must be deleted from the vows (let us not try god anymore) and separation would simply be done by not refiling for a license, and state arbitrators are still responsible to resolve any child, chattel and currency issues. This would be a good time to renegotiate under what terms each of the partners would continue the relationship. There is no better time. The two know each other pretty well by then, and can make more realistic terms. Just prior to renewal of each following license would also be a good opportunity to reestablish good working relationship for the next five years.

    Then after renewal of the vows after the first license children are welcome into the family. This relationship office/agency also contains an arbitration bureau which deals with such matters as child support and value-assets distribution between the parents of the child(ren) after the permit lapses and is not renewed. I have made such proposals to representatives of the legislatures of North and South Carolina. I have never heard back from them but people should insist that in their own states such permit offices would be instituted and the institution of marriage abolished. I had included in these proposals a lot of detail as to how such an arrangement could be administrated. Since the license has a termination date, all the participants have to do is renew the permit/license and the relationship is good for another five years. This would also be a good opportunity for the couple to renew their vows, if such were used before or just have one at renewal which give rise to a celebration, every five year. These licenses would be equally valid and binding for heterosexual and homosexual couples.

    On the other hand, if either party wants to call it quits immediately, all he/she has to do is not sign up for another permit. This concludes the relationship legally, but not necessarily if one party tries to force-sever ties of love and respect between the other party’s relationships to child(rn). The arbitration department will continue to have jurisdiction for another five years with power to levy fines to the guilty party or parties if malicious gossip involved other perpetrators to damage the relationship(s) between parent and child(rn) as happened in my case.

    If the parties to a permit to a relationship would keep separate bank accounts and keep a common budget for maintaining the household during the 3-year lasting first permit there would be little need for an arbitrator , but the arbitrator would have to sign the final arranged at division of property and both parties would be held to that decision. Of course, if one party wants the relationship validity to be terminated earlier than the permit lapsing date that party would have to file for a divorce in court and that party would be held accountable for all court costs.

    I tried to reestablish relations with one child but the relationship broke down 15 years after the divorce. This child also told his wife-to-be about the lies told about me by my ex-wife and family. I never had my son's wife's respect at all. From the minute we met she treated me with extreme disdain. I tried for an additional 15 years to reestablish relations with my other child, but 30 years after the divorce that relationship also broke down completely. That child’s wife was also told about the lies his mother told about me well before he married her; and that woman would always leave the room as soon as I came into it. She would never share a meal with me and never spoke a word to me, and all that also in front of my parents.

    So, like the story of Adam and Woman, I experienced exactly what God went through after the serpent told a lie that broke up god’s relationship between himself and Adam and Woman. Lies like that spread and they become, well, like the truth. Children never recover from that, not even after thirty years. They are like dead to me now. I have not spoken to one child for 25 years and the other ten years. And I have not have had any relationships with my children’s children as well.

    That is why it so important that the law will protect the children from such severe malice.

    One of the problems with formal marriages is that it drags family members and other people into the marriage that later on can cause severe trouble towards one or both spouses. A person falls in love with one person, but after marriage a spouse would have to face the hostility of the other spouse’s relations with innuendo that are often the cause for a later break-up of the family that always, already is loaded with hardship, and all other kinds of trouble.

    Naturally, couples can still marry before a member of the clergy or before the mayor; but then they are also subject to the divorce laws, family disputes etc.

    My idea needs all of your support, so let’s get busy to get this idea incorporated in daily life. It will save a lot of heartache, misery, hate and will create/promote acceptable relationships between the child(ren) and each of the parents.

    For men: help get the states to obsolete the institution of marriage in n America. It causes too much trauma, hate and heart-rending heartache and financial disaster for all involved.                   Hans van Krieken 2 - 18 -2018 and revised on 6-15-2018            

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    Facts for us in America

    Government is supposed to be limited, but since governments can change the Constitution it is huge and overpowering. After the first ten amendments to the Constitution all amendments were instituted by governments. As long as governments can change the Constitution then the people have no Constitution and liberty is meaningless and liberty is not guaranteed. Do not forget, government is the enemy. The Constitution was created because governments were determined to always be the enemy! As long as we, the people, are subject to a personal federal income tax, we don't have liberty in America. When government can force people to do things under penalty of government issued laws for the benefit of government only, there can absolutely be no liberty in a country or state. Under no circumstances can government in a nation that prides itself on liberty for all, in a direct or indirect fashion or in any other fashion, be the plaintiff in a criminal action against a real human being.

    About the value of the US dollar we can say the following:

    The nations of the world lie knee-deep in US dollars. The Dollar is by very far the most inflated currency about. Its true value should be about one thousandth of a penny but miraculously it is holding its value in the world market of currencies. The trick is to inflate the currency worldwide, not just within the USA. US government has been giving away and is giving away, give or take, trillions of dollars under pretenses of necessity to under-developed nations and nations tending to go over to the communist block over the last 80 years or so. Over the same approximate time period US exports showed trade deficits in the range of 150 billion to 250 billion dollars a year. Fighting foreign wars since 1940 is nothing more than a hidden form of foreign aid planned by government. In Vietnam we built hospitals, hydroelectric dams in large rivers, airfield and much more. All US bases in foreign countries are a big steady drain on the dollar currency at home because military personnel spend recreational money in the war-torn areas they are stationed. The pay for the soldiers fighting there are mainly spent in the nations where our armies are fighting. It is known that to maintain our armies in the Middle East cost the US taxpayers 750 to 800 billion dollars a day (maybe this figure is wrong, but still a huge drain on the US dollar currency. These wars have only adverse effects for us because it makes the local people where we fight these wars create terrorists cells which come home to us, it causes such devastations at home as as 9-11, rules that cause the travelers to be scrutinized when getting on a plane, a passenger ship, or going to theaters, court houses, etc. Government certainly does these things not for our benefit but for its own. The only benefactors of wars is government and its secret plans, never the people. The personal federal income tax is now already for 73 years utterly illegal because it was installed as the victory tax after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Its enforcement by law was set for 2 years to win the 2nd WW. The tax ended 2 years after its enactment but the IRS just keeps on collecting the tax and sending thousands to jail who object. Give the federal government, who is not a part of the United States the right to tax state citizens and you have plain suppression of the people. It is a scandal and truly is the largest heist this international crime syndicate has taken from the people who trust it.

    All these things caused the US dollar to become the world trade currency. As we know most of the foreign aid money ended up in the pockets of the super powerful and the rich of these poor nations. It stand thus to reason that no foreign power would insist that the US devalues its currency. Germany in super excess and Argentina in excess inflated their currencies with devastating effect on their economies. Local inflation thus must fail, but if one is capable to inflate the currency on a world-wide basis it will succeed glamorously.

    The real problem is though that although the entire world is using the dollar for trade, it is only the American people who are responsible for the national debt and for the interest on the enormous size of the debt.

    When a witness in a criminal trial is in witness protection suddenly meets death through violence or unlikely accident then the person on trial should lose all rightful protection that the Constitution provides. The accused is then tried with only a preponderance of guilt to have committed the crime or to have given the order to have the crime committed; this, of course also should also be valid when loved ones or intimates to the witness are held for ransom, killed or in any other way threatened. As a matter of fact it should not really matter whether the witness is in the witness protection program because if this rule would apply to any witness that dies before he/she could testify the accused loses all right under the Constitution. It would do away with most cases of people in witness protection. This rule makes its budget very small. The accused must now make sure the witness stays healthy and alive. In addition, the accused should now face murder charges for the death of a potential witness as well. This is, of course, only for spectacular trials where top officers of crime syndicates are placed on trial and who would have all the ways and means to kill potential hostile witnesses of the accused.

    It is preposterous that government has taken the right unto itself to argue cases involving the government. That is exactly why the Constitution has lost its power to be the voice of the people. Government cannot violate people on its own authority, ever!

    The way it ought to be done is that cases in which government is accused of violating the Constitution the cases ought to be remanded to the people. Government is always prima fascia guilty. A three-year-long seated special grant jury to which are added two nonvoting Constitution law experts must resolve suspect previously established case law. The experts must be independent practitioners of law not employed by or agents hired by government. They have no voting rights and are not present during the voting process. Thus, voting is done in the absence of the experts, but if questions come up during the voting process, both experts are granted to give their insight on the matter.

    We must remember that “we, the people”, must always be in charge of the intent and purpose of the Constitution. The Supreme Court, thus is barred from participating in any way or manner. Presently the court officers on the case decide law and the jury decide on facts. Wrong! Constitution issues are always the responsibility of a jury of we, the people.

    We, the people, cannot ever allow the government to sway the intent and purpose of the Constitution declared by we, the people!

    There should be no repeal from the decision of the Grand Jury or the SGJ mentioned below.

    The damage done to this intent and purpose of the Constitution by government has caused these to contravene this intent and purpose over the last 240 years.

    People of America, please cause a national voting action that gives the people the right to investigate and alter case law on Constitution issues of all previous president-setting case law that give rights and or powers to government, and also involving cases where government did lose the case but brought Constitution issues forward on which it could rely in future cases. This special Super Grant Jury (SGJ) panel ought to consist of about 3 dozen people chosen at random by another party than government and a panel of two independent Constitution law experts, who must place the rights of the people before those of government. All amendments should also be investigated on matters where government acquired rights and powers over the people. The original Constitution gave government enough income gathering measures to fund itself perpetually. Why should it not stick to those rules? It would well provide government to fund itself.

    The Grand Jury with ten year-tenure passes its suspect case law findings onto this Super Grant Jury and the latter panel will cause changes to the Constitution to protect the people better from encroachment by government on the rights and duties of the people. Both these special juries are impaneled for ten years at a time until all suspect case law and amendments have been resolved. If there are suspicions on the jury that someone is a government or One World Order infiltrator on the panel. A majority vote of the panel can have the person expelled and a new person voted in by them.

    Thus, in summary, this Super Grand Jury (SGJ) can nullify case law and restore the Constitution to its original or hopefully better state; and, furthermore, It can alter the intent and purposes of the Constitution and/or its amendments beyond the tenth (because these were all instituted by [state] government, probably in conspiracy against the people) so that it absolutely prevents government from messing with the Constitution again. As soon as this SGJ has made a change, it will be immediately in effect.

    One change should be that state governments cannot ever vote an amendment into law that gives federal government right and power over the people. People should vote that kind of amendment into law.

    One can only belong to one taxation and criminal jurisdiction, that being either state or federal. If citizens are forced to belong to several government taxation and criminal jurisdictions there is suppression present from government(s) toward the citizen(s). And a very important issue is that juries are there for the certainty of justice for the accused of the people.

    Tax regulations should never give government power over the people. Taxes should be so regulated that private citizens go free of having to pay them directly. Juries are not there for the use and convenience of governmental criminal justice system. Grand Juries can only find enough evidence to issue a trial for crimes committed to one or more of the "We, the People". Presently, most IRS attorneys go to the grand jury to give evidence for indictment of people who it claims are guilty of trespassing IRS regulations (which should never apply to people ‒ maybe to corporations but never to one of We, the People). Juries are part of the common-law system while all government statutes should, and must apply only to members of government and of how government should be run.

    The problem with people convicted in court of a supposed federal income tax "crime" get a minimum of a two year prison sentence. That makes tax crimes felony crimes. So, when such a convict gets back on the street his career and prospects of a career are over. Felons cannot get suitable employment anymore because convict's standing in the community is utterly destroyed. Most are divorced while in prison. His children have been solidly brainwashed against the felon. He gets out and he is naked with no support anywhere. That is the real crime of government against the people. Government is the criminal, not those convicted of an income tax crime!

    Government statutes cannot ever apply in a criminal jurisdiction to one of "We, the People. No matter what arguments government wants to (or believes it can) bring forward to gain access to the grant jury or to gain equity-jurisdiction on a prospective case against one of "We, the People" the clear intent  of inherent protection of the people from government encroachment overrides all argument. Government has made the intent of the Constitution a mockery through equity-law manipulation of the judicial process, often by Supreme court rulings.

    And while the SGJ (Super Grand Jury) is at work, it should investigate how deep the US government is involved with the One World Order conspiracy into which some several trillion dollars of federal income tax extortion went and that has cost the death of some 200,000,000 people in the Civil War, the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean war, Vietnam war and untold many other involvements of American Armed forces interventions and the establishment of Israel on Arabic soil and the misguided Islam terrorist wars. The 40 year long Cold War was also a One World Order item to create such a scare about nuclear holocaust wars that the people would happily embrace a OWO to be safe of such horror. I have no proof, but I think the CIA was established to ascertain the planned progress of the plans of this world-wide conspiracy. Terrorists may be funded by America through front inside front, inside false fronts by American interests and handled through the CIA.

    I saw the movie "Red Joan". I believe this is a fabrication of history to hide the fact that the US sent tons of nuclear research  material to Russia via the diplomatic poach from a military airfield in Washington State during the second world war.

    I am not particularly against such a One World Order but for government to actually get involved in this on a mega scale without the consent of the people is high treason. Government(s) ought not to be able to grant powers over the people to any government.  State and federal enforcement agencies ought not to be be able to collude with one another in cases of a federal tax law issue against a private state citizen. A corporation is just one entity on paper, how come that a corporation or a government agency, masquerading as a corporate entity, can bring many of its employees as witnesses against a private citizen? One corporate entity allows for one witness. The IRS has legally incorporates itself in all the states to get court standing to arrest state citizens.   Hans van Krieken    4-2018

    For purchases of my books go to Search for Hans van Krieken

    People who come across or in contact with the book "The Truth About Reality, Beyond God and Religion" by Hans van Krieken; and who do not buy the book in whatever format are doomed. Without what I have to tell them; and without trying to understand the true message they remain spiritually dead. You would be dying their duty and choice to choose!


    There is a physical reality of matter and there is an entirely different universe, also physical but composed of anti-matter. These two universes exist neatly nested inside each other. Yin and Yan (the spiritual lie and the spiritual truth) exist together and the merging of the two ought to obliterate physical reality and implode into inner peace.  Here is another indication that spiritual truth and spiritual lie cannot be merged because all would be annihilated. The spiritual truth and the spiritual lie are in a yin-yang relationship that keeps physical reality in place.

    There are spiritual and physical universes and when they collide or merge all sort of physical reality disappears into utter nothingness. The only dichotomy, after all, that will not be utterly destroyed is "the truth and the lie". When they merge truth will remain standing and the lie vanishes. The truth is the spirit of the true god. So, his reality must remain for it is his spirit and character and without it there would be utter spiritual nothingness.

    Physical realities exist because spiritual beings believed a lie about spirit, so they either choose not to be part of the spirit of truth or they were simply ejected from the spirit of truth because it clashed with the lies they believe. Whom souls (in humans) believe to be their god is a liar. You can only believe a liar, because in true spirit you can only know the true god ‒ not believe in him

    This liar exists in nothingness because that spirit definitely destroyed his only realm of being; that is: his participation in the spirit of truth. So, as a liar, he is together with us (those who believed his lies) in absolute nothingness. Spirits are eternal. So, to be anywhere at all, the false god and the lie-believers together fashioned physical reality as a collective dream-state of being.

    All physical realities must eventually vanish because the spirit of truth will and must be revealed. I am that revealer or, rather, my books are. For those who accept the truth of my message physical reality will vanish, because a person existing in anti-matter reality (like the mirror images of our reality) will receive the same message and the two will collide and for them matter and antimatter will merge and annihilate the dream state, revealing the only reality possible, the spirit of truth of the true god

    If you do not trust that I write in good faith no god will have mercy on your soul. The false god, after all, is part of the true god’s reality and he does exactly as he is told to do by the god of truth. The false god is the true god’s drilling sergeant and is separating the spiritual wheat from the chaff. Those who will comprehend and trust what I am saying will be redeemed to true spirit; many Christians end up in Heaven (a temporary abode that keeps the saved from descending into the deeper strata of hell, the rest will end up in true reality’s garbage can; existence in physical animal-conceived reality. My book is the only thing standing between you and being eventually relegated to animal existence and dirt. You will not ever come in contact with the spirit of god.

    I am not claiming to be Jesus or god. I am not claiming that I am greater than Jesus, Muhammad the prophet, Buddha, evolution and the god you might believe in, but rather, the knowledge that is laid down in my book and in this site is from hard-learned experience, wisdom and from god.

    Those who do not accept Jesus as their savior and who do not trust me are nothing and will remain nothing. If you do not trust me the spirit of the lie will retain its strong hold over you so that once you receive your inheritance in animal existence the truth will not and cannot ever reclaim you. Animals have become 100% physical and no god can ever enter into their sphere of thought. Animals are utterly abandoned -- in hell for ever.            

    Hans van Krieken     3 - 15 - 2018

    Imagine to Be What You Want to Be   By Hans Van Krieken |  



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    hans at 41 years  

    Hans van Krieken, now (in Dubrovnik)

      Hans van Krieken on his sailboat

    Hans van Krieken; then

    Haans at 11 

    Hans at age 11

    We are all spiritual beings at soul. If you believe in a spiritual lie you are, forever, addicted to the lie; and you cannot escape from that realm of deceit; or rather I should say, your chances are extremely slim to escape from a lie believed in spirit. Bible: Genesis 2 and 3); and totally impossible to do so on your own physical and mental capacities. The lie ejects you from spiritual reality into a virtual reality (physical reality); and simultaneously closes a self-locking door preventing escape back into true reality. Without help, that spiritual door back out to reality is hermetically closed and sealed. Jesus and I are that help! I just saw an old movie "The Houseboat", where Cary Grant stars as father of three children, and Sofia Loren as a maid to care for these kids. A scene in this movie highlights the constant-changing flux of our reality.

    His oldest son in the movie asked him why creatures had to die. Cary said something very deep to his son. "To make room for the new; the old must give way to new life because in nature everything always changes and turns things again to new.

    "Some day", he continues, "I must die and my life force will leave my body. Consider that the water in the pitcher is the life force in me. Do you see the water in the pitcher?" "Yes", says his son. "Now, son, pick up the pitcher and pour out the water in the river. Go ahead; do it!" The son pours out the water in the river. "You see; all the water is out of the pitcher. Just as my life force one day will leave me. But is the water gone?" "Yes", says the son. "Not really", the father answers to that, "it is out of the pitcher but now it is added to the water in the river. Now the life force is again in a great reservoir of life force from whence it goes again into another newly born creature. See!"

    Now, I continue this narrative out of the scene of the movie and away from the entire movie.

    A bit of that water, representing the father's life force, will eventually drain into the soil of the earth. There it may be drawn up into the root system of a tree, helping the tree maintain itself.

    Another bit of water will evaporate and eventually may become vapor in a cloud. Once the vapor condenses and gathers together into drops of water, it turn into rain and some ends up again in plants, another bit drains away into ground and is pumped into a drink-water reservoir. People and domesticated animals drink it and that bit of water thus nurtures existing life.

    Some other bit of water (still part of the original life force of the father) flows in the river into the sea. You see things change all the time and every bit of it nurtures life and helps create new life.

    The father in this movie, and everybody else, believe that all life force in the universe is caught in the universe and it cannot escape from the universe. You might say, the universe is a trap or holding pen for life force.

    This is true, but it is only part of the picture. Life force is trapped in a higher plane; and it is practically impossible for Life Force up there to escape this realm of virtual reality because it is trapped in negative spirit- -a virtual spiritual reality.

    Now what is negative spirit? Negative spirit is a virtual realm in true spirit. Negative spirit is derived from true spirit but it is not a real part of it. Why not? It is because negative spirit was created by inserting a lie-believed in the understanding of an entity/being, or several entities existing in true reality. Believing a lie about a realm of ultimate truth means that you have not only rejected a part of ultimate reality but utterly rejected true reality as a whole. If you cannot trust a bit of all reality you cannot trust anything in true reality at all. You have thus been evicted from true reality, or rather- -you evicted yourself.

    What has really been evicted is the awareness of being! The body (bodies) is (are) part of true reality, or as I call it positive spirit. The bodies cannot disappear because these are real- - not imaginary; just as water poured from a pitcher cannot disappear. The water still exists but it is not anymore in the pitcher. It is the mind, the spiritual Life Force that is aware of reality that disappeared.

    The Life Force (this awareness of being in paradise) in that spiritual body who believed a lie has been poured out of the body, but the body is still there. As you can see the pitcher that held the water is still on the table. Where did the awareness of being go? The only place it can go to is to a realm demarcated from true reality. This special area is imaginary reality, or what I call negative spirit. If you believe a lie you have left reality and you are now present in some fantasy, Because what you believe now and understand now is not truth but it is fiction. It has no substance in reality. What the serpent meant by stating, "That is not true, you will be like god", means thus that Adam and Woman, after partaking of the forbidden tree, could devise their own reality, the universe; and thus they can be like the true god himself- -a creator.

    The problem is that spiritual entities and also people believing in lies must believe ever more lies to anchor the primary lie-believed. Those who are subject to lies they believe in a different reality from those not believing a lie.

    People like to talk about humans having 'free will' but I believe that is not so; not humans but souls had a free will- -and they exercised that free will by believing a lie told them by the serpent in opposition to the advice given by the one who can only utter truth, god. Humans are under the illusion that they have free will but people's existence on earth is fully under the control of comatose souls who takes their direction from a liar.

    People are subject to too many musts in life. We are fragile people who must be careful not to injure ourselves or become sick and who must die; who must work, pay taxes, obey the innumerable amounts of law, eat, drink and sit on the pot.

    Everything we do, even when we sleep is a forced dramatization. No, people do not have free will at all.

    To differentiate spiritual entities who believe a lie and those who do not believe in lies I call the realm of awareness based on a primary lie negative spirit. Those who have not succumbed to believing a lie are in positive spirit. Creative agents in positive spirit may be aided in their creative plans by primary entities that will spread a lie for the purpose of good. Here thus, the authorities of positive spirit and of negative spirit work together to accomplish a certain good goal. These can be said to exist temporarily in zero spirit.

    As make-belief creator entities who are subject to lies-believed must continue to create, believe and realize more and more things of fantasy in their minds in order for the virtual reality to continue to work for them. That is the cause of constant change in physical awareness. Change, the effect of inventing ever more lies, keeps the game environment and the games going.

    Biological creatures believe in spirit, but they have an inverted understanding of spirit. They believe that negative spirit is all there is and they call it good. Then, to allow an origin for all the evil abroad in physical reality they recognize a devil, who is an entity under the god of the universe but ordinarily does things against the will of god; and often against the desires of the people. Physical creatures are completely unaware that whatever they recognize as spirit is fantasy. They cannot imagine a level of true spirit that surrounds negative spirit on all sides. They can thus also not imagine a highest level creator upon whom all other sorts of creations rest.

    In fact, there may be other serpents lose in paradise who will deceive spiritual entities into negative spirit, but whose personal designs result in some sort of universe whose natural laws are completely different from those of the physical universe.

    The internet is like a negative spirit in the greater realm of physical awareness. The internet is capable of supporting billions of special realms called websites. Each website can be compared to a special universe. Netflix, Amazon and eBay begin to resemble universes.

    What I am saying is that the existence of the physical realm proves that innumerable other types of universes exist in greater negative spirit all existing on special rules and laws that make it an integrated environment for other types of creatures.

    Creatures, and souls, believing in non-reality/fables are kind of insane because they have left the sanity of reality and are thus off in La-La land. They have left the realm of reality/positive spirit and have entered non-reality or negative spirit. Once you are present in negative spirit you cannot find back positive spirit at all because in your awareness it has become a lie or fiction. So, once you are in fantasy land you may believe or not believe anything people tell you. But whatever they tell you is based on a lie; or really, it is based on complete fantasy.

    All souls attached to animal creatures believe in the validity of their own physical environment. Animals could not exist if the souls projecting them were not in agreement with the ground rules and tenets that allow animals to exist in raw nature. The soul of a deer knows that it is possible prey for another type of animals. There is a spiritual agreement among souls that allows nature to function as we experience it all around us.

    Now, in our fantasy land there are people believing this, or that, or whatever; but whatever they believe is based on mere lies. This all becomes extremely complicated because certain groups of people believe this set of lies, another group of people believe another set of lies and many other groups believe other systems of lies. A system of lies is called a sustained propaganda campaign.

    Moreover any person or group of persons can declare any kind or set of rule(s) at all to which all who are subject to this person or group of people must adhere; and these rules can change at any time without much notice ─ human laws/our understanding of natural laws and weight loss diets.

    Whatever all the people existing in greater negative spirit in a realm of fiction known as the physical universe (you, me, and everybody else) believe is mere propaganda. Nothing is true, but inside the perimeter of the campaign its tenets are held to be true and they are acted and reacted on as if it is the truth. Whatever people believe, such as teachers, ministers, scientists, politicians- -everybody- -is mere fantasy. No one in earth or in the universe knows the truth of the matter of true spirit. We are all lost from true reality because we all believed a lie in true/positive spirit; and that false belief launched us out of reality into the realm of lies-believed or negative spirit- -something more powerful than anti-matter generators or engines, I would say.

    People of different persuasions in religion, politics, and theology, systems of law or ideologies become so polarized in their particular systems of belief that they start making war on one another in order to forcefully convert non-believers into believers of their systems of lies-believed.

    War demands that one wins from one's opponent; so nations start making ever more powerful weapons of offense and defense with the end result that weapons of such incredible destructive power and enormous ability to kill now fill the armories and ever-alert weapon systems of all the major ideologically-differentiated nations of the world.

    Whatever happens in future wars, whether the people of the earth blow up the world and kill everybody on it, it does not really matter because nothing of value has been destroyed.

    Fiction is fiction; and fiction is naught. Fiction is not a part of reality- -it can never be a part of reality. Fiction is only imaginary; nothing of value can be destroyed in an imaginary war. Whatever was destroyed cannot disappear. Life-force is still life-force and matter remains matter. Therefore, those who believe in lies in spirit still need an imaginary playing ground to act in because as long as they believe in the original spiritual lie they cannot escape from fantasy land- -as long as they believe in the original lie they cannot return to reality. They will be eternally stuck in physical reality /Fantasy Land, /Hades

    In fantasy land you can believe anything you want. The world is fantasy land and in it people believe almost anything- -from old wives tales, religious belief systems, ideologies, politics and whatever else people believe in.

    All these belief systems create a playing field in which everybody again becomes completely caught up until some future war will blow everything up or until the continents sink into the ocean or a meteor splatters earth all over creation. See, it all does not matter; as long as souls believe in the original lie they will have a new earth and a new heaven- -but again all in fantasy land- -the universe.

    The only route of escape is to catch up with the original lie-believed ─ to understand that it is a lie -believed still in your souls. Then you must refuse to be part of this lie-believed and you must then realign yourself with the original truth. This process completed in earnest is called by Jesus redemption- -not in the spirit of negative reality, but in truth.

    How would you do such a thing? You would force yourself to disappear and become absolutely nothing in physical reality. This is a most scary thing; hence Jesus' statement that very few will find the narrow and hidden way back to true reality.

    It is like this; Jesus often said things about children like: when a child asked for bread you won't give it a rock or when your child asks for a fish you won't give it a snake and you have to be like a child, like this one because in the kingdom of heaven are only such as this child. it is now clear to me that it does not necessarily mean to be teachable, but to trust your parents completely: in thye kingdom, and those on earth who will enter into the kingdom must trust the father and thus Jesus, completely in all things. We do not do things wrong about which we have no understanding like little children but you are already forgiven and God's love will never diminish -- no matter what we do, as long as we do trust god like a little person loves and accepts the parents without any doubt at all. We are never alone; god always looks after us no matter what we think we did wrong!!!

    The path is hidden because it is beyond the comprehension of almost all people; and it is narrow because once you find it you must bring up the courage to self-annihilate in the only reality familiar to you- -fantasy-physical reality. Who is that entity that told you that original lie? It is the serpent of whom you can read in the Christian Bible, book Genesis in Chapter 3. This serpent is now your god. He is extremely clever and cunning and powerful. We call him by such names as Yahweh, Jehovah, Great Spirit, Allah, Brahman, and many other names. You are no match for him in any endeavor. That is why people fear him and worship him. However, this god has no point of contact or any other spiritual connection with the spirit in Jesus. Their connection lies in zero spirit, something normal spiritual entities such as Adam and Woman cannot get in touch with. Zero-spirit is a special creator-level of reality.

    In the entire history of the universe only two men uttered words of spiritual truth. Moses uttered truth in Genesis chapters 1 through 4 and a man Jesus- -or rather, the true/positive spirit in Jesus told mankind a secret message of spiritual truth. This message was not intended for mankind but for souls caught in negative spirit. Jesus hoped that the message would be relayed through human mind back to the dreaming soul! It is like when you dream, you sometimes remember some details from your dream in the morning.

    If Moses did not relate what happened in paradise, any truth Jesus told to us would have been in vain. Moses got to that truth through the god of truth. Of himself, he would have never been able to come to that. However, Moses did not understand the significance of that truth because if he would have understood the truth it would have been unnecessary for the spirit of truth to dwell among us. You dig! Moses could have told us; and because he did not do that it is proof that he did not comprehend what he told us.

    I mention the Bible of the Christians but, in fact, I am not a Christian because Christendom is just another false system of belief. People have never understood Jesus' true inner message- -the truth of reality- -and therefore Jesus was never understood. Therefore, also, all Christian creeds are based on mere fantasy.

    As you can see, then; there is truth according to the lie which is, for us as humans, the universe and us as cyber creatures believing in just about anything false in it, and with Jehovah as its owner. And secondly, there is truth according to the truth which is the truth before the propaganda campaign of the liar succeeded to deceive the spiritual entities in paradise.

    Yes, there is a paradise and there were two beings called Adam and Woman (A & E). They are no more because, as their true god told them they are dead because they disbelieved him in his warning to them; which dialog between god and them you can read in the Bible, Genesis, chapter 2; and the sales pitch the serpent gave Woman in Chapter 3. But just as humans consist of billions of cells, so A & E must also consist of billions of tiny spiritual cell entities. When A & E believed the serpent and ate from the fruit they were advised on not to eat, there were some entities in them that did not go along with the masses of cells that made up A & E but these were swept along with the rest into a spiritual coma that caused them to be unable to participate in true reality. Jesus was searching for these isolated tiny entities and try to convince them, at the time that this Age is almost complete to finally understand what he was saying so that they will realize that what they are dreaming spiritually in the coma hold a message of truth that they were, while slumbering, all along the way, in agreement with ─ Jesus’ inner message of spiritual truth was for just those few ears that could here the spiritual message, those inner eyes that could see the truth and a mind to comprehend what Jesus was telling them. I am that tiny little splinter and I want you to hear that truth from me now also. It will set you free in true spirit for sure, just as I have understood it so that we all together may end back up in true spirit together when we expire out of this virtual life which still has us too strong in its hold.

    Adam's and Woman's bodies in spirit are not dead. Their bodies lie in a coma in reality; their minds, so-to-speak, are absent in reality as these are stuck in virtual reality playing universe- -a sort-of computer game with the cellular mini-components of the minds of the Adam and Woman as souls, projecting human beings in the fictional environment "universe".

    Because Adam and Woman's minds have been disintegrated into their cellular structure, their minds are gone and, of themselves, these minds cannot apprehend the truth of the truth any more. The true god, the spirit in Jesus, had to come into the display of the universe to inform the temporary projections of cellular components of Adam's and Woman's mind (humans) to get real and understand that physical reality is but a fiction in which the realities of earth and heaven can, and will disappear; and can and will reappear again, and again and again because that is the only reality left open to them.

    In fiction everything and anything, at all, is possible, but in true reality there is but one truth; the reality of things as the true god created. What he says is truth. He is the living, creating Word! Anybody, at all, who contradicts this true god is a liar and is evicted from reality; and anyone believing a lie about this true god is evicted because they try to create things in opposition to the true god.

    Therefore, understand that souls project the universe, not on their own design, but according to the design of the deceiver. The deceiver uses these souls as spiritual slaves to continue to deploy and suspend the universe so the deceiver can continue to play god and lord over them.

    In truth, physical reality is supposed to be a spiritual learning experience, but also according to truth only those who truly learn the lesson completely are allowed to graduate. There are no shortcuts.

    I see the universe/negative spirit as a alcohol still wherein the alcohol is captured and treasured and all else (the dross) after the process is discarded. One can also see negative spirit as a link-trainer. One gets to learn being god in a make-belief environment so that when one fully understands what it takes to be a god one will be one; just as a person learning to 'fly' a link trainer perfectly in a certain amount of 'flying time' will graduate to flying real planes.

    Man, I hope you got it because from the extremely poor results of book sales I can say, I will be about the only one to get out of here -- is not my fault; I do my utter best for you to join me in truth! If you do not make it, you'll just have no excuse.

    PS: From reading these materials it is clear that you have the following to deal with: All Reality is according to the spiritual truth or nothing at all!

    The end of the world as we know it may very well be close at hand ‒ the reason? Jehovah hates the spiritual truth. Spiritual truth would annihilate or cripple his universe beyond repair; because the real truth will always vanquish the lie.

    I understand both Moses' truth and Jesus' follow-up on it. I and my wife, Carol, have the complete picture in spirit. Jehovah resents that.

    My articles and my book are now broadcasting that truth. To make it again disappear, Jehovah may very well be preparing the universe for a great upheaval to destroy the truth of my words from the fictional universe altogether, so that he can remain god and so that all remaining souls remain in his false jurisdiction. It may be your utter spiritual undoing. What he did instead, though; he shut the publisher of my book down and there are no more books available. So, I am in the process to convert all I have written in digitally available book forms through

    I am well into my 83rd year; my wife is 66. Time for you is thus of extreme essence if the world would disappear upon my death. You will have a little more time if the world will disappear upon or near my wife's death. Either way ─ do not play the fool any longer; it is not you but your soul that must understand the spiritual truth, but it must start with you as a sincere seeker.

    Like Free Masonry does to us in physical reality so does the universe hide the spiritual truth from us with a vengeance.

    You are welcome to copy & paste any article into your email and send them to friends, family, etc or to paste the link to articles in Face book, etc. Just include my name and website at the bottom of each article and then, if you appreciate what you have read in my web pages and/or you have made copies of one or more articles, you can pay for that privilege at the amount you want to show your sincere appreciation, even if you may not necessarily agree, because in spite of your opinion you do have learned a lot, please.

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    Don't let a few dollars stand in your way between life and utter death.

    the following picture was added on 11-16-2023

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    If you do not buy any of my books, then I cannot understand such stupidity but that's why humanity, almost en mass, will disappear into the everlasting trap of the living dead! That's the way it was planned from the beginning. Look at all animal life and plant life. It is your destiny, if you will not wise up! On these subjects there is no greater authority than I.

     Click to read more articles and book pages by Hans van Krieken Copyright by Johannes P. van Krieken and Carol A. van Krieken  All rights reserved revised: 4-24-2019