(Release Date: August 16, 2008) – Open your mind to new possibilities in
reality not anticipated before. Transform your understanding and
experience of life and of God through The Truth About Reality. Read on and learn from the author’s
comprehensive understanding of spirit and society.
The Truth About Reality--Beyond
god and Religion
deals with the dilemmas of physical life, our misplaced confidence in
religion, political humdrum, our very lives, relationships and with our
absolute ignorance of reality. We are kept in a state of ignorance
by our belief in a spiritual lie. The book explains how
the spiritual hierarchy operates, how it thinks; what it wants from us.
There has never been a book like
The Truth About Reality,
there never can be another like it. This one tells it all. It
presents radically new views on the reality of the universe, the gospel
of Christ, Christ, anti-Christ, Christendom and Hell. It brings to your
consciousness a clear understanding of what the spiritual heavens are
and what true redemption really means. It also paints, in clean bright
strokes, the difference between actual reality, fictional realities and
how a fictional reality can exist.
This book could never have been written in any other time-period. Its
detailed content will spark a new wave of debates regarding science,
religion, politics and humanity. The worst thing in life is to be led by
preconceived ideas. The best thing in your life is to read the book and
discover new concepts of true
reality! As a modern person you must have this book; the updated and
expanded version in PDF format is available from
About the Author
author was born in 1937 on Island Bangka, Indonesia and spent three
years in Japanese Concentration Camps. After the war he moved to
Netherlands and became shipmate in the merchant marine. He married
twice. He was spent decades in mechanical design and manufacturing
engineering. He now lives with his second wife of 25 years near
NC. Recently, he applied for
patent on the, not yet, published concepts for the fastest, most fuel
conserving motor, surfing and sailing hull possible.
That patent is now awarded to him.
In a
recent interview, the author stated that spirit is the only reality; and
that the universe is like an interactive, virtual reality displayed on
something like a spiritual computer. In truth, however, physical reality is the common
dream state of a set of deceived souls. Many such
views can be found in his book
Truth About Reality.
The Truth About Reality
* by
Hans van Krieken
Publication Date: 16 August, 2008
Radio talk show topics
about “The Truth about Reality”
The existence of the sexes in the several races and
species is conclusive proof that the Theory of Evolution is hogwash!
The universe does not exist in reality.
Through spiritual propaganda it became a figment of creatures'
collective imagination.
I speak openly. I have no hidden
political or religious agendas. You take what I offer; and I hope that
you will get a copy of the book; and that you will make the contents
your own.
I give you that
everybody alive is brainwashed (by education, social, bureaucratic,
and religious conditioning).
We are forced to receive,
and to believe and understand things according to the dictates of a
great multitude of authorities over us as babes, children, students,
young adults, citizens, workers, executives, spouses, members of
religious congregations and owners of businesses. The propaganda
conditioning never stops. We enforce social belief systems on each other––we brainwash each
other to see physical reality for what it is today. Without a common
(erroneous) view/understanding among physical creatures the universe is
not possible.
An adult ends up being a memory bank
of a wide spectrum of beliefs that have nothing to do with reality. The
souls of creatures, filled up with such belief systems enforce their
false beliefs on one another. These mutually enforced beliefs create the
impression of physical reality –it is utter spiritual bunk. It is as
foolish as the belief system enforced on society in the story of the
king who was made to believe that he wore the finest clothes; yet who
was completely naked. In both cases what is perceived as true is based
on a clever fabric of lies.
Deceit always creates a dichotomy of
identity between the forgotten or hidden true identity and the false one
adopted as true. I am quite sure that comatose people are heavily
engaged in an imagined dream reality. They are so involved because the
dream-reality seems so much better to them that they strongly resist
waking up. Our souls are in a similar situation.
I can thus discuss the following, and
many other topics that translate into dualities. Each
item can be discussed in a mere minute or can be expanded to 5 or more
minutes according to the active discourse between radio host, the
listeners and the author.
Dual nature
of the deceived spiritual entity
Dual nature
of Jesus Christ
Dual nature
government (US
government hides many of its sinister natures)
Dual nature
of the American states’ form of democratic government
Dual nature
of reality
Dual nature
of international banking
has woven another layer of spirit, Mammon, beneath the layer of
deceitful spirit of Jehovah. Mammon is in direct competition with god)
Dual nature
of god (Jehovah, Allah, Brahman, etc)
Dual nature
of many, so-called political national enemies
Dual nature
of our political national friends
Dual nature
of religion and the
Any subject on the main page
Women are crueler than men (women are from
Mars and men are from
superfast and super-shallow marine hull patent # 7752986.
The concepts of, and meaning behind "de jure" and "de
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Below follows a sample interview on ideas in my book:
I have
here Hans van Krieken, author of the book The Truth About Reality.
What do you want to tell
us about your book?
I found out that Jesus
Christ has another spiritual name, Antichrist. Jesus said that he was not
good. That must mean that he is evil. What we call evil is antichrist.
As Christ he had the Antichrist in him, except antichrist in spirit is
the Good Spirit. What we know as Christ is antichrist in true spirit.
What do you want to tell
us about your book?
the main theme of the book is about virtual realities or
environments of which folks are not aware that they exist in.
We exist
in virtual realities; you mean more than one reality?
Oh yes.
That is
hard medicine to swallow for the folks out there. How will you convince
Really, in
the same vein people swallow every piece of information given them. I go
out from the premise that all of us are heavily brainwashed by our
government and by our very environment. Our cultural setting is based on
many schemes of conditioning to which people from day one in their lives
have been subjected.
The United
States, for instance, or corporations such as General Motors and General
Electric. The United
is a reality that captures you at birth or requires a person’s and
government’s consent to enter into. General Motors corp. is an
artificial reality that requires a person’s and its management’s consent
to enter into. The virtual reality I really want to touch on is the
universe. It is a spiritual, artificially created environment; and it
also requires consent of the entities who want to participate and its
developer’s approval to enter. Just like the United States and General
Motors Corp., and just as these environments are created by humans, so
the universe is created, under the direction of Jehovah, and by the
souls of physical creatures themselves. Just like a corporation the
spiritual foundation of the physical universe has a two-tear class
structure, owner and workers. A disembodied soul also must consent
to be present in the universe as soul and it must ask approval from
management to again reincarnate.
Yes. It is
an artificially displayed and sustained reality. It is an interplay,
really, between two realms of spirit - neutral spirit and negative
spirit, and most importantly, it must depend on rules and laws to exist
and maintain itself. The first rule is that of master and slave or god
and creature, or authority and those subject to that authority. A
virtual reality must have its basis in a higher reality. That is the
evil of it. The world existed without a United States, but people existing in this United States
see it as reality, there are trees in it, a setting in the world and
universe, just as if it is real. It is not. That is why all nations and
cultures eventually disintegrate because people in future times will
not, or cannot go along with the premises of fiction on which these
nations and cultures were originally fashioned, and their collapses
leave them always with a higher form of reality because their believe
systems do not allow to have faith in nature. People do not seem to be
able to exist in plain old nature so they create another fiction on
which the new nation and culture are based. This amnesia is induced by
deceitful propaganda. It is based on a lie believed in the higher plane
of reality. Spiritual amnesia prevents them from observing the higher
realm of existence. The
of having amnesia hides
the higher level of reality from them. That is why spirit is unseen, and
the artificial reality is the only one revealed to the creatures in that
state of amnesia. Like this American in China, he sees this strange
environment but he is helpless in it.
I heard
you say interplay between two kinds of spirit; please explain that
Well there
are really three–and from a different perspective even four realms of
spirit. You have the spirit of the Supreme Being (positive spirit), the
spirit of his Son or viceroy (neutral spirit) and the spirit of the
betrayer (negative spirit). The level of spirit of the betrayer has
incredibly many layers of differentiation based on the amount of deceit
accepted by the several classes of souls trapped in negative spirit.
Essentially there are two categories of negative spirit, the level of
higher hell which section has as yet an escape route and the lower
strata of hell from where there is no escape that I can see.
A deceived
entity has no life of its own but is in the grasp of the liar he
believes. The different strata are really separations of groups of souls
that have accepted differing amounts of critically important schemes of
propaganda, or fictions as reality. The more deceits you believe the
harder it gets to again perceive the original realm of native truth. We
are ever sinking deeper and deeper in a morass of spiritual and
human-originated deceit. I draw the line between the major groups of
souls in humans as the higher strata and identical souls associated with
animal existence as the lower strata which includes also all other
biological life forms. I am sure that the higher regions of spirit also
have innumerable strata, but I am not familiar with any of those. I’ll
be happy to just leave negative spirit. I have had enough of deceit and
perpetual betrayal by those who we are supposed to trust. There is
nothing sincere in the world–everything is cleverly calculated
phoniness--typical of a constructed virtual reality.
What is the
process of a soul becoming a physical creature?
The initial act
is to get into discourse with a deceiving interloper in paradise. I will
use the example of spiritual beings, Adam and Woman, in paradise and the
serpent in the forbidden tree.
A & W were clothed in bodies
(raiment or vestments called eternal bodies) that are fitting for the
environment of paradise which is an environment based on inherent
paradisiacal truth. Adam and Woman were in full harmony with it until
they believed the propaganda of the serpent in the forbidden tree. They
could keep these bodies eternally as long as they were in total
agreement with the environment of paradise, which included being in
agreement with its god, the spirit in Jesus. When they believed a lie
about the god of paradise and thus about paradise itself, they lost the
raiment of standing because they fell out of agreement with the premises
of their native environment. They were thus seen as naked–as having no
body and thus they had no environment to commune in; they died
spiritually in paradise. This can be compared to a longstanding employee
who betrays its employer and is fired. He ceases to be part of the
organization he was an integral part of. He is not allowed to be
taken serious there anymore; even though he is still alive as human.
They now existed in outer
darkness or, in the corporate example above, they were jobless/without
status of employment. They were scared stiff and in this condition they,
as spirit, were taken in guidance by the spirit of the Serpent, their
deceiver. The serpent designed a virtual spiritual computer environment
by annexing the comatose cells of the minds of Adam and Woman. These
cells of their whole body were reconfigured into a powerful spiritual
computer that projected out the physical universe with many of the
comatose souls as constantly re-projected or reincarnated physical
creatures through a program designed by the spirit of the Serpent,
Jehovah. This compares to the fired fellow above by him getting another
job and in that process he must recondition his mind to fit into the
environment of this new organization. See, in fictional settings
you can be bumped from one fiction into another. In reality this cannot
be because no one has the power to bump you anywhere. There is only one
true reality. You bump yourself out of existence by believing lies in a
realm of your native spiritual truth. In the realm "Truth" you are who
you are and you will be your independent self until you get into
disagreement with whom you are. Then, you bump yourself from true
reality into utter unreality--virtual reality.
What happened to A & W
is that they fell into a coma because there simply is no other
environment to be a part in. Now, what we know of a person in amnesia is
that he is completely lost because he lost the script on which his
reality is based. You give him back his life’s script and he is
immediately "not lost". See, we exist by a script. The script is the
mental conditioning we received in the environment in which we have
awareness, through birth; and an enormous amount of environmental
conditioning. We live and die by
that script. We are terrified to exist without a scenario in a fictional
setting. Creatures' fear is to be without a script, because without a
script we do not belong to the play. That is why creatures fear death.
A sane physical
person can still be lost and helpless. That is basically what happened
to me. I refused to accept the physical environment as valid and I saw
my script as a human being in it as a setup of betrayal. The rug was
pulled from under me too many times to see the physical environment as a
sane nurturing place to be. Working from that new viewpoint I slowly
began to see that this environment was a deceptively real-like
environmental display in which we are helpless if we want to participate
in it in an honest manner. Only selfish, con-persons do well because
they prey on others. In human society we are always considered prey
and/or enslaved to some boss/owner.
For example, place
an average American deep within a
province of China and it is as if he has amnesia. He
is completely helpless, and without a means of communion. He must rely
on the kindness or cruelty of those around him who have there cultural
script in place and in order. Souls exist in this kind of state of being
lost in the guise of physical creatures. We seem sane and we know our
culture (commonly accepted script) and we get by pretty well in our
local setting, but we are utterly lost in the universal and spiritual
sense. We really do not know which side is up! Right? Is the universe an
accident, a design, a prison? We do not know. If we are prisoners here,
who in hell put us here? We do not know. We exist in a spiritual
amnesia. We do not even know for sure whether we exist primarily as
souls in spirit. If we were spiritually sane, we would see the spiritual
environment as reality, now we can only imagine to be in this physical
universe through identification with it through our
physical senses' which environment was created in a void. That is
also the reason that this universe can and will be rolled up.
Come on
now; is that true?
Reality is
real; it is there and will be there always and it will always be true.
You can utterly depend on reality and you in it, if you stay in
agreement with what is real and true and disengage from all fictions
disguised as propaganda. We must start with disengaging from our local,
political, familial, and religious settings. Be in it but not an
ambitious or concerned part of it.
Hey Anti, you
have a most interesting view on physical and spiritual reality and I
would love to continue this but we are running out of time. I must
terminate our chat and hope you will return to finish this interview.
The show must go on. The next time we really have to hit on that
assumed name of yours, Anti Christ.
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